- Another Doctor Visit...
Just WAY cute....
Good Evening All;
I have been having those major brain farts- where I cannot even think long enough to put out an intelligent sentence, let alone blog...
I know too that I have MUCH catching up to do on everyones blogs. (Please let me know where to begin with that)?
Of course, reading the news first has not been conducive to wanting to blog afterward either.
The link to the little boy curdled my blood and probably wrecked my blood pressure; coupled with the new link this morning- the story of the deer that were so brutalized did much the same thing.
I cannot stand such useless people that do such awful things>
And hope they throw the damned books at them all.
Casey had a doctor appointment this morning- On the way there she'd asked if I had heard about that all. She does the wise thing and shuts off the television when she is subjected to stuff like that.
But out to the clinic.
Kind of like a "well baby" checkup, her first post surgery.
Her doctor was absolutely thrilled to see her and to hear all about what had happened in Minnesota. (Maybe I should link him to my blog)? hehehe
He would like to get all of her records etc, to be able to use them to teach the others at the clinic about this all. Casey will call Anne Marie and ask for all that.
In the meantime, Dr. Szabo ordered blood tests, and kidney and liver panels. All of which came back fine. He did write a script for some iron, but we must check with Dr. Sutherland before she takes it too.
Dr. Szabo showed us the "poor mans blood test" by checking the inside of the lower eyelids. Casey's were red/pink by the lash, yet much paler inward a bit. This is significant of a bit of anemia-
Although Casey's blood tests were good, they could also be a bit misleading because of all the transfusions she had while in Minnesota. He said it takes about a month since the last transfusion to have all the results be all about her own blood. (I believe Casey's last transfusion was on the 1st, but will recheck my own records to be sure).
Casey and Dr. Sutherland- January 2009.
She goes back to clinic here in a month; and we go back to visit Dr. Sutherland in March.
She has also gone down on her Lantis, her diabetes medicine; as her (4 times/day) self~checks have been consistently in the low 80's. YAY!
Jenny Mella's Birthday is today!- .
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- ???
- hehehe
Jenny and Casey!
I sure wish it was nice enough out to 'play' now... - ..
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- .
Jenny will be coming to Green Bay to visit and to celebrate Casey's birthday the weekend of the 24th and 25th.
I am excited to see her as she has been through ALL of this with Casey; her friendship means the world.
*** We have set Casey's birthday party at The Olive Garden for the 24th.
Anyone wishing to come and celebrate with us, please do!
Dutch treat...
Not too much other news. I am still a bit under the weather? from the trip.
(I do have an appointment tomorrow just to make sure I have no pneumonia).
I don't get sick much, but usually when I do, I do a very good job of it.
And I cannot stand the fact that I have been unable to go visit Gabriel and Sam. I won't take the chance of bringing this (whatever it is) to them.
Canada has found me once again, and we are in for Minnesota type weather- I am getting a kick out of the weatherman saying it is the first subzero blast of the year. Maybe of the "year" (2009), but surely not of the season? Our high tomorrow going to be 5 degrees. But that is on the PLUS side of zero...
The lows to be something ungodly, which when figuring in the windchill will make it dangerous to be out and about. On the news this evening they were already talking about closing the schools. Too many kids that either walk, or wait for their buses, and are inappropriately dressed for the weather conditions.
The list below was taken from this mornings forecasts. The winds here will create the worst problems for us. - I'd better close for now.
But I am wondering how many of you actually got up and checked the inside of your lower eyelids?
Hope it is warmer where YOU are!
Are you in/close to any of these towns on my list?
I do have fun sometimes checking YOUR weather too!
Green Bay, WI 3...20 F
Montgomery, AL 34...58 F
Sault Ste Marie, MI 0...21 F
Temple, TX 31...64 F
Lomita, CA 52...82 F
Springboro, OH 29...32 F
Seattle, WA 41...53 F
- Minneapolis, MN -13...18 FHmm....
Methinks Alabama would feel just perfect right about now...
Maybe next month!?!
Doctor Appointments and Birthday Parties
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Hiya Rock,
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear Casey is doing well .. I have been noticing that your Minnesota weather seems to have followed you home..hehe.
And what do you mean they dont have the proper apparel ??? You live in Wisconsin where the winter weather does this every year????
Hope you feel better soon...
Sweet Beep!
ReplyDelete(Are you off that darned pager yet)?
