A little bit of fog...
...over the marsh by I-43
Good Morning All;
I have been having a few problems tonight with my danged computersaurus.
Bear with me here... At least my email has been working.
I had my MRI Friday morning...
I woke about 1AM after about 3 hours (+/-) of sleep. I decided to stay up, so there would be a good possibility that I might sleep a bit (or rest?) during my stay in that noisy MRI machine.
Casey had spent the night on Thursday; admittedly so I could wake her up to bring me.
I had planned on taking a diazepam before I went in (no driving with that).
7:30 found us at St. Marys.
It was not as bad as I had been led to believe.
Not that I had a good time... The worst of it was having to lie on a hard plastic bed, ON MY BACK.
Not good. Deep breathing helped. (Lamaze by any other name)... hehehe
It did take over an hour and a half, but that passed by quickly enough. I do not have the results of course, but every little 'thing' brings me closer to relief.
Next up? Tuesday I receive those shots in my back.
I had NO anxiety attack either.
It has been brought to my attention that panic/anxiety attacks all follow one order of events. ie, hyperventilating. That if a patient is not hyperventilating, he/she does not have anxiety disorder.
Such is not the case. And could not be further from the truth.
If you missed my link this morning to ANXIETY, please click here.
(Conversely, not all hyperventilation is a sign of anxiety either).
Physical symptoms of anxiety
Anxiety is more than just a feeling. As a product of the body’s fight-or-flight response, anxiety involves a wide range of physical symptoms. Because of the numerous physical symptoms, anxiety sufferers often mistake their disorder for a medical illness. They may visit many doctors and make numerous trips to the hospital before their anxiety disorder is discovered.
Common physical symptoms of anxiety include:
Hyperventilation is not even on the list. Shortness of breath is. "SOB" is defined as follows... "Dyspnea, or shortness of breath (SOB) is a debilitating symptom that is the experience of unpleasant or uncomfortable respiratory sensations.
It is a common symptom of numerous medical disorders, particularly those involving the cardiovascular and respiratory systems; dyspnea on exertion is the most common presenting complaint for people with respiratory impairment.
So much for higher intelligence/ignorance.
The new drug that I am taking FOR pain, honestly IS a royal pain, with its side effects. (I swear it not only gives me A.D.D., but renders my fingers very uncooperative with my keyboard).
Knowing how bad my back hurt before I took it too, I will put up and shut up (for now). Am hoping those shots may enable me to be off of everything then?
Speaking of my keyboard... (Was too).
One of the little height adjusters broke off yesterday. To simply adjust the other side did not work, as it still tipped and rattled with each keystroke. So I "fixed" it right. I just broke the right side to match the left. (Whatever works, right)? hehehe
Over Duck Creek.
Casey has been coming out almost every day- And doing for me little things that are hard for me.
Which we ALL know means, "Thank You Casey!"
As I was mowing lawn... "Bravo Me!" ~I did it all in one afternoon! Though I might have had one little accident; (driving right into a dang apple tree).
In a split second, either to keep me humble, (or maybe just to add insult to injury); the tree dropped a nice hard Macintosh apple on my head!
So much for my pride...
But that sassy tree did break the light cover panel off, from the front of the Cub Cadet.
"ARF?" (or better, "Thank You Casey!")!!!
Punk is always outside when I mow the lawns. She always lays in the garage... Recently though she has decided that it is much more comfy inside the car.
Casey and I sorted out a few things from the garage... She found a few really decent pairs of pants that we had gotten on one of our shopping trips to resale stores around town.
Unloading a few bags, she also found a new Sponge~Bob for Miss Punk...
I giggled as she'd packed up her car...
And who would have thought this, even a year ago, given what she was dealing with being so sick?
When I think of all the stuff she had taken for so long, it amazes me that she still is here!
Things that for me would have knocked anyone over in a heartbeat. the body is amazing though, and even though she took a lot of prescriptions, her body dealt with it well.
She is almost off everything- Another amazing feat.
That is not to say that she does not have pain.
She is a real trooper.
The White House on Friday dismissed as pointless the furor over President Barack Obama's plan to deliver a televised back-to-school speech to the nation's students.
"I think we've reached a little bit of the silly season when the president of the United States can't tell kids in school to study hard and stay in school," presidential spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters. "I think both political parties agree that the dropout rate is something that threatens our long-term economic success."
