Good Morning Everyone!
Time for a "cuppa"! hehehe
I hope you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving!
We sure did.
That is, if you don't count the fact that dinner was supposed to be at 2PM- But that interfered with the Packer Game so no way for that time.
I rescheduled for 3- No wait, I wasn't ready at 3...
Also, don't count the burnt (adds flavor, right?) stuffing, the concrete mashed potatoes that I made after the first 'real' potatoes smelled funny to me. Sorry Greg, I am not used to making my taters out of a box, being in a hurry, and misreading the directions all at once.
I should have taken Greg up on his offers when he asked 1., If I needed any help; and 2., If I wanted him to make those taters.
While doing 'stuff', there came a ruckus from the living room...
Just moments before there was sweet music coming from that old Hamilton piano...
Bring it on "Chopped Liver"
(Oh wait, that's Kelli's nickname for Greg)...
That's either an orb, or a target, on her backside...
After she was done beating Greg up they smooched and hugged. hehehe
Then we ate "yummo" turkey, potatoes and gravy, and stuffing too!
Greg had doctored the concrete taters- And I still poured a wealth of gravy over mine. He even had 2nds-
(Wonder if he is well, or if those taters have since solidified in his stomach)?
I spent a ton of money yesterday!
Imagine that, me $pending money on Black Friday?!
But I just HAD TO!
AND, I spent it in record time too! And we were home by about 9:30.
See, Sputty has been sneezing (gross), and wheezing, (scary). I called Dr. Spires on Wednesday and made that appointment...
Kelli stopped by really early yesterday- At one point she had my cat carrier, but one of her cats sorta destroyed it. She has bought a new one; and had dropped it off about 5:30. (Not sure, but it was still dark, and Punk was still sleeping).
Sputnik in the carrier...
He did not mind being in there at all. Matter of fact since it is still here, he has slept in it twice already!
Not sure if he minded Doc Spires though...
Even after he was given that treat- (which of course he didn't eat because he cannot even smell it). But he kept an eye on the rear door to the room...
Waiting to make his escape.
After the "temp" was taken... hehehe
No fever- But an upper respiratory infection...
AND he has Rhinotracheitis.
This is the medical term for herpes. wth?
From "cat world"
"Most cats are infected with rhinotracheitis (feline herpes virus 1). Estimates vary from 70% to 95% of cats being chronically infected but it is likely that it is closer to 90% than to 70%. Cats are usually infected when they are young but because the virus is a herpesvirus it can live in the body long term and surface at times of stress or immune compromise."
Now the dang cat has pills too. (And oh what a wrestling match I had last night getting that pill down his throat).
He has the Clavamox pills for the respiratory infection, (and some homeopathic goo for the other).
I'd better close for now... Maybe nap before Kelli gets here to run the dogs for a bit. (Been up since 11:30).
Oh but I wasn't done...
On Thanksgiving, my desktop computer took a doo~doo and died. Dr. Greg took it all apart, and in moments had it dx'ed- A few moments later, after hooking up my laptop, he also had the part ordered for it.
Not sure how long it will take, given that it is formally holiday season now, what with shipping and all. In the meantime, know that my pictures are wacky...
Again, I hope your Thanksgiving was grand! I look forward to reading all of your stories and such.
...And full steam ahead to Christmas! My tree will be set up soon.
I missed out on that last year, so I can set it up really early this year, right?
Love to all.
Am I the only one who thinks that Martha Stewart needs a good swift kick in the @ss?
What a witch she is! CLICK
Sorry that your desktop 'puter died... Glad though that you have that wonderful nerd there to help fix it :-)
ReplyDeleteCasey and Greg look so happy together... I'm waiting patiently for the wedding bells to ring... hehehe
I absolutely hate making the taters out of the box.. I always make too much or not enough, never a happy medium. But all you needed to do was add a lil milk and they woulda loosened up a bit. Sounds like Greg handled it well though ;-)
Sputty looks so happy in that carrier! How cute is he?? That's his own little house! LOL... Gotta say that he didn't look so happy after his temp was taken though... But that IS a major violation of a cats 'bubble'... LOL!
Martha Stewart is just rude! Rachel Ray has said herself that she is NOT a chef that she is a cook. Big difference there, if ya ask me!
Christmas is creeping up on me... We will not be decorating until December 13th; Randall's birthday (tradition by MIL standards and of course I have no say, soooo I just go along with it). Hopefully this year won't be like last year and I won't have to invite myself to help decorate outside AND inside!
