[My] Life in Wisconsin

Uncle Sam. How Scared are You?

Uncle Sam- Stop! From http://www.divshare.com/download/12641420-a57http://www.divshare.com/download/12641420-a57

Uncle Sam is right.
Vote wisely kids.


Stolen from SpaceStevie


  1. I agree, fear is an emotion that can get out of control. I'm a musician/composer. I'm sending you some of my music. let me know if you like it. Blessings Hector

  2. everyone should be concerned with the prospect of Republicans gaining the majority in our government again... did they not do enough damage 2000-2008? what now.. return and finish the job?

  3. when Republicans shout "we have enemies who are out to kill us" well truth be known they have done as much damage to this country as the terrorists in my opinion.

  4. Fear is ignorance my friend. Ignorance is not an emotion.

    I have dial up and do not do music or videos.

    Thank you for stopping by.


  5. As I have replied already on Heidi's page, "How can these people actually be PROUD of how ignorant they are?!?
    WTF is that?"

    (Click the link I put in the last reply).



  6. Mr. Mike;
    I believe you are correct about that.
    AND, if they have their way and continue to demonize healthcare -and then remove it, they will also KILL more people than the terrorists ever have.


  7. Great Poster Anna, straight to the point

  8. I could hear it, & I think it's lovely. You say this reflects you relationship with nature. I understand... a painter, I've painted probably over 3,000. landscapes over the years. (All but three or so have sold, I'm keeping these). I see that you live in California, & I hope you voted, or will vote NO on prop. 23!

  9. In my opinion as well, Mike. We also must never forget the impact we've had on the economies of other countries, & the innocent dead in Iraq. To me, that invasion was a horrific act of terrorism.

  10. I want to say that I am encouraged by the wise, & informative posts on Multiply. I hope that they are also shared on Facebook & everywhere that we can.
    If you are online, Lucija, I wish you would post the bit that 'came to your head' one morning some time ago. It would be apropos. Perhaps on your own blog?

  11. I have, but I can do it here as well!

    Thoughts scribbled on awakening
    15 September 2009

    The shy and timid whisper in the clouds
    The joyful and brave shout from mountaintops
    The faceless invisibly slip a letter in every box
    The apathetic let others choose what message they will
    Their own voice forever unheard
    Is this absurd? Or the nature of the beast?

    This must be the one! Yes, it is indeed apropos.

  12. Thanks. This describes just about everyone who will, or will not vote in this election.
    Our very lives are on the line.

  13. Annie, they ARE terrorists.
    On any given night in America, anywhere from 700,000 to 2 million people are homeless, according to estimates of the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty.
    These statistics have not very recently been updated, but with unemployment & foreclosures, I suspect it is even higher.
    Will any of these people die? Many need medical attention; they need food & shelter. The powers that be have been killing our people for many years.