.Why? So that they can spew more lies? More fear for the uninformed who drag behind them, nodding like little puppets?
But I say go ahead anyway. Like Pa used to say, "Those of you who think you know everything must be very annoying to those who do..." hehehe
I believe I told you all that I had made some Italian Spaghetti the other day.
Casey didn't want linguine or spaghetti in it, and chose the rigatoni instead.
She was hysterical at the picture on the box...
Not us, that's for sure.
I'd better close for this morning- Have much to do today. Since the diazepam has surely worn off by now, I need to get to the store and get food etc for our Labor Day Picnic on Monday.
If you live near enough please come!
Have a "wunnaful" weekend!
I'd better contend to my computersaurus too.
great blog. I'm real busy today too, its Bella's birthday party day at 5 pm and at 11 a.m. its fantasy football pick get together with pulled pork sammies on the menu...mmmmmmmmm have a great weekend hon!
ReplyDeleteSweet Pamela!
Happy Birthday to Miss Bella!
Have a piece of cake for me please?
(Good luck with the football too)!
Now I am real hungry... dangitallanyway...
Not good to be shopping on an empty tummy...
Wonderful blog as always Anne and Casey is looking wonderful .. I am so glad she is able to come and give you a hand whenever she can ..
ReplyDeleteI loved the pic of spongebob and Punk,sooooo adorable ..
Ouch on getting hit on the head
MMMMM to spaghetti sauce and I agree , pour on the sauce ..
The picnic on Monday sounds lovely ..
We have had a couple of days off which has been nice but I just got my call for work tomorrow night .. I will be on nightshift all week and we were told to expect about 10 nights straight now of work without a break *GROANS* but the check will be great because of getting paid double time on Monday also ..
LOL , I feel like doing that to my computer at times I can assure you
Hope your having a wonderful weekend ..Take care ..Hugs
So proud to hear that Miss Casey is back to school and life for her is moving in the right direction again. Who would have thought it would have only taken a year for her to get back into the groove of it all.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear that your MRI went well and now your just waiting on results.. Yeah on the shots that are up coming. Hope it makes you feel all better real soon.
Big hugs
I don't have anxiety attacks but I do have severe claustrophobia so I probably would never make it through an MRI without being heavily sedated. You're a brave girl (pats on back) I'll be interested to know what they find out from the MRI, I hope you'll share the results with us.
ReplyDeleteGood gosh! That bone Casey brought over for Punk is the size of a whole chicken!
I know you're sleep deprived, but please do not try to sleep on the Cub Cadet - especially while it's moving. It sounds like that apple tree was trying to teach you a lesson. But good to hear that you're feeling well enough and are able to still get the yard mowed. (Another pat on the back)
That does look like a worried expression on Punks face with her new Sponge Bob. In the picture below it with Casey, Punk and Tigger I love the smile on everyone's face - especially Punks!
Left a message over on Casey's page congratulating her on heading off to college. She is amazing!
And BTW... don't kill the computer until after you've gotten everything off of it and onto a new computer.
Look Ms. Casey fixing things while she is dressed so nice. I bet her first day of school is as exciting to her as it is to many of the "school aged" children :D It should be.
ReplyDeleteSo what were you on (besides the mower) when you decided to ignore the apple tree???? LOL And the apple, poetic justice??? Please be careful, like we aren't already worried about you as it is.
I don't recall ever suffering through any serious anxiety, and don't ever want to experience any part of it. With that said, I am so glad you got through the MRI successfully. I do hope those shots help as much as you are expecting and that you get the results from your MRI quickly.
Great way to fix your keyboard, glad you didn't use your shotgun.
Pasta sounds good right now.
I am really having a hard time with the political situations in our country right now. In the past, it was not uncommon for schools to tape a presidential speech and show it to classes to be discussed about amongst the students and their teachers. Now, people can't trust the schools to make the decision as to weather the presidents message is appropriate or not. If you don't trust your frickin school, then why is your child attending it...you have other options. Our school district did have trouble with the fact that it will be done at lunch time. Their solution, tape and show it on Wednesday. And people, get over your conspiracy theories dang it.
Have a fun shopping trip and an even better party.
Anne..hyperventilation is only the easiest of the symptoms for others to pin it down to because that one particular symptom can be visually witnessed by others. But heck, there are many other symptoms that cannot be seen or felt by another person unless they are within our bodies with us! Without being attached to machines, another person would only know my symptoms by what I tell them.