Hope ya have a good weekend!
Love Ya!
Slurkie :-)
Casey- What spunk she has!!
ReplyDeleteNot much about Thanksgiving Day. Invited to friends since we have no family to come to ours.
Which this also means no decorating for Christmas. We don't have the time or energy to do so.
Martha Stewart- Hello?! I thought she ate that humble pie years ago. Guess it left her system. She needs more.
Rachel Ray- Wow. How she showed such meekness in her answer.
You have a great weekend
lol...... whatever did you do to the potatoes? I've had mine turn out lumpy before, but I've never smelled them, bad milk? glad to see Miss Casey all smiles and looking like she is feeling well up there!
ReplyDeleteI still need to set up my tree too, normally this weekend I do...but I think I will wait until my back is feeling better.
Wondering what they smelled like, rancid, sour, moldy? One of my sons would rather have fake potatoes, fake dressing, surprised he does not like fake meat.
ReplyDeleteAs for Martha, she has had to be a hard nosed person to get where she got in the stock market way before her cooking. I do think she is angry that she was targeted by FCC and left Madoff alone when they knew there was something rotten going on there.
Of course there is no excuse for bad manners.I watch Ina Gartner, but she also puts me to sleep with her quiet way of speaking like soothing a child.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Glad to hear you, Casey, and Greg had a nice Thanksgiving. Mom and I got together at my house. After working an 8 hour shift at the hotel I came home and fixed Thanksgiving dinner, with mom arriving just as I took the turkey out of the oven at noon. By the time the leftovers were divided up and the dishes were washed and put away I was ready to collapse! I'm sort of glad it's over ;-)
ReplyDeleteI hope Sput feels better soon. Isn't there an annual vaccination for Rhinotracheitis? I could swear my cats get one. And I thought feline leukemia was the feline version of Aids. Now you have me cornfused.
Good Morning Sweet SlurkieBaby!
ReplyDeleteThis computersaurus of mine was lopping along just fine that day... Every now and then I would come in and check my mail and updates like I always do.
When Casey called and said they were on thier way I thought I would sit for a bit. I grabbed a smoke and a drink and sat down here. I hit 'connect'-
2 seconds later my screen went blank. wtf?
Since I had no idea how to shut it off, I just hit the little button and waited 30 seconds.
30 seconds later, nothing came on. (All I could think was 'Oh good, Greg is on his way')! hehehe
Since one of my 1st jobs was working at KFC, I do know how to make a decent tater out of a box. (No, KFC does not do it the right way anymore).
Only problem is that I had done the turkey in advance as there was no good tasty stuff from the pan drippings to put in them. That and LOTS of real butter...
THEN I read the wrong line as to how much dry taters to add...
Greg took over shortly thereafter,
Sputty is very happy! Even when all this (hah~choo~n~spew) kicked up three notches on Wednesday, he was still happy.
He was NOT happy when I wouldn't let him out on either T-Day or yesterday morning.
(And he is even less so as I give him his little bitty pill).
Martha Stewart is a pompous skank who would die to decorate her own home how she tells all her followers to do. She may/may not know how to cook. I do not watch her, but I would think that reading off cue cards wouldn't be too hard.
And she does not live here. (I have a sign in my entrance that says that)!
Sweet Athena!
ReplyDeleteCasey knows how to make the best of almost any s(h)ituation, unless her pain is overwhelming
How come Martha never did choke on that Humble Pie? (Can you tell I don't like her much)?
I do have the TV on to the channel that Rachel is on in the mornings. I think she is sweet. Maybe it's the Midwest blood in my veins, but she is so much more down to earth.
Hope you had fun on Thanksgiving!
I didn't decorate for Christmas last year as that is when Casey had her TP/AIT, and we were there 'til mid January.
Oops Sweetie, I think I answered that in another comment. (I have got to learn to read ahead).
ReplyDeleteToo many flakes. (Yeah, that's about right)! hehehe
Oh, the first batch? They just smelled wrong- Not bad, just wrong. Not sure how to explain it. Casey ate some and proclaimed them fine. Then I threw them in the garbage.
The boxed ones have no skins and nothing yummy in them... Oh well. What a story they will have to tell their grandbabies! hehehe
My tree is in the basement... just waiting for me.
ReplyDeleteSweetie, I am laughing at myself always one answer ahead!
