CaseyFace! -05/19/10
Good Morning All;
Another infusion day for Casey. Hopefully the poke will 'take' on the first try this time.
Again, we are to arrive for 8:30...
I have been running down to Kelli's and snapping pictures of the construction...
Punk gets left in the car after last week deciding to run in wet clay. hehehe
She is not always happy, but having given her numerous baths in the past week, she is not getting near dirt anytime soon.
I will also be leaving Miss Punk at home today. Temps are forecast to be in the upper 80's.
(Which I have learned to actually mean temps will be in the lower/mid 90's).
Casey and Greg came out on Sunday, knowing that the temps were going to go high, and also knowing that my A/C was in the basement.
Greg carried it up.
We cleaned it up/out, installed it, and got it going...
Yesterday it ran for 2 hours, rattled some, and then quit on me.
(Suffice to say I did not move overmuch, nor eat a bite, yesterday). Too hot to do so.
And when I chanced to peek at the thermometer on the 'due north' side of the house, it read 95°.
Life goes on.
Below... It matters not what the commercials say, this is NOT a happy cat!
This is where your captions are needed. hehehe
Still laughing!
A bit of background...
While Casey was here, being bored while Greg played with my computersaurus, she decides it is high time for Sputty to also get a bath.
Punk canNOT always have all the fun after all.
Unlike Punk's baths, this is way too dangerous to attempt to do in the bathtub.
Mr. Sputnik found himself confined to the kitchen sink...
Having been watching my bluebird family, I chanced to get the perfect shot of Daddy Bluebird.
When, of a sudden, he realized he was camera shy, and flew off...
While it ruined my shot, I still think he is lovely, even in a twist of flight.
I'd better close for now and get on with my day.
I have windows to close, entrapping the night air for a little while. And then to pick Casey up and bring her in.
Please say a little prayer that today is easier for her?
My love to all. Have a 'wunnaful' day!
Now. About those captions??? hehehe
ReplyDeleteOh, and by the way, we have broken heat records for the past 2 days.
Probably today also...
she is saying oh woes me what I put up to be fed LOL
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure the bubble very that cat's head says "I'll get you my pretty... I'll get you"
ReplyDeleteI didn't think Cat's got bath's
Oh, poor Sputty, the degradation, the horror!! LOL I'm sure Casey loved him up good afterwards. LOL
ReplyDeleteI hope does well today .. Loved the pics . Sputty is not a happy cat right now .. Have a great week .. Its been cold here , temps around 3-7 C , not warm at all ..
ReplyDeleteI think the thought bubble should say "There is a hairball in your near future woman!" and "its been a while since I barfed on your pillow while you were on it, I shall have to fix that"
ReplyDeleteloved the pics of Sputnik!! I laughed with each shot, I'm a bit late getting to this post, I hope all went well for Casey. xoxoxoxox
ReplyDeletehope all went well for Casey today, hoping they finally were able to put in that port?
ReplyDeletekitty cat is not a happy camper and she will probably ignore any mice from now on, lol.
Why fight it, now I'z have to do it all over again
ReplyDeleteCan feel for you on the heat and broken AC car AC is out. Thank goodness for windows.
ReplyDeleteI'm at the hospital tonight with Drew as I type..his blood sugar got up to 560 this afternoon after his nap..and he woke up feeling terrible and his back was we think its DKA and possible kidney stones/ took 5 pokes to get IV started..not good.
Ok..time to go see if I can light a fire under some of these people for answers..night...hope Casey's pokes went better!
Darned AC units are suppose to WORK when we need them too! Mine stay in the windows year round. Of course, our winters are not as cold as yours are.
ReplyDeleteBath time for dogs and kitties. What fun! Giving my Tiger his bath was easy enough. He hated it, but I could always trust him not to tear me apart in the meantime. Wrangler...on the other a whole other situation. I've only given him one bath since I've had him. Not sure I feel up to tackling that chore again anytime soon.
Poor Punk....looks so lonely sitting there in that car with her sticking out. LOL! But lonely in a cute and childish way. Looks like she is thinking...."If only I could fit my WHOLE body through this window!"
Hope Casey is feeling well today and hopefully she wasn't their "pin cushion" for the day during that infusion.
ReplyDeleteI was right about May 25th- We did break another record.
Me no likey...
ReplyDeleteI think there might have been a kitty cuss in the yowling as well!
hehehe I think he is still planning and plotting.
ReplyDeleteCats get baths.
Well, mine always did.
A certain "man against nature" thing. (Or something just as foolhardy)...
He really wasn't that bad- And last year he didn't really mind the pool either.
Sputnik wants to come live with you! hehehe
ReplyDeleteAt least 'til September when another 'mowiss' might dare to come inside.
Casey did not do well. (Or more accurately, the infusion did not do well by her).
ReplyDeleteI will be taking her to the hospital tomorrow (Friday), morning.
Oh my! 3-7C?
That is March or April weather around here. (If it's not maintained temps, then it can be May too).
What is really funny is the fact that Casey really did find the last hairball! HAHAHA
ReplyDeletePillow barf?
That's a whole 'nother blog)...
He is funny! Even soaking wet! I hear the drowned rat look is very "in" this year!
ReplyDeleteAs you were late getting here, I have been late replying! hehehe
ReplyDeleteNo port. But it took on the 2nd try!
Giggling at your reply after what I just wrote to my Snotball!
He gets baths a day before his Frontline is applied. (But only in Spring/Summer/Fall)
Windows- and fans too! When all else fails there are cool showers, and a basement! hehehe
ReplyDeleteAnd now my A/C has a mind of its own! Scary that!
Methinks it is possessed... But the 2nd day, I turned it on to the fan only- It grumbled and turned right on.
then I hit the "cool" button on the remote...
It groaned even louder- did a few bangs and fired right up. (This is only the 3rd year I have had it, so it is not too old to work right)!
I am SO sorry to hear about Drew!
Isn't it the very worst feeling in the whole world to only be able to watch?
I am sorry that you know that feeling too.
Happy you are much like me though, and no one runs roughshod over our babies.
Again, it isn't that old! (Just old enough to be out of warranty I suppose).
ReplyDeleteMine didn't get taken out til January this year. I should have left it in.
As for the cat bath... Wasn't it you a while back that posted to flush the cat in the toilet? hehehe
i was SO tempted!
I think you might be right about what Punk was thinking...
I had left her at home on Tuesday-
Leaving her inside, I had shut the service door to the garage, and before I even touched the car door I heard her throw herself on the floor and whimper. hehehe
I would rather have a sad dog than a cooked one though.
ReplyDeleteNow, did anyone like my bluebird?