Wish you could smell them!
I began writing this yesterday (Saturday) morning when Casey suddenly showed up on my doorstep. And Casey always takes precedence over my silly blog!
Good Morning Everyone!
It is to rain today- I hope they are right. Although my lawns do not need to grow any faster, it is very dry outside, and we SO need these rains.
Punk. She really IS quite well, even though there is still over a week of meds left for her to take. (Yes I will give them all to her until they are gone).
Casey has been having a few lingering problems-
And for some strange reason she is anemic always.
She has been on added iron pills for a while now- She has adjusted her diet accordingly.
Still anemic.
So Friday her doctor had ordered even more blood tests. One of those tests will not come back for a week. (Your little prayers are always welcome).
As for me, my toe is just fine! I am SO happy I had that done.
My back a trial. To put it nicely...
(Really bad these last 3 days and it was SO good for a few days before this?).
My latest MRI showed that I am absorbing the calcium and all- Those fractures are healing!
I am so upset that they still hurt. More~so that the dang pain is so restrictive. When my pills work, they work well. When they do not, I am just stuck with it...
I will never get used to not being fully flexible (and I will not go down without a fight). Grace? Not a chance.
I have already had this lingering, sharp, awful pain explained six ways to Sunday.
I don't understand it all, just enough to know it will just always hurt. Grrr....
Other than that, my hay fever is threatening, but I have never really 'suffered' from allergies either. Not like some. The worst for me being the "bzzzz" stings.
I remember when the doctor had diagnosed me with 'allergies'... I was in my mid 30's and had finally gone in because my face had hurt like heck for about a month.
He took his knuckle, knocked on my forehead, and then on my cheekbones. OUCH! What the hey?
He looked in my eyes, my ears, and up my nose. (Why must doctors look up your nose anyway, I hate that)!
He then stated 'you have allergies'.
No. I proudly reminded him that I was not allergic to anything!
He explained that allergies can/do develop at any point in our lives. That was that.
So, like many, I do have these darn allergies. I take Claritin when my face starts to ache, and for a few days after. I repeat this in a week or so if they bother me more.
Still, I don't think I am the only person who thinks their allergies are worse this year? I don't know why this would be. Maybe it's just me...
Perhaps there are more "floaties" in our atmosphere/air now too. Maybe that would be thanks to Iceland.
Sorry. I know I shouldn't make light of that when I know that the wildlife and the farm animals are dying by the 1000's, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. So sad.
When I see pictures like this, it amazes me that anyone/anything can live through it!
As you know, many flights were canceled- Better always to err on the side of caution!
My friend, Mrs. G, absolutely needed to get from Canada to the UK for her sons wedding. I believe they have arrived safely.
Closer to home are the storms in Alabama- Not sure which part of Alabama, and I have yet to hear back from William... I had written him earlier to make sure that they are all safe and sound. I will add his reply when I hear back from him.
I can't remember if I have shared this with you or not? I believe I have, in part anyway.
Young Lawrence is going to be genetically tested for Marfan Syndrome, and others. But they can't even get him tested until December! Here is a 10 year old boy, with a potentially dangerous heart condition, and they can't get him in?!? In the meantime he is not to do sports or the like. I feel so badly for him.
Also I received a note from Charles (Baby Sam's dad). I can't remember if I'd told you about this earlier either...
Charles writes, "I had a E.G.D which is a throat scope. I have Barretts throat which turns to cancer sometimes and can kill you other ways. But whatever will be will be. Other than that things are great. Sam is fearless and fast..."
I am hapy to hear that Sam is doing well.
As far as Charles goes, I believe that this is the same condition as "Barretts Esophagus"? (Click).
I haven't heard anything further...
But I do have an article to share also.
Wine May Protect Against Throat Cancer Posted: March 2, 2009
- Study finds that a glass or two a day lowers risk by more than half
I feel badly for Charles-
(This family of mine is sure giving me one heck of a medical education)!
