Emergency Letter to Obama: You Can’t Cut Social Security
…and then ask us for financial and volunteer support.
The New York Times and the Washington Post are reporting that President Obama may offer cuts to Social Security and Medicare to the GOP in their Debt Ceiling deal. This is an “All hands on deck” moment for every progressive in America. The same Republicans who raised the debt ceiling 5 times (and by nearly $4 Trillion) under George Bush in order to give HUGE tax cuts to the super-rich and mega corporations are now telling America that we can’t afford to take care of our parents and grandparents in their old age.
The Tea Party Congress is not even remotely interested in making compromises or doing what’s right. They are out to destroy America’s greatest social contract and promise to the American people: The New Deal. They are holding our parents and grandparents hostage right now to protect the wealth of the Wall St. tycoons that sabotaged our economy in the first place.
The President of the United States does not negotiate with hostage takers.
Sign our emergency letter to President Obama today: Protect Social Security and Medicare benefits – or don’t ask for grassroots help.
The Other 98% of America needs Obama to take Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare off the table with the GOP. If the Obama and the Dems expect us to fight for them next year then we had better see them fight for us right now.
total agreement with you :)
ReplyDeletesigned it and put it up on FB
ReplyDeleteArmchair activism; a way to feel like you are doing something by doing nothing.
ReplyDeleteTo bad you feel that way :(
ReplyDeleteThank you Sweetie!
ReplyDeleteSweet Heidi is right. I too am sorry you feel that way.
Not to be judged, but not to worry either... I have written plenty of letters TO Washington.
"I come from a land down under?
ReplyDeleteWhere women glow and men plunder?
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover."
However Anna for now I come from Washington - Olympia 98501
I think I'd like to visit the area ;-)
Pssst I think the CIA are on to me
With the way the country is at the moment you need things like this I hope more people get on board
with 9% unemployment ect people especially the more elderly need to be looked after. Governments need to stop and think about the majority of people who vote them in, in the first place, people do remember you know
Oh Mr Lester- or shall I say Mr. Olympia?!? hehehe
ReplyDeleteI love that song- (And to think it is already a 'golden oldie').
Good grief.
You are correct though, the elderly and disabled need looking after. They have worked hard for what measly money they live on each month. (And simply cannot afford to spend extra $ on gardener or lawn people).
Just so you know, they do check the IP addresses of whom signed what and when.
It pisses me right off when I hear Social Security or Medicare called "entitlements" They are NOT entitlements, people pay into them whether they will or no. Rick has medicare taken out every month even though he will never use it because of his VA benefits. He cannot get the deduction stopped. At least he's helping someone else less fortunate.
LOVE Men At Work!! Thank you Lester for making me smile, HUGS
ReplyDeleteOh, hon, you know I have to disagree here.
ReplyDeleteThat's a splendid statement in-theory and in-general - but the guy in office right now has done nothing but try to negotiate with these wolverines since he got into office.
The Teabaggers have taught Obama a painful lesson - and, by extension, the rest of America which actually believes in Logic and Reason - you don't negotiate with snakes. You cut their fucking heads off with a shovel.
Obama brought a knife to a gunfight. The Teabaggers have pumped five rounds apiece into the chests of Logic and Reason, and put two-in-the-collarbones of Civility.
Logic and Reason are dead. Civility is writhing on the floor. Obama has stepped politely over the corpses and is now trying to hand an olive-branch to the gunmen by way of stripping Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare.
We're so screwed I don't know where to begin.
No, they're not 'entitlements' - but that's the dog-whistle the far Right is using to demonize not just the program, but the people who receive them.
ReplyDeleteIn the Teabagger world, anyone who receives a government check is a bad person - it doesn't matter if they paid into those programs or not.
ReplyDeleteOf course you are right!
And you do realize *I* didn't write those words.
At any rate, you are very wise my friend. And your analogy is brilliant.
Truthfully, I don't know either. But doing nothing is not an option.
ReplyDelete... say those teabaggers as they drive to the bank in their shiny new imported cars to ca$h their own SS checks.
ReplyDeleteOh Snotball Dearest- How could I have missed your note?
ReplyDeleteMy apologies.
How come you, I, and Will understand that those words are so selfish as they come from the tb's themselves?
What you stated about Rick- and correct me if I am wrong, but that sounds much like a double taxation for the same allowance? It makes no sense.
If there are no " Armchair activists" then I guess it will not be long before the 1st Amendment is taken off the table and there go the millions of " Armchair activists" including your daily Newspapers, free radio and television ?
ReplyDeleteAnna I love your post mate I find them very informative. I hope other appreciate them as much as I do ?
I may seem a little argumentative some times but hey you know I am an "Armchair Activist" and all that crap
My definition of an Armchair Activist is some one who is willing to put pen to paper or these days send out emails and vote if need be to speak up for something that others just sit and sulk about
Mr. Lester,
ReplyDeletePersonally, and here, I don't care if you open a can of worms or not.
Your brilliant passion for other human beings is what is best, and brightest here. And it shines through with every word that you have replied to this arrogant and narrow being with.
My heart knows peace- if only for a brief moment today- as I read (and will reread your reply many times).
Thank you to my friend Lester!
ReplyDeleteOh, and I love your definition too!
Sometimes I just want to tell (some) naysayers and idiots just to go lick themselves.
I would like to go fishing too! hehehe
Adding the thought that perhaps Lester, and many others of you would enjoy this post
For Lester especially, there is a person on there by the name of "lvlila". Please read those replies. You may find you share a kinship on more than one subject...
