♫ ~Casey Face, You've got the cutest little Casey Face~ ♫
Good Afternoon!
These were her stats yesterday...
See what I mean about "Better and Better"?
When I got to the hospital yesterday morning, Casey was sitting in her chair.
Lo and behold, her Foley (catheter) was removed too! (This only makes her move faster)!
Holding fast to the pillow that keeps a bit of pressure on her healing tummy.
My sister Barbara called, and we all had a very nice chat. Hard for Casey to talk with her NG tube down her throat.
My nephew Dixon was here last week for an interview at the University. He is in med school, and is interviewing for where he will do his internship. Barbara said he actually liked Minneapolis! Imagine that, a boy from Alabama. Good for him! Dixon is only a few months older than Casey.
After we hung up, CaseyAnne wanted to walk some more...
So walk we did!
I swear she goes faster than I do!
(Note the cart and the window behind her; they might be important later). ;-)
She got a peek out the window.
Bright and sunshiny skies!
Then she wanted to race the lady with the janitorial cart... hehehe j/k
She got a bit tired so we went back to her room and just talked.
Greg came up about 11 or so. (This too improved her spirits immensely).
So darn sweet together!.
Greg had to get back for work, and left for Green Bay about 3:30.
Casey loves her own pillows- She had asked would I bring them up for her?
Of course!
I brought them when I returned in the afternoon.
This morning as I got my things together to go visit her again, I caught sight of this poor little beastie~dog...
Punk wanted to go too. So hard to ignore those eyes, but she will wait until Casey's central line is gone. (I am not taking any chances).
I found Casey sitting, freshly cleaned, NG tube removed, say YAY!, and BUG~BITTEN!
Bug bit? wth?
See the welt on her lower jawline? Not sure where it came from, (but I do know that nobody but Casey would have a bug bite her on the 1st of February either).
Still giggling.
Her nurse came in and gave her some benadryl.
Nurse Brooke, with Casey.
(Miss Brooke giggled when I turned the camera on). hehehe
Now NO FREAKING OUT with the next picture. It is Casey's tummy.
I don't know why it looks so dark in the photo.
The dark makes it look worse than it really is, though it is quite bruised. (At least I don't think it was that dark)...
The shiny skin is only the glue. Her wound is not weeping or leaking.
Again, she wanted to walk- (and had already been down to the gift shop to get herself a book, a bookmark, and a bracelet).
So off we went.
Now remember that window that had beckoned to her on Sunday?
Poor kid couldn't take it any more and was off... .
...and running (away).
There was NO stopping her! hehehe (Still laughing at her wheels)!
I dragged her back inside... (Not an easy task, mind you).
On Friday when I had gone up to see Casey, I used the valet parking services both times.
Saturday and Sunday the valet is closed, so I just parked in that turnabout on those days, thankful for the disabled permission I have.
Anyway, when they returned my car to me on Friday, the radio was on to some weird station, the windows were up/open (not how I left them in +4° temps), and the heat was shut off and turned to the A/C, blasting with the climate control set to 60°.
wth? Dirty little rat bastards...
* Having had a problem or two last December/January with these same yahoos, I was quite miffed about that, and wanted their boss to know. But first I needed them to park my car today.
As I readied to hand over my keys today, I got in the kids face and I said, "you tell your boys to leave my damned car alone, or next time I will call the police."
This I might add, was stated in my very best Harley~Bitch voice.
The valet dude dutifully apologized, and took my keys.
Still peeved about it, Casey and I took a little walk down by Deb. (Deb is the nice receptionist that I always get a nice smile from, and a bit of conversation too, when I walk in. She has always asked about Casey and how she is doing).
She was quite happy to see Casey up and about too!
When I told her about what had happened, she went right to work trying to find out who the parking superintendent is, and how I could get hold of him.
Casey hamming it up for the camera!
Don'tcha just love those dimples?
I'd better close for now. I did laundry upstairs today, and think I am caught up. AND, I have a very hungry dog.
Hope all is well with everyone! Know that I try to get around to your pages, but I do get interrupted every now and then. (Mostly by my back and necessary posture adjustments).
My mouth is fine. My head is still buggie.
(On 2nd thought, maybe I shouldn't use the word "bug" right now). hehehe
I am glad to see her doing so well and can hear it in your words that you to are doing much better. :)
ReplyDeleteHopefully those naughty valet boys don't mess around with your car anymore!
LOVE these pictures! It is SO good to see CaseyFace up and around! She is lookin' so good!!!
ReplyDeleteHow long before she gets to head home??
