[My] Life in Wisconsin

Y360 news


Click on RUMOR CONTROL (above).

Good Morning!!!

To all my friends... Please click above.

Yahoo has confirmed that they will be preserving all of our blogs, and their content, INCLUDING comments to each and every one of our blogs there. 

Thank the powers that be.

Do the click thing please. 

Although it is not the place to vent, please let her know you were there.

And please spread the word, one click at a time...




Dragons, and Dead Toads

Entry for October 28, 2007

Dragon Image from here
(Seems kind of mean, but I am thinking with the way our trade has been with "the dragon" lately that perhaps it is merely practical advice)...
This is actually an informative site, opposing trade with the PRC.
Particularly catching my attention (besides the obvious), was the link he has to MSN's story "Chinese County Clubs to Death 50,000 Dogs"
How sick is that?

Good Morning All!

I am mighty sickened by that story, and a few more that were on there too. (So much for a danish and a bit of fun this morning)...

But yesterday was a completely different story... As I was almost ready to get outside and try to tackle the mowing, the back door opened (seemingly of its own accord), and in walked Punk!

TRUE story.
But what I didn't see right away was Master Gabriel right behind her...

And for the first time ever, as he walked in, and clear as a bell, he says...
"Hi, Grandma!"
I almost started crying; those young voices sounding so much the same.
He sounded so MUCH like Valerie, and Isaiah too, those few years back!

Almost needless to say is the fact that I did not finish up the yards. But that is not to say the rider didn't get started. (I figured as long as everyone was dressed for outside, then outside we would go)!

Miss Punk found a brand new friend almost right away while Berta and I got the little trailer hooked up...



Somebody had squashed a toad on the driveway...
Petrified now; and FLAT!



Master Gabriel didn't want to even wait for a sit~upon to get thrown in the trailer either...



He tried to stretch that short little leg to crawl in...
...(It didn't work)... Maybe next year! hehehe



And we were "OFF"... Down the overgrown trail and back to the woods!!!



Even Punk is much happier INside that little trailer!



And we stopped back at the old campsite...



Miss Punk finding LOTS of sticks...



And we wondered if anyone had to use the (ahem), "Powder Room"???



Hey! Go easy on the guffaws here...
..I built that with my own two little hands!
(AND, it works)!!! hehehe



Gabriel and Roberta went for a walk down to the river. (I stayed up top because of my stupid foot)...



WAY down there... (The river about 80 feet behind them).



And Punk loved it too.
Though she heard the wierd beep when I turned on the camera, and realized I wasn't down there with them!



And came running right back up to see me.
After seeing I was fine, she went straight back down again too!


Coming back up that ravine is a bit harder, and they all stopped to take a break.



Nice of Mother Nature to throw that old tree there for them!



And almost to the top again!



But still not completely tired...



Gabriel collected a few sticks...



This one taken right before The Punkster stole those sticks from him.



And it was time to head back home. We took the long way back, going all the way around the fields...



Berta had to restrain Punk from attacking the migrants as they picked the fields.
There are literally 100's of piles of squash out there yet.
These spaghetti squash are earmarked for the Chicago market.



And Berta took this picture from one of the closer corners of the field.



We wheeled around the "little forest" after we got back home...



Gabriel was more than cautious seeing that branch coming right at him too.
he says "HEY"...



We brought the recyclables in to Suamico, Casey was still sleeping. (She needs that)! And coming home she had woken up. ...Still sick. I wish this episode would just get over with already. Since she has had almost every test known to the medical profession and mankind, we know there is nothing to do but wait it out. As long as she is not barfing, and can manage her pain this will pass. Keep those prayers and positive thoughts coming!

I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday! I would cut lawn today, but since it is only 37 degrees yet, I shall be staying INside! Maybe later...

Love to all!



Sunday October 28, 2007 - 10:10am (CDT)


As mentioned before (and oh, how many times?), I am a dunce...

It won't let me put my todays 360 blog on this site.  (It says javascript/css not allowed). 

