[My] Life in Wisconsin

Vets, Food, and Sick Dogs-

She smiles!

Good Morning All;
Casey brought Punk back to the vet yesterday-
She has an infection in her ear- (Punk, not Casey) 
... Just not of the bacterial variety- She is now being treated for a yeasty infection in her ear.
Gentocin and Miconazole Drops- 5 or 6,
twice a day. 
Go figure- Only Punk.
This was brought on by the antibiotics she is on for her sebaceous cyst. 
Dare I ask "what next?!?"
No. I'd better not. hehehe

Love a dog- he loves you always
Ain't it the truth!
And the quote:
Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened.
A. France
Honestly I have problems with those who do not love animals; even if they are allergic.

I have the TV on the background-
And now have to ask, "What recession?" !?!?
Yesterday, someone paid nearly 120 Million dollars for Munch's "Scream"
Methinks I should now put all of CaseyAnne's signed first grade artwork up for sale.  

Last week, Casey and I were very curious about what was down the lane by the woods-


I took the picture from up by the house- (Whatever it was, it only appeared in the afternoons)?
Finally we took a drive back there.
Turns out it was a lump of ground, turned over by the plow- and only showed up when the sun hit it right. (No wonder I never saw "it" coming or going)!! hehehe

I do see these guys coming and going all the time!  

Breakfast for the birds!

Yes that is my driveway- I had Randy scatter the old seeds out there so I could watch what might come and eat them.

trotting turkeys
2 more walking through the west field!

Still another around the back of the garage too.

Besides those, I have only seen a few sparrows pigging out. And they barely even move when I am out there with them! Even Punk gets real close before they fly off.
No fear.
The crows actually show more fear than the sparrows cardinals, chickadees, robins -or the other birds. No wonder crows prefer dead meat, they are lazy cowards.
(Hey, I know people like that)!  hehehe

 - - - Punk had to hold her 'potty' until the wild turkeys were out of sight too. She wasn't too happy about that.
She did look kinda funny with her legs all crossed up behind her though--- hehehe

Now about that mini chicken casserole I wound up making the other day.
Was hungry for lunch and pulled out a 'new' (to me) variety of mac and cheese. 

Kraft Mac and Cheese/Broccoli  ??????????  Broccoli???

Rotini and Cheese with Broccoli- But I had to laugh when I pulled out the 'broccoli'.

No, really?
the broccoli?!?   (& Yes, that is my thumb holding onto the little package)!

So after I got through laughing at it, and while I boiled the rotini, I defrosted and cut up a big chicken breast, and added some frozen peas. Then cut up an onion, and also added a few pimentos. A bit of cream, a little leftover corn; and then the cheese packet.
While it wasn't half bad, I would not recommend making a casserole from this.
Truth be told I would not even recommend buying the package in the 1st place.
But yes, I am still laughing at those "little troll broccoli's"!  

Tons of water outside with the storms we got yesterday, and this morning too.
And lots of noise that accompanied the rainfalls too.
Punk had been lying at my feet earlier while I read... One particularly LOUD thunderclap woke her up fast! She sighed and just looked at me as it rolled on and on...
She had been laying with her bad ear down. (That must have sounded awful on the linoleum).
She is asleep on the couch now.

Time for me to close and to begin with my day. After all I have to get Casey's artwork for sale. hehehe

I hope all is well with everyone!

Have a 'wunnaful' day! (Even if it hurts)!   


Yes the pic of Punk is an old(er) one-
But yes too, she WAS smilin' already by yesterday afternoon!!!

Trip to the vet
From an email (I think)-
Punk really is almost this bad!!!   hehehe    


  1. HI Sissy,

    LOVE the pic of Miss Punk and her smile. She's such a sweet girl! When ours get a yeasty infection we just get the miconozole from the pharmacy and save the vet bill, LOL. Put a dab of the cream in their ear and voila, all better!

    The turkeys look so yummy. I'm going to have to see if I can get one of ours. We have several deer that have been coming around the house and they're not the least bit afraid of the dogs. I had one about 50 feet from the porch the other day that just stood and looked at me. Bold as brass.

    That wheaten is so pitiful. I'm glad my kids are so good at the vet.

    Hoping you have a wonderfilled day,

  2. Hi Yourself ShadowSister of Mine;
    I saw the ingredients and thought the same thing-
    She now has a diet of Natural Balance and Yogurt. (The REAL stuff). hehehe

    I am still giggling at that dog jumping up-
    Punk is fine... until i turn left at the 4Way.
    She gets upset then- the only time I turn that way is to go to the vet- and very few times to go visit my friends Sue and Glenn.
    Too funny.
    (She would KILL me if she jumped up on me like that).


    Haaaaaaaappy you are baaaaaack!

