Casey took this picture (of her blanketed feet) at her last infusion...
Good Morning All;
It has been way too long since I have written a real blog- and it's not going to happen today either.
A few of you have written to ask what is going on. Truth be known, the answer is nothing.
My computer is as uncooperative as my back- (And that has gotten worse too). As is my sewing machine. I'd taken it apart, and put it together again. It no longer clunks, but skips stitches in the normal sewing setting. My zigzag works very well though, so am using that setting tons more than I ever have. Too funny.
Talk about unique artistry with a sewing machine! hehehe
I was to have a dentist appointment on Tuesday, same day/time as Casey's infusion- Neither of us made it. Casey was too sick, and I had a massive anxiety attack as I was fixin' to leave.
Oh, I waited and was ready to beg that dentist for new teeth. Heck, I don't even care if they come out every night either! I am tired of trying to keep up with them.
Life goes on.
Casey's appointment is rescheduled. Mine will be too, as soon as I know what is going on with her anastomotic ulcer. We go back to Minnesota next month to find out.
Click to read, "Anastomotic ulceration following subtotal and total pancreatectomy"
I woke this morning after having a very odd dream about... ahem, er, -um- "recycling"-
In this dream I had married my 2nd 'ex' all over again. (And that's plain wrong)!
I haven't decided yet if it truly was a dream, or a nightmare. Just very weird. As we said the "I do's" etc, I knew I didn't love him, I suppose I just wanted to make trouble.
Interpret that if you will. hehehe
Going to close for now. I send my love to all.
Dreams rarely mean what they appear to. Only you could possibly know the true meaning of your dream. Maybe you met a guy? Maybe your subconscious is telling you to be careful, and not repeat a past mistake (in love or otherwise). Your 2nd ex is KCs Dad right? Maybe you feel the need to be closer to KC. Anyway. I hope you feel better. Got the love you sent, and am returning the package with mine in it. XOXO yourself!
ReplyDeleteThree xxx and it's game over. lol
ReplyDeleteComputers are made to be awkward especially for those who rebel.
I bought my first Windows ever and said yes sir all the time I loaded it.
I'll not use it often.
Love your pic, even in discomfort you're beautiful.
ReplyDeleteTeeth, such a bothersome necessity, lol. We work hard to keep them nice, they go south and then we have to keep track of their replacements.
I fear I would think remarrying any of my ex's would be a nightmare. The first I would go to jail over, lol.
You and me both.
ReplyDeleteAnnie, a psychologist explained it to me thusly: Dreams are simply a means of the brain, clearing out mental-garbage. They have no meaning. Anecdotally; insane people rarely dream.
ReplyDeleteTell the computer to pick a window, surprisingly this sometimes works!!!
ReplyDeleteHope your both feeling better now!
You don't like the dentist Anna ? or you just have these attacks :-(
ReplyDeleteI have just been to your Anxiety & Panic Attacks Symptoms post they must be very awful, I hate speaking in front of people or large groups myself. Your dream is easy to see through Anna however that is up to you my friend,
I have seen that top before in some photos I saw for the first time ( I think) on Tuesday ( I think) I think a lot :D
Glad Casey's appointment has been rescheduled and that the medical staff are very understanding;
well now i understand the sassy comment...
ReplyDeleteyou just wanted some legal nookie...
dangitallanyway WHY WHY WHY does Casey ALWAYS have to be in the top percentile? Can't she just once underachieve?
ReplyDeleteThey CAN NOT give her a v-ectomy... she is STILL USING THAT.
I double checked. I still do not know the true meaning of my dream.
ReplyDeleteDid I meet a guy? Only in my daydreams... (I think).
My subconscious always tells me to be careful. (It is probably why I have not met that man). hehehe
Repeat a mistake? Yeah I have done that a time or three.
My 2nd ex is Casey's dad?
Dad yes.
Sire? (I'll never tell). hehehe
Closer to Casey? Probably. Although we are very close, and wish I was allowed to feel that with all my children as well.
This past week has shown me that my back CAN, and will, get worse that I thought it could. Thinking I have been past the intense pain etc,- And it has gotten very very bad.
Not sure if it's the weather, or if I have unknowingly done something else to it.
Either way, I don't like it much.
But I have moved my doctor appointment up.
(Love your package of love).
With slow pitch it is 4 xxxx's. hehehe
ReplyDeleteDang computer anyway.
I told myself that I would catch up on my replies here today, and slowly but surely everything is working well.
(Knocks on wood as I type too).
I believe I will be using a Mac soon.
Will address that shortly too.
Thank you for the compliment. (But you were supposed to be admiring Casey's covered tootsies)! hehehe
ReplyDeleteBeing that I was on dilantin/phenobarbital since I was 3, until I was 18, the longevity of my teeth was at risk long before science even knew...
Add to that the fact that I barf, and didn't know about not brushing then until it was too late to get around a few root canals, I am lost before I even start, ya know?
Oh, I could throw a bunch of money into my teeth, but in the long run, why would I do that now?
As far as exes go; know that I would go to jail over my first too.
After all, that is where HE belonged the very first time he ever hit me.
ReplyDeleteThat makes 3 of us then.
Mental garbage? Lord only knows how much garbage is up there for us all!
ReplyDeleteThere are many nights that I either do not dream, or I don't recall them...
Are those nights more "questionable" than others???
Methinks I would rather throw it in the river, than out a window. hehehe
Nah- My dentist is a fine one.
ReplyDeleteI don't particularly care to be going to the dentist, but that is neither here nor there with respect to my anxiety attacks.
I can, have, and DO, have attacks just sitting and watching TV, or reading, or sewing- So it is not that I was going anywhere.
You saw through my dreams and did not offer your interpretation???
That sweatshirt has been in the back room under a heap of rummage sale stuff for a while. Not sure if I have ever posted a pic of it. At least not recently, that's for sure.
I do have many USA shirts though.
Casey's medical people love her and understand always.
Those that do not, are not doing their jobs. hehehe
ReplyDeleteYou MUST talk to Casey about this all!
... still laughing!
I will when I refind my sense of humor...
ReplyDeleteseem to have lost it in a hole...