I had originally posted a pic like this on my Y! 360 page.
Where are all the rest of the people from our 360? I miss many of them...
Good Morning-
I am way tired, and have been battling this damnable head of mine for 2+ days now... (I really do get so tired of this all). The lack of sleep, the inability to even fall asleep w/o resounding pain; coupled with my nasty back, and my inability to eat, doesn't help.
As I write it is a mere +4° (F).
Not too bad for these parts, but I do respect the fact that many of you are complaining about the chill in your area.
But then, I have to ask, whatcha gonna do when it really gets cold?!? hehehe
Don't feel bad, my own backyard looks a bit chilly too...
Yes that is Punk back by the fire-pit.
Then, I took this blurred one as she ran toward me.
Blurry, but in its own way, struck me as pretty too.
Besides, but this is what I see when I try to focus with this head of mine.
She absolutely loves to be outside, save for yesterday morning when she went potty before her breakfast, (5AM); then didn't even want to go out until about 2 in the afternoon. And that was out of need, not a yen to play. hehehe
Eating snow for lunch on New Year Day...
Methinks she would be awesome in a commercial for snow cones or slushes. Even with the ice cream headache! Check her face. It hurts.
She takes time to wait patiently for me to throw her Frisbee.
And has patience supreme when Casey isn't feeling well
Finally my A/C is out of the living room window.
(Yeah, we're sort of slow around here).
I got a kick out of Casey taking the heavy end!
My A/C is one that the unit slips into a box of sorts- Not like the old ones where you had to secure the whole thing. The box is screwed to fasten it tight to the window, then just slide the works in and viola, it is secure and balanced. No messing around with trying to level the heavy thing and get it just right.
After Casey removed a little ice from the outside, (which held the unit like glue), we got the box out too.
There were creatures hibernating in it!
I always thought ladybugs went far underground for Winter.
Now we all know better.
Casey and I went into town, doing a bit of shopping yesterday afternoon. We stopped at WalMart too for a few groceries- The lot was completely FULL, looking much like last minute Christmas shopping. There weren't even any $ales to speak of.
I took a few pics yesterday, but by the time we got back here I was way too tires to upload them. Will do so later- perhaps when I am feeling a bit better.
Part of the migraine, or my back?, came about an hour or two where I could not feel my legs. No panicking though, they worked fine.
Oddly, I felt like a puppet with every step I took.
R~e~a~l~l~y weird!
The feeling has passed with no lingering numbness. I'd called Kelli and told her about this crazy un~feeling I was having. She told me Tim feels exactly like that ever since his back surgery. After his surgery he also cannot point his foot toward his face, but has no problems walking either.
Maybe it wasn't the surgery that did that- maybe it's the water in Flintville. Especially since Kelli's got many newish aches and terrible pains that limit her own work with the horses and all...
Anyway, those few hours that I do nap/sleep, I must be pretty restless and toss a lot. I don't know where they come from but have noticed more than a few bruises- They look ghastly but are not painful in the least. Vitamin C is very good to ward off bruises. I am already taking 8333% of the required daily allowance for C, so am not understanding my new dark red and purple bruises.
Call me weird. hehehe
Call me tired too. Am going back to bed for a while and hope to get some decent sleep so I can really enjoy the playoff game this afternoon. We play in Arizona. It will be fun to see coatless and sleeveless people.
Stay warm- Have a Sun(ny)day!
Love to all
Glad to hear from you and know that you are OK...
ReplyDeleteLadybugs are good luck! So you have a TON of good luck there!
Hey that cord can be dangerous! One wrong step and Greg coulda fell down the steps and broke himself as well as your AC... Thank Goodness Casey was there to carry the cord! ;-)
Hope you get some decent rest... I hate that your head/back are giving you hell... Double sucks that it's both at the same time... Wish I could make it all go away...
Stay warm and snuggly!
Love Ya!
