Good Morning All;
Had a bit of a rough night. Forgetting to take my 2nd pain pill of the day, I climbed into bed- About 3 hours into my 'nap', I woke, and could not move. What the heck does one do in this situation? I took inventory...
Back? Hurts.
Bladder? Getting there.
Patience level? Hanging in there.
So I went back to sleep. (For another hour anyway).
Rechecked all my gauges when I woke again. Still OK- Back worse though.
So for a third time I fell back to sleep...
There comes a time in the course of human events that no pain, and no 'adjustment' will empty my bladder, save for a trip to the toidy. I might have cussed a bit as I finally got to my feet, and a few more curses as I made my way to the powder room. But oh it felt good to sit down and piddle. hehehe
Then to get a pain pill. My back is a bit better now. (Know that "better" is NOT the correct word, less painful would be More politically correct).
Politically correct? Made aware of this by Will, and entitled the "The Conservative Bible Project", I am having a rough time actually believing that the Bible can be rewritten, again. This time adding a political swing to it. Click here. Ask your pastors etc what they think.
Senator Warren Rudman "The millions of Christians in this country reflect just about every conceivable political point of view. For one highly conservative group to proclaim itself 'the Christian Coalition' strikes me as decidedly un-Christian arrogance.... We reflect countless races, religions and lifestyles, and we often differ on questions of morality and behavior.
The only way so diverse a nation can survive is by all of us practicing a high degree of tolerance.
But tolerance is not the way of the Christian right. Its leaders want to impose their one-size-fits-all morality on everyone.
It won't work.
When any group tries to impose its values on everyone else, the result will inevitably be resentment, hatred and violence."
Thoughts? It is Thursday, and I should be able to come up with a few- (Not 13 perhaps, but I shall try)...
Not normally one to even click on the Emusing site, I could not help myself on this one.
Entitled, "The Insult Generator", I had to giggle when it said this about me. "You politically ambiguous pseudo-genius vain b*tch!" (That's a kind one). hehehe
Besides, "pseudo-genius" is pushing it...
Do you believe the global warming?
"The coming global warming bust"
"We were all supposed to be dead by now, done in by AIDS, the gift of the gays.
After that it was SARS, bequeathed to the world by China.
Then it was avian flu, which, to be fair to the alarmists, did in fact result in the deaths of millions. The millions were all chickens, true, but chickens have feelings, too. You could ask the folks at..."
(Do the click on the title to read more)...
I received a few notes in my regular email about Monday Nights Packer Game against Minnesota.
Larry McCarren said it best on his Locker Room Live Show on Tuesday evening, summing it all up pretty neatly in his entrance monologue"
"They can't do it with their own guys...
They gotta steal our guys.
Who's your quarterback? Well... The Packers all time leading passer
Who's your kicker? Well... The Packers all time leading scorer.
They are not capable of growing their own." Still laughing!
Casey has to make her appointment to get her Swine Flu shot.
Dr Steve Kagan warned of the H1N1 virus in these words.
"This virus is such that you could have a sore throat in the morning, a chest cold in the evening, and be on a ventilator for life support that night- and maybe not make it through to the next day- So this is the kind of virus you have to take very seriously."
- Will you be getting this immunization, or are you taking your chances?
I received this in my email...
Wasp Spray
I have a friend who is a receptionist in a church in a high risk area who was concerned about someone coming into the office on Monday to rob them when they were counting the collection.
She asked the local police department about using pepper spray and they recommended to her that she get a can of wasp spray instead.
The wasp spray, they told her, can shoot up to twenty feet away and is a lot more accurate; while with the pepper spray they have to get too close to you and could overpower you.
The wasp spray temporarily blinds an attacker until they get to the hospital for an antidote.
She keeps a can on her desk in the office and it doesn't attract attention from people like a can of pepper spray would. She also keeps one nearby at home for home protection. You could also keep it in your car and it would be legal. Interesting thinking. Be safe.
I haven't seen even ONE wooly bear caterpillar this year. Have you? Legend claims that if the rusty band is wide, then it will be a mild winter. The more black there is, the more raunchy the winter.
I never did know if that meant temps or snowfall?
Speaking of weather...
