Casey came out late last night,
about 9:30...
A new T~Shirt!
Sassy, but cute as always!
Good Morning All;
Yesterday was quite a day around here-
Lots of bright sunshine, (just not so bright in other respects).
My back was trying to kill me, I swear! So I just took it as easy as I could.
The obvious first order of business was to get out of bed and to let The~Punkster outside after a long evening of being "in".
She waited so patiently for me to get out of bed. Trust me, that was not happening fast at all.
Thankfully, neither her bladder, nor her patience, wore out. (Nor did mine).
After that, the poor little pup also had to wait for her breakfast...
Her food is kept under where those dishes are. All neat and tidy, and dry. I have more food in the back entrance for her. Just that I could not get to either supply without severe pain.
She patiently waited a bit longer...
Randy came out yesterday and set up a supply for her on the kitchen table. A very good thing!
He also pulled many many noxious weeds, greased the zerts on the rider, AND even mowed the lawns!
Thank God for minor miracles!
As most of you are aware, I made 2 trips to the E.R. this past week.
Unable to move in any way shape or form without severe pain, I thought it high time to be getting another opinion.
On Monday, I was given an IV with some toradol, morphine, zofran for barfing, and something else.
More importantly I was given a referral to a pain specialist. (Dr. Mario is the same one that Casey has).
I cannot get in until the 26th. (Which is better than the 27th I suppose)! ?
On Wednesday, repeating the nightmare of my inability to move, Casey took me back to the E.R.
They gave me that dilauded- which left me able to move enough to get back home.
Again, and infinitely more important, I have a referral to a spine doctor! I was not able to get all the paperwork by close of business on Friday, so I will make that call as early as possible tomorrow morning.
I am now taking the oxycodone, along with diazepam. The diazepam [Valium] will negate any of the bad effects that I was so afraid of. So far so good.
We have gotten our very much needed rains... And they keep on coming!
It is even possible for more rain today.
The rains have also brought up a few flowers on the west side of the old garage
It is a mess of weeds and flowers, but at least there is a bit of color!
And another shot of a few cosmos...
Looks like the top one is morphing into a butterfly!
It also looks like this Black~Eyed~Susan has drowned!
Kinda sad, that...
But at least the duck hasn't drowned!
(He holds all the chemicals for the pool)...
And I have had no further problems with thirsty venison either!
Knock on wood...
.And I have had no further problems with thirsty venison either!
Knock on wood...
A few more little blooms that have really enjoyed the soaking rains...
Casey, peeking through a few flowers!
She found these itty bitty flowers too!
I do not know what they are...
.I do not know what they are...
And I haven't quite figured out the attraction to the grasses for this Monarch.
It's been real muggy too...
It wasn't raining when I took this,
even though everything looks wet-
See the blue in the far background by the woods?
That is all humidity!
.even though everything looks wet-
See the blue in the far background by the woods?
That is all humidity!
Today is already like that- No sunshine at all, so maybe the rains will come earlier than predicted for late this afternoon!
Hope all is well in your little corner of the world!
Have a "wunnaful" Sunday!
Love to all
Sweet Annie,
ReplyDeleteIndeed a cute but sassy tee. Punk, as usual, is gorgeous. I love the flowers. Sorry the back has been so bad but good to know you got some Dr. appts out of it. Humidity stinks.
Hope you too have a wunnaful day.
pretty flowers glad you are getting some help for your back.
ReplyDeleteI hope you can get your back fixed up so you can get off the meds soon.
ReplyDeleteYour flowers and weeds look so pretty!!
I love the picture of Punk sitting in the driveway. What a peaceful picture.
Glad you have a few referrals, sux you have to wait so damned long.
ReplyDeleteLove the flowers, and who can't handle a bit of weeds mixed in with something so beautiful?
When you are up to it, I finally posted some of those pictures in a multiply album so you could see them.
Good afternoon Ms Anne,
ReplyDeleteIm glad you at least got a referral.. and the 26th may seem far off but it is better than the 27th. You have some beautiful flowers.. most of the wild flowers here are gone but I have some flowers blooming I will have to get out and do a walk about the yard and get some shots.
Glad to hear you were able to get up even if only for a little while.. I hope the spinal doctor will help you lots and lots. Punk is a good pup to wait so patiently for her mom..
Yeah for friends and neighbors.. sure is nice when they know your down and come by to help.. Kudos to him!
Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day without too much pain.