Slurkie :-)
Stay warm you say, Anna it's 113 degrees in Fahrenheit and my pool water is Tepid, sorry about your Migraine mate Julie get em to on the left side. I just wanna run and jump into that snow outta my way people I'm coming through :P
ReplyDeleteIt's cold enough here, not complaining, but I sure will if it gets much colder, LOL I think it's 1* outside right now. Doesn't make getting to Church very pleasant. Mimi also loves to play out in the snow, but with temps like this she can be very quick about those bathroom runs.
ReplyDeleteProcrastination happens to the best of us. Thank God Casey was there to carry the cord. No telling what could of happened to Greg if he tripped on it. To think you my not have A/C next summer. LOL
I hate to know you are suffering so. I'd be a lil freaked about the leg numbness whether I could walk or not. I hope you got to sleep. ((((ANNE))))
HEHE, I hadn't read her comment until I posted mine, LOL
ReplyDeleteHi Mommy!
ReplyDeleteI love that top picture! It’s so true! When I was working for Oneida, one of the other sections had a HUGE poster made up of this and it was hanging by our copiers… It was so great to see that when I got to go make color copies!
Sorry to interrupt your sleep a little while ago… I hope you weren’t sleeping just yet and that you fell asleep quickly. I wish there was something I could do to help you with getting rid of that darned migraine of yours. I know this one is really bad on top of everything else that is going on. If I could “kiss it all better” you know I would!
I giggle when I hear about people in the warmer climates commenting on their version of “cold”! Oh no, only 50°F??? What will you do??? :D Mr. McCabe wrote to me the other day and said they got “almost a half an inch of snow already”…. Had to laugh at that one!! Of course, down in Memphis everything shuts down if they even see one snowflake, so I’m sure it was a really big deal… He said the only snow plows they have are owned by FedEx and are kept at the airport… He also said that there was no bread or any gallons of milk that could be found within 18 hours of the forecast that predicted the snow… YIKES!!! I guess they REALLY aren’t used to snow!!
I think that picture you took of the snow in the back yard looks so awesome; it’s almost like a painting! Like the snow is all cotton balls that are fluffed up and ready to be jumped on! Looks are deceiving, though, and it is COLD COLD COLD outside so you won’t be finding me in any snow banks unless I get thrown in one…
That second picture is WONDERFUL!!! I can’t even begin to describe how beautiful that is! So many colors and shapes… The bottom half looks like a really choppy sea and at the top are two floating feathers… I can also make out a native American looking person on the left side of the picture… WAY COOL!!!
“Punkin’ Snow Cones”!!! Comes in all flavors and colors!!! Well, except yellow, of course! :D That’s a very cute picture… She must love digging her face in the snow because there is rarely a time that we go outside that she doesn’t end up with that little bit of snow on her nose… That just HAS to be freezing, but she likes it! The picture of her with me is just darling as well… She truly knows when we are in pain and she is more than careful around us. That’s just one heck of a smart dog! And SO LOVING too!
Now about that AC unit… I just couldn’t make Greg do ALL the work, so I decided to help out! Hee hee hee…
One of those POOR lady bugs got so cold it froze most of the color out of him and ALL THE SPOTS!!! Poor thing… I had no idea what ladybugs do during the winter… That reminds me of that exchange between Abbot and Costello about where all the little bugs go during the winter. I love those two!
Where was I??? Oh, sorry A.D.D. kicked in… Actually it’s more like S.D.A.D.D., sleep-deprived attention deficit dis------ wanna ride bikes??? :D
I was absolutely TERRIFIED when I called you today and you said that you couldn’t feel your legs… Scared me to death… I’m glad it was only temporary and hopefully it won’t happen again. I was relieved to hear that your spine doctor confirmed that nothing is pressing on your spinal cord… That’s what was worrying me…
Speaking of S.P.A.D.D., I must be trying to get some sleep of my own now… Been up for almost 24 hours now… I don’t know why my body decides to do this to me every now and then, but I don’t like it one bit! :D Hopefully I’ll have some luck when I lay down…
I hope your migraine is gone and you feel much better after you sleep! Call me if you need anything…
Love you MUCH MUCH!