Now i don't know about all that crap, so what the hey does THAT mean?

It's a bunch of Blah~Blah~Bullsh*t if ya ask me.

Pissed now. All my hard work didn't take. Guess that must be why it only moved less than 200 when I tried this morning to transfer everything. And THAT makes me mad too because i am NOT going to redo all my yahoo hard work.

So, devil take it...

have a wunnaful day.








Whoops- A Late Start!

Good Afternoon!

Casey had an awful night last night too. Terrible pains, and just so sick. Please keep those prayers coming!

I am going to keep this short for today. Already my backside is numb from sitting, and I have so much to do.

I started mowing yesterday, and got about 1/2 the lawns done. Still have the front and side to do, the ditches, and maybe the trail back to the woods as well. I mowed yesterday until I was completely cold to the bone. It was about 45. Not a real big problem because I do know how to deal with the chilly (nippy) weather, but when my foot thawed out there sure was hell to pay!

Not completely thrilled with Multiply, I am still scouting for a permanent place to lay my head and write my words...

Please do not misunderstand... While I am happy with being able to see many of my friends there; there is something still holding me back...

Oh what a 'think'...

...Decisions ... Decisions...


Have a wonderful weekend!

Love to all.




Testing! hehehe

Test. One. Two.

Test. One. Two.





hehehe  ?  ya think?





(Can you hear me now)?

...Is anybody there?

Just checking this out is all...

And since I am a dunce, I will probably need help to be moving my old boring blogs too...



Question: Who are some of the werewolves cousins?

Answer: The whatwolves and the whenwolves.


No groaning now... (it scares the dogs)...

Have a good one.





The Laundry Speaks

Good Morning All;

I had taken the photo above on one of our little excursions down to Froedtert. Whatever is stuck on the leaf was REALLY stuck on there too; some kind of eggs perhaps?

No eggs in this next picture though; (just a stick or two)!



AND maybe an errant dog, (or two)!,
playing at the top of the barngrade.



Casey was all the way up there too!
And the dogs didn't mind too much either...
Casey and The Punkster!
They didn't mind, until she threw the toy way over the backside of the hill...
And they had to race to go fight for the darned squeak toy...



Punk was NOT about to let Casey get away with all of her sassy shenanigans,
and treed her,
(after having to chase her across the yard)!!



Good job Punk!



After some "good doggie" talk, to assure a safe descent from the tree, it was high~time for a drink; and to fill Mama Millys water pan straight from the well!
Punk dared to get a "snoutful" too!!!



And then we came inside and put our feet up.
(Well ok, so I put
my foot up anyway)!

Casey has been subsisting on my homemade chicken soup, (plus her "Ensure" and "Boost" drinks), to get through her days. She is already down to 91 pounds. Sadly, her pancreas is starting to flare up again, and so she must be careful(er) about what goes into her tummy. Lots of pain. And her eyes go blurry too. (Yes, she has had them checked). Dizzy, just sick, and hurting.
Tough days for her, but as always, she hangs in there!
I remain WAY proud of her for that.

I hope you all have a great weekend ahead! It might rain a bit here, and it is chilly again. 38° this morning, and a thick frost on the cars too. But the moon is so beautiful, and actually lights up the whole kitchen and living room. Such a soft light too.

I'd better close. Dang, I think I hear my washer calling for me.

Love to all!


*Keep your babies safe for Trick or Treat...

Along with

*Hints from Annies blog to keep your furkids safe as well.





Die Hard...

Hehehe Do you like my new top page picture???



Good Morning!

Try as I might, I cannot bring myself to blog elsewhere, although I have given it much thought. I have even gone to another site, which I will not be "doing" yet, so please do not hold your breath if you are waiting for updates there.

Guess I will be here til the bitter end. Yes, I did read Yahoo! Team Blog latest entry... >CLICK HERE< for that one if you have not yet done so.

...And I still cannot see where they are completly obliterating 360.
Am I blind? Or just a bit dense? Wait, don't answer that, I bruise easily...

