I am ever so hesitant to say "Good" Morning...
I am too mad to even try to be nice. hehehe?
That said, you're just gonna have to figure it out yourselves...
1. Ignore the dustwebs...
2. Know this is NOT where I feed the cat!
(Anybody caught laughing, giggling, or snorting will be shot on sight).
'Sides, Kelli already did that. (Yes, she is still alive). hehehe
She thinks they are just SO cute. Not me. Not by a longshot.
In all honesty, I don't know how long it has been there. (That might be either good/bad)...
ReplyDeleteStill mad though... ;-)
warm and dry .......!
ReplyDelete< Speechless
ReplyDeleteI awoke very early yesterday morning... As I sat in the quiet, I heard this scriting noise, and was unable to see the darn thing...
ReplyDeleteSo later on, (daylight), I pulled apart the old dresser in the living room...
Now I have to pull everything apart.
Good thing that Casey came out with filter bags for the Wind Machine... (I'll probably use all ten of them just trying to find the culprit).
Oh Grrr..................
Still mad.
I'm only several sips into my first cup of coffee, eyes barely focused. What are they?
ReplyDeleteSweet RT;
ReplyDelete"They" are indoor formula or hairball formula, (can't remember which), Meow Mix.
I pulled the bottom drawer out from the chest by the piano, & saw that corner of hidden snacks
Now they might have been there in mid October when we were in Minnesota and I'd seen that one.
ReplyDelete(Kelli caught that one while we were gone)...
But a dead "mowiss" certainly would not 'splain the noise I heard early yesterday morning.
I don't mind them OUTside!
I do not want them INside!
Why can't they learn that?!?
And here I thought I was doing so good with only catching them out in the attached garage.
Going to have to trade Sputty in for a newer model pretty soon...
momma cat will catch mice and bring them to you for praise.do not know if a fixed one will.
ReplyDeleteold Minnesota saying ,"if you see one mouse there are a bunch of them."
Trying not to laugh
ReplyDeleteThey must have gone back outside while it was warmer then because none of the tsaty traps INside were ever set off. Just that one.
Sputty is s'posed to be dealing with these little monsters. I swear he's such a lazy chump.
(Sneezin' and wheezin' be damned, he's got a job to do- and there he is, fast asleep)! ;-)
I just wish I could find where the dang things were getting in already?!
"round these parts, that saying is a 10:1 ratio.
Dang. hehehe
ReplyDeleteAnd here I figured everyone would be fessing up...
But no!
Now bring that smirk right on over here!
ReplyDeleteAnd WHERE are they pooping? I never see any of that either?
If the drawer is where a mowiss is stashing it's snacks, wouldn't it be wiser, before you clean out it's stash, to place a baited mowiss trap in the drawer first? You may actually catch the mowiss that way. If you just clean out the mowiss stash it'll just find a new place for it's snacks.
ReplyDeleteThis is a really brilliant idea!
ReplyDeleteBut too late. Sorry.
When I find stuff like this, as evidence of a mowiss in the howiss, I have to deal with it right away or I can't sleep. (What am I saying)??? Like I really ever sleep?
After I had vacuumed it out, I did put two traps UNDER the drawer-
I haven't heard anything all night.
Will go check now, just in case.
ReplyDeleteTakes courage to pull that drawer out I tell you. hehehe
Not a mouse to be seen anywhere...
Oh and there was nothing IN any of the drawers, or IN the piano, or the TV stand either...
The mowiss was probably watching you (and snickering) from it's new stash site, while you were inspecting the drawer, piano, and TV stand. hehehe
ReplyDeleteBrat !!!
(Yeah, yeah, I still love ya).
a woodchuck would hide food not mice. and a male cat does not catch mice he waits for the woman to do it. still not quite able to stop the laughing
ReplyDeleteGood Lord Woman, are you trying to scare me outta my tree?
ReplyDeleteThere is NOT a woodchuck in my house.
(I am thinking that even "I" would be able to spy that hole)!
er, I think... See, I do need new glasses...
That had better not be true about the male cat thing...
I do know he plays with them... I saw him do it twice.
He's a eunuch though- maybe he doesn't know he's not, not s'posed to do that...
Wait a minute here...
ReplyDeleteA woodchuck wouldn't even fit under that chest/dresser.
