Once you get past the above picture, from here, you may read on.
...If you dare.
Good Afternoon Everyone!
First and most importantly, I opened the most wonderfilled letter from Casey this morning when I signed on. She is well. While I will not share the entire letter- (it is too precious to do so), I will share this much:
Casey writes: "...we shall spend lots of time together this weekend, now that I'm feeling MUCH better!!!
Thank you for calling the rescue squad on Wednesday, I know I didn't think it was a big deal at the time, but I now realize how bad it was. Especially after hearing that blood sugar reading and now seeing the picture of how I looked laying there on the couch... That must've been scary as hell for you, yet you thought quickly, called 911, and got to the hospital to be there with me..."
My Baby Girl sure ROCKS, doesn't she!
Now, on to my toe. You were warned in my previous blog that this entry would include pictures. It is your choice whether or not to look at them.
What I did not warn you about was my own ineptitude; (ignorance plain and simple).
Once upon a time I had a few corns which Dr. Scholl's took care of in a day or two once they became painful.
I have never had bunions. (I have been told I have 'sexy' feet more than a few times). ♥♥♥
As you know, I have been fighting with my own 2 big toenails for the past 2 decades. The top ridge of the nails would cut into the sides as it grew. I would soak them, apply dental numbing product and cut them low- into the sides of the toe, depending upon how far they had grown into the top of my toe.
Every now and again they would still poke out of the top of my toe. (Yeee-ouch)!
While terribly uncomfortable I humored them as I kept them trimmed, painted. Neat. (Dare I say, my feet were always "Sandal-Ready")?! hehehe
Then along came my bad back.
Caring for my 'tens' presented quite a challenge to say the very least.
I persevered- mostly by neglecting my feet for twice the amount of time I normally did.
The girls had bought me a foot fixer, soaker, heater thing for Christmas one year. I use it a lot. But I still couldn't bend.
Anyway... Back to my ignorance.
(Please do not laugh at me- You may ask me almost anything about pancreatitis, or about the digestive tract, etc; but apparently you could not ask me about my toes).
'Til now that is. (I thank you Dr. Balfour, for clearing these misconceptions up for me).
Ingrown toenails do not only affect the top part of the toe.
Ingrown toenails grow sideways, w-i-d-e-r, into the toe. (That's the part I had never known).
That is also why they would never go away, even when I would dig them out, file them, cut level, trim them, and take proper care of them.
Ingrown toenails are NOT caused by ill-fitting footwear.
They are caused by injuries to the toe.
They are mostly caused by the 'shape' of the underlying bone.
That is to say if your bone is flat, or more square shaped, chances are that you will not experience ingrown toenails, unless your toes have been injured, broken, or otherwise disturbed.
If your bone is round, like mine, your toenail roots will grow accordingly; growing and bending to the shape of the bone.
Since I had finished my antibiotic prescription for Cephalexin, it was time to be rid of the beasts. My back did not allow for me to make my feet easy to look at at this point in time- So forgive the unfiled, and unkempt polish on them.
Furthermore, that is powder on my feet. They are not that scaly or dry!
Now, on to my toe. You were warned in my previous blog that this entry would include pictures. It is your choice whether or not to look at them.
What I did not warn you about was my own ineptitude; (ignorance plain and simple).
- I always "thought" I knew what an ingrown toenail was.
- Turns out I was wrong.
- I also "thought" I knew what caused them.
- Turns out I was wrong about that too.
- hehehe Not really...
- hehehe Not really...
- Turns out I was wrong about that too.
Once upon a time I had a few corns which Dr. Scholl's took care of in a day or two once they became painful.
I have never had bunions. (I have been told I have 'sexy' feet more than a few times). ♥♥♥
As you know, I have been fighting with my own 2 big toenails for the past 2 decades. The top ridge of the nails would cut into the sides as it grew. I would soak them, apply dental numbing product and cut them low- into the sides of the toe, depending upon how far they had grown into the top of my toe.
Every now and again they would still poke out of the top of my toe. (Yeee-ouch)!
While terribly uncomfortable I humored them as I kept them trimmed, painted. Neat. (Dare I say, my feet were always "Sandal-Ready")?! hehehe
Then along came my bad back.
Caring for my 'tens' presented quite a challenge to say the very least.
I persevered- mostly by neglecting my feet for twice the amount of time I normally did.
The girls had bought me a foot fixer, soaker, heater thing for Christmas one year. I use it a lot. But I still couldn't bend.
Anyway... Back to my ignorance.
(Please do not laugh at me- You may ask me almost anything about pancreatitis, or about the digestive tract, etc; but apparently you could not ask me about my toes).