  • Changing it? Yes.
  • Closing 360? Yes. (As we now know it to be anyway).
  • Doing away with us, or our hard work or our people? NOT.

Please take a moment to read Carls entire entry... (click on his name).

Like he says, "please do me a favor: kick off your shoes, pull up a chair and stay a while. You've got nothing to lose."

Neither will I be transferring my blogs to another site because when/if I have to do that, I do not want them out of order. I have them stored anyway...

Lots of you are missing, and so I shall miss the reparte that I always looked forward to each day. Of course, lots of you have been missing for a while, (and I really do miss your thoughts upon my pages too).

It's a chilly one this morning. All of 35 degrees already. hehehe ~A bit nippy!

But we should be in the 50's later on. It is sunny with a light wind. Maybe I can burn some of my yard waste finally. It has been SO windy lately, and this "gimp" has not had much energy anyway...

And so... onward...

Have you ever eaten ground cherries? They grow almost wild around here, and I transplant them every spring when they come up. They come wrapped in their own little papers too!



Look past the darned weeds...
A handful on the car...
One out of the husk, so you can see what they look like.



Mmmm... They are sweet and good (and one can get an entire days supply of Vitamin C out of a handful of them).

I do fight the dogs for these little fruits. This, after trying to get out there before the chipmunks and gophers get to them! Darned thieves that they are...

I have never seen any recipes for them, but eating them just like that is more than yummy!

CaseyFace had a real bad night, (tuesday night)... and was up almost all night long. She then had a 2nd interview at one company; later a doctor appointment. Suffice it to say it was a really tough day for herself yesterday. She came home, and slept straight through til this morning. They called later in the day to tell her that she didn't get the job. She woke up quite bummed from that bit of news. (I am still so mad at UWGB for what they did to her aid. >CLICK HERE< if you don't already know that story.

It is high time to get busy with my own day. I am SO far behind.

I hope you are all having a wunnaful Thursday, and that you are all looking forward to a wunnaful weekend too!




Oh, since October is grinding to a halt, it is time for me to be 'thinking' about Christmas cards and such... If you would trust me with your address, please leave me a private message. I know how bizarre these things can get, and so I will not be sending out requests... seems as too many people hit "reply all" hehehe
What a fiasco that was!


CaringBridge. Baby Mariahs Blog

Baby Mariah's Pages

Life and Kids

Mothers Day 2006

Betrayal and Babies. A &quot;No Yahoo&quot; Blog!

Back to the Blog!!!

...I promise not to even THINK about all the garbage going on in our little 360~World this morning. (Like my danged fat~foot~pain, I have grown WAY too tired of it all anyway)...

Good Morning Everyone, (well, to those of you who are still here)...

Off on a wild tangent here. Was exploring a bit, and also found a few more pictures of my own here. had to fight with my HP Scanner to get them all in, and edited too. Alls well that ends well though...

Oh, and you'd probably want to grab a cup of coffee, it's a long-ish blog...





I am going to write today of betrayal, guile and deceit. And a few of my own experiences thereof...

de·ceived , de·ceiv·ing , de·ceives

To cause to believe what is not true; mislead. Archaic To catch by guile; ensnare.

V: intr.
To practice deceit. To give a false impression.

One of Angies recent blogs dealt with her own problems with a friendship she had come to cherish. Click her name for her story.

I have recently learned of deceit by a once~close family member who has forgotten that one of the commandments is "Thou shalt not steal".
I am deciding whether to press charges against this person.
(It is none of my offspring).

...Life. Yeah, it's kinda like that...

Having a conversation with Richard the other day, he had brought up something that I hadn't thought about in years. And that Casey had never known about. Was she shocked or surprised? Not. But the fact that I was surprised when he had even recalled it has given me moments to think on it awhile.

Scenario: Married. Separated. Back together. Separated. Divorced.
All in a 4 and a half year time span.
Less than 1/10th of my entire life, it still bears importance to me; (maybe just because at the time it was 20% of my whole life).