ReplyDeleteGonna get the twelve gauge now...
perhaps you are missing the obvious... have you put the cat on a diet?? if so, that is probably who is hiding the snacks for late night cheating
ReplyDeleteCat won't fit there either...
ReplyDeleteMaybe the mice are using the littlerbox too?
ReplyDeleteI mean LITTER...
(I hate this laptop).
I can't begin to tell you how paranoid this makes me!
ReplyDeleteBesides, the cat was nowhere near the dresser when I heard those noises...
ReplyDeleteSupposedly sleeping he was...
See, in order to catch a mowiss you have to think like a mowiss. If you were a mowiss what would you want? You'd want a nice warm, safe place, to stash your food and raise your family. The drawer was perfect. But now that it's been discovered it's no longer safe, so, the mowiss will probably move to safe place number two. Yes, they always have a second place, as a back-up. So when you find this home away from home simply place a trap there, baited with something yummy, and let nature take it's course. It's mowiss warfare my friend.
ReplyDeleteI cannot think like a mowiss. My brain is too big.
Additionally, I have 10 dressers in this "howiss" Not to mention all of the trunks and chests filled with my sewing stuff...
And a bad back.
Sucks to be me.
ReplyDeleteAnd where are they getting water from unless they are coming and going?
I can tell you one sure fire method of getting the little critter, if you have not already tried...use the glue traps..slide them just under things like your sofa, chairs and dressers. Just be prepared for the mouse to get caught, drag himself and the trap out into the open and have the dog step in it hehheh. A lab we had many years ago, awoke us one night yelping in fear as he ran to our bedside...turn the lights on and see he got a paw stuck in the glue and a live mouse was in there too hehheh
ReplyDeleteToo funny!
I will NOT do this unless you tell me how to UNstick the cat and the dog from it first.
Mama used the glue traps once.
As she watched TV, here comes this mouse, his front feet stuck, pushing the glue trap across the living room floor, and going hellbent for the kitchen!
No wonder the miesses love your house! Somewhere outside your house the miesses probably have a tiny little neon "vancancy" sign pointing toward your house.
ReplyDeleteROFLMBO! As the mowiss host checks in a guest mowiss he asks "Would you prefer a drawer or a chest?" ROFLMBO!!!!
ReplyDeleteMust go scrub some more.
Til later...
Gosh I love you girls! You have all made me smile and giggle here this morning!
Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Bra tBrat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat Brat
So there.
Brat has worked too long at the hotel. hehehe
...can't stop laughing!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, what a dilemma. I've never seen mowisses do this. You haven't lost a hamster have you? Maybe someone's gerbil. They are a glorified mowiss.
ReplyDeleteNow my brain is on the thinking mode. I might burn out the motor this morn. This is going to keep me thinking for sometime. And maybe even do some shuddering.
Dear Sweet Annie,
ReplyDeleteIn an attempt to make you feel better, I'll tell you about my neighbor.
When she moved in a couple of years ago, her husband and sons had to go back to Ohio where they were from. She walked into the house and sitting on her footstool was a Norway Rat!!!! She called me and my son went down and bashed it with a bat. Then he took it outside and dispatched it with a .22. No more Rat. So mowiss's are bad but at least it's not a rat. LOLOLOL
you just gently pull the dog or cat's paw from the glue... it is not like crazy glue lol. Also you then have the option of releasing the poor little mouse back into the wild without injury...or smashing its poor little head and killing the sucker (drowning works well too I have heard lol)
ReplyDeleteRead this and then start searching
oh noooooooooooooo.............you must have a whole colony living in your house! yuck! I'd be pissed too, why can't they just stay out in the barn or the garage where no one will care? aacckk!!!
ReplyDeleteI remember you seeing one on top of the piano....
ReplyDeleteNot going to tell you where I think the poop is going.
ReplyDeleteMow-wisssess .. have to eat too!
ReplyDeleteOh man! I would be mad too! It DOES make ya wonder where they are pooping... I bet they have a designated 'potty' in your house...
ReplyDeleteProof that sputty has been to sick to perform his "catly" duties! And that varmit knows it and has been taking advantage of the "sic-tuation."
ReplyDeleteBy the way...I am quietly laughing "with" you. hehehehehehe!
ReplyDeleteCreepy or not, you have NO idea how many times I pictured that all in my head today.