'Til now that is. (I thank you Dr. Balfour, for clearing these misconceptions up for me).
Ingrown toenails do not only affect the top part of the toe.
Ingrown toenails grow sideways, w-i-d-e-r, into the toe. (That's the part I had never known).
That is also why they would never go away, even when I would dig them out, file them, cut level, trim them, and take proper care of them.
Ingrown toenails are NOT caused by ill-fitting footwear.
They are caused by injuries to the toe.
They are mostly caused by the 'shape' of the underlying bone.
That is to say if your bone is flat, or more square shaped, chances are that you will not experience ingrown toenails, unless your toes have been injured, broken, or otherwise disturbed.
If your bone is round, like mine, your toenail roots will grow accordingly; growing and bending to the shape of the bone.
Since I had finished my antibiotic prescription for Cephalexin, it was time to be rid of the beasts. My back did not allow for me to make my feet easy to look at at this point in time- So forgive the unfiled, and unkempt polish on them.
Furthermore, that is powder on my feet. They are not that scaly or dry!
Peek a tootsie!
And from the other side now...
But look at all the metal instruments! Holy great grail! What'd they need all that for?!?
Look again at the above table for a moment...
Just curious, but what would YOU have grabbed???
Yeah. Me too.
I had my b/p checked- Then my temp taken...
And even a comforting hug from Miss Candy.
She applied lots of beta iodine to my toes, making them really rusty but still flexible.
Enter the podiatrist... Yikes! (I changed my mind- wanted to escape).
He was nice.
* One hell of a lot nicer than Jen's oral surgeon. (CLICK for her awful, horrible story).
I was to have both toenails done.
The doctor said no, even as I told him of my anxiety attacks, etc. He said I would have to reschedule for the other big toe. Well yeah, he wants the office visit call.
After challenging me with his questions of ingrowns, he told me what to expect. This as he massaged my foot. He said he would begin by applying a topical numbing goo. (Medical terms I even understood). Then he had a spray can of freezing stuff. After that he would freeze my toe.
He gooed.
He sprayed.
Then came the poke!
I was expecting him to tell me 'when', but he didn't. Not being able to see through the table, I jumped at the poke. (Goo and spray had left much to be desired).
Then he told me...
He left the room.
Candy remained behind (maybe to make sure I didn't sprint out of there)
He returned about 5 minutes later. I was not froze, so he poked me again. This time he told me 'when' to expect the poke. No problem then.
(This is where your warning kicks in)...
Note the red fishhook pokie thing on the left of the tray...
That's the top part of the left side of my big toe.
After that was all gone, he applied something to kill the nailbed so that part of my toenail would not return.
Some kind of acid on the end of that long wooden Q-Tip.
Casey said it went under my skin at least an inch. OUCH! (But I didn't feel it).
You can actually see the ridge under the skin a bit.
The acid remains for 45 seconds, then gets rinsed.
And on to the other side of the toe...
Know that it only looks bad.
What looks worse is something that I never thought I would see...
Both sides removed now...
The dime to give you a sense of how much these bad boys had hurt my toe!
Of how big they really were!
That much GONE... And I still have my normal size toenail! Very cool that!
Did it hurt as the numbing stuff wore off -only about 10 minutes later?
Sort of. It felt like a darn painful ingrown toenail.
Does it hurt now? Nope, and I only feel it when I put shoes on.
They wrapped it up good (it looked like a fat lollipop); after applying a drain and a whole glob of gentamycin ointment.
I had to leave that all in place for two days, removing it to shower on the 2nd day, which was yesterday.
Then to put more antibiotic ointment on it and rewrap it every day.
I'd better close- High time for my shower -and a rewrapped lollipop!
My love to all.
Have a 'wunnaful' weekend!
Oh ick!
ReplyDeleteGlad your toe will get better but I'm sorry I looked, LOL!
Hi Mommy!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed your letter this morning! I started to type a text, but realized that emailing you would be better. That gave me unlimited space, and of course, I took it! :D
Initially I was a little bit "put off" by that podiatrist. It seemed like he didn't have much of a bedside manner, but then once you started to ask questions, he was more than happy to keep talking... Very nice of him to do that. Most doctors only explain the bare minimum and move on hoping they don't have to explain it all...
I was also glad that he didn't seem to mind when I peeked over the edge of the elaborate "vision barrier" (a.k.a. instrument table with sterile paper covering over it...) to see exactly what he was doing and take some pictures so that you could see too! I really thought he was going to yell at me for looking, then again, we did tell him that we had pictures taken of my colon surgery so that we could see it... Maybe that showed him that we both were a bit tougher than your average people...
