[My] Life in Wisconsin

Couple of Short Updates

514 Bug
Casey took this picture!

Good Evening;
First of all, an update on the fatal fire.
The Oconto County coroner does not have a cause of death for the gal that died in the house fire on Jaworski Road.
WBAY~TV said they are awaiting for the "test results", which should be available in about 10 days.
I cannot watch the videos, (dial~up here), but I think this would be the latest about her.

***ALSO, tomorrow is the village sale...
Pulaski's village-wide rummage sale is a draw for bargain hunters, but Kari Splan sees the annual event as an opportunity to help four young children who lost everything, including their mother, in a house fire. CLICK HERE. Cool!

This is all so sickening, and overwhelming. But I am ever so proud of everyone that has turned out to help.

As for my back...
Yes, I did go for my doctor appointment; and no, I did not refuse the xrays.
(I think I should have). hehehe  I firmly believe that radiologist tried to kill me. But at least he had a sense of humor. First thing he says is "please lay on your back." Funny guy.   (Too bad he wasn't kidding).

After 5 different angles, he said I could get up from the table. (See? I told you he was funny).

Yes I still have the arthritis in my back. I also have the trauma fracture from last Spring that did not heal correctly, AND I seem to have wrecked 4 disks. Instead of being rounded and soft, they are thin and not working right.

The doctor told me to stay off my feet for 3 days, and then to "see how it goes" after that.  I will need to return if it doesn't let up.
That is all I know for now. Oh that- and it hurts.

I also know my haddock is done baking! Mmm  My tummy knows it too. hehehe
Time for me to get off my backside too- Perhaps even to nap after I eat.

Have a "wunnaful" weekend.
Please send a couple of lawn guys, (and a gardener too).


Posted to Y! 360, Friday May 15, 2009 - 07:00pm (CDT)


  1. *burp*

    now go rest your back.

    I love the under bug...

  2. This is so sad.Poor children.I feel for them.I know what they will go though.We have been there,i raised 4 grand children that lost there mother.Will be praying for the whole family....Love the bug thats a good picture,hard to get one like that.So sorry about your back,hope it will get better.try ice then heat it really helps.Hope you have a great weekend.Hugs maudie

  3. please listen to the doctor (((Anne))) and many prayers.

    it is nice to see a community pull together during tragic events

  4. Glad things aren't any worse than they are Anne (please don't look for something to throw at me). It would have been nice if he had noticed the improperly healed fracture sooner. Rest well and if I knew any gardeners or yard men in your area, you betcha I'd sent them your way.

  5. most definitely NAP TIME!!!!!

  6. The bug picture is a great shot! Looks like a graphic instead. Definitely an interesting "close-up Mr Demille!" Or should I say...Casey Demille. Hehehehehe!

    Continue to keep us posted about Christine's death. With what we know so far, I still think the fire must have been a cover up.

    Hope that back feels better soon. Now...stay in bed! (Easier said than done when you have things to do, huh?)

  7. The bug picture is a great shot! Looks like a graphic instead. Definitely an interesting "close-up Mr Demille!" Or should I say...Casey Demille. Hehehehehe!

    Continue to keep us posted about Christine's death. With what we know so far, I still think the fire must have been a cover up.

    Hope that back feels better soon. Now...stay in bed! (Easier said than done when you have things to do, huh?)

  8. I hope after 3 days, your back feels better.

    Wish I was closer, I would mow your lawn and plant your garden for ya!

    Love Ya!

    Slurkie :-)

  9. What a cool Pic and you get to bed for 3 days!!!! Rest that back and I will be hoping in 3 days you will start to feel ALOT better

  10. flintville saidI also know my haddock is done bakingNeed to take my time reading. After reading about you needing to lay down I thought you wrote "MY HAMMOCK IS DONE BAKING"

    Take care of yourself friend.

  11. Hiya Rock,

    Sounds like my Rock has a little crack in her posterior..hehe

    My question is.. what makes him think you havent already been off your feet and taking it easy? So 3 more days and your all better? Not to be rude or anything but sounds like the classic take 2 aspirin and if your not better call again and while your at it pay another office visit fee. Darlin, you would not put up with that with one of your girls for one minute why do you let them do it to you??? Im sorry.. just makes me crazy sometimes.

    I think that one of the things that makes this country so wonderful is how we all pull together in times of need. Its great they are helping the kids.

    Hope the pain is relieved soon. Many hugs

  12. I am so happy you got an x-ray. Now getting you to rest for 3 WHOLE days will take a miracle :)

  13. Funny how even ONLINE friends know you won't be resting..... Hmmm....

    Anywho, the thoughts about this fire and my own reaction are on the other blog, but I am siding with Peachie on this one.... COVER-UP for something... Lord knows I don't want to think of any human being as a murderer but like I said on the other blog, too many things are WAY too suspicious....


    Such a true saying...

    I hope we helped alieviate your back pain a bit today and took some work off of your hands... Greg can mow lawn for you when it gets warmer out... Today was DARN cold out...

    Alrighty... I'm going to try to finish this "Eureka" episode, this is my third attempt to finish it!

    Love you Much Much!

  14. Sorry--been really busy down here, sweetie--my father passed away Sunday night--He hadn't been eating for a week and was having trouble swallowing--He then ended up with a terrible case of shingles--Take care of yourselves, god bless! gina