Thank you Anna :-)
ReplyDeleteI have been but if I gather any more friends I will definitely start to forget some, today some peoples ignorance on other pages close to home and in the UK, USA gave me a headache ( Not yours BTW )
You are TOO sweet Mr. Lester. (Thank you)!
ReplyDeleteI notice many of the blogs between Aus and US are damn near identical too.
Still it might be nice just to click on it; it can do no harm? hehehe
Besides, you are entitled to forget, wouldn't you agree?
I thank you again!
My Dear Lester, I have seen reports from both sides of this issue. I have seen emails from other Australians on this issue. Reports go both ways of the atrocities you witnessed on the slaughterhouse. One report claims this is common practice and another report claims this was a very small, privately owned slaughterhouse. While the cattle are saved from export to a possibly horrendous death, now many Australian Ranchers have no place to send their cattle and I read a report of one Rancher that will have to put down 3000 of his cattle. Since these will be killed in the field and the government will not purchase them to lower the high price of your beef, how can this be justified? Not trying to start anything but only asking for your viewpoint.
ReplyDeleteHUGS Dear Lester.
Sweet Sister Anne,
ReplyDeleteNo worries on missing my post, LOL.
I don't know how this selfishness can be ignored either. I guess I just don't have the politician "me first and foremost" tunnel vision.
Rick has the Medicare deduction taken from his check every month just as everyone else does but since he receives all of his medical care at the VA, he doesn't use his Medicare. We checked into getting the automatic deduction stopped but they told us we had to jump through all kinds of hoops to do it so we just left it alone. The extra 100 plus dollars would be nice a month but since he doesn't use it, it is being used by someone less fortunate. We hope, lol.
ReplyDeleteNOW we know why...
Obama as Centrist Gains Traction With 2012 Voters
By Lanny Davis
The headline in the left-hand lead of The New York Times on Tuesday read: “Obama Grasping Centrist Banner in Debt Impasse.”
Wait a minute. Isn’t this the same president the Republican tea partyers decried as “socialist”?
How could he possibly find himself described as a centrist? Wasn’t that the word his most ardent leftward base hates the most?
The irony of that headline, and the fact it actually reflected a growing perception of Obama in the center gaining traction throughout the country, might just be one of those turning-point political moments that will be long remembered in Washington, maybe as the day that Barack Obama sealed his re-election for four more years.
I tried to imagine if I were at the White House as a political strategist, what would I be hearing?
I could almost hear the quiet voices in the Roosevelt Room, after the senior meeting with the chief of staff — a group of political strategists sitting around the large, impressive conference table, under the gaze of Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt.
I could imagine they were sitting there in disbelief, trying to figure out how their boss seemed to have a knack — skill? luck? — somehow to always land on his feet, no matter what. “How did he pull this off?” they must have been thinking.
So I imagined the conversation that ensued. Here’s a good guess:
“So we got shellacked in 2010, and our only hope was a bounce-back of the economy.”
“It looks like a bouncing ball, all right — but down, not up. Unemployment on the rise again, job creation nowhere. I thought we were in a heap of trouble.”
“So how did this miracle happen?”
“Remember Bill Clinton after the disastrous 1994 elections? He was even worse off than we were in 2010. How’d he do it?”
“Don’t you remember the word ‘triangulation’? That means he positioned himself as a man of the center, with Democrats on his extreme left and Republicans on the extreme right allowing him to stay right there.”
“Wow, how’d he do that?”
“Pretty simple — he picked three issues he cared about and stood up to his liberal base on each one — welfare reform, NAFTA, and a balanced budget.”
“Then what?”
“Then he stood up to the Republican right by refusing to cut basic social-safety-net programs and dared Gingrich to shut down the government. And Gingrich and the Republicans in the House took most of the blame for the government shutdown.”
“So can Obama pull the same thing off on the debt ceiling?”
“It didn’t look that way, but then John Boehner and Eric Cantor played into his hands. Obama finally embraces the principles of Simpson-Bowles — puts major cuts, Medicare, even Social Security on the table for cuts, and God help us if Boehner and Cantor had said yes.”
“And aren’t you worried that Obama has angered our Democratic Party base — I mean, we’re even getting criticized by Ed old-reliable-Obama-down-the-line Schultz.”
“I know — thank goodness.”
“And then Nancy Pelosi goes on the tube and vows never to touch Social Security — and there’s your triangle. Perfect.”
“What I don’t get — how did Obama arrange for Eric Cantor and the House Republicans to oppose even closing the corporate jet tax loophole?”
“Beats me.”
“Every poll shows 70 or 80 percent of the American people opposing the Republican priorities in protecting all tax loopholes for the wealthy — how did the president manage to get the Republicans to be on the wrong side of an 80-20 poll result?”
Silence in this imaginary room.
“There must be a sound bite that sums it all up — something that can win over independents, and the center-right, center-left, putting us at the top of the triangle. Anyone have any ideas?”
“ ‘It’s the economy, stupid.’ ”
“No, that’s already been used.”
“I’ve got the Republican slogan about budget cuts on the programs that the poor and the needy depend on.”
“‘Let them eat cake!’”
“No, that’s already been used.”
“So what? It fits, doesn’t it? If Marie Antoinette were al
Hi there lrrpslady I am about to rush out soon as I have Brianna's 21st to go to but you are right my friend here is a link for now, I think it is about all settled for now and yes they were
From what I am aware of and have looked into it is not common practice and and yes these are privately owned slaughterhouse.