  3. Arriba embarrasses me at the vet because he just wont stop peeing on everything, I mean how big can a chihuahua's bladder be that he has enough to go around!!! those troll broccoli's scare me ;)
    I love the creamy cheese and shells one with that said

  4. Not really been gone, just quiet.


  5. HAHAHA!
    Maybe she thinks she is going to get catheterized and wants everyone to know it's not necessary?!?
    As for Punk, before she fought with the stick, she was fine as frogs hair going in.
    TO THIS DAY she still blames Doc Spires for putting it there!
    Now she will get out of the car, go pee, go in, get weighed, sit and wait.
    then cry like a little puppy.
    When the Dr. opens the back door to the exam room, (we are stil in the waiting area), she gets very quiet.
    When he calls her back she either tries to make a beeline for the door, -
    - - OR - - - will go see him, let him pat her, and THEN make the beeline for the door.
    Unless someone else is in the waiting area, I just let her leash go as soon as he calls her back. That seems to work best- She doesn't have to drag me around. hehehe

    Oh- the creamy ones? Casey brought a box out about 8 months ago.
    While I generally don't really care for mac/cheese, I like that one just fine!
    EXCEPT that it's made by Kraft. They are HUGE offenders for GMO's.



  6. I know. I see you at FB-
    But you are still missed here.

  7. I'll try to be more of a nuisance here so you'll miss me less. Love you! HUGS

  8. Now that's a good Snotball.
    Your 'nuisance-ness' is always appreciated.
    Hugs backatcha-


  9. Damn Anna I wrote a nice long comment here for you mate and as I do I always look up what ppl write about as I did here for you and I lost everything I wrote Whaaaaa

    I shall be back later mate

  10. I love you Anna and it's always great to read your blogs. Poor Punk and the Vet....not good. :))))

    I wrote to you last week. Maybe you didn't read it yet, but I'm sure we will get together soon.
    We are going to the City this week (on Tuesday). Our son is coming to pick us up. Dave has
    to see his rheumatologist on Wednesday and his Neurologist on Friday. Got to check out his
    brain tumor and make sure it's not getting any bigger. I'm a mess....I would rather not know!!
    My stomach is wound up in a million little balls of something!! :)) Besides, I don't want to leave
    home. I know he will enjoy it cause our oldest daughter, where we will be staying, is like her
    Dad and loves to cook. They often have cook offs together and she says that she wins, but when
    her back is turned he's telling me what was wrong with hers. haha She has a dinner and a bon
    fire planned on Saturday with all our family...everyone will be there, so I can't disappoint her.

    Happy Mother's Day sweetie and I will be here on Sunday. Take care and be safe.

    Bev xo

  11. Poor Punk. I wonder if the ear problem is a common thing for Labs. My daughters black lab seems to get ear infections a lot too. We've also noticed he must have a bit of arthritis as well. He is a Japanese bred black Lab and is a bit on the chunky side. I imagine his weight is one of the factors in his front paws hurting all the time.

    LOL! Anne, I just had to laugh at your mysterious clump of dirt. Didya think it was a chupacabra or something? I've been fooled with lights and shadows and bad eyesite as well. But I do think I saw a real chupacabra once while driving out to my sisters house. It was a "half and half" of something. It was crossing the road in front of me and darn it....me and my car was the only one on that road at the time. I slowed down for it. So...I definitely got a good look at it. Drove the rest of the way to my sisters house with my chin in my lap!

  12. I have a 120 pound Great Pyrenees that refuses to walk into the vet's office. He pulls the passive resistance trick and lies down. I ended up having someone pull on the leash while I pushed on his butt and slid him right up to the reception desk. I should change his name from Bear to Weenie.

  13. Mr Lester-
    That used to happen to me all the time- Until Casey told me about 'control' 'z' (undo).
    It brings my replies back, as long as I can remember how i began my comment, and as long as I haven't closed the specific window I was typing in; (sometimes it's stubborn that way). hehehe



  14. OMD Sweet Bev;
    "Poor" Punk has been in, and back, to the vets more times than I can count last month and this one too-

    I received no letter from you, or I would have replied.
    Maybe you sent it to someone else?

    By now you have learned if the tumor has grown- and what more diagnosis may be in store for Dave.
    I pray all is well- That he isn't in too much uncontrolled pain?
    Happy that your son is driving! I would be a basket-case too.


  15. Sweet PeachieBaby!
    If I could read your comment to "Punk the Chunk" I would! Shew might realize that the bit of flab on her belly isn't supposed to be there!
    Too funny!

    Chupacabra? ;-)
    Your story reminds me of the time my parents were driving home from a wedding, late at night. (Decades and decades ago)- So very long ago that it was "pre-me"-
    Mom had fallen asleep, waking when Dad had hit the brakes on the old Ford-
    The first thing she saw was that he had almost killed........ "a martian!"
    (He said, "Don't be silly Rita, that's McNeills goat." "Go back to sleep"
    In her defense, she did wake to see it straight on- only 2 legs and a very strange face looking at her!

    I haven't seen a chupacabra around here since I found the petrified one in the woods
    (Wonder where that entry is now??? hehehe
    Will have to check my Flickr account...

    YAY! I found it!



    dated August 31, 2005

  16. Sweet Loretta;
    I am SO laughing at your name change for him!
    I had a 1/2 Golden (retriever), 1/2 Pyrenees-
    She was such a good dog! A rescue from the shelter here in town-
    126 pounds in her heyday- and I never ever had a problem with her- She even let the girls 'ride' on her back!
    One by one, as I brought each of the girls home from the hospital, "Heidi" had to check these new babies out. From that point onward they were always stoically protected by her.


  17. Aww that is so cool. I definitely think the birds are cool. They are really cool and great animals. Wish I could see them more often. Where I live there isn't many of those birds. It's a good thing you take your animals to the vets. It would be very helpful to keep them up to date on all their vaccines.
