Wild Turkeys back by the campsite-
Anyone hungry? hehehe
Good Morning Everyone!
Matter of fact, once, when it began to snow, the damn birds were so shocked that one even had heart failure...
I hope all is well with everyone!
Oh my goodness I have not blogged in so very long- - - again.
My apologies.
I have not been too busy.
I have not gone on vacation.
I have not croaked... (yet).
*sigh* I see I have no excuse whatsoever. Methinks it's called laziness.
Oh well.
Lots to catch up on.
(Or is that "ketchup")?
This is...
Heck, I never even wrote of Master Gabriel s new quilt- (Christmastime). Oops.
Here it is!
Methinks he likes it too!
It is so way big! Made me laugh as he carried it up to his room.
Kristin later sent me pictures of his 'new' room. And now that I want to post them I cannot find where I downloaded them!
But I did find this one...
How beautiful! -
(The dolphin is too)!!
He made this- "with help" as Kristin wrote.
No worries Gabriel, I would need help too. hehehe
Cousin Buttercup came with her friend Dean-
Notice the aura that is around him-
Oh! We had such a nice visit too!
On one of Punk's visit to the vet I was early and had stopped over to Sue and Glenn's.
They rescue animals- - - - Cats, greyhounds, and deer anyway.
(At least I haven't seen any gators in their pond)... hehehe
She carries one of them down, and they have 2 cats like this.
The other, basking in the sunshine on his favorite chair.
And yes, I have forgotten what breed they are.
Imported- from Florida!
Casey's mid-winter dress.
*** Forgive my mess. I assure you that it is no longer like that-
Friend Christy- and her crew!, came over and cleaned one day last month!
What a day that was- And I think they might have had fun too.
The 4 boys even moved the piano 29 feet across the living room! OMG!
Christy is gone for now-
Her and her hubby are off to Ethiopia to adopt 2 little girls- special needs.
She will have her hands full now.
(What? As if she didn't before)?! hehehe
Back to Casey-
She may end up back here-
Fairview Medical, U of Minneapolis.
She still has much pain- And is very, very, tired; perhaps depressed, about being sick for so very long.
But like many who have suffered as she does, she is much like that Energizer Bunny-
Keeps going and going and going and...
She also had to have a colposcopy- Her paps came back questionable.
The results on the colposcopy were good though. She does this again come August.
What a MILD Winter we have had! As I think most of you have also?
Matter of fact, once, when it began to snow, the damn birds were so shocked that one even had heart failure...
I really have NO idea, but there he was out my door.
(I know this portends something, but I don't remember what)?
I had better close for now- Already it is quite warm out- And Miss Kelli will be bringing Miss Coco and Mr. Miller too. (I haven't told Miss Punk yet because she would give me no peace if she knew).
For now she sleeps.
As does this man.
Happy 30th Birthday Mr. Greg!
And many many happy returns!
I hope all is well with everyone!
all wonderful hugs :)
ReplyDeleteYes, it is all wonderful!
ReplyDeleteAnd I especially love t when I don't have too much to bitch about! hehehe
Oh, and I stole your picture!
I am still giggling!
Lve to you Sweet Heidi!
Guess our 'reply' button is still not working.... Grrrr....
Sweetest Sister,
ReplyDeleteMaster Gabriel's quilt is just lovely. He and his sisters look so happy!!
So glad Miss Punk has a play date with Miss Coco and Mister MiIler.
Casey and Cousin Buttercup are as always beautiful and the kitties are so pretty.
Hope you're feeling a bit better, I think of you often.
I love you Sissy,
Happy 30th Birthday Greg I hope your day was a very special one mate; That is a lovely hospital Anna, well the rooms I visited are anyway,they should put up some scaffolding on the outside of the building a considering it is a University they should get all the Art students in a room together, lock it and pump in smoke from Marj until it's like a London fog in there, take them by the hand and put them on the scaffolding ( With safety straps of course ) and give them some paint so as they can express away, it would be the most colourful building in the city hey.
ReplyDeleteNo need to apologise Anna about not posting for some time, we all get lazy ;P ;P :D
Turkeys Ummm No thank you Anna I find them a little dry for me, perhaps I need them to be cooked better, Julie still has two in the freezer so she will cook them I have never had home made (Whoops) cooked Turkey before.
I would think that Gabriel loves his new quilt it looks lovely mate, nice and warm and secure.
The breed of that Cat is called Ylgu cat but people often spell it backward to get it's name, that's all I know about that one Anna.
Casey looks lovely in her "mid-winter dress" is it home made or brought ?
We have had a very mild summer here Anna however It is perhaps good about your winter as I would hate to see your basement flooded again mate.
Have a great week Anna and hope you start to feel a bit better soon Casey
ATM I am just downloading Relaxation sleep sounds and music
Sweet Snotball Sister of Mine;
ReplyDeleteDarn reply button anyway...
Wow! You hit everything but Greg!
But he probably wouldn't like you much if you hauled off and hit him.
I miss everyone so much when I don't blog- So it's out of sheer desperation that I write!
Nah- (I mean yes, I miss everyone), but my fingers sure suck at typing lately.
Maybe it's the keyboard? Sounds good to me!
Then again the keyboard does have a very nice redeeming quality. The backspace key! hehehe
Love to you.
Mr Lester!
ReplyDeleteListen to you- Killing off U-of-M students like that! hehehe
But I can see more than a few of Casey's rooms in that picture!
We have been there too many times already...
I just wish she would be ALL better is all.
Casey's dress is store-bought.
The quilt is homemade and parts are handmade too.
OMG! You reminded me of "The Great Flintville Flood"...
The picture of Greg and Casey was taken during on of the days that he was working on getting the sump pump installed down there.
It never happened before- and it won't happen again. (Er, I hope)! hehehe
Gawd, that was SO bad!
A sassy comment you made about the cat!
I think they are very very cool!
They probably think "we" are the ugly things in their lives.
Sweet Sissy of mine,
ReplyDeleteI DO apologize and I will correct my lameness by wishing Mr Greg the happiest, bestest birthday ever!!!! But of course it will be a good one, he will spend it with you and Casey! (I would never haul off and hit Greg, he might hit me back! LOL)
All my love to you Sissy,
Imagine my arms around you and holding you as tight as you can stand.
Sweet Lame? Snotball;
ReplyDeleteYou made me laugh. it hurt.
but felt so good too!
Dang reply button STILL isn't working. But it did in my guestbook- Go figure.
Greg is a very laid back man- I don't know if he has it in him to strike out that way.
Yes, perhaps in retribution (we all have that), but if he reads this, he probably wouldn't even realize it all.
So no worries.
He's just too sweet!
ReplyDeleteI had better not post this pic on my page Anna as I have a Republican on my page now mate. Tissy ( in the denim shorts)
I just don't comment on her Political posts LMBO
I call bullshit, Lester.
ReplyDeleteShe's the one that NEEDS to see it.
first off Happy Happy Birthday Greg, I love the way you love Casey!!!! It's pouring rain over here today and 53 degrees!!! I'm diggin the snot out of it. great blog my sweet Annie!!!