I could NOT believe the width of the parts that he cut off that were all UNDER the skin!! WOW!!! I still can't believe it... NO WONDER IT HURT!!! Even though you'd managed to get the top parts mostly out from under the skin, it was the inch of length left that you couldn't reach that was causing all the rukus...
("Could you describe the rukus, sir?"... Sorry, that word always makes me think of that quote!)
After he had taken those parts off, you'd asked again if he was removing the whole nail, seeing how big of a piece he'd cut off... That's when curiosity got the best of me and I peeked over the curtain thingy to get a look, and sure enough, almost all of the visible nail was still there!
I'm glad he did that for you, especially since I know how incredibly painful it was to have that for so long. Plus, it's on a toe, so it's not like you can avoid using it unless you suspend yourself to bed rest, which you and I are incapable of doing! Hopefully once he gets the second one done for you, you won't have to worry anymore about ingrown nails!
I've been having problems with mine the past couple of years, but nothing like what you went through. It "seems" to be just a tiny bit of the nail that every now and then pokes into the side of my toe... I say "seems" because after seeing all that the other day, I'm worried that I have mile-long toe nails under my skin!!! :D Usually it is not the nail that's bothering me, but rather a build-up of the cuticle that is pushing on the nail. So I just trim the cuticles down and it seems to go away for a few more months...
Anywho, I'm off to take a nap... I must rest while I can so that I can get everything done and ready to go for tomorrow night!
Love you MUCH MUCH!
ReplyDeleteI always wondered. I have fat (and sassy) toes so no ingrowns for me... the ex had them all the time and never did anything about it (as does his mother)..... Scary to see what "lurked beneath".
Glad it is done! Gladder still when the second will be done....I guess now we know why he wouldn't do both at once.
I had to look but would have never thought it was possible to take something that big outta your toe and it looked like it would be painful OUCHIE .. my tummy is rolling a little now ... I hope you have no more probs after having this procedure done .. Have a wonderful weekend yourself .. I am glad Casey is feeling better also ..
ReplyDeleteUcckkk! I looked anyways, lol.....the grossest part of course was the bloody toenails! eeewwww!
ReplyDeletewell, so glad you got the one taken care of and now that you know what to expect the next one won't be so bad.
Thanks for the warning..... that IS one scary looking doctor...
ReplyDeleteps- how come you got pretty feet and all i got was this lousy t-shirt and a couple a bunions??
ReplyDeleteIt is actually a rather nice tee Kris....
Well, I had to look, cause I'm weird like that...
ReplyDeleteThat looked painful... And I never knew that about ingrown toenails... You learn something new everyday!
My granny had toe nails like that. So did Rob. And I was always the one who had to trim his for him. He tolerated the pain while I did some digging. Well...till he had enough of it, that is. I don't think I ever dug around and cut to create such an awful site as your doc did. LOL! Mind you, I'm not laughing at your toenail. I know it feels a heck of a lot better since the minor hatchet job. It's just that I've seen some pretty yucky photos of our innards and for some reason a toe or a finger is what makes me feel "squeemish."
ReplyDeleteSo glad our miss CaseyFace is doing better since that night. Those photos of her pain had me worried. We just never know about these things.
Happy you are both doing a-o-k for now.
Yuckky Anne atleast he knew what he was doing :-) why do you let em get that bad mate ?
ReplyDeleteThe only nails that grow in a bit on me are my thumb nails, Julie does my nails :-) Good on ya mate I didn't know you knew Jen OMG you got a potty mouth there Anne hahaha
ReplyDeletehahaha -I am laughing at you!
Yes, thankfully it WILL get better!
Think of ALL the different people this man has met in his lifetime.
ReplyDeleteNow think of how many "huhs?" and "yeah" etc he has heard...
Poor guy never knows what (or who) he is going to have to spend time with.
Always talk. As a personal question as I did with him.
If they are still silent or rude then it's useless to keep talking.
If they talk, even a little, then they are just thankful that someone is even speaking to them.
Mama D
ReplyDeleteAnd those offensive parts, Baby Girl, were exactly the part I did not know even existed!
ReplyDeleteWatch your tongue young lady. Watch it.
ReplyDeleteHow cool is that?!
It hurt in spurts, and not all the time. Sometimes a dull ache, and sometimes like something was "there".
ReplyDeleteThat's when I would trim the top poking part off. (For whatever reason, that worked for a long time).
It also hurt like hell to do it...
It also hurt like the dickens when Punk would step on it.
Then again, I have a feeling it would hurt like the dickens even withOUT the ingrown part...
Do you 'click' when you walk barefoot on hard surfaces?
ReplyDeleteCuz if you do then your ingrowns definitely need attention.
Just sayin...
ReplyDeleteMust restart this comPOOter of mine.