Except for Martha that is... She is out of jail. (He only has what, an eon to go)? hehehe She thought her you~know~what didn't stink and that she wouldn't get caught. Guess I hate fakes all the way around. But I didn't like her, or her demeanor, or her show, even before that.
Now go feed your son tofu- Maybe he will like it! Am still giggling at that line!
Sweet RT;
ReplyDeleteOh, even if the taters and the stuffing weren't perfect, we had a 'wunnaful' time! And maybe they had to 'off' to be able to write about them. (Methinks I would sound too much like Martha if everything had turned out just perfect).
"Sort of" glad it's over? I will be happy to live through the next two months- then all will be well. hehehe
Dishes? Was I supposed to do dishes that night? Nope. Didn't happen. ;-)
Sput is sleeping all the time. Imagine his kitty dreams are of breathing...
Feline leukemia is a killer. If you ever have it in your cats, you have to destroy everything that they had before ever getting a new one. And then scrub everything with bleach before you get a new cat/kitten.
Kitty Aids? I am suppressing a smile at that one. (Maybe because it inevitably kills them)?
Looks like you did have a "wunnaful" time. So very glad that Casey felt well enough to spar with Greg. Hopefully Greg will be able to get your computersaur back going. I gave up on my desktop and only use my laptop now. Sputty is so adorable and I'm sorry he's not feeling well. Hope Miss Punk enjoyed her day also.
ReplyDeleteHope and pray everything continues to go well for you Sweet Annie.
ReplyDeleteSweet Snotball!
Something tells me that unless she has just endured a 13+ hour surgery, Casey is always well enough. hehehe
Greg is the Computer god, and I have no doubt my desktop will be up and running shortly.
When I bring Sputty in to the vet, they always want to know if he is an outside cat. No. Just that his fur is SO thick all 365 days of the year. I have never felt fur like that on any cat. (And one Spring long ago, we had 53 cats/kittens/toms running around the farm too). We had short hair, long hair, siamese, angora, (and many many mixtures of all of them). Just none with Sputty fur.
Everything is well, save for me and Sputty and both of us will live.
You nag! Now I have to go do dishes!
OK, truth be known it is time to get out of my sweats and on to tighter jeans.
ReplyDeleteForgot to include this story too.
Or just go here for the comments... hehehe
Off to shower now.
I didn't even leave the house on Friday much less spend a dime.
ReplyDeleteyou know me and crowds.
Martha Stewart is an over-hyped spoiled little brat. She clearly was not told no enough as a child. You would think that jail might have shocked some sense into her.... that it didn't tells you a lot about her.
Hope sputty feels better soon!!!
Sweet Pea;
ReplyDeleteI only went to the vets.
I didn't go anywhere else. (That BF stuff isn't for me either). Never did it, never will.
Sputniks appointment was at 8:30- and we were home by 9:30.
And yes, it was spendy, but I think he gave me the Black Friday deal.
Sput was playing with Punk a bit ago- and the claws were working fine. hehehe (Poor Punk).
Methinks Martha is an overpaid (and downright mean) dipwad.
ick ~ fake taters, can you believe my mil served them too??? most of it ended up in the trash, left lots of gravy too (a lil heavy on the salt imo)
ReplyDeletenot much sports on that day, can't believe it, but there were 8 children to 6 adults and it took everyone of us to keep the kids behaved in this small house of theirs
I let my MIL drag me out for Black Friday, but it wasn't to the Vets. Every year I say I'm not going to do it again. Ever year I let someone talk me into it.
Casey and Greg are just darling and look so happy. You can tell they were enjoying their company.
Try the link later, but personally I can't stand MArtha Stewart
Sweet OkaToots;
ReplyDeleteGiggled at the way the taters were disposed of at your MIL's. As we got up from the dining table, I told Greg to toss ours in the garbage too. hehehe
As far as the kids go- Fun isn't it?!
Having Zoé, Jenné, Reianna, Roberta, Daniel, and CaseyAnne all together at once was always fun. As their energy levels increased, so did our desire to send them out to work off a bit of their steam. hehehe It always worked. (But it also had a tendency to make sure everyone was changed into play clothes after mass too). When it was too nasty outside, they could go upstairs, down in the basement, or even out to the unheated front porch. (I even served Christmas brunch out there once, and it was more than warm enough with the sun hitting the windows).
B/F Shopping!?!
You really do this?
Are you nuts??? (Never mind).
On 2nd thought...
