Good Morning Everyone;
First of all, if you have no Faith in God (or whatever you call your higher deity), you need to read NO further.
Don't even TRY to tell me that there is no God watching and keeping us all safe.
I have already spent too much time already this morning- reading, (waiting for pages), reading, (waiting some more)...
And trying to keep my blood pressure down...
I wish I could keep this shorter for today, but I do not think this will be the case as I am madder than a wet hen that spits nails right about now...
Or shall I say "STILL" madder than...
As you read in my last post, Gabriel had taken grandfathers Glipizide pills.
After Gabie~Babys blood sugar had dropped to 50 that same night, he had been released from the hospital on Tuesday, about noon.
And MUCH better.
Thank You to the Suamico paramedics and first responders who came so very quickly to help him out (and to calm our fears).
After this latest fiasco, I told Berta no more babysitting...
(This pistol child really scares me)!
She called Tuesday night-
Would I babysit on Friday?
But of course!
Berta has been working a ton of hours for low pay and scant tips. But her roommate is home 24/7 and would babysit.
(Roomie, "Jessica", got fired from her job 2 months ago, and refuses to go look for another).
Not sure what's up with that...
(Mostly though, Jessica should NOT be my problem either).
Roberta lives almost next door to where she works, AND an added bonus being that she is so very close to home if anything happens.
Any geologists out there?
(Cuz I sure as hell wasn't going to be digging in that pile anymore).
and helped me get those rocks moved.
While I continued on my idle way, the phone rings.
It is Roberta, calling from work.
(From the sound of her voice I thought she was very, very ill).
Turns out I was wrong.
She wanted me to go pick Gabriel up.
Something bad had happened...
Long story short, (the gospel according to Jessica), is that she (Jessica) had been doing dishes, and heard the front door open.
By the time she even noticed he was gone, he had traveled half a block down Mason Street, (Highway 54), to the corner of Fisk and Mason-
This is an extremely busy intersection mind you...
A police officer got to him, snatching him out of traffic.
In the meantime, Jessica had gone downstairs to ask a neighbor what she should do.
How about call the police?
How about even look for him?
Also in the meantime, Casey's ex happened by...
(They own the apartment complex that Berta lives in).
Recognizing our Master Gabriel, he told the police officer where he belonged.
The police officer gets to Jessica and says, "Let me get this straight... You are alone with a 2 year old. You hear the door open, and don't even bother to look?"
Not sure what will happen there today.
I made record time going to pick this little guy up yesterday...
And boy was he worn out!
Since I feel terribly insignificant with this child, I moved his little swing to where I was working outside.
Like the hospital crib, he was quite secure in it with the lap belt fastened.
(Much easier to keep an eye on him this way)...
No, I didn't leave him sleep there-
(But I did keep him downstairs)...
Roberta came to pick him up about 8:30...
Still very shaken, and very angry too. But ever so grateful that Derek had been there to know Gabriel, AND for him to hear Jessica's version of what she had told the cop...
Hopefully this roommate can be off her lease in short order.
(Non~medical police calls/visits violate the lease).
And of course she was not even home when Roberta got there.
But she did have the idiotic thought to go to Berta's work and ask her if she was mad.
(As it occurs to me that she has never seen Berta quite so angry).
Berta is off today, and works tomorrow 'til close.
I will have The Master here.
Am thinking maybe I should go buy a leash for him and connect him to me then...
Damn, hey?
Love to all.
Hope YOUR blood pressure is better than ours...
OMG, I would be pissed to no end. That girl has no business watching kids obviously! Thank God Gabriel is okay. He sounds like he is a handful, maybe one of those leash thingys isn't such a bad idea. I use to use one when Kayla was little and we attended things with big crowds, just to make sure she didn't get away from me. lol It worked!!
ReplyDeleteOMG Sweet Tonya, I never did use one...
ReplyDeleteAnd even wrote that tongue in cheek...
But my road here is very very busy too, and he sure does move fast...
Maybe I shall use Miss Punks halter? hehehe
Just the thought of him being near to any highway/road is nauseating...
And I had to keep my temper in check when I picked him up too. The other gal was there, the neighbor from downstairs. (Methinks Jessica was right to have her up there too).
Just a sickening thing.
Gabriel has an angel on his shoulder that's for sure.
Oh yes, I'd say he has several angels hovering about him. Thank goodness for that. You know some people are against the leash thingys but I say if it keeps the kids safe then do it. That's the most important thing and we all know how they are at that age, into everything. They know no boundaries at that age and they are FULL of curiosity.