Big hugs
Okay, I have to admit....I had to reread this section a few times. I wanted to make sure we weren't supposed to be celebrating an announcement or something..
ReplyDeleteSweet Snotball!
(I still giggle at that)!
I kind of liked her t~shirt. A fitting garment for the day I will admit.
The sun is shining now- (And the A/C is running too). I am such a wimp).
Talked to Tim yesterday- He said the spine surgeon is the best in the US- That while he was in there, that dr. had people flown in from Colorado, and one from the east coast too.
Thank GOD for that!
I napped for about 3 hours today. And OH that felt good!
Oh see Sweet Becca!
ReplyDeleteMy friends really DO see the flowers!
That makes me giddy with "happy"!
And here I am also SO excited about being able to call tomorrow and get an appointment see the spine guy.
I mean, who the hell in their right mind gets excited about having to go to the doctor???
Sweet RT;
ReplyDeleteI am not so much worried about the meds as I am about my back- And that, moreso for those that cannot take care of themselves, namely Punk and Sput. I felt so badly for her I can't even begin to say or convey it all...
Randy did pull out lots of those nasty nettles- among a few other weeds, but I had the cane with me as we walked, and not the camera.
That picture of Punk- She was waiting for me to finish dragging the dumpster down for garbage day- (She can only go so far down the drive, and then has to wait. But I swear that dog knows when I am not doing too well. (That was Wednesday, and I was NOT doing well at all). She wouldn't take her eyes off of me- Until I turned the camera on...
Sweet Heather;
ReplyDeleteI know that the 26th isn't that far away... But still it seems like a long wait.
Then again, this has been going on for months and months too.
Wonder how long it will be before I can get in to the other guy when I call tomorrow?
You will have to go back and check out previous years flower pictures. Now THOSE have a "few" weeds in them.
Oh they will still reseed, and maybe next year i can really get some flowers going!
I love that y'all love the pictures anyway!
I am up to seeing your pictures! So I will be there just as soon as I am done here!
Oh my Sweet Little Beep!
ReplyDeleteIt is so good to have you on and around- I worried so much when you were so sick...
Your wildflowers will reseed themselves you know, so they will be back next year for you to enjoy!
And I sure hope you are right about the spineman- i am surely counting on him to fix me up for good.
My birthfather has been keeping in real close contact with me too- (I keep reassuring him that Punk takes care of me). hehehe But he knows I live alone for the most part, and doesn't like that too much.
I have the shotgun right inbetween the chair where I sit and the davenport too. Can be reached (with pain) from either one. But it CAN be reached! hehehe
As does Casey take care of me too! She is usually here almost every day!
And she is just brightness personified to have around!
Love your BIG HUGS!
Sweet Oka;
ReplyDeleteNothing to stop the presses-
Saturday night is their game night- Game (LARP) was in Sheboygan last night- They were both going to go, but Casey said her little colon just couldn't handle the drive (over an hour each way), and the role, so she stayed behind.
She had to bring in a prescription to Walgreens so had to pick that up, and figured as long as she was out and about that she would take a ride out here.
I hadn't eaten either so she brought a sandwich for both of us!
A nice little visit too.... Until I fell asleep on her.
True story.
I think it's a long time and I'm not the one in severe pain, Things have been going real slow with Mike's knee. He doesn't see a specialist until the 2nd. UGH
ReplyDeleteYour flowers are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear that you have an appointment on the 26th. Yes it's kinda far but it could have been worse, could have been the 26th of SEPTEMBER! I hope with the pain specialist and the spine guy they can get you fixed up and able to move around in no time!
I like Casey's shirt! Randall has one with a stick figure on it covering it's ears that says, "It's funny how you THINK I'm listening!" LOL
Punk is such a patient girl. But she can sense how bad you are hurting, she knows and I believe she understands...
Hope you have a good week!
Love Ya!
Slurkie :-)
Hello my friend..I'm so sorry to see you're not feeling well..I hope you do get relief from that dreaded back pain soon..Casey looks "wunnaful" as does Miss Punk!!!..Things are so-so here, but getting better..long story..I've missed you much!!! and I'm sorry I haven't been around for so long..I'll do better!!!..Please take care and get well soon!!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteIsn't the internet grand?
ReplyDeleteOtherwise we would have to live close enough to each other to know all these things about each other (or be related).
Either way, you would have to listen to both of us whine then!
At least on here you can just go to another blog...
September doesn't seem right either.
