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- (Better grab a cup of coffee, I got a little long winded here).
Good Morning Everyone!
I am happy to say that I have NOT worn my Sorels boots for 4 days.
Not that I haven't gone outside... Just that they haven't been necessary for warmth.
The temps have been in the high 20's. Too bad that will end tonight as the mercury dips to about 7 below once more.
(I have worn the other boots with the cleats on though). Still so much ice for me to chip away at.
With the advent of sunshine and warmer temps, things are beginning to show up from under the snow.
And a few pictures too!
I dug out my very 1st digital camera for these! It is an old Sony (DSC-P32) that for some reason drains the batteries even when it is not "on".
- .
This is a shot at the end of my 2nd driveway...
But note the ice chunks I've been working on since we got back home.
So it's better in the shade.
She tells me to put the camera away???
Looking good!
Miss Doubtfire is finally back in her own home after the major ice storm that went through her neck of the woods last week. She has pictures and stories to tell.
Click here to visit her blogs. And don't forget to check out her pictures too! - If those links do not work, please TRY THIS ONE..
There are still upwards of half a million people without power from that storm.
For the rest of us, please click this article out from the Old Farmers Almanac-
Entitled simply "What to Do When the Power Goes Out"
Lots of little hints for us all, and we are ALL susceptible to this.
From dealing with the darkness, to heating, water supplies, damage, cooking and eating.
The Peanut Recall has ballooned out of control....
(Told ya so)
You need to check your packaging for ANY peanut products.
Click for FDA Link to all products if you are unsure.
From candies to crackers, cereals, frozen dinners to Kashi.
Not too much else going on around here.
But online is a whole 'nother story...
Reconstituted Teenager recently posted a blog that asked if you have a gun for personal protection? CLICK HERE to visit her blog.
Her blog took on a life of its own when someone disagreed with me about having the dogs for protection too.
(Sorry RT).
The comment that set me off was this one. "Dogs? Oh, please. If you want a companion-pet, and you like dogs, by all means buy one. Do not delude yourself into believing that a dog is any form of 'protection'."
So if you are bored go ahead and check it out!
I seem to lock horns with another blog as well. But mostly about politics. And believe I can hold my own too.
CLICK HERE to see his "Prayer Rug" for Obama. That's just wrong.
I believe that this kind of misinformation does all of us Americans a great disservice.
Note: If you are a dyed in the wool republican, you will probably love his site.
In other news...
Breakfast is FREE at all Denny's restaurants today.
This promo runs from 6AM until 2PM. No need to hurry.
CLICK HERE for that promo. You do not need a coupon.
What's up with that woman that has all those babies?
I like babies too. But 14? Gimme a break.
Who, after 6 kids, NEEDS fertility treatments to begin with? (I would have to shoot my doctor for even suggesting such a thing).
She needs her brain checked, not her reproductive organs.
867-5309 is the phone number for sale today. - Price on ebaY is up to $365,000.
Please just send ME your money instead.
And then THIS STORY, (CLICK), absolutely sickens me. "Problems in Paris, Texas A brutal death has caused long-simmering racial tensions to flare anew.
It honestly seems to be that way from this girls Wisconsin perspective anyway.
I have two grandsons being raised in the South.
I pray they will not ever know such hateful ignorant feelings.
One of my daughters once had a keyring that said simply "Mean People Suck"
I think I want one now.
I'd better close. I have been online since I woke this morning- Sadly, there is a dusting of snow to deal with. And my back is not going to like that anymore than chipping away at that ice.
Love to all.
An Unknown Number of Thoughts
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ReplyDeleteAnd YAY!
Casey has just called and is on her way out!
It amazes me that her fetility doctor couldn't used some ethics in the case. I know that 8 was not the prediction, but always a possibility. A sngle mother of 6 does not need to have more children with fertility help. Did he even think about asking her to talk to a therapist???
ReplyDeleteHeard about Denny's don't think I'll be heading there though. Free food is tempting, but I'd have to take a lil bit of a drive and it's not worth it. LOL
I have learned to stay away from Political blogs. I agree the misinformation is a disservice and I voiced that opinion a few times during the election season.
We have a pet dog. Mimi is a great companian. She still gets overly excited by visitors. I have noticed, she reads my emotions on anyone that steps foot in our yard. If I am concerned or uneasy, she is immediately defensive. My husband is excited she is here when he can't be at night. I will not have a trained guard dog, but I do believe family pets can be protective. Are they 100% effective. Maybe not, but I bet the odds are pretty high that a dog the size of yours or mine is gonna scare someone off.