Is this a challenge??? LOL
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry about your migraine and back pain - and losing the feeling in your legs must've been terrifying.
ReplyDeleteI had you beat this morning for temps - it was 2º when I woke up at 6:45AM.
That Punk is one special dog. She has so many human-like qualities - it's almost scary. Doc loves the snow too. He goes outside and sits at the top of the ridge and stares down at the low part of the property, and he puts his nose up in the air and smells -- whatever
I have to run. Gotta be at the grocery store to cashier in about an hour. I hope you're feeling better by the time you read this.
This photo looks almost like an oil painting. Talent it be :D
ReplyDeletei meant the pictures not your back and or migraine sorry, I knoe the sleeping legs but still work thingy. They tell me it is the stenosis in my lower back
ReplyDeleteGirl it sure does suck when you have a migraine and back pain.....:(
ReplyDeleteI love the pictures you take thanks for sharing.
Casey has the smarts, she will carry the cord, its kinda like the smart cowboy that rides in the middle of the pickup.
Its been between -20* and 5* most of the time, one day we did reach 20* above and it was grand.
Stay warm, take care of yourself!
perhaps the bruising is from some combination of the drugs? I had that problem for a while and it turned out to be one of the alien drugs that was messing with my LT hormone which was ALSO making me tired....
ReplyDeleteand FYI, Lady bugs all generally hibernate in my mother's house plants so that when she brings them in for the winter.... they come live in her house.
you're weird.
Love you!!1
stay warm and hope you get some decent sleep and that awful migraine goes away! {{hugs}} thanks for posting your pictures, I always enjoy them!
ReplyDeleteoh and those lady bugs? they keep coming into my house! and I keep vacuuming them up! I swear to god they are between my walls!
ReplyDeleteyep people wearing shorts, a beautiful 70 here today!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you missed me? hehehe
ReplyDeleteLadybug luck? I dump the "luck" out of light fixtures year 'round. (Now I know).
Think maybe if I hadn't disrupted them I wouldn't have had the 'double~suck"?
I still giggle at the pic of Casey with the cord...
Greg might have hurt himself had he tripped- But my A/C? Oh no! hehehe
(Have you fed your dang blog yet)?
Forgot to tell you...
ReplyDeleteI'd fallen to sleep on the couch once more. It is a long couch and Punk will lie down at the other end. The window is directly above her, and she keeps a pretty close look out toward the front of the place.
When I woke, she was snuggled right behind me and wouldn't even move when I did.
So I covered her with my blanket.
Not yet... Might feed it here in a lil bit...
ReplyDeletehehehe ;-)
113 is nasty hot...
ReplyDeleteGo jump in a lake? hehehe
Or yes, you may come jump in the snow if you wish. S'posed to warm up to mid 30's here, and then my yard will be all ice.
Does Julie get her migraines WITH aura preceding them?
Go here http://flintville.multiply.com/links/item/143
ReplyDeleteWe did dip[ below zero after I had written this- about 1 or 2 degrees, but I had climbed into my 80 degree waterbed so it really made me no never mind. hehehe
That numbness never came back so I am considering it a fluke of sorts.
ReplyDeleteHappens to me lots too.
No worries silly.
Gotta love Punkie... She got cold and snuggled up to you!
ReplyDeleteLike I tell Kelli- Never worry about waking me up. Sooner or later I always fall asleep anyway.
Now about those pictures. I thought they were weird enough to post, right?
Beth had those same worries about her spine- She is OK in that respect. (Though we both need a home with everything on the same floor).
I love you forevermorelonger.
Mama D.
ReplyDeleteSounds exactly like that to me.