You are right about Wisconsin...
Many kids do not have the right clothing, although we do many "Coats for Kids" drives.
Not sure if they get them and won't wear them, or if they don't get them to begin with, or or or.
Sam is too little to go out and play- But will have to check with Miss Christine if he has enough clothing-
I bought Master Gabriel a brand new Columbia jacket last year- A size 4 so he could wear it again this year- and in October Roberta told me she "couldn't find it"
So I bought him a brand new coat and snowpants this year too.
(Sometimes it's the parents faults too).
I hope I feel better too. Enough is enough. And I should have stock in TheraFlu by now.
You forgot the Milwaukee weather - cold as a tithces wit.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy that Casey had a good report and I'm sure it will continue to be good after it's only her blood. The most important thing is for all of you to stay positive and believe it. It's not always easy,
ReplyDeletebut it does help. We are supposed to have snow tomorrow....a few inches of snow, turning to rain, and then the whole thing will freeze over!! I will not be going outside that morning...because if anyone can fall, it's ME!!! Then they will have to call the Fire Dept to come get all 300 lb of me off the sidewalk!! LOL I refuse to let the neighbors see that...haha
Anna you make sure to keep your appointment with the doctor so that he can check you out. These things last longer when you are tired and stressed too. Let us know how you make out. I'll pray for that tonight. It's great to hear from you and give Casey a big hug from me. Hugs
ReplyDeletehehehe Mr Khool;
A witches WHAT?
Sweet CoolG;
ReplyDeleteI promise to keep that appointment- IF the car starts. (knocks on wood).
Lucky I had all that repair work done before we left for Minneapolis!
It is snowing as I type- Casey's little car looks like an igloo now! It is still parked here because she can't drive around yet.
You will have to go get some cleats for over your shoes/boots.
I got some for Casey last week at Fleet Farm- Kelli brought me a pair on Saturday.
They work beautifully too!
I do stay positive- And even when I don't, I have the most 'wunnaful' friends and family that keep me sane(r).
Well, I didn't go check my eyelids yet but I will be LOL!
ReplyDeleteI am THRILLED that Casey is doing so well! I love the picture of her and Dr. Sutherland, he looks like a very friendly and kind person.
It is sad that some parents don't care enough to make sure that their kids have the appropriate attire for such horribly cold weather...
Have fun at your DR appointment... I hope ya don't have pneumonia... You must be feeling pretty bad to have made an appointment in the first place...
And just for your info... I live about 45-50 miles SOUTH of Seattle (just a hop, skip and a jump from Tacoma) just in case you're ever curious about my weather! hehehe
Love Ya Bunches!
You peeped me.... we had a FORTY degree temp change today. I left the house for work in a frigid(for us) 46 degrees bundled up like nanuk. Got to work and by first break (9:30) we were down to sweatshirts. By the time break ended we were ditching those sweatshirts quickly as we hit 83. By lunchtime we were up around 86.
ReplyDeleteI should stick a webcam out there at my office for you....
Four of my doctor friends are now following Casey carefully....
They all say hi and glad she is feeling better (as do I)
love yas
Sweet SlurkieBaby;
ReplyDeleteI am sure some of those parents DON'T care- Others cannot afford it. (Though why they would not take advantage of Coats for Kids then mystifies me).
There's a lot of parents that are gone to work by the time the kids leave for school too. And kids do not always listen to how they are told to dress.
As for the doctor appt... I just want him to listen to my chest and to fix it. This is silly.
Giggled at your weather city- I have a dear friend and cousin close to Seattle.
Sweet Splat;
ReplyDeleteWe get those weather changes too- But 86 from 46 is pushing it. Usually ours is this huge DROP when a front comes through
But I couldn't watch your webcam now that I'm home. (Stomps feet).
I got spoiled NOT having dialup in Minnesota.
Thank the good doctors for us too! Casey of course is still healing, and still tired from that; but oh I can see these little hints of that tiger that used to reside in that tank too.
Great news about Casey.I'm so glad to hear it.
ReplyDeleteCanada hasn't only been looking for you my friend. It's found us too.
Temps will be falling all week with single digits by Thursday.
Hope you're feeling better soon.
Sweet Bug!
Uh-Oh. Maybe Canada is just going through my friends list and trying to freeze them all halfway to death.
Canada is just plain mean.
