Good Morning All;
Karma is generally uniquely defined as 'what comes around, goes around.' (True definition below).
I am so happy to report that sometimes to our disapproval, karma takes its good old~fashioned time getting around.
Sometimes it doesn't happen until we are gone. Sometimes it never does.
Randall Staevens was sentenced to life plus 36.5 years in prison Wednesday for killing his wife and trying to burn down her house with three of their children inside. (Click on 'murder' in my tags if you are unfamiliar with this case- too close for comfort). The best quote came from the judge. "Mr. Staeven, the offenses that you have been found guilty of in this matter are some of the most grave, malicious, hatefully and shockingly heinous that has ever been in this court"
Personally I am thrilled beyond words. A part of my spirit is not only relieved, but comforted- knowing that "LIFE + 36 Years" means something good for those of us who knew this piece~of~shit person; and especially for his children- (Any children who may have been around him, or somehow affected by him).
Not too much other news-
Hope all is well in your corners of the world!
My love to all.
Staevens picture from here
1. (Non-Christian Religions / Hinduism) Hinduism Buddhism the principle of retributive justice determining a person's state of life and the state of his reincarnations as the effect of his past deeds
2. (Christian Religious Writings / Theology) Theosophy the doctrine of inevitable consequence
3. destiny or fate
ReplyDeleteForgot the link...
Have a wunnaful Thursday!
great news! sometimes justice is served well with that said........do they not have the death penalty there.
ReplyDeleteWe ALWAYS get what we are due. Eventually.
ReplyDeleteAnd to rephrase your definitions:
It is ones destiny of inevitable consequence of all past deeds.
Which is why things never make sense to us in the present times because we have forgotten about the past of all those other pasts. What seems unfair or unjust in many cases, is merely Karma being balanced from another time. And our "inner" conscience knows the reasons and the why's even if we don't think we do. And if this dude was not balancing his Karma with his wife because of some other past deed, then he just created some bad Karma for the future. Then she will have her opportunity in the next go around.
Of course, this is just "my" belief and way of understanding it all.
Another definition of Karma is that it's simply the principle of cause and effect, only on the level of the spirit.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, actions are continually trying to find a point of balance. At least that's my understanding in a rather tiny nutshell.
At any rate it's good that this guy is off the streets.
Justice escaped a high school student here...the assistant principal charged with sexual assault was found not guilty on all charges. My cousin was the prosecutor, he was stunned.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad this creep will never see the light of day, other than behind bars. Too bad they didn't put him in a burning house to end his days as his poor wife did.
That is going to be a stinky prison for a few years.
ReplyDeleteKarma usually bites one in the arse fairly quickly in some cases if need be, and that is great news about this monster for what he did
ReplyDeleteHello Annie dear....I am happy this man got his right desserts, like we say in Nova Scotia!!! We say a lot of other things which I
ReplyDeletewill tell you privately at some other time. lol I can't understand how anyone can be so cruel...those poor kids. Then they blame the kids if they have problems growing up...yup...that's the way it goes.
Hope your pain is better. Did you get anything to help with that?? I know you mentioned some time ago about a pain something
or other they might put in your back...did you get that? I have a friend on my "fat chat group" that had that inserted and is doing
so much better. How is Casey?? Are the two of you still hanging out?? Did she have anymore surgery or is she booked for
more? I have lots of questions cause I don't come often enough. Dave is not good so I don't feel right if I spend too much time
on the computer and leave him along in the living room. He has been falling a lot and last week he got out of bed and only got
to the end of the bed when he fell and hit his head hard on the patio door and he hurt his back really bad. They took x-rays and they say it was badly bruised, but it seems to get worse every day. Plus his nerves are acting up cause he is worried
about the ct scan he had on his brain which showed it has grown, but didn't tell him how much and he didn't ask!! Now we
need to go to the City to see this Neurologist WHEN they will finally send us an appointment. sigh! So I am trying to keep up
with the laundry and dishes, cleaning the bathroom and other stuff while sitting in a wheelchair. It's not easy!!! lol Home
Care come three times a week and give me a shower and they wash the floors every two weeks at which time they will
change the beds and make them ujp again. Every little bit helps but i might have to get someone to fill in cause it kills me.
I am with weight watchers right now and I'm hoping to lose some weight so I will feel better. I have lost 9 pounds in the
last two weeks and I am happy with that. Rachelle, my daughter, comes with me and it's a real social event for me to get
out and talk with people and try to forget my problems by listening to theirs, getting recieps and such...ten we listen to the
leader for a half hour and go home.......or we go downstairs and shop....cause they have it upstairs in our biggest supermarket. I love the market and it's great that I can go around looking at different things. God bless you my friend.
ReplyDeleteI promise to come back later and reply to all-
R$ight now my pills are working and I have much to do before they wear off.
My apologies.