Pete Petoniak has just muttered the "S" word in the forecast for Saturday and Monday. He tried to hide this with the mention of mere 'flakes'. I don't think so!
Flakes are either snow or dandruff, and since he is the weatherman, I don't think he was talking about his hair.
But first, rain today- a few showers.
I got a bunch of work done around the place. My back did not like it much, but oh well.
The hoses are put away for the year- And all I have left to do is get the water shut off- (I have to crawl down in the water pit for that, and prefer to have someone else around when I do that).
I mowed a bit around the house and the shed.
I have to save a few seeds from my messy flowers too. Will get to that in~between raindrops today.
(Michelle, are you ever coming for your Black~Eyed~Susans)?
Remember this little flower from last week?
This is what they look like now...
Slowly but surely the fields are getting cleared too... They removed an entire truckload 2 days ago- And have about 7 acres left to pick.
When the picking was done, it was time to get the pool cleaned, dried, folded, and stored.
They did a great job helping me out with this too.
Does anyone know if I can keep that in the (unheated) pumphouse? Or should I have them bring it to the basement?
Also, lots of us are changing our antifreeze, flushing the systems and whatnot.
I found this picture in an email, and just have to share...
Someone has enough time on their hands to keep us all entertained!
.So these are all the places my mind has gone today.
Where is yours? hehehe
Love to all. Have a "wunnaful" day!
THIS is how I wanted that top picture to turn out...
There. All better!
Your trees fall colors are much better than ours are this year. I have always heard that if the region has had sufficient rain fall for the year, the fall colors would be more brilliant. Well....we have had way more rainfall than we have had for many years and the colors here are STILL green! I guess those roots are still hangin on to all that moisture. I have to hunt for the ones that are already turning. Nothing like this gorgeous photo below!
ReplyDeleteAnne....I must say....your mind today is just all over the place, huh. LOL! I totally understand that "wake up in pain and fall back to sleep routine." I do that practically every single night till I finally give up on trying to sleep more. I can only hope that in death this darned back pain and side pain will no longer be a problem!
I do wish they would leave the Bible alone. But even the version we have now was rewritten so long ago we have accepted it as it is. Wish I could remember where I read about this....but....I had read that the Bible was rewritten by the church in order to make the masses more committed to the church than to God. Something about...if people knew they could have a personal relationship with God on their own, they would have no need for the church. So, I guess it has been a political thing for eons, huh. I'm sure if I looked it up online I would probably find a source close to what I had read from a book on that subject a long time ago.
What I believe about the Global Warming is not what is accepted as the term used for its meaning these days. Also read something about this long ago that explained about the shift in the axis. So Global Warming is not really new. Maybe it had another word for it but it has happened repeatedly over time since the very beginning. Our north pole and south pole were in different places many times. Science has discovered that at one time the Sahara dessert was once green with lots of foliage. And even that some places that are now green were once dry desserts. And that suggests that the earths "shifts" have been happening throughout time. What appears to be happening slowly to us now, in another hundred years or so, it will probably be talked about as happening almost overnight. LOL! We will be the dinosaurs of the future, LOL!
Lovely picture of those trees.. the leaves changing colors is something I find so beautiful! They are slowly starting to change around here. This weekend I will go get some pictures. I dont think I have ever seen one of those fuzzy worms you refer to but the deer around here are extremely dark almost black.
ReplyDeleteYep, it is almost time here for winterizing the home. I would think that if you got all the water off that pool you could store it almost anyplace, I would think. Maybe you could get someone else to climb off into that hole for you .. with your back you might not get back up the ladder.
OH and there is a new anti-freeze that came out a few years ago that is eco-friendly and does not kill like the older versions. Its not that much more expensive, either. But if we could get some folks not to just dump this stuff on the ground that might be a good start.
I dont believe in the global warming hype.. I think that as humans we are a nasty destructive force, and I do believe that with all the trash and chemicals we are affecting nature. But records are proving that over the last 100 years the average temperature has actually dropped .4 degrees.. so much for global warming. But the global warming scientists cant even agree among themselves.. when they start agreeing or at least when one side stops calling the other side names.. then maybe I shall listen to them. It just burns my blood to listen to the politicians deciding that its all America's fault as well.. It is a world issue if anything at all. I sure dont want to have to be one of the few nations that pays for the worlds sins. Personally I cant afford the new taxes they are planning on imposing, I dont think I am alone.
