Good Evening Everyone;
The storm is over. The yard is plowed.
The sun even poked its face out this afternoon.
We are warm and safe.
As I type, it is 3 measly degrees. But those 3 little degrees are (still) above zero.
When Punk and I went for that last walk, I noticed that on Sunday they had finally put up trail markers for the snowmobiles.
Knowing that the view could change quickly, I had also taken this shot.
And then that view DID change...
There really is birdseed in that feeder...
I had also put out the Christmas sign
It wasn't long before THAT view also changed...
Will have to stand it back up when it warms up a bit...
And that driveway you could see in the picture of Christmas Corner?
Completely obliterated. hehehe
So was my road!
I should have known how bad it was just by looking out the kitchen window when it began to get light out...
With its snow and ice packed screens and storms.
But with a snowfall like this, comes a surreal beauty.
Like the REAL Christmas Trees...
... decorated by Old Man Winter and Mother Nature
And when JoAnne and Jim's lights came on, that view was still pretty
My snowplow came late yesterday afternoon.
As weather should have predicted, he got stuck. ... 3 times.
Sorry so blurry
Darkness comes early now- About 4:30. But even with that, you can see the pretty decorations left behind
Am giggling at the lawn chair, left of the door... (Whoops)!
The wind had done its own fierce decorating...
Leaving the side of the house completely covered.
And leaving my shovels in wait for helping hands. The snowplow man did dig out away from the house so he could pull the snow off the apron to the garage.
One for Lawrence, and one for William too. hehehe Since I haven't heard from him now, I am guessing they MUST be on their way to shovel?!
And then there's my little flower bed...
How my seeds come up every year is always a wild and amazing miracle to me!
Completely chilled, and sweating at the same time (from being wrapped up like a North Pole burrito), it was time to head in and get something hot in my tummy.
That's more like it!
Kristen wrote this morning saying she had made chili and fresh baked bread yesterday. (Good as my own stew was, methinks I should have gotten snowed~in over there)! hehehe
They had gone to story time at the library last week.
Clifford the big red dog was there... And Kristen sent this picture on!
Alexis, Master Gabriel, Clifford and Kayleigh. (Kristens "triplets")!
Thank you Sweet Kristen!.
I am always so happy to get these pictures- They make my heart happy!
Julie, another neighbor, called yesterday morning, early.
Had I seen two of her dogs? I had not.
She also called last night, after the blizzard had let up a bit. They still had not come home. Too easy, even for dogs, to lose direction in a blizzard.
Another phone call this morning, as the wind chill was estimated at about 20-30 below. No dogs. She now has put up signs she got from her vet.
I feel so badly for her- She has a lot of dogs, but cares for them too.
Sweet Kelli stayed home yesterday. Too far to go to take a chance, and with the Sheriffs department telling everyone to stay off the roads, she was much safer too. Miss May and Miss Breezie got their blankets put on- Kelli said Miss May looked like some weird blue alien in the snowstorm! hehehe
They will be happy to have those blankets on as tonight we may get below zero.
I turned my heat down about 2 hours ago. 15 minutes ago, I turned it right back up.
Casey called earlier- Feeling kind of rough yet from her infection, but getting better too. The fact that at least she CAN sleep is a good thing. There are days that sleep does not come so easily for her.
Greg did go to work yesterday- And he tried planting his car too. After being stuck for a while, his whole crew came along, one by one, and helped him out. I believe his boss took pictures, but I have yet to see them. Too much fun in the snow! (Is that even possible)?
Punk had fun out there too- But she will have to post her own story.
Time to go put my feet up in a little bit- Hope this finds everyone warm and safe.
Love to all
AWESOME pictures!! Ooooo, and can I come up for some soup????
ReplyDeleteWonderful pictures, so glad I'm not living it. It is cold enough here, wind chills aren't helping. We were lucky enough to walk away with rain and high winds from this storm system. I will not complain about it either.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to hear Punk's story.
Love your pictures and your story telling!! :) I always feel like we are chatting and what is written
ReplyDeleteis what you are telling me over coffee or tea!! :) We got some snow too. I finally left the house
yesterday and went shopping for ME. I needed clothes so badly and we only have one store that
carries clothes big enough for me. Scared that I might not go back for a year, I left with $500 less
in my purse and lots of beautiful clothes!! :) That is when it started to snow...I'm the world's worst storm bucket....I wasn't out 15 minutes when Dave opened the door of the store to go next door and and the snow was coming down like crazy!! YAY!!! I love snow and I couldn't remember
the last time I was out in it because everyone is afraid I'm going to fall. Well you should of seen
my wheel chair spinning in the snow!! LOL It was a riot and Dave grumbled and told me to stop was great!! Then after a few hours of snow, it started to rain and it came down in
buckets with thunder and lightning!! I couldn't believe it...oh yes, and I must not forget the 65mph
winds!! What a day and more snow today and a temp of 60 degrees, can you believe
it?? Have a good night my friend. Hugs & blessings.