Her scar doesn't really look all that bad... Casey is suck a quick healer, that will all be mended in no time!
I bet Punkie can't wait to go visit Casey. I know she misses her little one...
Take Care and I'm keeping the prayers coming!
Slurkie :-)
she is looking good
ReplyDeleteGood to see Casey looking so good! Gosh darnit....did they install a zipper the last time??Sorta looks like they did.
ReplyDeleteAnd look at that poor pitiful look Punk is giving. Talk about giving you the guilt trip for neglect. LOL! She certainly knows how to look so sad. The little ham! But really...do I see tears in those sweet puppy eyes? She's still a ham!
Anne...I have heard people in Alaska say....we don't have insects here. I guarantee if I went there something would find me and bite me. Mosquitoes, ants, fleas....doesn't matter what time of year. They see me and smell 0- blood type and sharpen their little forks and knives!
Weird, Michaela got two bug bites today too. I was thinking wtf???
ReplyDeleteCasey is looking great. I love how she helps her recovery right along.
I wish I healed as well as Casey does...ugh!
Take care of you.
My goodness , Casey looks wonderful and she is doing so well .. I am glad to hear that some of your pain is gone also Annie .. There is no slowing Casey down and that is wonderful ..
ReplyDeleteHi Sweet Mommy,
ReplyDeleteWell, I think I over did it with walking today... I put in almost 20 total laps around the floor here, but now my entire incision is killing me and my muscles around it are sore... Oops, must've pushed myself a bit too hard.... So I must be getting my rest just as soon as I finish this movie! Yep, still trying to finish it.... So if it makes you feel any better I'm in awful shape as well and can't move... I just wish you had someone there to help you out with the laundry and stuff...
Oh, my scar really is that dark, your camera actually got a perfect shot of it... It's just the bruising that makes it look a bit darker, but it's not much darker than what I see looking at it right now... Hurts like hell though... Started right in the middle of my most recent 7 laps around the floor... Should've stopped there, but I made it up to 7 then called it a day... That's about the time that my head decided that it was going to give me a migraine for not giving it some caffeine for the past 4 days...
I can't believe those valet guys screwed up your car. When using someone else's car, especially just moving it to a parking spot less than a block away, you NEVER touch the settings on their SEAT!!! It takes people days and days to get that seat into that perfect position... You also never turn the friggen A/C on in the middle of WINTER!?!?!? Are they really this incredibly STQQPID???? What jerks... Then they added insult to injury by refusing to give you their bosses names. Like they don't know the name of the person who signs their paycheck... Right, and I'm the Queen of England.... @$$#0!3$ <-- Wow, a complete swearword that is kind of made out to look like the real thing! :D Sorry, A.D.D. kicking in as I'm in uber amounts of pain and am equally as tired...
Hope your night gets better!
Love you MUCH MUCH!
punkie misses her girl too.
And Casey, I tol dyou to SLOW DOWN you are giving the other patients an inferiority complex....
ReplyDeleteNow go eat your ice roast and behave...
(I snuck the lick in for punkie.)
Wonderful progress!
ReplyDeleteIt 'seems' that the major worries of this surgery are easing up. So all we need to do now is heal and get on with life!
ReplyDeleteThose damnable parking people! I had just about had it until Miss Deb got in on it.
I can't believe how fast she is recuperating either!
ReplyDeleteSuch determination she has!
Not sure about release and/or getting home... They haven't even fed her yet. hehehe (Makes her sound like she's a puppy or something)!
Punk is getting lazy-
She hasn't even begged to go outside, or eat her breakfast yet. She is just slounging around.
("Slounging" is much like 'slurking' by the way; only one is more comfy doing it).
ReplyDeleteOh! I think so too!
Methinks the zipper (or Velcro) would have been the way to go years ago already! hehehe
ReplyDeletePunk has more expression (except for right now) than most people I know.
Also more compassion...
Alaska HAS to have insects.
(Maybe those people are from Alabama and are used to their insects being those darn big cucurachas)! hehehe
When the girls were all little, they would always play outside (unless the temps were below zero or something equally nasty).
I believe Zoe was always the earliest to have a wood tick too. I believe that warped her later in life.
Mosquitoes and bloodsuckers don't like me though and I have not been bothered, ever, by them overmuch.
Must be all the B-vitamins coursing through my own A+ blood type.
ReplyDeletewtf is right! hehehe
So what kind of bugs bit herself? That IS weird!
Greg hurt his hand on New Years Day- (Know he does not eat very well for all of his IQ). hehehe
He told Casey that her scar would probably heal before his hand does.