You forgot smoking or non.
Sweet Athena;
ReplyDeleteIt is all so weird.
I know mice can be funny- But this is Flintville-World, and has nothing to do with Mr. Disney.
They bug the heck out of me.
They are sickening, and even though I love animals, to have them INside is godawful.
Kinda sinking..
Please let me know what you came up with.
I have determined that they are invisible. hehehe
Sweet Snotball,
ReplyDeleteIt didn't work.
Now I am thinking that since I do not know where they are getting in, to not know the size of that hole is very creepy.
I am also thinking, that back be damned, I need a bunk bed...
Queen size. On greased stilts. With a ladder that attaches to the ceiling.
Oh I have to get some glue things then.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was like super glue. (Stop laughing dang it).
But since they don't "kill" quickly I don't know if I have the heart...
(Know that I will if this doesn't stop soon).
Oh, and I will NOT be releasing anything back into the outside.
ReplyDeleteWTH kind of language is that anyway?!?
I don't wanna...
OK, so I went there.
Not deer mice, but checked house mice on that site too.
And it said this...
House mice are eaten by a wide variety of small predators throughout the world, including cats, foxes, weasels, ferrets, mongooses, large lizards, snakes, hawks, falcons, and owls. House mice try to avoid predation by keeping out of the open and by being fast. They are also capable of reproducing very rapidly, which means that populations can recover quickly from predation.
Please send a mongoose.
I can't even THINK about how many...
ReplyDeleteAm thinking of writing one of those blog cheese things.
One of the questions will be "What is your favorite outfit?"
How about rubber gloves?
Then, "What is your favorite smell?"
It is quickly getting to be a necessary poison thing... And am so reluctant to do that anywhere even close to the house.
Maybe if I put it out in the garage?
Guess I can watch the Sput and the Punk closely...
If I cannot get this under control, I will have to do just that-
And then what? I take the animals and leave home?
No. I can't use poison anywhere but the old shed.
AAACCCKKK is right!
Side, Sweet Pea;
ReplyDeleteThat miserable critter was on the side of the piano.
(Had it been on top of it, i would have to sell that antique). hehehe
I pulled the top and front off the piano. Not a trace. No evidence left "behind" either, anywhere.
and no I do not want to know where you think the poopies are.
ReplyDeleteAnd then the word of the day! hehehe
Back to that mongoose...
ReplyDeleteI can't watch videos, but if you watch this please let me know how it turns out and whether I must rethink.
So do drains. But y'all know how that worked out for my drain.
Mice are like that Sweetie-
ReplyDeleteSo finding where they are hiding their food is one thing.
Finding the latrine is another- and even more important ('cuz I do not care to have the plague).
Oh hang on... That reminds me, I have to find something again...
From that same site now...
ReplyDelete"They also carry a virus that may contribute to breast cancer in humans."
How awful, right?
Now I have to worry about my boobies too????
Sick or not, I have never met a cat that won't go after a mouse.
ReplyDelete(Proof to me that he is just lazy). hehehe
You are mean to laugh at/with me.
Loving that "sic-tuation" too. I will have to remember that one...
ReplyDeleteHow to argue with yourself.
I know your frustration.. We currently have a mouse that is not taking the bait off the traps.. and believe it or not.. I havent found evidence of the mouse on the cabinets or in the cabinets.. I have been looking..
ReplyDeleteSo I figure its getting Nikki's food.. have to remember to pick it up at night.
Oh I know...
ReplyDeleteI have mouse horror stories from when we lived in Texas...
You haven't LIVED til the couch you sit on everyday becomes infested... You could literally HEAR them chewing the wood framing... And at times even FEEL them, like in the arms of the couch and such... I had the heebie~jeebies constantly! Please know that it wasn't MY couch but my inlaws couch and it took Randall and I a LONG time to convince them that these nasty creatures were actually INSIDE the couch... Luckily the one dog ended up being a mouser... She would see a mouse and we'd tell her, "Get the mouse Maxie! Get the mouse!" and she would... I was SO damn happy when we moved back to Ohio...
I have a couple of other stories but will keep them to myself... LOL
You don't need to worry too much...
ReplyDeleteYou have already been felt up by a doctor and will be getting squished in December, right?