Dear Annie,
ReplyDeleteLOVE the pictures and the storytelling. That soup looks too good!!! I'm very glad Casey is able to sleep and I pray for an easement of her pain.
Stay warm my Friend and blessings to you.
oh man that stew looks good and yummy! I bet it was the perfect dinner after being out in the cold for a while.
ReplyDeleteYour snow is sooooooo pretty.. Mother Nature really does know how to decorate.
Ok but you bring up a question that I have often wondered about. Here in the south we dont get that kind of snow. Yes it gets cold (of course for me anything below 50 is cold) but here if it gets too icy or snowy many business shut down and wait the few hours for the thaw. Seldom is it more than a few hours. But up north.. like where you are.. you cant shut down for days and days can you? So, I guess my question is.. What do the working folks do? I guess its more.. What do businesses do? Maybe its a combo of all???
I know in Fairbanks where the kids lived.. they didnt shut down anything unless it was an extreme blizzard.. but out of the years they lived there nothing shut down except for like ski sloops and stuff because of wind chill.
Of course these questions coming from a woman that didnt learn until a few years ago what a snowblower looked like. So forgive the ignorance Heck I didnt know until last year that blizzards got names.. Nobody tells us in the south these things.
Big hugs
omgosh, that stew you've made looks heavenly delicious! seriously, save me a bowl! :)
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing your pictures and am glad to hear your plow man came!
The more common snowy conditions are to an area, the more resources those areas have to combat weather like this. A blizzard is a blizzard and can slow down things, but it don't normally take as much time to recover when snow is common placed in the winter. They have more plows for one. And the number of people who have pick up trucks with plow attachments might throw you. Different areas allow different ways to be prepared vehicle wise. There are still places that it is legal to use snow chains on your tires. When I lived in northern Indiana, the store I worked for would set contracts with construction companies for snow removal. They would have a few lil plows, but they'd bring in the BIG heavy construction equipment to move the snow off the parking lots. There were even a few times, when it was impossible to drive to work, that my boss owuld ask those guys to go pick someone up for work. LOL
ReplyDeleteI know you dislike the snow... But looking at your pictures, it can be so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI want some stew, please?
I can only imagine what Punk's story will be... hehehe
Take care of you and stay warm!
Love Ya!
Slurkie ;-)
ReplyDeleteSweet Thers,
You can come anytime!
Sweet Oka;
ReplyDeleteMay I complain then? The wind chills today will not even go above zero, so it'll be cold outside. (A carbon copy repeat of yesterday).
If you would send some of that rain, it would knock down a whole bunch of the snow...
Pretty please?
It will be up around 30 by Sunday, so will have to keep the dog and the cat entertained until then.
Sweet Bev;
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your wonderful wardrobe! Very very cool.
I giggled at your wheelchair "cheerios" too! Sounds like lot of fun actually! (Methinks maybe you need snow grips on those wheels).
Glad you got to laugh out loud too!
Some places had thunder snow around here. I thought I heard that too, but it was only a road grader scraping the road. hehehe
Some roads are still impassable. Most are ice and/or snow covered. All are slick. The road salt stops working when it is so cold, so we wait til the sun does it's magic. In the meanwhile there are still plenty of accidents...
The winds were atrocious- The snow flying straight across the yard. Amazing to see.
Sweet Snotball;
ReplyDeleteCasey has just called and is on her way in to her classes shortly. Said it's 'kinda chilly' out there.
Food was really yummy and hit the spot. (But I shouldn't have fallen asleep while the crockpot was on high). hehehe & "Oops". Still very edible, if I don't scrape the bottom.
I missed the snow :-) but also missed the stew :-(
ReplyDeleteIt was cool to see the snow befores and afters. I think I would like snow if I could relax at home and enjoy it, instead of trying to drive to work in it at 11 at night on uncleared roads, with no other cars on the road, and no cell phone. I have to peel my white knuckled fingers from the steering wheel when I get to work. It's also one way to get your heart rate up without actually working out!
It looks like Master Gabriel has grown another couple of inches in height since you posted the last pictures.
I hope Casey feels better soon.
Maybe someone took your neighbors dogs inside to help them get out of the cold. Sure hope she finds them soon.
I'm anxiously awaiting Punk's snowy adventure tail (tale).
Sweet Beep!
ReplyDeleteIt was/IS good- I even had it for breakfast yesterday! hehehe
As far as the snow and working goes...
I swear, no place really closes.
Places closed Wednesday only because of the impassibility of the roads, and the warnings that it hadn't been cleared enough to get through. The plows don't want you in their way once they get going.