And he is probably right...
Taking care.
Yup. That's my "Energizer Kid"! I still can't believe how good she looks too-
ReplyDelete(And I still want to know where all that energy comes from).
I am alright- My head was a bit more intense this morning, but it is better now. (As is the barfing that went along with it)- Must retract my statement that this is not a migraine. hehehe
ReplyDeleteI take it back.
I swear that this dog is spooky sometimes...
Be back shortly.
OK. That was a long walk- Punk is fed, and my feet are cold.
My Sweet CaseyFace;
Oh yikes!, about your tummy being that dark! I really didn't think it was... And now I am wondering and worrying about your bilirubin counts? Will have to check this mornings bloodwork.
It seems to be part and parcel of your soul to overdo it. I am still laughing at you trying to run away with all your tubes and machines! (You Go Girl)!
I imagine you slept well, healed even more during the night, and are up to doing another 20 laps today.
Just NOT outside- Too much ice under that layer of snow...
I did my own 20 laps... The laundry is on the 6th floor. I borrowed the valet cart to get the wash up there. It worked great too!
Your clothes are all clean- And after hanging much of our stuff in the bathroom, they are all dry now too.
At first I'd read the newspaper while I waited for it all to be done.
Punk got bored, (and probably didn't like the 2 washers and dryers running at the same time either)- She came back to the room.
So did I- Checked a bit of my email, and back upstiars.
Then all the way down again to get another roll of quarters. (The dryers work for sh*t).
Brought some 'done' stuff down. Then back up again- Oh you get the picture.
Between the 2 of us, I do wonder how many miles we walked?
Don't get me started on those damned valet parking idiotz. hehehe
Hope you got a bit of caffeine- and you head is much better.
As you already know, I shall be late this morning getting there to see you.
And ugh, must still clean off the dang car.
I love you!
Mama D.
ReplyDeleteShe really really does.
She will go lay on Caseys bed here- And sleep. When she wakes, sometimes a bit disoriented, she will sniff and sniff.
Poor little pup.
Mama D.
Love to you!
ReplyDeleteLife is always good!
They just said on the news that today is, by far, the worst commute of the new year, due to the snow, the ice and the accidents already.
Time for my shower. Then a nice warm sweater!
See you soon Baby Girl.
Think about the lovefest waiting to happen when they are reunited..
love to you too!!!
ReplyDeleteand can you please ask this snow to stop? I already want to go home the weather doesn't need to tell me to leave.
SAM is doing great and is very quick to get up out and run away too. lol He says hi to auntie casy and grandma
ReplyDeleteSAM likes to run too. he says hi to auntie casey and grandma.
ReplyDeletestill trying to figure this site out so dont be mad if i post the same comments over and over lol.
ReplyDeletehope all is well.
ReplyDeleteI would never EVER be mad!
I am thrilled that you are here!!!
ReplyDeleteOf course he is doing great, hehehe, poor kid IS related to us after all.
I shall pass your message along to Casey too!
ReplyDeleteMy mind can see him whizzing right on by, just smiling, waving, and saying hi too!
Love you boys right back!
ReplyDeleteI would never EVER be mad!
I am thrilled that you are here!!!
ReplyDeleteThe sheer thought of that lovefest brings terror to my heart...
No. I will not tell the snow to stop.
I tried. Doesn't work.
So glad to hear all is going well and as planned. Yeah!
ReplyDeletehehehehe.... I am sure.
ReplyDeletei had one of my own yesterday and am still reeeling...
(currently mashed)
sheesh. nothing like flying in that kind of snow. Coulda been worse could have been a thunderstorm...
ReplyDeleteBut man, they had to keep deicing us over and over again because it was coming down so hard.
frozen Pea
Anne...is all ok? You said Casey called. I am hoping she is just wanting something better to eat than hospital foods.
ReplyDeleteYou had a lovefest yesterday?!?!!! ..... Damn Lucky Pea.
ReplyDeleteDeicing. Me no likey...
She is OK- Having a rough day today though.
ReplyDeleteShe has just posted a blog.
Please go here.
with my dogs when I got home.... I staggered in the door at almost 1 am Cali time which my body was interpreting as 4 am.... On zero sleep and major travel...
ReplyDeleteand got totally love-mugged by my fuzz kids....
It was wonderful.
I am a lucky pea.
yeah. It was quite the storm. I was worried I would not make it to the airport as there were cars sliding off the road every which way all the way there....
ReplyDeleteI no likely either but it beats ice on the wings.