Daniel, Caseys brother, is very good at accomodating these kinds of wishes. Last time he was here for Christmas I think Berta would up in about 3 different snowbanks.
Is your sun up yet at 6:45? That seems to always be the coldest/coolest part of the days.
ReplyDeleteNot sure why. But it's the same summer or winter.
Punk is very human like... Scary sometimes- like when she thinks she can understand how to spell... And DOES. Freaky! Casey and I have resorted to sign language or pig latin.
ReplyDeleteThat's my nieces forte! She is an artist and very very talented.
ReplyDeleteThis made me laugh after your first reply! hehehe (except for the stenosis)!
There is an old quote about migraines. "At first I was afraid I was going to die. Then I was afraid I wouldn't."
ReplyDeleteSooooo appropriate under those circumstances.
I am ready either way.
Good God your temps are just awful! Move to Wisconsin- We were warmer here this morning than Atlanta Georgia was! I found that hysterical!
Great thought about the meds causing the bruising. I shall have to ask the doctor when I go in.
ReplyDeleteNow what's an LT hormone? Do I have one?
I know about the weird. You missed the tired. hehehe
I giggled at your mama's ladybugs.
Happy you like my weird pictures! hehehe
ReplyDeleteI am better- Now Casey has the migraine though. (She's slow).
If you keep vacuuming them up they are just crawling right back out.
ReplyDeleteWhen you are done vacuuming, spray a little Raid into the hose with the cleaner running. This will kill what got sucked up.
I always do that when I 'dust' the cobwebs in the basement so I kill the dang spiders that I might have gotten.
ReplyDeleteWe have people here wearing shorts too. Just that I question their sanity when I see it.
70 sounds awesome.
There. I have just cranked up the heat.
Will have to check as soon as I am caught up on my own replies.
Soooo far behind once again...
I'm no furnace, but between the fourof us it was pretty cozy. (That'd be me, Punk, Sput and the blanket).
ReplyDeleteShe is sleeping there right now too!
My husband went to bed and turned the furnace down and so here I sit with a jacket around me
ReplyDeleteand my fingers are frozen!!! :)However, I don't want him too hot in bed while I choose to stay up
and try to get ahead. I just love your blog and your pics. Give Punk a big hug for me.
Wish I could help you with that migraine and sore back. My daughter Rachelle has terrible migraines and horrible back ache too. She has Crohns and suffers with that as well. Her migraines last for a couple of days and you can tell just by looking at her how bad the pain is. The doctors make me so angry. It's just like they don't hear a thing and they don't give her anything for the pain. There is one doctor that would give her needles in the back of her neck and within one hour the pain was gone, but he isn't her family doctor and he won't interfere with her doctor. The only way she can get him is if he is on call in the ER and she happens to have
a migraine and goes in!!! Stupid doctors!! :)
Keeping you and Casey in my prayers, as usual. I'm not around much, but I'm doing my best
to get here. Dave and I are busy cleaning out clutter. He's not too happy!! LOL G'Nite and I
hope you sleep well. Hugs & blessings.
Oh my god! I can't believe that there are doctors that won't give her anything for the pain.
ReplyDeleteI would wish for them just one days worth of a migraine and they would change their tunes accordingly.
Casey goes this awful color, a paste white- Seems as if that's how I see her a lot. But the pain of a migraine, you are right, there is something just different in her face too.
I wold have an empty house if it wasn't for the clutter.
So sorry that your still having probs all the time with your back and those dang migraines .. A good friend of mine has migraines quite often and my daughter also but she don't have many , thank god , because they really take the good out of her ..
ReplyDeleteI wish Miss Casey all the best as always and you also Annie ..
Weird thing is , this blog only showed up tonight and earlier I could not even get on here ..
Nope. The sun comes up here around 7:45 these days. I was looking outside through the glass in the sunroom door at a thermometer that's right outside the door with a flashlight. Does that make sense?