ReplyDeleteLOL! Well...I think you've said it before...."walk a mile in my shoes". Just wait till I take them off first.
That Miss Punk....her expressions are priceless! Gosh you can read so much into what she is thinking by those obvious looks. I bet she is a sheer joy to have around.
And our Miss CaseyFace....so glad to see she has her spunk and humor back. She is looking better and better all the time. Almost glowing!
That's awesome that Casey is going back to school YAY, and I'm glad you didn't suffer too badly during the scan :) Lets hope they fix you properly.
ReplyDeleteAs for the rest of it ( the political stuff) I ain't touching that with a barge pole..... not my country so not my business ( although I do have opinions ;-) )
YAY! I'm glad you made it through the MRI! I meant to ask you about it yesterday but I forgot (I'm getting old!). Hopefully the shots in your back will help...
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's time to trade your compusaurus in for a newer model? Or have Greg look at it and 'do' something to make it run better??
Love Punk with her Spongebob... I think she was a human in a past life...
I've had a few panic attacks before, I know they are no fun...
Shame on that apple tree for jumping in the way while you were mowing! And then for it to throw an apple at you to boot? How Rude! hehehe
I can't be at your party in person but I will be there in spirit! :-)
Lots of love to you!
Slurkie :-)
Wow, you did better in the MRI than I do... no matter what I tell myself I can not get past the horrible claustrophobia in there....
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should stop having to have those darn things huh?
Let's see no sauce on pasta? Italians.
Casey, new pants? Is she actually maybe gaining weight??? yea!
snerk, apple trees are sassy aren't they?
I'm not sure how I would have made it through these past months without Casey having been so close, and coming out- doing shopping etc...
ReplyDeleteI am more than thankful.
That dang apple tree! Right? I swore it was mad at me! hehehe
(I even swore).
I could do Italian Spaghetti without ANY spaghetti. (Sad, but true).
Happy you are getting a "mah~velous" paycheck! That sure is a nasty schedule though.
I am so proud I could dance! hehehe But for now I won't even try.
ReplyDeleteI know this is what she has wanted for years, and so nice to see it all come full circle.
I know she has much healing still to do, but like I said, isn't the body amazing?!
We are so blessed.
You say YAY about the shots because you aren't the one getting them. I say these are going to be worse than I thought the MRI was going to be.
I wish it was Wednesday.
I will definitely be sharing those results.
ReplyDeletehaving been led around b the nose, and having more than a few wrong dx's, I will be happy to see what comes of it all.
I was not sleeping on the job! (You crack me up)!
I was actually trying to "lose" an errant high bush cranberry that had attached itself to the rider.
In looking at that, I hadn't realized how close I was to Mr. Mac.
I have to mow. Casey is not able to be jiggled and juggled. And Greg works too late to do it.
I do a lot of "ooph~ing while I am out there. being that my yard isn't even close to being manicured like a golf course, there are plenty of little bumps that I would mow happily without.
Funny how I never noticed HOW many before...
I know I have to give the darn computer a good cleaning. I have not moved it since my back went sh*tty, so imagine there is lots of that dust in there. That slows stuff down too.
Wonder why Punk is so taken by sponge bob- Must be that she can see him looking at her?
Not to worry for the dirt. That kind of dirt washes off .
ReplyDeleteThere is much dirt that won't wash off our names or our souls.
(I might have said that to my kids many times as they grew).
I hadn't taken anything prior to the mowing. I had decided that even if I had pain before, I might have it worse later, so I saved that dose.
Am thinking I might have been more alert had I taken it.
Pasta?! Come and get it! I shall even make a fresh batch especially for you!
I believe that whether I like the president or not, that ALL children should be given the chance to hear what he says. I have always felt that way. It is the only way for them to know about the nation sometimes.
And no matter who is president, there are many children who are either completely overexposed, or completely in the dark, about what he/she might have to say.
I don't get the conspiracy crap on this one.
What... Is a kid going to go home and make demands that he/she stay in school and learn?
Doubt it.
Am thinking there are a few schools around that might not be as er, um, integrated as they claim???
You have made a great point about hyperventilating.
ReplyDeleteBut just because it is not witnessed is no reason to not believe a person when they say they are having an attack.
That was crazy.