As to religion.. There are many who are very intolerant of other religions.. not just Christians. I personally think Christianity is under attack. Under attack by those who have no religion and by those who have a different religion. I dont even pretend to deny that Christians in the past have shown intolerance.. they have. But I think maybe instead of throwing stones at just Christians lots of stones need to be tossed at other religions as well.
But in todays world in the "western nations" .. Christians do seem to be the most tolerant, from what I observe anyways. I dont see Christians killing neighbors because they are not Christian..
at least not yet. I refuse to let the sins of the past dictate my future, and if the politicians try to push this on me, then I shall balk and will vote them out next election.
I do see others trying to force their religious or non-religious thoughts on me, as a Christian,and telling me that because I believe the way that I do, I am wrong, stupid or just plain ignorant. We see it every day just look around. You see it at Christian holidays.. we are not allowed to show our religion, because it may offend.. but other religious symbols from other religions are ok. Its maddening.
Sorry, didnt mean to go into all that.
Hope you have a wonderful day and not too much pain.
Big hugs.
I'll bbl sawy
ReplyDeleteLove the color changes, that's about all I like about fall.
ReplyDeleteI know what my pastor would say. Jesus wasn't "politically correct".
The message Bible is another version I dislike.
I don't believe in global warming. I seem to get into trouble with that statement. But it's what I believe.
I have no doubt about the flu virus. I pray no one suffers from what is expected with this.
Wasp spray? I haven't heard of using that to repel robbers. I can't stand the toxins in it. I use hair spray to kill wasps tho. LOL
It does look like summer is over. Even some of my flowers are gone.
Sweet PeachieBaby!
ReplyDeleteGlad you like the trees. I have some awesome ones in back, but wasn't capable of trekking back there- Too much rain to take the car...
I don't know what makes the colors more pretty- I always thought it was the angle of the sun.
My mind all over? I know that is why I made mention of the ADD thing in the title.
No worries about our backs and other pains. When we die, we will come back as acrobats and dancers.
Not sure about the Bible. Those that read it will continue to do so. Those that don't won't suddenly begin. But I do question then the 1st commandment...
And I do wish that they would put in the books removed that were written by the women of the time. I believe those were removed int he 7th or 8th Century.
Global warming? No I don't buy into it either- But your description sounds very much like what I have been writing all along about it.
Sweet Beep;
ReplyDeleteKeep an eye on those leaves-
One day soon you will think "what happened?" and they will be gone.
I know I have a pic of one of those caterpillars on Jenne's arm... Will have to find it later and post it for you.
Am thinking if the antifreeze didn't get dumped on the ground then it probably wouldn't be killing off our animals, right?
Isn't that what you meant? hehehe
The religion aspect has me unworried.
Many have rewritten the Bible before.
But coming from the "Conservatives" has me thinking that this is only a political thing.
After all, any others who have written their own Bibles have aptly named their "churches" then. Most every Faith has come from a rewrite or another. A different interpretation of the "gods" of their own beliefs...
And then to revert all the way back to 1776- "Someone" was trying to flee religious persecution in the first place, um, weren't they? (Must have been those darn liberals, always wanting to change things).
There are so many that live in total fear of all Muslims- We really have to work on that-
And the haters and fear-mongers decree that ALL Muslims are therefore bad.
That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!
Then there are those that claim all Atheists are bad too.
You are correct. We need tons more religious tolerance- not as a people- it has to begin at home.
People get deleted from my pages when they force their views down my throat. I do not sanction one over the other, even though I myself am Christian, and am also loving the Native views as well.
But it seems as though Catholics are hollering the loudest- when they are not a majority in this country. A mere 20-some-% . But put up a creche and they will holler if anyone takes offense. Ask for something to promote Judaism or Hinduism and oh man Catholics are screaming all the way to hell and back.
(Why is it that most others can actually keep their preaching inside their homes and churches)?
Like I said, I will delete those maniacs. Not because I agree or disagree with them, simply because I have Faith in my own self, and in my own Faith. I need nothing more. To bother me, is allowing them that I am not secure in my own. I am.
