[My] Life in Wisconsin

Kitty Genovese, bystanders, hu-mice, and YOU! Yes, you.

Hi all.
I MUST repost this- It is written by "LunarEchoes" and deserves your immediate attention!
Be aware that a few of you will be upset with the language. I don't care.
The message is what is to be attended to.

That some of you might be upset by the message would be beyond my own comprehension.


Here is the post...
* Yes, ALL of the links work.


"Kitty Genovese, bystanders, hu-mice, and YOU! Yes, you."

In 1964, Kitty Genovese was stabbed, raped, robbed, and stabbed again, in the parking lot and hallway of her apartment building. Her neighbors heard but did nothing. They were afraid to interfere or call the police, lest the attacker turn on them. Or they just didn't give a shit. Either way, people heard her calling for help, saw her stabbed, saw the attacker leave and come back--and did nothing.

Or so the story went. The story was told that way for years, but eventually, someone started studying the reasons that people don't help when others are in trouble, and the Kitty Genovese story began appearing in psychology textbooks as a lead-in to discussions of the bystander effect (also known as the Genovese syndrome) and diffusion of responsibility. It certainly was in my psych text.

As it turns out, about a dozen of Genovese's neighbors knew something was going on (not nearly 40, as was reported at first), and most of them didn't understand the situation. That most of them did nothing is quite bad enough, but of course, it's not nearly as awful once you've heard the original version. But the studies that her case inspired told us something important about what it means to be human--and they are reputable, replicable studies.

The Genovese Syndroms/bystander effect is this:

The more people who witness an emergency, the less likely any of them are to help.

There are lots of reasons that happens, but the two big ones are that everyone assumes someone else will handle it (what I'm going to call the Somebody Else's Problem effect, in honor of Douglas Adams) and that everyone looks at everyone else to see if others think something needs to be done--and since everyone is looking at everyone else, no one is doing anything, so everyone thinks no one else thinks anything needs to be done (I'm going to call that the People are Sheep effect, because People are Fucking Idiots effect seems counterproductively harsh).

"What," you obligingly ask, "does all of this have to do with hu-mice, as posited by Christine Janet Weiss O'Donnell?"


Right now, we have candidates for national office who variously
believe that:

think that:

Those are just a few of the wild and weird ideas out there, and I only looked at candidates for national office.

"Okay, but what do Kitty Genovese, diffusion of responsibility, the bystander effect have to do with that? you ask. "Not to mention, what does any of it have to do with me?"


Someone for whom I have the highest respect commented, on a link to the story about Jim Russell and how he thinks white people have higher IQs than everyone else and interracial marriage is bad, that she is glad this stuff is out there, if that's what it takes to get people to wake up. And I replied that no one is going to wake up if this stuff doesn't get more exposure.

But then I started thinking about what would happen if it did. For one thing, a lot of people are getting tired of the insanity.

I think most people pretty much know that, say, "drug czar" or "education czar" isn't a title of nobility conferred by the U.S. government (even if they don't know that the Constitution doesn't forbid that); that school integration isn't a conspiracy to sexually imprint kids to people of "other races"; and that ranting about fluoridated water puts you squarely in Dr. Strangelove territory. But people are tired of hearing candidates and pundits say that Candidate X is nuts, which makes me wonder to what extent people are paying attention.

Beyond, that, though, I think that every voter in the U.S. could be notified of this stuff by phone, email, certified letter, and singing telegram--and these candidates could still be elected.

Why? Because people are sheep, and if you look around at what other people are doing about the upcoming election, only the ones who fear fluoride, liquor, hu-mice, interracial marriage, and government interference with anything but a woman's right to choose are doing anything. So sane people are looking at each other, and mostly, all the other sane people are doing is looking around, so it would be awfully easy to think that no one sane thinks anything needs to be done.

Why else? Because, really, it's all Somebody Else's Problem. YOU don't have to vote, I don't have to vote, no one sane has to vote--because all the other sane people are taking care of it.

This is not Somebody Else's Problem. Today, the Republicans and a few of the Democrats in the Senate refused to allow debate on whether and how to fund the military, because they didn't want to let gay people serve openly in the military, even though 80% of the country does. If you know someone who is serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, this is your problem. If you don't, but you care about our troops, especially the ones serving in dangerous places, this is your problem.

And those Senators? They're the sane ones. They're the good ones. They're the ones that candidates like Paul, O'Donnell, Angle, Russell, Miller, and Buck are trying to defeat.

And I didn't even talk about the candidates for statewide office, like the one who sends out pictures of people having sex with animals and wants to use eminent domain to prevent the mosque at Ground Zero.

So, if you think that you can sit on your ass because you're having a personal "enthusiasm gap," GET OFF YOUR ASS. No one else is going to act in this emergency, because everyone else thinks someone else--like YOU--is taking care of the problem.