ReplyDeleteAs for the girl that didn't bother to see who went out the door, she's probably very lucky you bit your tongue. I cannot believe she didn't look to see what he was doing. (shaking head)
Oh yes.. I have said many times that God does take care of fools and children. I think Master Gabe is just about to wear out his guardian angel though. Good thing they have lots of staminia..hehe
ReplyDeleteLittle ones have to be watched.. not just watched.. if that makes any sense what so ever. Oh my goodness he was so very lucky not to have been seriously injured. I dont blame you I would have been spitting nails as well. (see I knew it was stupidity) hehe
You might could attach a leash from him to Punk. .. of course those two could probably tear down the house together..hehe
Im glad all worked out and life is basically good! luv to you
Oh my God....You guys have been through a ton this past week with that little man....Good thing he has a wonderful Grandma to take care of him...
ReplyDeleteSweet Tonya;
ReplyDeleteI have neither been for them or against them. But he has either GOT to understand that he can get hurt, or he just has to listen better.
A combination of curiosity and no fear is a scary thing!
As for Jessica, if I never see her again, it will be too often.
And I also would be willing to bet that there were dirty dishes in the sink after this all happened.
My own guess is that she was asleep.
Sweet Connie!
ReplyDeleteFools and children? Well we now ALL know who the heck the fool is in that equation...
I really DO understand your snetence about watching and WATCHING.
Too bad Jessica doesn't... (Maybe that's why she has no children, eh)?
And he could have been KILLED!!!
God. Angels. GreatGrandparents...
Whomever was keeping an eye was doing a beautiful job for Gabriel.
The leash between Punk and Gabriel.
Might be funny.
Might just work too!
Sweet Angel~Katie!
ReplyDeleteYou are SO very kind to me.
Not too sure about that last part as he was at MY house when he took the Glipizide on Monday. (That could have been so bad too)...
Such a small child to make me feel even smaller.
I shall bring him to your house then.
Love to you all!
And always.
Wow, so lucky that Gabriel's experience was no worse than it was! Indeed, someone must have been looking over the little guy. What an idiot to not even go and check on him when she heard a door opening...Who exactly did she think opened the door??? Glad to hear that all ended well...
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing I would have said to that useless piece of s**t is: YOU, OUT OF THE GENE POOL...NOW! Can you say ''TARGET PRACTICE?"...after you beat the royal crap out of her and string her up by her toes!
ReplyDeleteSuffice it to say that the police officer is just as pissed off as you and his mama and rightfully so. I'd have hauled her ass in without hesitation. How can someone be so freakin' stupid (not to mention lazy as hell) is beyond me.
I'd say Gabriel has SEVERAL Guardian Angels watching over him (you all do actually), however as he's so young...I do hope God has several more waiting in the wings [pun intended] to give the ''main ones'' a break every now and then. Sheez!
Get a leash, get a harness...whatever works. I have a younger brother who Mom kept on one for years. She had no choice in the matter. Course a jail cell and handcuffs would have helped as well.
Gabriel is ALL boy. He's a cutie, but durn he is a handful. What a week you guys have had.
I'm sure you do feel overwhelmed by him, however when he's with you, your daughter knows he'll be well taken care of. He might fall asleep at and/or after meals but for the most part you know what he's doing.
Child-proof your cabinets as much as you possibly can.
God Bless your home and family.
Love ya
Go to Walmart....they have the kiddie leashes and they wear them like a backpack...We have one for TJ!
ReplyDeletegood grief! I hope they arrested her dumb self on child endangerment!
ReplyDeleteGabie does indeed seem to have his share of guardian angels! Glad to hear he is OK if tired.
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!! I can not believe the ignorance of that girl. How old is she? Obviously not very responsible. I am glad you will be watching Master Gabriel for a while. I don't think I would even be able to stand being in the same house as a person that irresponsible. I know kids can be quick but come on when you hear a door open and close knowing you and a baby are the only ones home would definitely put me on my guard.
ReplyDeleteOn a better note your pictures are beautiful and Gabie is getting so big. He looks like a little man now.
I hope your blood pressure goes down soon and take care of the back and head of yours. I will talk to ya soon.
Sweet Cristy...
ReplyDeleteYou have spoken my sentiments exactly!
If it was my Gabriel opeing it, or a neighbor visiting, EITHER FREAKIN' WAY one would turn around.
