[My] Life in Wisconsin

edited, Ruh~Roh "Curiouser and Curiouser"

This, from Toni J's blog yesterday...
And I quote...

Please Click here to go to her blog...

"With the news breaking that Governor Sarah Palin's seventeen year old daughter announcing she is pregnant should this be an issue? Hearing the news she  is pregnant do you think this news should be used against her and her family? I don't. We are all families with all the problems that comes along with our personal lives. They are even going so far as trying to say that the seven month old son is supposedly to be her daughter's child also. I think personally myself they are pushing the envelope to far. What do you think?"
end quote...

She has gotten a multitude of answers-
(In my humblest of opinions,  nearly everyone missed the damned point).
Please let her know what YOU think!

Love to you!


****I thought I should include just one of my own responses here...
(this, after I had posted a multitude of answers prior to it).

"hang on... I am getting there, but cannot even keep up with my own thoughts.

The 'poor child' in question is 17 years old.
Not sure where y'all are from,

NOW do you GET IT?

Therefore, this 'poor child' has probably been doing it longer than her mama has held public office.

She is pregnant because she had unprotected sex.
Or broken condom sex,
Or whatever.
I could give a good damn if she marries the guy or not.

The bottom line is that IN ALASKA she is more than legal.

C'mon- Many of you were born to young mothers.
Did you really have it so bad???

My grandmother was 14 when she married.
Go figure.
She had 18 babies too.
Each and everyone of them were loved.

Loved = Wanted in my book.

So do not sit on your backsides and complain what should or should NOT be in the media.

Do NOT sit here and legislate that "poor girls" pregnancy.

Every single one of you have adjudged someone here.

Good grief!
And to think this is what we, as decent voters, base our votes on?

Please remember that 'The Moral Majority' is neither.
You've been 'had' by the Republican party!

How do you feel now???


Now can we please get on with the REAL election process???



  1. Im excited about Sarah Palin.. and I think it all shows shes human, I am also disgusted about the news media going after her.. they must be scared out of their minds

  2. I totally agree with you! Just goes to show that we ARE all human. Even public officials' families have their crosses to bear. I still say they need to leave the children alone--no matter whose children they are. The kids are off limits as far as I'm concerned. I, too, am excited about McCain's choice for VP.

  3. Toni's blog is awesome!!!..I'm so surprised at the ignorance of some people..and I MUST agree with you.."Who care who is screwing who as long as I'm getting some" hehe

    Have a great evening xoxo

  4. As far as I am concerned it is a FAMILY matter. Our family experienced a similar situation years ago. There was a minor uproar and a lot of name calling involved. When the dust finally settled and nine months later my daughter gave birth to my grandaughter.

    Of course I am not a running mate for VP, but the circumstances do not matter. This is a family matter as far as I am concerned.

  5. Right you are!

    Scared? I bet not. That girl is made out of much more substantive fabric than we are giving her credit for
    (But I would have loved to have been a fly on their wall as they were discussing THIS at their dinner table too).

    From the look on her face, as she holds her little baby brother in that photo we have all seen, she is thinking 'bring it on'

    SO right.
    And let the person who was a virgin at 17 be the first to say otherwise.

  6. By Alaskan Law (Age of Consent), she is no longer a child.
    Alaska says at 16 one is old enough to make these decisions.
    (See, it's really cold up there...)...

    And I believe this (human factor, and the ability to UNDERSTAND and accept Human Nature) is exactly WHY Palin was chosen too.
    McCain is no dummy.

  7. Wasn't that awful??
    Who in their right mind would post such a thing?
    Actually I was trying to interject a bit of levity...
    (Boy, THAT sure didn't work)...
    And then I got mad!

    But I was always able to separate the BS from the real politics too.
    Even when Bill and his little intern... (Oh wait, that's a whole 'nother can of worms)...

    And Poor Toni. She writes poems and loves her roots in Italy.
    Whodathunk people would have turned on her like that.
    but she is still holding her own.
    So proud of her for that!

  8. See?
    This is exactly what I am referring to as simple Human Nature.
    And there are those that were attacking Toni from the "God" point of view. (Guess they had conveniently forgotten that He does not make any mistakes)...
    Or maybe they think children then are a punishment of some sort?

    In one of my comments I closed with "Mean People Suck"
    I will feel that way til the day I die.

    I was a 'product' of some absent or broken birth control.
    When they attack her, or anyone like her, I have a tendency to sort of take it personally.

  9. I was here yesterday and wrote a small book but had system failure (my computer, not multiply) and it never posted.

    I was also a unplanned child but on the other side of things, my mom was 39. But who cares?