Love the pics. I need to work on ice too, but not sure I will get to it today. With a sick lil one, it is hard to get outside and get things done.
Have a great day Anne, glad Casey is getting out.
Good morning dear friend!!! It is definitely good to be back home. Thank you for your concern and prayers. Boy, did we ever need the prayers. Still do until we get things back to some sense of normalcy. My blogs and pics are set to contacts only but I will go back and change those settings so those that wish to view and read my blogs and pics may do so. Thank you so much for all your concern!
ReplyDeleteMiss Casey looks absolutely wonderful!!!! How is she feeling now? Hope all continues to go well with her recovery. Keeping her in my prayers.
ok, I've changed my settings on my storm blogs and photo albums so more than my contacts can see them. Been one wild ride that's for sure...and not in a good way either...lol!!!
ReplyDeletetake care friend and thanks again. It really IS good to be back!
Sweet OKA;
ReplyDeleteI do have my own opinion on the Dennys thing- (Of course I do).
Thinking that they are doing this now so the waitstaff get a few extra tips before they get cut.
I try to stay away from the political crap too. But I respect this man for how he loves his wife and kids.
Just try to set it straight and keep it more level headed.
I didn't know about your Mimi. I am glad you have her too.
Dogs do not have to be taught loyalty.
They are a great warning system- big or small. But I do think the 'timbre' of the voice that barks on the other side of the door can be a deterrent.
PS Hope your little one feels better soon!
Oops I missed this...
ReplyDeleteI didn't even know she was single!?!
How crazy!
ReplyDeleteSweet Pam;
Thanks so much for changing your settings! I never check that- (A holdover from 360). Sorry.
I hope everyone will leave you, (and your young guitarist) a comment or two.
Casey still has some spasmodic pain in her stomach. Kinda worried about that, but even as I type she is playing with the dogs and not looking pasty white anymore.
THAT is a good thing!
She might need surgery on her colon- We will find out next month.
Yep, according to her mother, she has no intentions on marrying. She doesn't want a husband, just kids. There is rumor all the kids have the same donor father.
ReplyDeleteYou have been a busy beav with that internet thing. But please don't hold back with your opines. Let people know where you stand (or sit as the case may be). Have a great day and I'm so glad that Casey is doing better.
ReplyDeleteThat is a lot of information.....
ReplyDeleteAny one that says a dog is no protection never met mine. My dane saved me from my exhubby more than once. My setter almost took my brother's face off when he jumped out one dark night to scare me. Even peaceful little Miss Isabelle backed up the road rage guy who got out of his car to try to hit me on the freeway once....
Dogs protect the pack, Mr. Cranky-Pants. If your dog doesn't come through for you in a pinch perhaps you need to revisit how you treat your dog.
There is some TV show where the woman has 18 kids and still trying for more..... http://www.duggarfamily.com/
Why are they putting salmon in the peanut butter? Sounds fishy to me...
Love Pea.
I've seen some of this families shows. I have my opinions here too(maybe not kind)... there is still clearly a difference between a married couple that has no trouble having kids and a single mother that has to have a a doctor implant the embryos and already had six kids.
ReplyDeleteSince I'm dogless at the moment I have to rely on my cats. Whenever a car comes up the gravel road leading to my driveway they growl and run for cover! Too funny, but at least it tells me someone is out there.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the deal with the phone number for sale at ebay? I don't get it.
I laughed at the picture of Punk in the shade she looks like she's giving you a PHHHT! (look at her - her tongue is even out!!)
As far as people from the south being racist - I'm from the south and I'm not. My parents were/are pretty racist, but I go with what's in my heart. All people deserve my respect until they give me a reason to believe otherwise.
Casey looks like she's in the pink again - YEA!
I'm looking forward to spring as much as you are, (well maybe you're looking forward to it a little bit more than me) it's still only Feb though. According to Mr. Groundhog in my area we still have another six weeks of winter - I say shoot the groundhog and bring on spring!
Anne...we both know that when we have a pet...dog or cat...we get them for the companionship. The love and the loyalty they have for us is what makes them "want" to protect us. Most don't even need to be trained for attack to fulfill that duty either. They do it because they care for us as much as we care for them. They sense danger or when something is not normal long before we do. They may not start out that way....but YES, they are good to have around for protection. My mother-in-law once had 2 dobermans. They knew ALL of the family members. (I suppose by our scent) But they even scared me once when we had a room full of people and they both lurched toward the front door while growling and baring their teeth. It was the NEW Maintenance man to her apartments. He refused to come in till the dogs were put into another room. There was at least a dozen people in that apartment that day. And those two dogs would have torn that man to shreds if they thought in the least he was there to harm any one of us.