You don't feel like voting? Fuck you.

You don't think the Democrats or the moderate Republicans or the ordinary Republicans have done enough for you? Fuck you.

You think that you can disengage and rely on the rest of us to get out there and vote, because you're so much more entitled than the rest of us? FUCK YOU.

If you don't vote this November and we get a Congress full of "no exceptions" anti-abortion nutcases who think the Civil Rights Act of 1964 might have been a mistake and that the Communists are trying to force us to fight cavities while the Constitution says we can't have Dukes--I'm blaming you.

Me and everyone else who, hearing a neighbor scream for help, would call the fucking police and rush out to help.

And we're people of action.
So stop relying on everyone else to fix the problem, get off your ass, start paying attention--and vote.



  1. some people will believe anything bad about others that disagree with them.

  2. It is EVERYONE'S problem. We all rise and fall together and failing to rise to the occasion leaves us ALL in peril.

  3. the ole sheep syndrome I know it well, I've written about it myself, I dont like em. Bravo, great blog! I've been calling registered Dems encouraging them to get out and vote in November, I cant do much campaigning to help, but I could volunteer to at least do that, oddly enough Saturday Nights are the best time to reach people and them having time to talk, who woulda thunk it!!
    Everyone has a job to do, even if you could encourage three of your friends to get out there and vote, youve made a difference. xoxoxoxoxoxox

  4. A very interesting post Anna I had to do a lot of reading on her and the bystander effect or Genovese syndrome, pluralistic ignorance ect I enjoyed the read thank-you I enjoy going where I have not been or learnt before; on the subject of poor Kitty I personally can not understand how people can just stand by like that, I'm glad that I would not.

    On the political problem that you speck; well that up to all those present to do some thing about that because otherwise ones country goes down hill fast, it is true in a lot of countries it is not obligatory for the people to vote as it is here yet is is often those who did not vote that make the loudest noises, in my personal opinion if one has the chance to vote and have a say in how the country is run then for Gawds sake, get out there and vote people.
    Thank you once again Anna for making the subject of Kitty Genovese know to me.

  5. Glad you liked it enough to re-post. The language was intended to be attention-getting, because the state of the country is worth paying attention to, no?

    Tess, not sure if you mean me and/or Anna by "some people" who will "believe anything" about people who disagree, but if so, I'll tell you what others have told you elsewhere: Follow the links and learn.

    Why do I believe O'Donnell thinks there are mice with human brains? Because there is video of her saying it to (a flabbergasted) Bill O'Reilly. Why do I think Russell opposes interracial marriage? Because he published an article saying so. And so on, down the list.

    It's not necessary to "believe anything" to know these candidates believe crazy, dangerous things. All it's necessary to believe is what they say and write.

  6. You are pointedly vague once again. hehehe (Par for your course).
    I really do not understand how your reply works with respect to the linked proof above?

    Do the words "fact" or "proof" really mean that little to you?



  7. Pea;
    Great point Sweets- I LOVE the way you think!



  8. I had the easy task of reposting it
    Please let her know what you think by clicking on her link?

  9. Pamela!
    I am SO happy that yourself, like many, have been moved to the point of doing something constructive about this entire mess! I am very proud to have you on my page!

    Just KNOWING there IS a problem is the first step in this recovery. So many people are still unmoved by the violent undercurrent of ignorance in this country, and still won't post their politics. That's ok- if only they will vote.

    You make a great point in getting just 3 people to commit to voting.
    Methinks we ALL need to do just that.


  10. Lester-
    You are much like me when you read a blog; never afraid to check the links and to learn something new. Pa always said that he needed to learn something new every day too, no matter what it was about.

    I would NOT be able to stand by and watch either-
    For me, perhaps it's paying it forward...

    Story time now-
    I was married once to a very violent man.Once, out in public he had shoved me into the wall and onto the floor. Only ONE person even moved forward in my defense.Years later I was dating a guy who put me up against the wall in his drunken stupor. I am not exaggerating to say that almost everyone took a step forward. He was quickly tossed out like an old and stinky rag doll.Oh how times have changed.

    I have NO respect for anyone who does not vote (barring being hospitalized and on life support).
    Sadly you are right too- Having spent most of my life in retail management, people are very vocal once they open up.
    One question will tell you to take them seriously or not. "Did you vote?"
    When they shut up, or try to interject an excuse, you easily know they haven't done right.

    I didn't make Kitty known to you Lester- Karen did- Please take a moment to thank her for her points of view?
    (Just click on the title of her article).


  11. Karen-
    You did a bang up job with your post-
    And as I had written there,
    "Most that don't vote, don't have the intelligence to even read through your article.
    This is BRILLIANT!"

    The deeper I go into it all, the more happy I am that I have reposted.
    I thank you again.



  12. Stanger;
    If your mother told you that, SHE is the crazy one.