    On some level I think Sarah Palin's charactor shows in the fact that she chose to have her own baby boy after finding out he had Down's, and the fact that she supports her daughter and didnt try to hide her is a step in the right direction.

    But that really doesnt matter to me.....None of it bares any mention in comparison to what she can do / get done for the american people. Which IS the JOB she is running for last I checked.

    On an unrelated note, I watched the convention last night and laughed out loud when Sarah's youngest daughter was caught on camera spit combing her baby brothers hair. Adorable, I tell ya !!!

  10. Holy Crap!
    If my children would have been "planned", I would not have had any.
    Not sure I would even have any grandchildren either...

    (And if I would have been 'planned' I simply would not be in existence today).

    I have four.

    "Loved = Wanted" and vice versa too.
    "Family Planning is a joke for the most part.
    God plans. He delivers.

    God gives you what He knows you can handle.
    Or so I've been told, (even Mama may have been mistaken on that one)

    Last I checked, that IS the job she is running for.
    And like any other decent mother, we want our kids to have what we did not.
    She is paving the way for them to have those opportunities.

  11. I think the whole thing is beyond ridiculous. Why does the media have to dig up each and every single NON P-C or what the heck ever action, and especially with the FAMILIES of those running for office???? Regardless of whatever her daughter has done and nevermindthefact that the legal age of consent is 16, none of it is ANY of our business, nor are we choosing to vote or not to vote for the DAUGHTER!! Geez people!! If this is the kind of politics you want, GO WATCH AS THE WORLD TURNS INSTEAD and let the rest of us get back to THE REAL ISSUES.
    (...ok, back to you regularly scheduled blogging....)

  12. Wow is that all they can find on her?? I think it's ridiculous too. No matter how we raise our children they are going to do things we don't like or approve but that stuff happens and it only makes her human. I don't think it's terrible and if that's all they can come up with they are pushing it. I think it's sad they have to bring it up anyway!!! UGh! hope your day will be great! Hugs

  13. "Beyond ridiculous" is perfect!

    Then again, so is your point!

    But do allow me to be the devils advocate for just a tiny second...
    Granted, this is only an out of wedlock pregnancy.

    What if the media had learned she was related to some type of Dahmer person?
    I think that would be important.

    Now as far as As The World Turns.
    I infinitely prefer Days of Our Lives.
    "That's a fact."


  14. hehehe
    Giggling at your "ugh"...
    And yes, you are right, they sure ARE pushing it too.

    Now really about kids dong things...
    Maybe YOUR kids did things YOU didn't approve of.
    Not mine!
    Not ever.
    (OK. That's a big a load of bullshit).

    Go back there when you have a minute-
    There's some self righteous chick that is so fundamentally wrong in everything she is saying.
    Some "fruitingbodies" and her hsuband "selfinflectedfunk" (Close as I can figure they are related somehow, if not the same person)...

    Those are the two that I wish to clunk over the head with a fry pan...

  15. The way I look at it people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I believe families of politicians should be off limits to the press and paparazzi. But when has that ever been the case? Remember when not so long ago one of G. Bush's daughters had the little alcohol mishap?

    visionsofsun I saw the "spit combing" too, it was precious! I can tell by the way all of the Palin's hold the baby that they are a loving family.

    It seems the mud slinging has just begun, and to think we have two more months of this to endure! (groaning!)

  16. Glass houses???
    I don't care.
    (I still don't like those two on Tonis page).

    As far as Bush' kids went. I had to ask everyone that poo~pooed them if THEY ever had a drink when it wasn't legal.
    (Falls under the 'duh' thing)...
    Kind of the same thing I do with people who have something to say about someone who got arrested for drunk driving... (I used to bartend and know pretty much everyone who drinks 'round these parts)... And when someone says something negative, all you have to say is, 'the only difference between them and you, is that YOU have yet to get pulled over'.
    Shuts them right up.
    AND I do believe the same can be said for (almost) everyone that is attacking this girl. I wonder if THEY were virgins at that point, or if they just didn't get caught.

    I missed the spit comb

    About mud slinging. Yes that's the way it is. Of course now that it's finally raining here, I do believe I have some 'mud' of my own!

  17. I guess I dont understand .. the

    You've been 'had' by the Republican party!

    If liking what Im hearing.. If loving the excitement she brings to the campaign.. Then I have been "had" hehe

    I think McCain picked a great choice for VP.. I could care less if her daughter is pregnant.. or if her hubby had a DUI.. I like her ideas and her stand on the policies.

    I have never liked the "moral majority" bunch of hypocrits if you ask me. Probably a good thing no one has asked..hehe

    dont know how I missed this part of this blog... geez woman you do like to stir stuff up dont ya! hehe Keep it up .. I love it!

