~Jus' look at the size of these mulberries, wouldja!!!
(And we ALL know what THAT means)!
(And we ALL know what THAT means)!
It's me!!!
Hello Fur~Friends (and others);
I've been meaning to write for a long time, but then doo~doo always happens, and things get in the way...
Since I haven't written for so long, this might be long.
(Better grab a bowl of kibbles to munch on).
LOTS of things happen around here every day... But in the course of my own 4~footed days there are some things that are just plain fun for a dog like me.
Like the other day when we all went back to the woods. My mama Milly never sticks around for all the fun, so I can't find any pics of her that day.
'Cept this one...
And all you can see is her silly butt!
My mama must have secret places.
And that's the "Little Guy" too!
But first he had to ask permission to go?
(And he has to say "May I please...")?
(And he has to say "May I please...")?
And he was all smiles when my 'she' said "GO"
He followed me everywhere.
I went kinda slow so he could sorta keep up too.
He followed me everywhere.
I went kinda slow so he could sorta keep up too.
But I still had to wait every now and then...
I showed him stuff,
like a bird in the trees...
And the bird wasn't even a~scared of us!!!
I showed him stuff,
like a bird in the trees...
And the bird wasn't even a~scared of us!!!
My "Little Guy" doesn't like things that move without him,
(like bugs and stuff), and he saw one... and screamed!
So we were 'off' again.
My "Little Guy" doesn't like things that move without him,
(like bugs and stuff), and he saw one... and screamed!
So we were 'off' again.
Well, at least I was!
(That scream always makes me run)!
(That scream always makes me run)!
But I had to come back 'til he caught up...
We went to the old Mulberry tree.
It was LOADED with yummy berries!
It was LOADED with yummy berries!
My 'she' used to go sit in that tree when she was young
And eat berries all afternoon!
And eat berries all afternoon!
My Little Guy got his hands all stained!
This was funny,
Just that he didn't think so!
This was funny,
Just that he didn't think so!
The berries were REALLY big too!
(Just look at the very top picture)!
(Just look at the very top picture)!
It was pretty hot that day...
And since I'm s'posedta watch my "Little Guy", I couldn't go down to the river.
But that was OK with me...
I found the next best thing while they ate berries.
It was pretty hot that day...
And since I'm s'posedta watch my "Little Guy", I couldn't go down to the river.
But that was OK with me...
I found the next best thing while they ate berries.
Well, I thought is was OK 'til my 'she' turned around
...and gave me a really dirty look!!!
Well, I thought is was OK 'til my 'she' turned around
...and gave me a really dirty look!!!
I had to 'pologize...
(But then I did get to go swimming in the river)!
"ARF" !!!
er, Pretty smart of me, huh?
(But then I did get to go swimming in the river)!
"ARF" !!!
er, Pretty smart of me, huh?
I went down there to get clean,
And my Little Guy tried to follow me...
He's kinda fast like that,
(especially DOWN~hill)!
And my Little Guy tried to follow me...
He's kinda fast like that,
(especially DOWN~hill)!
Nothing doing though...
My she's back hurts and she wouldn't go down.
So then they played in the grasses.
Some are bigger than he is!
Nothing doing though...
My she's back hurts and she wouldn't go down.
So then they played in the grasses.
Some are bigger than he is!
He found some seed pods...

And found a green pinecone too!

Then we had to go back home,
dry off;
and take a nap.
He found some seed pods...
And found a green pinecone too!
Then we had to go back home,
dry off;
and take a nap.
The End.
Have a grrrr great dog day!
Love, Punk
Have a grrrr great dog day!
Love, Punk
Later I will write about what THIS guy does to me.

And how he abuses me something fierce!
(He's really MEAN sometimes)...
Mean. Mean. Mean!
.(He's really MEAN sometimes)...
Mean. Mean. Mean!
Originally posted to my Y!360, Wednesday July 16, 2008 - 09:41am (CDT)
Dear Punk,
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that you had time to write a blog (finally!!) Love the pictures! BrodieMan says hi. He's still over at Amie's house enjoying the farm (he went there for a short time while I had my lovely surgeries and has gone back for a brief vaca whilst I get settled into my new home!!)