Zealots are scary- those of any religion, or none at all, are the ones to watch. Not those that simply go about their own lives as peacefully as they do.
ReplyDeleteWellllll alrighty then....
Sweet Athena;
ReplyDeleteThat's about all I like of Autumn too. hehehe
So are you getting the shots or no?
You don't believe in global warming? Don't worry about getting in trouble for stating that here- I could handle it even if I didn't agree with you. hehehe
There are many places that you cannot carry mace or pepper spray. So carry the raid bee spray. Seems reasonable to me. And it shoots so far!
I still have to get outside- Maybe even capture a few flowers that have not gone dead on me yet. (And there are mighty few).
Time for a shower, and to get my backside outside!
ReplyDeleteSorry Sweet Cille, I cannot watch videos on my dial up.
The insult generator would not let me copy and paste and I did not want to retype all that....
ReplyDeleteMy take on the bible, if they want to rewrite it by all means feel free....doesn't mean that they can make me USE it though I will most likely read it just because I like to knwo what people are saying.... me? I stick to the King James version.
odd thing for a hindu to say I know.
Those were for you to feel better.....these are just because
Pool? Basement...
ReplyDeleteThe cold might make the plastic crack.
I believe in global warming, but not in the same sense they have tried to express mass hysteria over it. I believe the earth goes through many natural stages...would there have been an ice age if this wasn't true?
ReplyDeleteCan God's word be re-written? Translated, mistranslated yes...but re-written, I think not.
I like the wasp spray idea, and frankly I wouldn't care if it harmed a robber or not. Once they cross the line to violate some one and their possessions, they need to be prepared to pay all consequences.
I want my summer back. I'm not sure about the pool, I can't imagine everyone has a place to put them in their house. I bet if it is out of the elements and dry, it would do find good in a place of shelter.
Hehe, I love that other people have enough time to entertain me :D
I plan on getting the kids their H1N1 shots asap. I doubt I will get mine...
I've got countless copies of prayer books and bibles that have been 'modernised' or 'sanitised' or whatever they call it, that people have given me over the years (including a comic comedy version that was actually very good). They're packed away in store in UK. The one I keep with me and use is a King James version that my mum bought back with her from Jerusalem (she was there during the war. She called it her 'Palestine trip') covered in wood taken from the Cedars of Lebanon. There's nothing like the old language and the stories and prayers are 'familiar'. The thought of turning it into a political statement? We're lucky that we live in a society that allows us to do pretty much what we want. However, just because they write it doesn't mean that we have to read it!
ReplyDeleteI saw mention of the S word in a Canadian blog this morning, and his lordship is complaining that he's freezing his rear end off in minus conditions over near Edmonton (should've taken the thermal long johns then, shouldn't ya'. I'm nothing if not sympathetic to my dearest....).
Talking of sympathy, I've been there with the aches and pains and full bladder thing and found that if you leave it tooooo long, you end up hurting MORE because you're literally hopping to the loo to get there before you .... well, you know! Fancy forgetting your pain killer! Tut!
My jury is still out on the H1N1 shot. I'm not quite old enough to be in the 'urgent' age group and as I've never yet had a flu shot, I'm still wondering whether the cure will give me a worse dose of cold than I usually have. My dad had a flu shot every winter and they always made him really ill (probably why I've avoided taking them). It just seems crazy to me (until I get it!).
The bloke opposite me has an inground pool which he empied before the big freeze last year, but he left the cover over the top. The weight of the snow and the freezing temperatures completely wrecked it, so I'll be interested to see what HE does this year. xxx
My thoughts as well. There was much more written than just the book of Ruth. Women were taken out of the picture on purpose. (At least in my way of thinking! Seriously! LOL!) More than likely, some man wanted to put woman into "her place" so he could he could have a BIGGER place. The female race is much more important than we are given credit for.
ReplyDeleteLove your fall colors! So pretty...
ReplyDeleteROFL at the insult generator... Yes, I clicked it and yes it insulted me LMAO...
Not sure about the h1n1 shot... Haven't even gotten a normal flu shot yet (never, ever had one before) Although, I just talked to my Mom AND she said that Randall, Kaylee and I should get one. She said her lung doctor recommended that she and my step dad get one. So of course, she is advising us as well, LOL.