ReplyDeleteMy cat thinks he is a mountain lion when a strange car pulls up out front. He arches his back and walks towards the front door hissing and growling. LOL! My protector. He only "thinks" he is tough. He has even been known to hear the sound of an unrecognizable car door while in a deep sleep and wake up growling.
And Anne.....why is that when there is this major recall on peanut butter that I have been craving the taste of peanut butter the most! More than likely, when things get back to normal the craving will have passed.
I must go check out that link about the story in Paris, Texas. My sis-in-law lives there.
ReplyDeleteI love your link blogs, and picture blogs! Casey looks so well, I'm glad.
ReplyDeleteI read the link about the young man in Paris.This should not have been anything racially motivated. All of those young men were friends. This was alcohol related. They should be punished, yes. But all those others, from both sides, are like vultures just hovering for an opportunity like this so they can start stuff. The whole world is filled with these kind. Unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteOh I really DO love this thought!
...And you are so right about stereotypes too.
Mr KhoolMan;
ReplyDeleteThe internet is SOOOOOO slow around my house. But I get there, and that's what counts.
(Darn good thing I love to read).
Casey sure looks 'gooder' and 'gooder' each time I see her!
Good afternoon Rock,
ReplyDeleteMy goodness.. you can stir up stuff cant you??? hehe First of all, very glad to see that your not frozen and all is basically good and well on the home front..
Whats the deal with the phone number.. are they selling phone numbers on ebay these days? I have a number for sale in that case.
Do I have a gun? You betcha! I also have a dog.. now mind you my dog is not that big and someone would probably just laugh at her.. but I wouldnt put anyones dog to the test.. someone might get surprised. Dogs and even cats can be very protective.
As to that woman with all those kids.. The doctor that gave her the fertility drugs should be fined.. and the clinic shut down! She worked at that clinic.. its not like he didnt know she already had 6 kids.
There should be standards.. and limitations on this sort of thing.
Now Im hurt you would think.. that because we are in the south that we are more intolerant of any race. That is just bunk.. That was a drunken brawl and its the so called "civil rights" organizations (mostly from the north, I might add) and the media who are making more of it than what it is.
Now if I recall .. it was Barney Frank a Congressman from New York that wanted to add to this "so called stimulus package" that all contracts be given to minorities.. No Whites Need Apply! Sounds like reverse discrimination to me.
Now I hear all the time that because we are in the south.. and we take life a little, slower talk a little slower That we are stupid.. this from those in the north..
So from this Southerner.. Sounds just the opposite to me..
Hugs to you sweety.. Hope you dont take offense!
beepluvsrock.com (ya know)
Yep I made the "prayer rug" guess you never heard of "Satire" but you can't deny all the pictures of Brack Hussian Obama dressed in "Muslim Dress" and it was not Halloween and I did call him stupid which was reinforced today two more of his "appointees" withdrew their names because they got caught on Income Tax Evasion he did get one by as head of the Treasury which is in charge of I R S eventhough he is/was guilty of Income Tax Evasion. Can he not pick an honest person for his cabinet Now about dogs, after 24 years in law enforcement I can tell you this "any criminal who wants in your house, will do one of two things if they hear a dog inside. one leave two kill the dog" case in point did you hear about the seven year old boy who dragged a pit bull dog off his friend and killed it ??? a dog has no chance against a gun or knife. Paris Texas guess you didn't read the story close, this had nothing to do with race it was a drunken brawl
ReplyDeleteSorry I had to visit that link...
ReplyDeleteThat's just bizarre.
You crack me up Sweet Pea!
I have eaten peanut butter, green tomato, and mayonnaise sandwiches, but I never tried 'em with fish! (Oh and FYI, I have been trying to keep my lunch down here, so even reading about that mixture isn't much help). Perhaps lunch will be recalled too.
I had a Golden Pyrenees- Heidi. In her heyday was 126 pounds- though I had gotten her from the shelter at about 50 lbs, full grown.
But she was ever so gentle and tender- All of my daughters actually could ride her!
One day, Mom was here alone- A pickup truck of Mexicans pulled in the yard, and one guy jumped out right away.
This big gentle giant of a dog backed him right into the truck too.
"Lady, does your dog bite?"
Mom said "Yes."