Tell your 'she' to have a great day and enjoy the little one. I don't know what to tell you about that Sputnik~bad kitty for attacking you!!
Lots of love and sloppy kisses!!!
I'll tell her for ya... But the little guy isn't here anymore.
ReplyDeleteTell the BrodieMan to have a good HUMP day!
Love, Punk
...And I promise to write about the mean cat...later...
Dear Punk,
ReplyDeleteI used to sit in a mulberry tree and eat the berries too when I was a LOT younger. I couldn't even get up on the lowest branch of the tree now. Of course that particular tree is long gone now. There is a carwash there where the house and tree used to stand.
Molly and Rocky say to tell you "hey", in NC that means "hi".
It sure was nice to hear from you again Punkie. Your she sure is lucky to have you, you're such a responsible little girl, being able to look after the "little guy" and all. Make sure the cat doesn't give you a hard time - after all you were there first! Hugs and dog bones!
(That's for Rocky and Molly)!!!
My she says to tell you that the old mulberry tree sprouted a new trunk right next to it, and this is what they eat from.
I hafta eat off the ground...
Love, Punk
ReplyDeleteWell thank you Miss!
I don't get nearly enough time on here...
I really liked having the Little Guy around.
He was fun, ('cept when he poked me in the eye).
But at least he didn't have claws.
Tell THAT to the cat.
Love, Punk
Now where's those dog bones???
ReplyDeleteI hope your enjoying your dog bones!
I thought the pictures of the little guy were sooo special. I hope his mommy lets him come back real soon to play and eat berries.
You are such a special dog! Will you have a word with my Izzie and Rosie and explain to them that digging up my flowers is not the way to my heart or my treat box! Those girls have been so bad lately.....you could teach them a thing or two.
Give your 'She' a nice cuddle and lay your head on her lap so she knows how loved she is....times are kinda tough for her and I am sure she loves all that love you give.
Now off you go....be a good girl :)
ReplyDeleteNow I am craving Mulberries out of the tree!!!! I miss my mulberry tree!
I used to sit up there all the time too and eat them. And fend off the possums, coons, and deer with one hand too!
Riely used to sit under the tree and look up waiting for me to drop them down to him. He never let them hit the ground.
My 'she' has a DR. appointment at 3:30 -
ReplyDeleteWill be back shortly... IF we live through the damned storms...
Love, Punk
Here we go...
It seems to be south of me.
LMAO ROTFL. Can't wait to hear about the cat!!! Hang in there Punk.
ReplyDeletePunk, it sounds like you and your Little Guy had an adventurous day! Thanks for sharing it and all the pictures! Can't wait to hear about the mean cat.
ReplyDeleteBoy Punk looks like you sure had a good time.
ReplyDelete(I know you rolled in that mud on purpose but I won't tell her)
I love it when you write blogs.
Your life is so much more fun than mine.
I just get to work all the time.
What's work?
You don't wanna know!
Be good ,oxoxoxoxo
That Little Guy IS special. (I even heard my 'she' say that LOTSA times)!
ReplyDeleteHe eats too many berries and doesn't share many though.
I will arf at Izzy and Rosie, if'n ya want me to. But some say I have a really scary "ARF"
Mr miller dug up her lilac bushes one day. And he wasn't even sorry!
But to let you know I am sassy as they come too!
Love, Punk
I STILL haven't found those darned BONES that everyone keeps talking about!!!
ReplyDeleteMy 'she' will shake the branches every now and then. (I think just to watch me run in circles to get them all).
I had to avoid some deer droppings too!
Dontcha give any to Izzy B???
She would like them as much as Riley did. AND they would be real healthy for her too!
Love, Punk
Did YOU steal my bones??
ReplyDeleteso if you LYAO, did YOU lose 3 pounds too?
Is everyone maybe thinking about CAT bones, do ya think???
Love, Punk
(Hanging in here)...
Oh we had SO much fun!!!