I'll take your *S* if you take my rain... Though I don't think your *S* would survive in my temps... hehehe
Hope ya have a nice Friday!
Love Ya!
Slurkie :-)
Wasp spray , what an interesting idea ..
ReplyDeleteI worry about this H1N1 virus and am thinking about getting the shot when it becomes available .. I worry about my nephew because he has his spleen gone .. His doc advised him NOT to get it till later because he has the flu shot last year , don't know why but he was telling me today ..
Glad you had some help putting away the pool , not sure about where you should store it ..
I love the pic of fall .. I love the colors ..Fall is one of my fav seasons (usually) ..We have had alot of really miserable weather though this fall so that sorta sucks ..
Take care and have a wonderful upcoming weekend
Randall should get one both h1n1 and seasonal flu based on his recent medical history. Kaylee should get one, because it has a tendency to kill even the healthiest kids. You, because you are around both of them.
ReplyDeleteHi Mommy!
ReplyDeleteSounds like your night on Wednesday was quite similar to mine last night… Substitute abdominal pain for back pain and my colon and bladder decided that my process of getting up to go to the bathroom was to be done every 30 minutes… You’re so correct in saying that it gets to a point that moving to another position just doesn’t appease the bladder, but I know I still try to get comfortable and avoid getting up!
I agree with Will who says that the only way a truly diverse country can be efficient together is via tolerance. This can’t be achieved by cramming beliefs down everyone else’s throats… However, a majority of people have decided that this is the way to go… I feel sorry for the day they realize that this is NOT what being a true believer entails, but do hope they see that…
Had to laugh out loud at the insult generator!! I couldn’t put the first result as it is REALLY bad… The second one was: “You draft-dodgin' arrogant bony tart!!!!” That’s a lot more mild! :D
I think the best line regarding the Global Warming situation is by Toby Keith in his song “American Ride”: “Both ends of the ozone burnin. Funny how the world keeps turnin.” I think some of these theories have a true basis, but the issue arises when the media turns these problems into scare tactics and totally sends the public into panic… For instance, when the Swine Flu pandemic came about, the media said it was going to kill WAY more people than the seasonal flu kills. However, that was an overstatement that causes widespread panic. I was, and still am, very fearful of getting it but I’m afraid for an entirely different reason. Not because of the total death toll but because it’s a mutating virus that changed very rapidly and if I get it, I have a very high risk of developing potentially lethal complications. The media lives for those titles that have the worst impact possible. Note how quick they are to mention a heinous murder but not so quick to commend the everyday heroes (rescue workers, police, firemen, etc.) that rescue people and save lives EVERYDAY. This is because death sells more magazines, papers and makes more people tune in to their station every night… Sad…
The morning radio show named the Green Bay Packers offensive line as the “Weenies of the Week”, here is what they said about it:
“We are proud to name as this week’s Rick and Len Weenies of the Week…the Packer offensive line who allowed Aaron Rogers to be sacked 8 times during Monday night’s game. And I think another 3 or 4 times while walking through the airport on the way home.
For providing less protection than a mesh condom.
For letting Aaron Rogers take more hits than Michael Phelps at Willie Nelson concert.
For being more ineffective than potpourri in skunk’s ass.
And for actions that left their quarterback more black and blue than the bastard offspring of Flava Flav and Smurfette.
We are proud to name the Packers offensive line as this week’s Rick and Len….WEENIES OF THE WEEK.”
I think the McCarren Locker Room Live quote is HILARIOUS!!! True, also… I am sad that the Packers lost, but glad to see Farve give a figurative finger to Ted Thompson! :D
See above note about Swine Flu… Yes, I’ll be getting it just as soon as the clinic receives their shipments. I am already on a list of the people who need to have it so I shouldn’t run into any difficulties… I just need to knock on wood, and teeth, or perhaps wooden teeth, to hope that I don’t catch it before I get the vaccine…
The wasp spray is a VERY interesting idea! I remember you telling me about that earlier and I wonder why no one thought of that before! Although I wouldn’t recommend keeping it in the car as it might blow up from the pressure, but carrying one on you is a good idea!
We did see one fuzzy caterpillar on the front steps when we were first filling the pool! I don’t remember what