Then again, I have whined my way through this entire Spring/Summer, so maybe I should just stop now.
As I said in my "I Believe" blog, Pain is pain. Suffering is suffering."
Sometimes it is easier to be the one in pain, than to be the one that can't help even though we love them so.
I felt that way for years with Caseys pain...
Best of luck for the 2nd.
Love to you too
Sweet SlurkieBaby!
ReplyDeleteYou're awake!
And you like my weeds, er, flowers, too!
The pain specialist controls the pills you take after trying to guess what is going on in the first place. Casey already had a dx, so he didn't have to guess.
As for me, maybe, with a little luck and a few prayers, i can get to the spineman before I see the painman.
I do love funny t~shirts... As long as they are not too filthy. (Don't like those, and they should be outlawed because children can read). But that's only my opinion too.
I like Randalls shirt though!
Stick figures can't hear anyway! (That makes it even more funny)!
Punk is my awesome friend, and I think you are right about her "knowing"
Just that this sure hasn't been fair to her... And I feel horrid about that.
Love to you too!
Oh my Sweet Sweet WyckieBaby!
ReplyDeleteI have missed you ever SO very much!
I am on the "very hopeful" end of this misery, so that means so much to me.
(I have been dealing with this pain for months and months already)...
I truly hope you will be back soon too!
glad to see you around!
Feel better soon please?
Sweet Pea,
ReplyDeleteI am always a"round"- And getting rounder all the time!
I have more hope now with my back than I had for these past 2 years! So that is a very very good thing.
Now stop worrying about me and start taking care of YOU!
And so you know I am having a time with your pics.
Had to try Oka's a couple times too.
Anne...think we will still be around when the "body parts" store opens up for business. LOL! Wouldn't that be a nice reality!
ReplyDeleteSure is good to see our CaseyFace looking good. Heck, even sick, she looked good! Now what was that old saying that actor use to say...."You feel awful but you look marvelous!" That would apply to Casey!
Hi Anne Sweetie....I really feel so bad that you are hurting so much with your back, but I'm being
ReplyDeletevery hopeful that the Spine Man will get you going again without pain!! YAY!! Think Positive....
I just love your flowers and the way they are growing in the tall grass and weeds. I love them
that way. You are so lucky to have such beautiful color surrounding you. They are all trying to
tell you to feel better soon and that Punk, she is a darling. They really know when someone they
love is not well. It's amazing what they will do for you, so keep her close and she will help you if
you need it. You could teach her to dial 911.... :)
I went out with the scooter to look around the house at my flowers and plants. I saw something
growing where my dahlias were supposed to be, but they sure didn't look like the same plants.
I called Dave over and asked him what happened to these flowers? Well, it seems like he gave
my Dahlias to my best friend and planted potatoes in their place!!! He didn't feel well enough
to make a big garden, so instead of planting flowers he put potatoes in their place!! hahaha I just
couldn't believe it. I knew he thought I was plenty mad and I tried to play the part, until I just
burst out laughing. I couldn't help it. Now that we are eating them, I'm glad he did. We do have nice flower boxes and big planters filled with beautiful flowers, so potatoes is ok. I thought that
would make you smile!!! :)
Praying for your appts and hoping you will be all better soon.
Love you,
Bev xo
We've finally started getting some rain! 3 whole months without it and things were looking really brown. It's funny, but no one waters out here...except for a garden or flower beds. My poor fruit trees aren't too happy, but we have a ton of plums and I've started making plum jam. I hope the new doc helps with the back pain...:)
ReplyDeleteSweet PeachieBaby
ReplyDeleteI hope that "store" opens before September 14th. That's the earliest I could get in with the spine doctor.
About that "mah-velous kid of mine-
I know that even in the hospital, all the prayers and well wishes from my friends and family- all that helped Casey a lot-
And I remember the picture on Christmas I was just so beside myself... and she looked so good anyway!
Not fair at all!
Sweet Sweet Bev;
(You really don't mind if I laugh at your potatoes, do you)?
That man of yours is definitely a classic!
Thank you so for your well wishes for my back...
I do try to think positive thoughts- (usually just before gravity threatens to kill me). hehehe
The colors around me do take my breath away too- Even this morning as I let Punkie out, there was something about all those silly flowers, against gray skies, that reminded me that God is here! One of those few and far between moments that creep into your heart and soul.
So your reply here has amazing timing!
Sweet Lisa;
ReplyDeleteAnd I thought, next to Texas, that we were the driest area...