ReplyDeleteToo bad my Little Guy couldn't go down to the river with me though.
He needs to learn how to swim ya know...
Love, Punk
I did go lay down on purpose, but please don't tell)...
ReplyDeleteI know what 'work' is, 'she' makes me pull out weeds a LOT.
Sometimes even branches!!!
Love, Punk
Don't work TOO hard, ok?
Punk, it's so good to finally hear from you again. What great pictures you put in your blog.
ReplyDeleteHehehe...you have to watch out for us kitties. roflol I can hardly wait to read what you say about one of my own. Watch out, I'll stick up for Sputnik.
Now I want some mulberries and it's all your fault. *smile*
Take care.
Nah. I'm not worried. You just wait.
ReplyDeleteYou won't be sticking up for that mean kat...
Love, Punk
After looking after the Little Guy, I'm glad that you (Punk) got your well deserved swim in the river.....SPLASSSSSSHHHHHHHHH....mmm...refreshingly cool.
ReplyDeleteThe Little Guy deserves a lot of hand scrubbing to get rid of the mulberry stains...: )
ReplyDeletePunk here...
Even scrubbing won't rid the flesh of these stains... But it did lighten them up.
My shes ma would get upset if she got stains on her shorts when she used to crawl up there...
And those stains went right through to her undies too!
So then it was, "wear this and/or this if you are going to the back forty."
Love, Punk
These pictures are so darn cute.
ReplyDeleteMmmmm. Cat stew!! Kitty trail mix?
ReplyDeleteLove, Punk
MEOW! Hiss, spit...claws are out...don't talk about turning that beautiful precious cat into cat stew. Bad doggie, bad doggie...human too.
ReplyDeleteArf right back atcha Punk! Nikki says Arf too! Your such a good sitter and friend. A little sneaky too.. but a great way to get to go play in the river.
ReplyDeletethose Huckleberrys are huge..did you get your paws all stained too? hehe
Hope you had a great nap
cute :)
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA! I LOVE your story woof! And finding the muddy puddle to cool off in? Clever Punkie.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe puss would be mean to you, but looking at her expression on the photo .... she does look as though she's got her whiskers caught in the mouse trap! (Is she a she? Or a he? Whatever, she looks a bit p'd off at someone!!!)
Hugs xxxx
Oh Punkie!
ReplyDeleteYou are so creative! Those pictures are super cute, especially the one with you in the mud "'pologizing..." And the ones of Gabriel ALL turned out REALLY CUTE!!!! He is such a little cutie-pie!
I'm glad you had fun on your walk and that you took real good care of your Little Guy!
Make sure you keep an eye on your "she" too!
Love you Punkie!!
ReplyDeleteSo you're a cat.
Whazza big deal anyway- All you cats do is sleep for 20 hours a day, use the litter pot and then 'refill' and then back to sleep.
And during one of the times you're up you think you can pick on me???
I don't think so!
But you are right.
Sputnik is a very skinny cat.
I shall wait til he's fatter
I am SO not a bad doggie...
ARF to you too!
ReplyDeleteI did get my paws stained, but the she never thinks of my paws.
That's a good thing though because I saved my paws for later lickin'.
Oh they tasted REALLY good too!
Are huckleberries and mulberries the very same then?
My she never tells me anything so I will have to be counting on you
(And we all know what THAT means)...
ARF! to you too Mizz Christmas...
ReplyDeleteIf I am really good will you send me a toy that doesn't squeak? (My she claims she can't find them 'round these parts, and then hollers at me to be still when I squeak them...
Now I would go find another puddle, but since there haven't been any puddles falling lately I can only wish that 'she's' back will get better so's we can go back to the river again.
Oh and that cat?
The she is a he.
Or the he is now a she.
(I think the cat is an "it")...
Dear "Little One"
ReplyDeleteI would keep an eye on her, but today is not my day.
I did have fun on the walk, 'specially getting all dirty and all. But then 'course I get all hollered at for that.
And that "Little Guy" would not share his berries either- Only a few.
Glad you think me and he are cute.
We love YOU too ya know.
Love, Punk