At one point we had moved our married life and two small babies to Holland, Michigan; and then a few months later, to Zeeland Michigan.
It was at that point in Michigan that our marriage was over for me.
No car of my own, I carried the kids, to secure a UHaul... And then packed that truck while "he" was at work. I packed up an entire house, two little babies, and was bound and determined to drive that truck home to Flintville that night.
BUT... (lady luck)...
He came home early that day; and I made the mistake of saying that I was leaving, and that he was "welcome to join me."
(Hindsight being what it is, he wasn't; but he did).

When we got back here, we stayed here at Mom and Dads for a while; just until we could find a place of our own... In the meantime, one of my friends had come over, and had asked me to join her softball team.

But of course I would join!!! I was thrilled to have something, other than tending babies, to do.
Hmmm... Nope, that does NOT make me a bad mother to say that; rather it keeps me honest. (Those babies were born not even 14 months apart).

Another close friend, Cindy VerVaeren (sp), and I spent lots of time together too. She was my confidante. She was my rock. She had an apartment on the west side of town, (the place we had found was on the east side).
We shared our trials with respect to life. She was to be married to a classmate of ours, and asked me to be matron of honor. YAY!
(And once more to reiterate that I was SO happy to be back HOME)!

I played softball... fast pitch, slow pitch, and every other kind. (And I was damn good at it too)! hehehe My "wonderful" husband actually was thrown out of the ballpark at Bay Beach for cursing each and every decision the umps made. Banned from all my games too. I was embarassed that he was there acting like that, and further embarassed at that decision too.

It was during that time that I had met Richard.

Having taken a season off because I was pregnant with Roberta, I still had many friends from my teams. One of the teams I played for was The Surf Club. A quaint, but rather large old "mom~and~pop" type club; owned by Johnnie Johnson and his wife.
One month after Roberta was born I filed for divorce. After going to the shelter, I then moved with my three babies to my parents home; until the idiot was court~ordered to vacate our apartment.
Weeks/months (whatever) later, I was joining some friends at The Surf Club. While they drank or played darts, or shot pool, I was playing at the pinball machine. The door to the club was directly behind me by about 3 feet, if that...

I remember that I had an excellent game going, and had been given TONS of extra games already. My points just kept adding up... (I was sure getting my quarters worth)! hehehe
All of a sudden, to find myself down on the floor, and thrown into the wall at my side.
And there were many people yelling.
Scared, but to turn a bit, and open my eyes after the impact with the wall, I saw my (still then) husband standing there and cursing.
He was over 6' tall, and "Little Mark" as we called him, was 'telling him off'. Mark was maybe all of 5'7" tall. I remember Johnny Johnson yelling too, and telling my idiot husband to "get out and stay out"...
(No one could have stopped it, or barely even seen him come in. It all happened so fast).

Rick had recalled this event the other day... We had been talking about how things had changed during the course of ones lifetime.
He was there that night, and had seen it happen too; but shooting at one of the pool tables at the other end of the place, he had not gotten there fast enough either. (The idiot had already been forcibly removed from the club).

I called Cindy to come and get me. There was no way I was going back to Mom and Dads and have to share this with them. (At that point still, I was still too embarassed to tell them about everything)... And I spent that night at Cindys, along with many more, (in "hiding" if you will, in her security~locked building).
Like I said, she was my rock...

She got married, and I was her matron of honor. Not too very long after that, she came to my townhouse and declared that divorce was wrong. She told me if I went through with the divorce that all of my kids would be stupid juvenile deliquents and wind up in jail. (Things to that nature)... And she told me that a divorced woman alone was useless etc etc etc. And that she didn't care to be friends with me.

I couldn't believe the contempt that came from her. Only a few weeks before having watched her be married, having signed her marriage license.

Asking her to repeat it all, and doubly asking her if this is what she truly believed, I told her, in no uncertain terms, to leave my house, and my life. She did.

I was shattered completely; for I had always honored my friends too. And for the first time in my life, (save for the brutal marriage I'd had), I knew what betrayal felt like. It burnt all the way through... And it cut deep.