ReplyDeleteWell, except for Pea that is...
I'm glad Casey is doing well, I hope you feel better soon, I dont want to brag but its in the 70's all week in Phoenix.....oh I guess I did mean to brag sowwry!
ReplyDeleteMaybe I shall swing by Phoenix too!
Get your little buns to the doc. otherwise you will be missing Caseys birthday at the Olive Garden. Mark Sam, Myself and Valerie down to join you and Casey and whomever else will be celebrating. just let me know the time. SO SO happy she is doings so well in such a short amount of time!!!
ReplyDeleteHow could you see me from so far away? LMAO!!
ReplyDeleteSweet Annie, I think you're just plain tuckered out from having to be so strong for so long. Remember what I told you a few blogs back? - Take a nice long nap every day until you start to feel better - I mean it! Don't make me come up there!!
It's so good to hear that Casey is getting betterer and betterer. We've all waited a l-o-n-g time to hear such wonderful news!
Temps for Blairsville
Today: Low 20 - High 33 (with flurries tonight)
Tomorrow: Low 16 - High 29
The real winter blast comes Thursday: Low 10 - High 25 with more flurries (That's gosh darned cold for Georgia!!!)
I hope they can fix you easily...
ReplyDeleteI'm still waiting to be fixed completely... Amazingly they can never do it in one visit...
Hmmm... Am I related to you and didn't know it? hehehe
Love Ya!
ReplyDeleteSweet KatieAngel!
You have made my day by saying you all will be there!
And you will SURELY make Caseys day on the 24th!
I am not sure about the time- Usually about 1 or 2-
OH YAY!!!! I am SO excited!
Love to all!
LOL....what's wrong with Canada??? Right now we are only -25 out tonight....brrr....Had a friend invite meto Jamacia, I think i should go...hehe. hugs.
ReplyDeleteSweet RT!
ReplyDeleteI knew you would be doing that. I have ESP. (But I won't tell you what that acronym stands for either)
I do remember you telling me that.
And I have gotten naps in. Just no real sleep either. An hour or two here and there is all.
I will take your gosh darned weather.
(It just seems that it will never warm up).
I wonder if we will even see our "January Thaw" this year? I sure hope so...
We got about 3" last night- and are to get about 4 tonight.
Oh well.
ReplyDeleteSweet SlurkieBaby!
Then you are going about it all wrong. You need to go in there and make your presence known.
Do anything. Just make sure they do NOT want you to come back.
(One has to beat the doctors at their own game sometimes).
Might be related. YOU pay for the DNA test and we can find out.
Glad you didn't shred my screen!
i was being good tiger
ReplyDeleteSweet Barbara;
If I have a garment bag, and I crawl in it with a thick sleeping bag, can you check me on the flight?
25 below?
Me no likey.
This is just too fierce; even by MY standards.
Nothing is wrong with Canada, but I have been trying to hide from the weather that Canada keeps sending my way.
So how was your appointment today?!?!?
ReplyDeleteYes, I worry... That comes with being a mom, you worry about EVERYBODY!
ReplyDeleteNice Kitty.
Nope .. not yet.. I still have a couple more days.. and then Im gonna plan a long weekend at the house in Arkansas.
ReplyDeleteI love the pictures, the one with the girls is too cute!
ReplyDeleteCasey is such a wonder isn't she. So AMAZING!
SHe just overcomes any obstacle that comes her way.
I'm so happy that she's doing so well so soon.
As for that darn weather... Canada FOUND me too!
I live 121 miles from Springboro, Ohio (about 2 1/2 hr drive).
UNLESS you're riding with ME! JUST KIDDING!!! hehehe
Gotta make you laugh! did it work?
Today 22° / 10° tomorrow 11° / -5° Friday 9° / 3°
I'm freezing when it's 40°! I'll be like Encino Man with those temps! LOL
Now are you laughing????? :-)
Are you feeling any better? What did the doctor say?
I haven't been able to get to many pages lately because
my browser is messed up again. Gotta get that fixed!
I'm playing Ketchup.. or is that Catsup.. CATCH UP!
I know, i wouldn't make a very good stand-up comedian..
Since I'm sitting at my puter, how bout a sit-down comedian?
Well... I'm going now... just don't throw tomatoes at me while I'm leaving.
Hope you're feeling better!
Sending love and hugs your way~ Susan XOXOXO