It is windy here. SO very W~~I~~N~~D~~Y...
The "hold onto your hats and your small children" kind of windy. My screens are up on all the windows, and they whistle like the dickens when the wind comes from the SE. Sounds like a blizzard out there! Such is NOT the case I assure you.
It is currently rainy and soggy. Nice to have that moisture! I can relax a bit now knowing I don't have to water anything.
But I'll bet my chives have all blown over! hehehe I will go out next time Punk does, cut them and get them dried.
I have last nights dishes to do, and still to get in the shower.
Much wash to catch up on also.
What a great morning so far! I have been emailing back and forth to both Casey AND to William (now that he's up).
All is well at the Gaither household! YAY! Truth be known, they are getting ready to go fishing! (Wish I was there, I haven't gone since I went with my dad).
William had no idea what I was even talking about- But he did say they were under a warning all night long. Said the sirens were going off- (He added they don't even hear them anymore because they go off all the time). Not me, I told him, being that I am so paranoid about Mother Natures fury.
I'd better close for now and get busy.
The wind is still blowing fiercely, (and I haven't heard that much whistling in years)! hehehe
Love to all.
Hay-fever sufferers, know your enemy:
Scanning Electron Microscope pictures of grains of pollen
Grains of pollen come in all shapes and sizes. The large object in the centre of this image is pumpkin pollen; the tiny speck just below and to the right of it is forget-me-not pollen.
Cool picture, right?
This article from the UK states "The number of hay fever sufferers could reach 30 million [people] within 20 years as city living, pollution and climate change exacerbate symptoms, experts have warned." Read more.
I believe there is my explanation. And I am sure this is applicable worldwide.
Also our Green Bay records and averages
Records and Averages
Month | Avg. High | -Avg. Low | -Avg. Precip | Rec. High | Rec. Low |
January | 24.0 °F | 7.0 °F | 1.21 in | 56.0 °F (01/26/1944) | -31.0 °F (01/30/1951) |
February | 29.0 °F | 12.0 °F | 1.01 in | 61.0 °F (02/26/2000) | -33.0 °F (02/10/1899) |
March | 40.0 °F | 23.0 °F | 2.06 in | 82.0 °F (03/29/1910) | -29.0 °F (03/01/1962) |
April | 55.0 °F | 34.0 °F | 2.56 in | 89.0 °F (04/22/1980) | 7.0 °F (04/03/1954) |
May | 68.0 °F | 45.0 °F | 2.75 in | 99.0 °F (05/31/1934) | 21.0 °F (05/09/1966) |
June | 77.0 °F | 54.0 °F | 3.43 in | 101.0 °F (06/01/1934) | 32.0 °F (06/06/1958) |
July | 81.0 °F | 59.0 °F | 3.44 in | 104.0 °F (07/13/1936) | 40.0 °F (07/06/1965) |
August | 79.0 °F | 57.0 °F | 3.77 in | 100.0 °F (08/24/1948) | 38.0 °F (08/22/1967) |
September | 70.0 °F | 48.0 °F | 3.11 in | 97.0 °F (09/10/1931) | 24.0 °F (09/29/1949) |
October | 58.0 °F | 37.0 °F | 2.17 in | 88.0 °F (10/06/1963) | 12.0 °F (10/30/1925) |
November | 42.0 °F | 26.0 °F | 2.27 in | 74.0 °F (11/09/1999) | -9.0 °F (11/29/1976) |
December | 29.0 °F | 13.0 °F | 1.41 in | 64.0 °F (12/05/2001) | -27.0 °F (12/19/1983) |
Hope that all turns out...
Have a good one!
Maybe I should have checked this email earlier. hehehe
ReplyDeleteOur forecast by the way. (Just as my furnace kicks on).
It's going to be a rainy, raw and windy day across the area.