Fast forward a few years to our 10 year class reunion. Her husband had come to me asking to 'bury the hatchet'. (Over my dead body).
She'd simply pulled up anchor and had left me.
I didn't want any part of that. Not again. "Fool me once" was enough.
I do remember at that reunion having a glass of lambusco in my hand, and I also remember toying with the idea of tossing it at her cream colored dress. But I didn't. (I think I regret that to this day). Oh well.

The things that have changed during our lifetimes here. Rick is older than I by 10 years. He grew up to do his tours with the Marine Corp in Vietnam. He said when he was a kid that the husbands that beat their wives were scorned a bit, but everyone had a tendency to look the other way. Then came the stick up for a few wives mentality... And then the wives began to stick up for themselves too.

Yet, with respect to domestic violence, the role the police had was only to separate the husbands and the wives; if only to tell them to go cool off for an hour or so!

I swear that with respect to what I went through, my own ex might still be in jail if the laws we have now could somehow be made retroactive.

Now if only we could make our children understand.

Have a great Tuesday.

Love to all.





Free Counters
Free Counters

Fall "Fire" and Fun!

Good Morning All!

Waking up this morning I was a bit chilly... Windows open and drafting on me too. (47 degrees, you would be chilly too)! The Punkster was all snuggled up by Casey. And they BOTH came down shortly thereafter. (Yes, I can share my quiet time)! hehehe
Casey stole the computer and was online for a bit, and then to call my godson too! She left a message on his cell at that ungodly hour. But he is home for only a short time, and she had to touch base with him... Especially after having such a dream about him too. (No, not THAT kind- Just an innocent dream).

Then right back upstairs those kids went; ~dog, cat, and daughter!

Now, does anyone know what kind of bush that is in the top picture? I'd planted it a few years back, and promptly forgot what the name of it is.
Guess I will call it "George" then.
Hahaha, a "George Bush"???
(Man, sometimes I crack myself up without even trying)!
>Pass more caffeine please<

More walking yesterday. But learned that in order to get back to the woods, (and home again), that we take the car back to begin with.

After a lovely afternoon, we all went back to the woods.



Not quite 'crunchy' yet as we have had many rains...
But almost perfect for color!
Casey playing "Keep Away"...
Wee "fire"!
Sumac. Maple. Oak.
And still so much green!
HUGE "Tarzan" vines in an old oak tree.
A deep run~off at the SE end of the field goes all the way down the ravine.
(Methinks the snowmobiles had better stay on the trails this winter)...
Driving back from the east end of the old farm~
~ as the skies threatened more rain.



Back at the house again, to find a gaggle of mushrooms in the backyard


A "Smurf City" perhaps?
Methinks I should be out there mowing???
Casey played more with the pooches...
Tossing the ball up on the hip roof of the old shed.
And they are so patient... (mostly)...
As she throws in all the way over; and they wait. And wait. And WAIT...



They just don't quite understand the 86~feet~per~second law of gravity.
They wait some more... (as Casey laughs herself almost hysterical)!


Night settled in and we walked a bit... to the old barngrade.
Without those orbs, it just would not have been so great a picture!

Yes, we do have many orbs around the old farm. Inside and outside too. Would anyone want to venture to tell me why? Going through some old pictures too I have seen a few oddities. Casey spotted one yesterday as she had posted her entry.

It is hard to see in the small picture, so here is a repost of my Jello~Face~Kid.
No wonder the poor kid is crying!
What IS behind her peeking out of that closet???
This picture was taken when we lived in the townhouses in Ashwaubenon;
So no, we do not have anything like that here...

So not much news from Flintville. Yesterdays high was in the mid 70's perfect for playing, but my danged fat foot refused to cooperate. I will call in today, but AFTER my little chores are done... (Just on the off~chance he somehow makes it totally useless)! hehehe

Hope your weekend was perfect! Have a WUNNAFUL Monday!

Please either let me know about the "bush" or the closet? (I only kept coats in there so the girls would not misplace them)...


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