Much like Jims truck in my yard, many city and county snowplow trucks got stuck too. Guess that is why I saw that grader coming up the road here.
And if you put your vehicle in the ditch it stays there 'til the emergency is over. Except for the snowplows. Many of those guys worked straight through the whole day/night. (Nice paycheck right before Christmas).
As long as you are on the county roads, or highways, rest assured there are always many people on the roads. Less during a snow emergency though. I think it's the old "Man vs Nature" issue that many have...
If you are on the schedule to work, you'd best show up to work. (There is always someone to call for a ride).
Now for the names. WLUK TV names all of these storms.
The cars all have front wheel drive so it's less fun to be out in it all now. My car has 4 wheel drive, so no fun in the snow with that either. (I'd best fire up the old Roadmaster, right)?
Casey used to love driving Sam's old truck on these roads- Too much fun!
Is it Multiply or me? Very very slow today... and doesn't want to post my replies?
ReplyDeletehang in there with me...
Sweet Suzy!
ReplyDeleteI was glad when he called me to see if I had been plowed out yet. Sometimes people just go from place to place and plow others out. Not too often, but it does happen.
Heard you were snowed upon too! whoo Hoo! Hope you didn't go anywhere?
I haven't got it all read, but the kids need me.
ReplyDeleteI will try and return to finish reading and comment :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for this!
Once in my life when we were still building the Townline, Harold called me and told me it was too cold to come in.
That was very cool.
Lawrence Sheedy, right down the road from us, had a construction company, and all the big machines that were needed for that. Many times he would even plow the road so our milk truck could get through. Dumping 3,000 gallons of Grade A milk down the septic tank was not ever a good thing.
Thank you for this!
ReplyDeleteOnce in my life when we were still building the Townline, Harold called me and told me it was too cold to come in.
That was very cool.
Lawrence Sheedy, (a mile right down the road from us), had a construction company while he was alive. He also had all the big machines that were needed for that. Many times he would even plow the road so our milk truck could get through. Dumping 3,000 gallons of Grade A milk down the septic tank was not ever a good thing.
Sweet SlurkieBaby;
ReplyDeleteI will give it a "pretty" at times. But now I am ready for Spring.
You want stew too? hehehe You will have to come and get it!
Either that, or go buy a big old cheap chuck steak or roast.
Cut it up in bite sized pieces...
(Well you know the rest).
Sweet RT;
ReplyDeleteIf you loosen your grip just a bit, the car will drive better. Truly. Try it next time.
Julie called late last night- Her dogs were about a mile away. I hope she brings them in to be checked out today. Frostbite is just too hard to deal with on 4 paws.
Master Gabriel seems so tall. But his sisters are both taller. Yet. His Grandpa Rick is about 6' 4" so he will be tall too.
But he sure is gorgeous!
Lawrence is tall and skinny- Like I was (way back when)- And like Berta was. Like Gabriel, he has those "tall" genes! hehehe
ReplyDeleteSweet Brat,
It's most;y pictures anyway- Just looks longer than it really is.
Punk is chomping at the bit to get on here. (I told her "Later" though). She can get on soon as I get caught up with my housework.
I love the pictures, I have snow and hate it...but it does take some wonderful pictures.
ReplyDeleteI am jealous between sick kids and migraines I haven't gotten out to take any of my own :(
Some day I will get to it!
So pretty and yet so deadly... I am glad that all of yours are safe. And hope that your neighbors find their way safely home. I am sure they are holed up somewhere waiting out the storm.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Sweet Brat!
Know that I spoke way too soon in our private conversation yesterday...
ReplyDeleteSweet Pea;
I hope you are safe from your own weather extreme? I shall say a prayer for you.
The dogs were about a mile away. See above comment to RT.
Love to you. Please be safe.
YEa!!!1 I am fine though a bit soggy.
ReplyDeleteThe new house is a mudapalooza... the old house right now is a concrete river.
Glad the dogs were found and ditto on the hope they check out fine.
Love you too! You have more need to be safe than I.
What a lovely blog and I LOVED the pics ...Winter can get to us all but there is a wonderful beauty about it all also ..
ReplyDeleteThat soup looks absolutely delicious and I bet it taste and smells just as good as it looks ..
I LOVED the Christmas sign .. I WUVVVVVV christmas and love to see all the decorations that other's have ..
Take care Annie Hugss
BRILLIANT snowy blog Anne, it's as though the snow's never been away! I have to admit that I laughed out loud at the photo of your poor Santa sign posts covered in snow! (hangs head in shame)
ReplyDeleteAren't those crock pots great? They seemed to go out of fashion in the UK, I bought a big one out here last year and LOVE it!
Keep warm xxxx
It looks far too cold for me ther Anna