Makes no sense.
Like I said, I believe she was alseep...
Berta called- The dishes were NOT done when she got home.
Oh Sweet Cat,
ReplyDeleteI wanted to do that, and MORE...
"How can someone be so freakin' stupid (not to mention lazy as hell) is beyond me."
Another mouthful.
Berta doesn't say much... But Casey has heard that Jessica is 'into' things that are not necessarily legal either...
Lazy and Stupid is no way to go through life.
I'd better get to WalMart and get some of those cabinet locks...
Maybe today. It is raining...
Sweet BethieBaby!
ReplyDeleteNow that's a cool idea too... The backpack part.
Why is the child in the photo so spotless??? And those shoes too!?
I always get such a kick out of these pictures...
Am rethinking that leash...
~Simply because I really cannot lift the boy with my back as wretched as it is either.
(I do lift him, but am reminded immediately NOT to too).
Sweet Pea,
ReplyDeleteKinda pisses you off royally, doesn't it?
I did not hear from Berta after Jessica got back home...
But I am sure I will hear a mouthful today...
I too hope charges were filed.
(But then wouldn't they also file against me for the Glipizide thing)?
Such a dilemma
Sweet Darla!
ReplyDeleteShe is about 24.
With a 'responsibility quotient' of zero perhaps...
Jessica Bunker
I took this picture last year after they had driven out to pick up Casey. (Casey could not drive at that point because she had just gotten home from Froedtert surgery... Too many drugs and all).
Now I have a question for you...
How can you say you hope my b/p goes down knowing I will be in charge of "The Pistol" today?
(big sigh)
(bigger giggle too)
I still want to stomp that witches useless frame. Into illegal stuff huh? Your daughter needs a new roommate...fast.
ReplyDeleteThat was not controlled by you. The pills were in the possession of Richard and you had no way of knowing.
She ADMITTED to hearing him go out the door and doing nothing... big difference
First off... I'm glad Gabe & Berta are ok.
ReplyDeleteSecondly ..why is this moron still living with Berta?
If she's not working ,she's not paying rent.Out she goes in my book !
And let's hope to god she never has kids !
Sweet Pea,
ReplyDeleteI knew he took meds for diabetes.
No, I did not know where they were.
Found out he had them in a flip top Mon~Sunday container. And even though they were hidden deep in his bags the little man found them.
And after I found that out, I told him that you never go anywhere near kids with those containers. (Maybe not too nicely, but that's what I said).
I still cannot get over the fact that she claims she never even looked.
I still think she was sleeping, but this possible lie will be between herself and God at some point.
Bingo!, Sweet Bug,
ReplyDeleteYou have hit another nail square on the head.
Methinks I shall pay a little visit one of these days...
As far as the having kids goes, I shall hope and pray for the same thing.
Woopsie~Daisy Cat, I missed yours!
ReplyDeleteI wish to stomp her too. (Get in line. Take a number).
I asked Roberta for the police report and she said she hadn't gotten it yet.
(Can't wait to read that one).
The illegal stuff is hearsay, but I am not going to say I don't believe it either.
But then, if you can't pay your own way, how does one afford drugs?
On the other hand, when Berta was unemployed, J did help her out too.
But mostly Randy did. And does.
Oh kids, I was an awful b*tch this past weekend...
ReplyDelete(B*tchy and ungrateful is an awful way to go through life too)...
Maybe this weekend will be much better then...
Anne dear...after what all you went through with regards to Gabriel, you had every reason to ''fly off at the handle.'' One can only be pushed so far before the breaking point is reached. I know, I reached mine last night and it continued on into today. Nothing as horrific as what you went through, however I snapped.
ReplyDeleteHere's to you having a super duper great terrific wunnerful weekend.
Thank you so much sweet Cat.
ReplyDeleteAnd may yours be wunnaful too!
AGJIDSAOLNVKDSLAJFIEAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't type my emotions of extreme anger towards Jessica........ I just cannot believe someone could be that careless, stupid, and lazy... ESPECIALLY WITH A CHILD!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI also cannot believe that she lied to the cops...
"Never underestimate ignorance"
Well, apparently I did... She should definitely be out on her a$$ in a heartbeat... NO QUESTIONS ASKED OR ANSWERED...
I am once again EVER so glad he has SO MANY guardian angels surrounding him... GOD BLESS GABRIEL!!!
and everyone else too!
Love you Much Much!