I gave birth, and have always been able to control my breathing anyway; beginning with self hypnosis and biofeedback and the like...
Good grief.
Actually, to make matters worse, I have a tendency to hold my breath when I am in the midst of an attack.
(As I was on the way home from town last night)...
Much like Casey, I do not know how I would have managed without Punk being around too.
Just knowing she was here, and still loves me, means the world. Especially when I had fallen in June- Having her lay her head next to mine and just wait, was priceless. Almost like she "knew"
Casey is the most amazing person I have ever met. And I do not say that simply because she is my child. (Although I should have known something was up when she raised her head after she was laid on my tummy after I had had her.
No shit. She raised her head and LOOKED AT ME.
(Oh it bobbled, but her eyes locked with mine and did not waver). Too weird. Even the doctor commented on it!
Spunk at birth?
Or showing us all her ability to meet the world with her head up and her eyes open?
Methinks that would make anyone glow.
You who have been studying since I've known you would truly appreciate Casey going back to school. As I do too. Still smiling!
ReplyDeleteI can only HOPE they fix me right this time.
Oh wait, that implies they have fixed me wrong, and that's not right.
Will start over.
I can only hope they fix me.
There. All better.
Get your pole!!! Remaining silent helps nothing.
Please let me know what your opinions are?
And no, I am not afraid to be told I am a wall. (Been there, done that).
Found this story amazing...
Written by an Australian who has her own ideas about this all too.
She is so good at tackling everything.
Go there if you have a minute.
ReplyDeleteI should be thanking Will for sending me there...
Quite a delightful article.
ReplyDeleteYup. You ARE getting old. (When is your birthday anyway)?
Greg will deal with my computersaurus as time allows.
I am not really worried- more frustrated than anything.
Human in a past life? Bite your tongue. (I know people like that). hehehe
As for Punk, I believe that except for a few obvious things, she is quite human in this life too.
I cussed not only the apple tree, but Sir Isaac Newton when that apple bopped me on the head.
But then, what could have been more appropriate too?
Quick get in that van and drive to Wisconsin.
If you get this far, I will drive you back.
Have you tried valium beforehand? Maybe that's why I did ok?
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, you SHOULD STOP having a need for them.
Damn that Maxwell anyway...
I am not an awful claustrophobic, but I do not like small or confined places either.
The reason I think I got through it so well was that not once did I look into the machine.
Not before. Not after either.
I'd seen the outside when I'd been brought to the room. That was enough.
And once I was laid down, the girl put a loose dry washcloth over my eyes so I could not be tempted to peek at how close it was.
Even with that I was tempted.
..."and lead us not into temptation" hehehe
Funny though how the noises changed, and kept getting interrupted by her voice in my ears. And always just as I was sort of falling into la~la land
Vat good is pasta without something on it?
Even fresh butter and parsley... (Mom would make it that way every now and then). Mmmmm
Dang. Now I am hungry.
You snerked on my page!
ReplyDeleteMy machine was all over "snerked" by the way!
Sweet Annie,
ReplyDeleteCasey and Miss Punk look wonderful. I'm glad the MRI didn't bring on a panic attack. The fog photos are real nice I've been wanting to try to get some. I hope you have a great day today and tomorrow. HUGS
ReplyDeleteI can't take valium.... It is one of those I am allergic to.
Between Maxwell, the leg, and the other aliens, I seem to be funding my own personal unit over at that hospital. i got forgot in there once, I thought I was going to have fit... They put on music for me.
I like my pasta with garlic, olive oil, and fresh cheese. or fresh veggies... that said, I ALSO like mine with lots of sauce and meatballs.
*pictures Anne doing this to her compusaurus* hehehe
ReplyDeleteMarch 11, 1978
ReplyDeleteI will be 32 on my next b-day! :O:O:O
The claims I have heard (news asking person their opinion) is that the president will use this to spread socialist views. He will brain wash the kids.
ReplyDeleteNot saying they are the brightest claims.
And no one complained when Gee Dubya addressed the kids...
still laughing...
my sister's birthday...
ReplyDeletebut she will be way older.. 1965
Finally catching up...glad you got the MRI !!!
ReplyDeleteThe other night we went to a restaurant and I had a Caesar Salad Anna, It was very filling the only thing I did not like was the Anchovies that were all mixed in with it however I love Worcestershire Sauce Anna and that has them in it