Be back shortly... (I hope).
ReplyDeleteBut I was scheduled to get them both done at once so I wouldn't have to go back.
(The nurse at the nurses station said it was because he wanted the next office visit). hehehe
The more round your toe, the greater the chance. Would not "fat" toes be 'round' toes?
Then again, if they haven't started bothering you yet, they probably won't now.
I was always hard on my phalanges.
First the cows would stand on them at times.
Then came softball for 25+ years.
In my lifetime, I have ignored many broken toes, simply using a Popsicle stick to keep them more straight than not, while they healed. There is nothing anyone can do about a broken toe anyway.
I guess one might enjoy the vibrant colors though...
The Man and his mommy need to get their toes done.
If they are scared, perhaps they can make concurrent appointments.
I would have put good money on the fact that there was nothing growing around the side of my toes.
ReplyDeleteI would have lost it all.
Sorry about your tummy. hehehe YOU looked, I didn't make ya! (Still giggling)...
Oh I was SO happy to wake to that letter in my inbox! Casey is a joy! (To many)!
hehehe (I am giggling at YOU too).
ReplyDelete"Bloody Toenails"- Sounds like a campfire story for kids...
The next one? I actually look forward to getting it done. Then on with summer!
Your toes aren't the only 'sassy' part of you.
Sorry about those bunions.
But I like T-shirts...
And I love you!
ReplyDeleteI am still amazed at my own ignorance of ingrown toenails. You would think that sometime along the way I would have learned about them...
You really ARE weird like that! hehehe
The podiatrist also had to remove the nail that was beneath the bottom of the cuticle. I hope you didn't go that deep.
ReplyDeleteHappy that Mr. PeachieBaby had a nurse to be taking care of his nails! Lucky you!
My toe wasn't awful... That is just where the toenail was removed.
Look too meaty for you? hehehe
Google images of 'ingrown toenail' sometime. Some even curl around back toward the bone!
Then again, if my toenail had looked like that I probably wouldn't have waited 20+ years to have them done.
Please reread #1 and #2 above.
ReplyDeleteI didn't let them get that bad. I simply didn't know.
About that potty mouth...
... I have always said that my 2nd language is longshoreman.
Especially when I get scared or panicky.
Must attend to my washer, my dryer, and my shower now...
ReplyDeleteIn the meanwhile please click here: http://flintville.multiply.com/journal/item/165/Sandals._Boobelage._Hate_Me_Love_Me_-NAILED-_The_Cold_Hard_Truth
ReplyDeleteOh thats okay then ;-) LMAO.
Nite Nite Anne have a wonderful Sunday my friend
I wonder if I'm the only person who counted your toes Anne Mmmmmmm I bet I'm not Hahaha
ReplyDeleteSweet Annie,
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you got the toe done. Will be more glad when the second is done and no more discomfort for you. You are indeed blessed to have pretty feet. Mine are short and wide. Not pretty at all. Those were some really big pieces they took out. WOW!! At least that will be one less body part to cause you discomfort.
ReplyDeleteMr. Lester.
I can hear ya snoring!!!!
ReplyDeleteI count them too.
Just in case...
I really am looking forward to getting the other one done.
ReplyDeleteI have generally gone barefoot whenever I can. (Even in the snow). Pea has proof of that.
I always whined about having such big feet- But they are big enough that I don't fall down. Often.
They were a size 10 in 6th grade- and I can remember other kids made fun of them. That was the first that I can recall being picked on for something (other than my sister that is).
Later on though I didn't care.
I have a high arch. Guess I am lucky that way too.
AND I can run across gravel. (When my back allows me to move fast that is)...
Even Mr. Miller tippy~toes across gravel!
hehehe Funny to see a big old teddy~bear~dog do that.
twas the hub not The Man but I am not going to go tell him to get his dragon toes fixed yannowaddamean?
ReplyDeleteI meant fat side to side not fat round....Cows always were smart enough to stand further up my foot to avoid the steel toe.... seriously they would LOOK DOWN and carefully plant that hoof just above the steel. dang things, too smart some times... I have broken all mine more times than I care to think about... all at least three times each. popsicle stick? mine were taped to the neighboring toe and we were back out at work in a flash.
maybe the doctor wants a date so he wants you to come back so he can ask.....
I know... I can't help it... *hangs head* it is Yvonne's fault.
ReplyDeleteI can't snore Anne I've had a UPP for Sleep Apneoa ( uvulopalatopharyngoplasty )
ReplyDeleteOh OWW! I was hurting for you before I even got to the picture of what was cut out! Poor Annie's big piggy won't be going to market any time soon!
ReplyDeleteo no~!
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