And... the host mowiss forgot to ask if the guest mowiss would like a wake-up call when the cat falls asleep. hehehe
ReplyDeleteThey have a new product now Sweet Beep; It is simply called "Tomcat Mouse Attractant"
ReplyDeleteIt is what I have caught all those 'mousies' outside with. (And it needs very little replenishing).
They can't get to Punks food- She gets fed twice a day and only that much.
I had Sputty's food available to him 24/7 though so this is what they have stolen. (Casey said it was from the last bag of cat food because it was those pieces and not the new bag).
So now I only feed him twice a day too. He's not liking that much, but always comes running when I start to feed the Punkster.
How do you know you have a mouse if there is no evidence, and no bait loving going on?
I am 'cornf00sed' now...
I have terror tears in my eyes now...
ReplyDeleteI can't even think of that because lots of times I sleep on that couch!
I cannot even bear to imagine it...
Black and Tans are ratters- and a few other breeds too.
Punk would get them for me, but I would have to point her in the right direction first. (And since I only see the evidence, that is hard to do.
Mama's words, "difficult, but not impossible" come to mind...
Maybe they do not poop where they hide food. look in other dressers
ReplyDeleteYou give me the courage to keep digging...
ReplyDeleteWhich, sad to say I did not have to go far.
Only for lunch...
I had some burger patties made up that I wanted to fry. I use my electric fry pan for those, as it goes much faster to do 4 at a time...
You don't have to have a great imagination to figure out where this story is going...
I have 2 gallons of lavender bleach left- and half of the regular... The lemon is gone.
I will use the lavender... Watch, I'll fall asleep as I scrub.
But I shall keep picturing your scenario...
Am wondering if there might be a maître d' anywhere in there???
In a little Country Inn - I doubt it. More than likely the mowiss breakfast room is open from 1AM til 4AM. (While you are sleeping)
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me what the mowisses are stashing away is mostly dry cat food. Can't you switch Sput to two feedings of canned cat food a day, and stop leaving out dry food for a while? I have to feed my cats up on the kitchen counter (they have their own little corner, away from where I fix my food) so that Doc can't steal their food. Maybe if you did this for a couple of weeks the mowisses would have to go someplace else in search of food (like a neighbor's house.)
I'm picturing the mowisses lounging around eating Meow Mix while watching a Packers game!
Have you considered one of these gadgets? http://www.electronicpestcontrol.net/
If that one doesn't suit you there are tons more. Just do an online search for "Electronic Pest Control" there are bunches of sites that sell these. Also I saw some advertised for sale at places like Walgreens, Home Depot, etc. Might be worth a try, and it would be safe to use around Punk and Sput.
Ok, girl! I've come up with this: You have a mowissy problem. And that last picture did help me come up with that issue. My quick thinking is like lightning, gone with a flash.
ReplyDeleteSomeone is playing an early april fool on you.....no droppings can only mean foul play, lol.
ReplyDeleteWe had 2 mowiss in our house back in Janurary. I hadn't seen them but Bruce caught sight of the first one while watching tv..it was in front of the hearth. I immediately went and got some glue boards and some of the cube bait to throw under the house(we don't have any 4 legged pets). I ended up catching 2 mowiss. After that we didnt see anymore. They were getting in from where the board under the fireplace area outside had come loose. The owner of the house had to come fix it.
ReplyDeleteThe only bad situation I've ever had with a glue board was in NC. We lived on the edge of a tobacco field and got field mice in the fall and winter. I had a glue board under the cabinet next to the stove. One night I heard the little mowiss get caught on the board..but it was late and our oldest was already in bed..(he disposed of the pests.....shuddder!!)...so I said he wasnt going anywhere and we could wait till morning. Well...my oldest opens the cabinet door and starts hollaring for me to come to the kitchen. I get there and look under the cabinet and there is a snake attached to the glue board with a lump just behind its head. I was more terrifyed of the snake at that point. I sat on top of my washer while a neighbor came and took it out of the house....lol Thankfully it wasnt a poisonous snake..but just being a snake is bad enough. Luckily we moved the next summer. I couldnt do another winter in that house.
If you use a glue board..use a thumb tack to hold it in place against the wall..or a piece of tape on the bottom side ( make a loop so the sticky side is out) to keep it from moving. I always put them behind things so kids,pets, clumsy folks(me) dont accidently get stuck to them.
Good luck on your mowiss hunting.