[My] Life in Wisconsin

Friendship... Yahoo 360 Style! Part One

Friends PART ONE

Good Morning...

I know I haven't been around these past few days... oh ye of little faith... But here I am now... More appropriately perhaps this an entry for Thanksgiving, and it is within that same spirit, that it is enough to post this for you ALL now!

Please know that your names are in NO particular order; (but if I ever chance to do this again, at least they will be in alphabetical order)! Whew.

Please let me know if I have missed you, or if your link does not work...

But First, I did find this "Special Wish" for y'all too!
HEHEHE!!! ...Stolen from here: click me


And A~WAY WE GO...

Debbie... Definitely a trend setter with the word "Green". She does everything she can within her power to make sure the Earth has enough of itself left to care for our young too. She is a believer in reduce, reuse and recycle... as we all should strive to be. Deep and thought provoking blogs!



Dizzy Kimmy writes about the dumbest person in the whole wide world! She is married and in love with another man. (Actually she is his Number One Fan)! It is none other than Bucky!!! She is also in love with Pugs and I cannot believe her husband hasn't bought her one yet! hehehe

Stupid people link http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-f55frfo1crztbLFgv37AaCgm8y8c?p=1441

Homepage= http://360.yahoo.com/profile-f55frfo1crztbLFgv37AaCgm8y8c


Val, (whom I affectionately have called "Mrs G".), writes all about her life and memorys... with a brilliant and most comedic flair! With a husband who broke his bicycle and was stymied by a new dining room set that refused to be put together correctly! http://uk.360.yahoo.com/profile-p_Hr4Q4pdqfoh5BvdtGDxGcV


Toni, who for the next 8 weeks will probably be spending much more time with her online schooling than with us, writes clever real life! She loves God, people, and dogs; and that is all I need to know. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-bTeFo_kldKh4UPaKJUVI7n8W


Ursus Martimus, a bear, who writes about his friends and family... Mostly about his animal friends though! (And he should write much more often too)! You can always learn much from the "psylightly psychotic" musings and meanderings of a polar bear with an attitude! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-ireeRJw4dbD4fTcDjlFbGpCmOXIjh15iaWC9


There is Mr. Tim, who came to me through an old blog I had written about my own fathers U. S. Navy experiences aboard the USS McFarland. Not a blogger, but it seems that his father was also on that same naval ship; though not at the same time as Dad was. He has been busy with his family, as they are staying with him as they prepare to move into their new home. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-Pohp8QImfqFnKtWKOqL6cSg-?cq=1


Miss Spell of Gardenias is about as much in love with her camera as I am; and portrays beautiful thoughtful pictures and and blogs of family, and of her new neighborhood too! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-4uB6dogia6PXKjjf8DlrFqM5uOS.Usub


There is Miss OhioChik who hasn't been able to get online often enough to blog; but has recently had surgery and is recovering well at her moms house. Loves her daughter and her hubby too! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-zKIPQsk.c69JyVeVLv5GpUES


Jimbo is a true friend; always popping in with a great comment or two- and makes my day every time. Jimbo has alzheimers, yet still writes in English, French and I swear German too! I have to keep my distance as he is NOT a GB Packers fan!!! hehehe http://360.yahoo.com/profile-_iB21oE7cqsPDG.uy_mdxb0MdLPd


Reflections is going to be out watching the marathon runners tomorrow, but can usually be found on her 360 extolling the virtues of simple virtue. Peaceful and practical too. Wise beyond her years.http://360.yahoo.com/profile-34hn6AQjfqCQGOCJYWVjy6cvRHwiiA--?cq=1


"Wise beyond her years" brings me to my daughter, CaseyAnne, who has always been thus. My college daughter, hanging in there and struggling to regain her health after a plethora of painful surgeries. She is most recently engaged to a kind man who loves her very much. His love returned ten~fold by herself. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-XjsBGt80f6TUx7c7Ofoz


Which HAS to bring me to Lego. This is the love of CaseyAnnes heart. May he always hold it as close to his own as he does now. He writes of his love for her within his page. (but hates to go online, which makes every word that much more special to us all). http://360.yahoo.com/profile-F7zxjRozRKNIy3x_Sma_bg--?cq=1


There is sassy, but funny, Buddy; whose offbeat sense of humor is SO very off the wall that you HAVE TO at least smile at all of his blogs! Aloha BuddyBaby!!http://360.yahoo.com/profile-iSfUrfo3bqganRa20hHmQsqhPIw-?cq=1


There is the equally hilarious Theresa F, who also can bring me to my knees laughing hysterically at her jokes; but every now and then a glimpse of herself too! Bright and funny, with an awesome haelthy sense of humor! http://uk.360.yahoo.com/profile-RFv5DwY2cqH.xPUtg_ADlyxUhewTN4km