...Maybe I would try it once. IF I was rich and had a taser. (Greg said that's what HE would do if he had to go shopping on that day)! ROTFLMBO
You are not alone in your aversion to Martha. Nor am I. Nor is almost everyone who commented on that one link in my comments.
The one comment I remember in favor of her played the jealousy and 'education' cards, and the fact that MS once worked on Wall Street.
(I remained unimpressed by those things too).
Ditto on Martha, what is up with her. Has she had a personality extract? Our Thanksgiving was wonderful, ate too much of course and suffered all the next day. Mel in the Hspt on Thanksgiving but came home the next day. She, kids and Hubby are with us for a few. Enjoying them. Her girls and I put the Christmas decorations up inside and out. Had help with the outside, I love the colored lights and would leave them up all year if my Husband wouldn't cover his head in shame in Feb. I am not sure what the little objects are in the picture, I am guessing food...I hope! However, we have 6 cats and have little piles very artistically erected in corners now and then, normally well with in reach of the litter boxes. Well guess it is time for me to get busy doing something, love to you and yours from me and mine....
ReplyDeleteOh Lordy! I gave up Black Friday shopping 20 years ago when I almost became a statistic! Little ole me almost got trampled and then came close to having a knock down drag out with a woman who came up and grabbed an item that I was lucky enough to be there at the store in time to get and she wanted it. I was in the check out line and she picked me out, came up and started yanking on it. I held on as long as I could till she shoved me backwards and then took off with what should have been mine. I said then.....never again.
ReplyDeletePoor Sputty. Hope he is feeling at least a little better by now. That feline herpes virus sounds pretty much like the human herpes virus. It sits in us and waits for our immune system to drop and then BOOM.....them cold sores come out of hiding!
Sweet PeachieBaby;
ReplyDeleteI would have been tempted to have decked that woman- But you earned your wings by dealing with it as you did.
And whatever it was, I hope it didn't work out for her.
Gosh, I have heard so many negative things about BF... And knowing how tiny you are just is scary.
Mom would get those cold sores too. They looked so painful. I get little teeny tiny cracks on the sides of my mouth when I eat fresh or canned pineapple, and that reaction is bad enough!
Ok what was the BlackFriday shopping list for you? Nosy wants to know! (that would be me)
ReplyDeleteI didnt anything that really just smacked me upside the head. So I opted to not go. I have in the past gotten some really good deals.. and I stood in line for my very first digital camera. It was a very good deal! Its also how I paid for Christmas for my boys for many years. I hear many talk about and see on the news so many nightmares.. but I havent had that issue. The walmart there in Texas didnt lock the doors.. they just made you stand in line at whatever item you wanted. Then at sale time.. they would start handing out the items. But the store would be so full of people.. you needed a cell phone just to keep up with whoever you went with.
Well that would explain why the mow-wis is still around.. poor little Sputty cant smell the little bugger. and his ears are probably stopped up too.. you know how a cold does a person. Glad the vet was able to give him something to help.
You made instant potatoes for Thanksgiving.. isnt that sacrilegious or something???? Yep.. hindsight tells you should allow others to help out in the kitchen.. especially for a big meal. The only game I was paying attention to was the Cowboys and then later that night the Aggies.. of course the Aggies lost.. they havent been doing so well for past couple of years. Maybe they will end up with a coach sooner or later.
Hope your healthy and happy this week
Big hugs
Sweet "Nosy"
ReplyDeleteI went "shopping" at the vets silly.
And I only made the fake taters because that first batch went weird on me. (Otherwise as you know, there is way too much farm blood in this girls veins to do something like that)!
Admittedly I was too lazy to boil more taters though.
Am thinking about your 'Boys...
December is tomorrow, and they generally make a mess of things that month. hehehe
Best of luck to them though! (I really had little use for them until they got a Wisconsin boy at the helm you know). And now here I am wishing them luck!
Sputty is still too lazy.
And get this, NOTHING in ANY of the traps! (I just can't figure that one out).
I got the same issue.. tried cheese.. tried peanut butter.. nada! Even made sure I cleaned the floors .. The only thing I can figure out is this nasty little critter is getting into Nikki's bowl..
ReplyDeleteDr trimmer has a mouse trap that Im really thinking about getting.. it catches them live so then you have to figure out what to do with them.. is the only reason I havent already gotten it.
I can tell you how we were required to "humainly" dispose of them when I worked retail.