[My] Life in Wisconsin

How Brave are You?

Did you already know all about ingrown toenails, (or was I one of a very few who did not)?

I knew they didn't come from shoes.

I already knew they grew into the sides of the toe.

I only thought they were at the end/top of the toe.

Anne, you are dumb as a field of clay.

I don't have toes.

I like rocks.

Wanna ride bikes?

Pic for Greg. (No room for interpretation there)!
My prescription reads: "Apply once daily with a bandaid."
hehehe Bandaids are too flimsy to apply anything with! 

Good Afternoon All;
Just thought I would carryover a bit of the toe stuff to today.
Same as in the last blog I wrote, I am only aware of my toe when it is in a shoe, and then, only when I walk. So that's a real good thing.

I have to run into town and get a few things- (Gauze wrap being one of those things).

But before I do all that, I thought I would share what my foot looks like today.


point down


point down
.point down



Must fly for now!!!
Have a wunnaful day!



  1. thanks God! LOL :D you really had me worried there! ;P

  2. nice socks!!!!

    Try walking for a bit, give your arms a rest now that one footsie is better.

  3. Anna not only d I know ll bout them I hav been managing one my entire life and thus far (knock wood) have not required medical intervention

  4. Never knew that they were caused by the shape of the toe-bone...

  5. Awww your foot looks good lol ... thought there was going to be more pics and I was a little nervous about looking lol .. yesterdays blog was a little gross and I have had some trouble with toes so that freaked me out a little lol ..

  6. Doesn't everybody like rocks? I still have my pet one, and it's so much more managable than my cats.
    Yesterday I let it off it's leash to get some sun and fresh air out in the back yard. Afterwards, all it wanted to do was sleep.
    It's still sleeping. (It sleeps a lot!)
    Rocks definitely make the best pets.
    Just don't step on any until your toe heals.

  7. Well, it does look pretty good sitting there within that sock. Hehehehe!

  8. Most Dr's never give clear(one no Dr can wirte where anyone can read) directions on how to take a medicine...they hope the pharmacist willdo that for them...and most of the time the pharmacist just writes exactly what the Dr puts down..no matter how silly it sounds.
    Glad the toe is feeling some better.
    I need to learn how to post multiple pics within a blog. Then I could post pics of Drew's foot and what he's gone thru and is continuing to go thru.
    Hope Casey is continuing to feel better. She reminded me of Drew laying there on the couch in pain.
    Its hard to see your child(no matter the age) in pain. Especially those that have been so sick for so long..its like can't they ever catch a break? Just for a while(20-30 yrs)...geezz!
    Ok..time to go check on the said kid..as he has caught the "crud" from us...lol Aint he special...lol
    Have a great week..take care of the toe...Neecie

  9. I'm so relieved you posted a "in the sock" picture! I'm still getting over the previous pictures. Hope you feel better soon!