Jennifer from Wisconsin... A very strong candidate for Mother~of~The~Year! She writes about the frustrations and the joys of raising her two lovable wonderful sons! Entertaining and bright, (Scratch that 'entertaining' word, she is downright hilarious)... and equally as talented! Always a joy Sweetie!http://360.yahoo.com/profile-XSfAjw4.d6LypeuFI9Vdf_NmVxDBaA--?cq=1


Aunty Maisy... who offers to help any of us with all of our problems, but still allows us to take the best of all the comments and run with them. Relationships are her major forte, and her friends always give the best they have! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-E9lQkmQ8eq.85rvKlphImgvCKQ--?cq=1


On to Lynn, Grits Mafia Don, who is "TWITTERPATED"... (Yeah, I almost fell off of my chair reading that one). Has just moved in to a beautiful new home and has shared those trials with us. It is beautiful Lynn. Her husband is a proud Marine; serving ALL of us faithfully. The proud. The few... (Too few, if you ask me)... She has a daughter who is proving to make her equally as proud. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-kaRK6501frBUxruAseP7zb0-?cq=1


Barbara, the "Tragic Optimist" who has brightened almost every morning with her thoughts in my top page comments. Almost prayerful in their depth and honesty. Just like her. She believes with all of her heart, almost dancing through life on the wings of faith alone. http://ca.360.yahoo.com/profile-8CgJMtIzerSFLSfNZv1DpQ--?cq=1


From Mombie, (my little Freak), Whatever you call her! She is one of my closest friends. A morning allegiance to be shared with coffee too! Her faith recounted and recanted numerous times within her blog pages. A dose of awakening that I need. Loving this God, Nascar and her family; she is truly an inspiration to us all! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-upIXHhIic6NSKKndUtEtZeHL5yw-?cq=1


Christopher X , a private man, who is still looking for a bit of land in Maine. Sparse with his entries, but not with his comments! I do love him to death. Kind, and witty too; and not afraid to pen a real letter either! Please go to his page; CYBERKICK his backside into at least a sequel to his last entry! hehehe http://360.yahoo.com/profile-ysrWyg4yY6vRt11fdA--?cq=1


Rebecca absolutely abhors our current president. She is young with a beautiful soul, and is not afraid to be neither political nor tender. She has a wonderful heart and a passionate spirit! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-4ZueZj4oKPBF6isYy0cW7XK6


CMM, (such a Wench)!, & the third part of our morning allegiances, with always a photo to accompany her musings... She is busy, yet as faithful to us as she is to her family. Lives far away on a hill in Tennessee, and is always here with her shoulder and her kind, compassionate, and helpful words. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-0BQ2eOkydqs8UNyic9bZ83Q-?cq=1


Amy... You ask; "AMY WHO?" (So does she)! Funny; and off to Las Vegas at the moment! Frustrated with the men who call themselves princes, but in reality are just toads! (Yeah I might have kissed a few of those too)! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-uCkOsnMwd6Prsr1UMG4xRKkx4hHsEycyH7ZH5gP3


And maybe she has run into Miss Jennifer J, who actually LIVES in Las Vegas, and loves it there! Originally from Wisconsin, I do not know how she copes with the heat once it settles in for summer. She has just had a birthday on the 17th... Go wish her a Happy Belated, as I have just done. http://360.yahoo.com/my_profile-sCjN9oIwcazbgJDX392sz1E-;_ylt=AvmoJ35c7u0.pa9...


You will find Miss Jeannie bragging (righteously so), all about her garden and her beautiful world! She has 2 beautiful daughters, and is busy loving life. It is Jeannie that brought you my last blast link; and the wonderful words about raising your daughters up the right way. (Sure wish I would have had those same words a few years ago)! hehehe http://360.yahoo.com/profile-9YupIXIzb6Cqfl.JPjQdqw--?cq=1


Beth, who also has just bought a new home... Bright and wise, but sick as a dog right now... Has just cared for the kids illnesses, and they are so kind that they have shared with their mom! She also gets through life with her wise beliefs. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-gvvPIcUjfrKebFK9AhEEieU-?cq=1


Miss JeannieMoo, an Ohio Southpaw, a poetess, a mother and grandmother... who cherishes them all! (Who wouldn't)? Cute as can be!