Now, to our knowledge Heidi had never even bitten a fly, but Mom said yes to make them go away. They had wanted to paint her brand new siding???
Heidi KNEW something wasn't right.
They never did come back.
ReplyDeleteThat is very true too!
I saw a link to their vacations there- If they can afford vacations on top of 18 kids, then kudos to them.
Nobody should be that fertile! :-) Sheesh!!!
Me too!
I hope this posts right for you to listen to while I respond to the rest of your comment.
Lyrics | Tommy Tutone lyrics - 8675309 (jenny) lyrics
Sweet RT;
ReplyDeleteCats are also on the list- If nothing else, a few claws to the face when you toss the cat will at least give you a 3~Step lead...
♫ "Gimme Three Steps, Gimme Three Steps, Mister" ♫
No I am not looking that one up- My cornputersaurus is very very slow tonight.
Now for Punk... She was actually eating some snow, but hey it is SO funny!
As for racism. For whatever reason, it makes my blood run cold. Anything like it does too.
Whether it is my God, my Race, my Gender, my Nationality. Anyone that judges me on those things had best NOT be reckoning with my dogs. hehehe
Methinks your point about RESPECT is a wonderful one!
And the point about the groundhog even better- (Would you happen to have a recipe)?
Sweet PeachieBaby;
ReplyDeleteAnother watch cat! How cool this is! Sputty could care less, as long as he gets fed and watered.
I do have my dogs as companions, but are they capable of being called off? Yes they are.
And just as capable of vice~versa too.
Last week I had to call Punk off someone who had walked into my house.
She had been sleeping very soundly.
I had the TV on, and she hadn't heard the truck. (Sometimes I forget that she IS this protective).
I had her called off by the time she hit the kitchen door. But if I hadn't been expecting him I might not have been so quick to call her down.
My dogs know the "safe" cars even as they are coming down the road. Punk has even been so gracious now just only to "woof" a bit when Gregs car pulls in. (Didn't use to be that way).
When Greg got to Minnesota that night, I had rented a room for both Casey and he the night before her surgery. I went to bed-
Later then I hear my dog going NUTS at the window.
Sure enough, Greg had just gotten there!
Peanut Butter cravings? You only want the peanuts because I told you not to eat them.
Just like a little kid. What will I do with you??? hehehe
ReplyDeleteThank you Sweet Pamela!
I should have maybe changed the wording of it all. But what became of Paris Texas afterwards is just hateful and ever so prejudiced.
ReplyDeleteLike it said in that article "Though race may not have contributed to McClelland's death, it quickly dominated debate in the aftermath."
It also states, "McClelland may have been a victim of drunken rage more than racial animosity."
I believe in BOTH statements the operative word is "MAY"
Not sure about the whole world, but I am about that little town in Texas.
Another quote. Not sure WHY "race" is so mentioned within that article?
Perhaps because of all this "given the town's turbulent racial history. Paris was the site of some of the country's most notorious lynchings after Reconstruction. At the county courthouse, a towering statue commemorates "Our Heroes" of the Confederate Army, and plaques mark the location of former "Negro"-only toilets. Two years ago, Paris drew national media scrutiny for the story of Shaquanda Cotton. A black, 14-year-old freshman with no arrest record, she was sentenced to as much as seven years in juvenile detention for shoving a teacher's aide. About the same time, though, a white student who admitted to arson received only probation. The disparity galvanized many of the town's African-Americans, who account for about one fifth of the 26,000 residents. Cherry, the Concerned Citizens founder, and Lone Star Legal Aid, a nonprofit law firm, had compiled statistics showing that the Paris school district punished black kids eight times more often than white ones, even though blacks make up a minority of the population (the U.S. Department of Education, however, ruled that there wasn't enough evidence to attribute the discrepancy to racism)."
Not even mentioning the content of it all, there are no less than 9 or 10 references to color and nationality in that one paragraph.
I agree that these kinds of 'vulturistic' people are everywhere.
it still sickens me.
Sweet Beep!
ReplyDeleteWho said I'm not frozen?
But it has been SO nice-
Sadly very chilly tonight and tomorrow too... So that means I have to keep Miss Milly on the inside.
Already I am looking for my earplugs. The darned dog is in heat.
A pitiful noise coming from the entrance... And it won't go away anytime soon.
Phone number. See above comment to RT about that.
I think you can click and listen.
The lady with the kids... I get so riled when I even think about those poor kids. She has an agent now. Does that mean that these kids are somehow for sale to the highest bidder for their stories?
Sick sick sick.