I never water my lawns. Either God does it, or it doesn't get done.
Besides, if the lawns turn brown I do not have to mow them! hehehe
But I do water my flowers, and used to water my garden (when I had one that is). That little effort meant good food all winter long!
Funny you mentioned your plums.
My half dead plum tree has oodles of plums on it.
And I was going to have Randy cut it down earlier.
Miss Beep (Connie) and her hubby sent me some of their jam one year- It was SO good!
Maybe this year I shall try to make some of my own!
I also have tons of pears and apples- Our rains came at a perfect time to save those for the deer and for sauces.
Love to all
Casey's T-shirt gave me a most needed giggle.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I can even remotely think of to announce is that we have been told in no uncertain terms that Casey has no respect.
ReplyDeleteThose damn doctors must have removed that right along with her pancreas, and her colon, and her spleen.
Hows that for an announcement?!
(More on that topic later)! hehehe
Wll I must not have any, because I have rarely seen a time I haven't totally agreed with her sentiments. LMAO
ReplyDeleteAnnie -
ReplyDeleteI hope your back troubles subside very soon! Hopefully they will go away before you even NEED to see the pain specialist. I am sorry to hear you are having so much agony!
Your flowers are gorgeous, by the way. I cannot make anything grow but weeds, so I respect your gardening talents.
And yes.. it has been QUITE humid. My naturally curly hair is really enjoying it.. (NOT)
Take care
giggles... just a little bit... LOL!
ReplyDeletesmoochies~! sorry about the pictures!
ReplyDeleteI am round too... I am told it is attractive in a girl.
I try to take care of me but sometimes it aint easy.
Sweet Athena;
ReplyDeleteAnd giggling is good for the soul!
ReplyDeleteI disagreed with a few of her sentiments back when she was in high school and wanted to be dating a dork.
(Of course, she disagreed with my own at those points too)...
Sweet Nyk!
ReplyDeleteYou are a naught naughty girl. You came here and didn't come in to see me!?!
(Truth be known, Punk wasn't even looking out her silly window)! hehehe
But I would have LOVED to have seen your hair!
About your weeds... Are they legal?
Just kidding!
Love to ya!
Hey Woman!
ReplyDeleteD'ya wanna be starting something?
Do ya?
I went back again, and they are all blurry-
ReplyDeleteI even tried to blow up the afghan but that didn't work either- The tops come in all clear and the rest is blurry like on Americas Most Wanted.
Must be my dial up.
I shall try yet again- But from what I saw, your afghan is gorgeous!
I can't remember the last time anything about me was attractive. (But I have gotten compliments on the damned cane)!
Taking care of you isn't easy????
Waiting to hear from you is even harder when you are going through so much crap.
Know i love you always.
Mama D.
sorry...sometimes the crap overwhelms the desire to say anything... I know that is when it shouldnt... but it does it anyway
ReplyDeleteI think it must be dial up... they work fine for most.
I think almost all of you is attractive.... I only think that this damnable spine of yours is rather unattractive right now.
Love you always too!
I would NEVER start 'something'... ;-)
I'm late, I'm late...for a very important blog!
ReplyDeleteDid I read "spine doctor"???
Praise the Lord.....please let him have brains....please, please, please!!!
I don't care if they are weeds or flowers, they are beautiful and if it didnt hurt so dang bad, I'd tell you to cut some and put them in a vase just for you, but hey....they last longer in the garden...your yard is a mighty big vase of its own...and they live longer.
Love and hugs :)
I am sorry you had such a miserable past week but I am glad your going to be seeing someone else and going to a spine doctor ..Hopefully all this will give you good news and hope and start your back healing .. I love Casey's shirt ... I also love the flowers .. My garden is full of weeds and flowers also ..With me working all the time I am always too tired to go weeding but I sorta like the mixture of both weeds and flowers so I can live with it .. Hope this week is going better for you back wise .. Take care :-)
ReplyDeleteWhat fantastic flowers - and I love the one with the big bug buzzing around at the top of your home page. The rabbits made short work of this years flowers out front and we never got round to replacing them. There are a couple of geraniums that survived the feeding frenzy but that's about it. Bummer really! Having said that, it's soooo much easier to de-weed the flower beds, I just whizz along with the hoe and there it is - done! Out the back, I've just let the ground cover take over the bare spaces, so at least it all looks green (ish).
ReplyDeleteKeep smiling, Mega hugs xxxx