Ariel, who works entirely too hard, and has little time left over then for us; lives in Japan. Her 'blast' message says it all! But she still needs to cut herself some slack too. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-vrRj6fQ8erSnO7BhqmzeHbP8


Babycat, who writes that she loves us all, but isn't online as much as we'd like either. She must write more often. I, for one, miss her... http://360.yahoo.com/profile-HvblyJwjabRi10yLATXi3aegKr4-?cq=1


Kris, who is as mean as they come; having kept me locked in a basement for a LONG time... She is very loving though too, and has helped me through many, MANY crisis' in my own life. Oh, did I mention she is my sister? (Yup. Lucky her)! & my big sister at that! By 'big' I do mean OLDER! hehehe I am glad she finally allowed me out of the basement all those years ago... Or did she????



Jacqueline, whose faith also is extended to us all. She lives in England, loves Jesus and loves the world; and that simply says it all. http://uk.360.yahoo.com/profile-GDvHyXIlfqLScX7ksOxnJySno4mzZ1moJPH2z2K0jQKSd...


Sweet Suzygirl has become a wonderful addition to my little 360 World, and who is going through so much in her own little world. Please visit and say a little prayer for her parents too, as they are both battling cancer. Miraculously, and somehow, having time for all of her friends too. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-C9uAZ04ibrxymLEcjjTRKJE3G_44


Miss WYCK, who "claims" she has no patience for 'stOOpidity' (yet has allowed ME to be one of her friends)! hehehe Go figure. Spunky and spirited, and has many a story to tell that will leave you in tears. Hysterical tears!!! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-uK2yh94mYqWwMjjY8AMean14kFer


Miss Maureen who claims she is 'nothing special' but 'just a mum' has also made me laugh out loud many many mornings! Especially when she put me in jail! She has lived through the heartbreak of losing a child; still maintains her sense of humor, and can still be there for her friends. http://uk.360.yahoo.com/profile-n7etc7c6eqp9Amblz2VtIpxG8A--?cq=1


Sassy sexy and proud, Debbie came to my page during my "single Parents Blog! (Brave lady eh)? A poet, and a lady with a darn good sense of humor as well! (Not to mention her three cats and a dog)!



Roberta is my 3rd eldest daughter. She is the mother of two of my grandchildren; namely Lawrence and Gabriel. She has been an amazing source of strength for me; having watched her grow into the beautiful young woman she is inside and out. (Wasn't always so)... She has met her demons head~on, and has slayed every dragon that has come her way. I am ever SO very proud of her. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-TCPGnWUjdKQpcFjJESOCIfzsm_Jmhg--?cq=1


Miss Coranewf, whose 'handle' here is a special tribute to her very special dogs. She works with animal rescue, and has also recently celebrated her birthday. (Again a belated wish; I am SO bad)... http://360.yahoo.com/profile-CmIgxsMydLQnNfNy4VgShM8-?cq=1


There is DahoochieDog who comes around every now and then to brighten my day with her kind words. She has a daughter who graduated from the Air Force in December WITH HONORS! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-Myi5ffY1eq4ZBZeWNPERn5Lagck-?cq=1


BabyBlueButterfly, who has loved and lost and seems to have come and gone within our 360 World too. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-hnKcCWslaacxAvZVZvcJ7v8LOwd7g2qA


Mr Pauls Blog... A single dad, of 5 CHILDREN! (Must be a saint), but with a unique and sassy sense of humor too! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-OEVdbqohdLRmonyt6d.Dyv0-?cq=1


Kara L. Not a blogger; but yet one of my dearest friends! She joined 360 because this is where I write about Miss Punk and Mama Milly (Miss Milly is proud mother to Miss Karas "Lily")! Lily of course then, is sister to Punkie. Kara calls me from time to time. She is truly one of the sweetest people that I have ever met in my life. (I am jealous of her mother)! Kara works at The Mayo Clinic, and has helped me through lots of things where Casey is concerned too. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-fgMJfG46erQO.9sS3Kip8yG4Ig--?cq=1


Donald J. I am sworn to secrecy on this one. But I cannot tell a lie... I cherish the person on the other end of it; and will. Forever! Cheerful. Beautiful. Just what friends who become family should always be. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-QQlWCkMifqfIp4HT9oIDxcTT


Sponge Babe has Faith strong enough to move mountains, and gentle enough to console all of her friends with her words. A refreshing visit always; I am never let down by her blogs either! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-Cmajk1oia6nNkokAxwpUpvA9BiWDa50-?cq=1


Miss Donna; relatively a newcomer to my page, but a faithful friend as well! She is always ready with a compliment and always ready with a comment too! She comes from a long line of patriots. Every branch of the military is found within her clan! I salute them all.



Blessings (I am My Abba's Child), is truly what she calls herself. Strong. Religious. Kind. Compassionate. Relatively new to my pages... (and I am sure quite shocked at some of the shenanigans here too)! hehehe Keep up the good work! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-AzkRIXk8er93h9XkjZ16lw--?cq=1


Did you find yourself? No? please go to next blog... Part Two!


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