I don't take offense Sweetie- You know me better than that. (And you know too that I do not call people names unless it's an emergency, Mama raised me better than that; so it wasn't me calling you st00pid).
But the truth of the matter is that more of that type of garbage does come out of the south than anywhere else- Unless you add Native American to that too. But that's a whole 'nother can of worms.
We do have racial crimes up here. Just not as many. And not as hate~filled racially.
Mostly I guess you could call them the 'hate crime' thing.
Mostly it is simply fear of the unknown and the lack of understanding and compassion where ever one is.
It goes back to "walk a mile in my shoes" Something lots of people just can't do.
I giggled at Miss Nikki when you said about her being put to the test. Between her and Zoe, (providing you have company at the moment), there would definitely be much rethinking going on, on the other side of your door.
Mr. John;
ReplyDeleteYou and I both know that none of your words in your blog, or about Mr Obama in general are satirical in the least. That is a copout.
Those people withdrew their names NOT because they "got caught". They themselves withdrew after coming clean to our president.
And don't get me started on finding "honest" people for the Cabinet. (His or anyone elses)
Randy is a cop too- Over 30 years now- he would agree with your statement. But that was NOT the point I was making in that comment section. My point about having the dogs is that they will warn me beforehand.
Not necessarily that they will live through it (or I will)- Just that I will KNOW what is going on and have a few moments of notice ahead of anything really coming down.
Milly will be barking up a storm by the time anyone pulls into or walks anywhere around here. Since her kennel is hidden she will make TONS of noise before anyone can shoot her- Unless they have guns now that are accurate through concrete block walls.
And when Mama Milly is barking her fool head off out there you ca bet your bottom dollar that Punk will be following suit on the inside almost immediately. (Has and Does).
I did read the whole story about Texas. I am not the one who wrote it.
The headline alone signals problems related to race.
While I won't go through the entire article and count all the references to/about race I can tell you that even IF (and that's a HUGE "if"), the murder didn't begin racially, it is there now.
Problems in Paris, Texas
"A brutal death has caused long-simmering racial tensions to flare anew."
By Gretel C. Kovach and Arian Campo-Flores | NEWSWEEK
Published Jan 31, 2009
From the magazine issue dated Feb 9, 2009
The two reporters basically write for Newsweek from the South, (although Campo-Flores does more reporting from the SouthEast).
So I am thinking that they are more than qualified to write about racial stuff from the south. (At least Newsweek thinks so).
did you not read the first sentance was the satire part about the rug. the rest is true and fact. as far as for race do you know where the K K K came from yep you got it from the North ( New York City) if you check the national crime data you will find per capita there are more race related crimes in Detroit, New york and L A than in any other city per capita ............. And they did get caught if not why had they not paid in 3 and 5 years respectfuly
ReplyDeleteI agree. They seem to be well off and if they want that many kids more power to them. I have no problem with them other than thinking it unkind to the body to have been pregnant so many years without stop... thinking back to when my friends lost their very catholic mother after she became pregant about the 15th time and her poor body just gave out.
ReplyDeletebut healthy moms having tons of kids they can support...whatever they want.
Good Morning John,
ReplyDeleteAs I said, Mr. John; You and I both know that none of your words in your blog, or about Mr Obama in general are satirical in the least. That is still a copout.
As far as "satire" goes:
"Although satire is usually meant to be funny, the purpose of satire is not primarily humour in itself so much as an attack on something of which the author strongly disapproves."
"Satire evokes attitudes of amusement, contempt, scorn, or indignation toward its faulty subject in the hope of somehow improving it. See also irony, parody."
That said and properly defined John, Johnathan Swift still said it best.
"Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own."
Back to your comment...
Sorry John, I could not find even one reference that the KKK was founded in NY, NY.
So naturally, I did a little research...
n. (Abbr. KKK)
1. A secret society organized in the South after the Civil War to reassert white supremacy by means of terrorism.
2. A secret fraternal organization of similar intent founded in Georgia in 1915.
US Military Dictionary: Ku Klux Klan
An extremist right-wing secret society in the United States. The Ku Klux Klan was originally founded in the southern states after the Civil War to oppose social change and black emancipation by violence and terrorism. Although disbanded twice, it reemerged in the 1950s and 1960s and continues at a local level. Members disguise themselves in white robes and hoods, and often use a burning cross as a symbol of their organization.
Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is the name of several past and present secret domestic militant organizations in the United States, originating in the southern states and eventually having national scope, that are best known for advocating white supremacy and acting as terrorists while hidden behind conical hats, masks and white robes. The KKK has a record of terrorism,[2] violence, and lynching to intimidate, murder, and oppress African Americans, Jews and other minorities and to intimidate and oppose Roman Catholics and labor unions.
The first Klan was founded in 1865 by veterans of the Confederate Army. Its purpose was to restore white supremacy in the aftermath of the American Civil War. The Klan resisted Reconstruction by intimidating freedmen and white Republicans, who at the time had a predominantly liberal base. The KKK quickly adopted violent methods.
How's this for irony?
There are several separate claims. First, that Albert Pike was the founder of the Ku Klux Klan; second, that he was a member, or leader, of the Klan; third, that he was a racist; and fourth, that Freemasonry is the current reincarnation of the Klan.
At the time of Ulysses S. Grant's election to the presidency, white supremacists were conducting a reign of terror throughout the South. In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power.
The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865. Originally founded as a social club for former Confederate soldiers, the Klan evolved into a terrorist organization. It would be respo
Oh Sweet Pea, that IS so sad.
ReplyDeleteMy own grandmother gave birth 17 times, and lived to be in her late 80's or early 90's.
Only one child died- of crib death, and after my dad (who remained the youngest after that childs death).
Grandfather Yusvak worked for the railroad. Even at that, and back in the 1900~Teens, I don't think there was ever enough $$$ to go around.
Now for everybody who "thinks" I did not read that article.
ReplyDeleteI repost verbatim what I said:
"And then [this story] absolutely sickens me.
"Problems in Paris, Texas"
A brutal death has caused long-simmering racial tensions to flare anew.
The following is my comment!
"Is almost everyone in the South so bigoted, prejudiced?
It honestly seems to be that way from this girls Wisconsin perspective anyway.
I have two grandsons being raised in the South.
I pray they will not ever know such hateful ignorant feelings."
I did not say this crime was not alcohol related.
I did not say "everyone" in the South
My apologies if I offended.
I feel like I'm late posting this but...
ReplyDeleteMy late dog was never one to protect our family from people. She was more bound to lick a person than bark at them. But she did save my family's lives.
When I was a senior in high school a fire started in our garage and the smoke detectors failed. Our dog Ginger went into my parent's bedroom (where she was not allowed) and woke up my dad (he's a light sleeper so even just her walking into the room woke him up). If it had not been for our dog we would have lost the house and possibly our lives.
It is never too late Sweet Jenny.
ReplyDeleteI still get comments on blogs I posted years ago!
I remember your fire-
(And how Casey immediately became your 'sister' to be able to get through the yellow tapes)
And how Ginger must have been able to figure out that this was important enough to break the rules!
What a smart dog!
...And they say dogs cannot "reason".
What a bunch of hooha.
Dogs CAN reason. And they see and know things that we cannot/do not.
In that, they have more sense sometimes than many people.
Punk and Milly will love ya too. But they still prefer to know a person.
No problem with you though!!!
Love to you always
Me thinks I'd be the one who would get shredded if I tried to toss any of my cats toward an intruder! Yikes!
ReplyDeleteOK, now I get it. Would never have put it together myself though.
ReplyDeleteI'm still working on wabbit stew wecipes from last spring/summer. I think he'd look good stuffed! hehehe
ReplyDeleteOh you need a recipe for groundhog....OK, so I've never cooked this myself but according to Granny Clampett (Beverly Hillbilly's LOL)....you need to catch one...throw it into an old shed full of hay.....light said shed on fire....then when the fire goes out....go in and retrieve your perfectly cooked groundhog (coon possum,squirrel, rabbit or other critter you could catch).....you might also wanna throw in a few taters for the side dish. **grins**
ReplyDeleteOK... I am later than late... Been a long week already but I won't be long winded about it here... hehehe
ReplyDeleteI like your boots, will you buy me a pair?
I love to see pictures of The Punk and Ms. Milly, especially when they are playing outside :)
Casey looks like she is doing good, even if she is still having some stomach pain...
I refuse to eat anything peanut related now... which sucks as I LOVE honey roasted peanuts :(
I didn't get to go to Denny's like I had wanted... But I heard that people went and got served in a timely manner... I do think that they lost a TON of money with the free breakfast promotion though...
I think the woman with the 14 kids needs her head examined... I think she just wants the attention and was looking for a way to 'get rich quick'...
I try to stay out of the political blogs as I only end up getting mad LOL
And I agree with you "MEAN PEOPLE SUCK"
I hope you've had a good Wednesday :-)
Love Ya!