Showers will move out of the area this evening with clearing skies. Another sunny streak is on the way for the first half of the upcoming work week. Temperatures will be cool today, but more seasonable over the next few days.
Click here to see the latest PINPOINT DIGITAL DOPPLER image exclusively from WBAY.
Anne, those storms that came through here last night was in a town called Albertville and then headed on east to northeast to other small towns called Geraldine and Mentone. Albertville is the town right next door to me. My cable provider is there as well as my bank. I hear from the radio that the tornado passed through in the area of my bank. And downtown Albertville is a total mess. Been looking online for anything about it and so far nothing from the "daylight" hours has been posted. The radio station keeps saying they have photos and will get those posted to their site soon. But they have been telling everybody for safety's sake, to stay away from the area till most of the debris has been removed from the roadways.
ReplyDeleteThis was yet another close call for my area for me. And yet, last night during all the sirens and warnings blasting through the hard rains and the winds, I was calm. I got my stuff together and sat in the hallway and Wrangler came and laid down at my feet.
And may I say.....with all the rain and wind we got yesterday....I don't think there is a spec of pollen left here!
Glad to hear your toe and Miss Punk is doing better. I wish Casey didn't have to endure that pain and nausea. But this is probably something that will be with her from here on out. Pain and nausea can sure ruin the quality of life when its constant. But Thank God for the good days!
I am glad your toe is better and I wish your back was also ... Punk is doing well according to what I have read and that is good news ... Sorry to hear Casey is feeling sickly and I hope she starts to feel alot better very soon ..
ReplyDeleteI have never suffered from allergies most of my life but it seems in the last couple of years , well my whole dang system as gone outta whack in more ways then one but it could be worst ..
I hope Charles gets on well and I will be keeping him in my prayers along with you all ..
Have a great evening and baton down the hatches cause it sounds like you got a windy , raining , miserable night ahead with the weather
Sweet Mommy,
ReplyDeleteI'll be back to comment... Even with my glasses on, my eyes keep going blurry... I'm going to try to take an hour or so nap and see if it gets better... Without being able to see it limits what I can actually do... :(
I just didn't want you to think that I was just lurking and didn't want to comment! :D I am able to see the top picture and I know you showed it to me before, but it is absolutely gorgeous!!! Not a better or truer sign that spring has SPRUNG!
Love you MUCH MUCH!
if that wine thing were true, my father would have never had throat cancer...just sayin.
ReplyDeletecoughing my brains out over here still...ask Casey, we TRIED to talk last night....then resorted to texting.
love you
I certainly hope that Casey starts to feel a little better soon Anne, the photos look just marvelous. I love fruit blossoms and I'm amazed at the temperature there I mean it is on it's way to Winter here and it's the same as there, a lovely sunny day but with the leaves changing colour, all the best.
ReplyDeleteYes the rains were a welcome here as well. The pollen here has been unbearable. We had alot of thunder and lightening. Plus the winds. I didn't develope allergies till my mid 40's.My brother and sister have always been allergic to everything since they were little...but me ..nothing bothered me. Now I suffer for all those years I didnt'.
ReplyDeleteI rode out past the water today and the surf was rough...but otherwise a beautiful day here.
Wish Casey(much like our Drew) could catch a break...dang hard to be so young and feel so miserable so much of the time. Glad your toe and Punk are better.
I'm headed to bed now. Good night!
Sweet Annie,
ReplyDeleteThe apple blossoms are indeed lovely. We have a couple of trees and I just love the way they look when in bloom.
So VERY happy your toe and Miss Punk are both better. I wish Miss Casey were in top form also. All we can do is pray.
Sorry about the storms but glad you're getting some wet. We got our own here the last couple of days. Makes it darn hard to hang out clothes, LOL.
ReplyDeleteAnne would I be wrong to presume that this test was carried out under the influence of some of the fine to finest to the thissss is tha bessst American Wine in the Napa Valley just after Harvest ?