[My] Life in Wisconsin

Of Course...

Of Course...
In answer to the top page question in my quick comments...
YES, it definitely IS my picture as my new background.


Good Morning All;

I took that picture on one of our walks to the woods... (And before this latest storm dumped an extra half a foot of snow there too).

I still have no news about my old blog, and the process of restoring it to its original values etc. I have been reading around a bit too; maybe a connection to a friend here or there, and who knows what may happen.

So as NOT to be misunderstood, I always explain everything about this 'event' on an 8~year~old level so that there should be no questions about any part of this problem with 360.

And somehow along the way, I at least got a computer generated response.
Check this out...
Note: What I would LOVE to say back to them is italicized...

Hello, Thank you for writing to Yahoo! 360.
You're welcome! It is only the 1000th time I have tried to contact a living human being...

Thank you for your report of this issue.
What issue?
Which one???

Due to the recent announcement on transitioning Yahoo! 360, the development team is focusing all of its resources on building a new universal Yahoo! Profile with blogging solutions which we are certain will delight you.

Because we are focusing our efforts on the new solution, this bug will not be resolved prior to the transition of Yahoo! 360.
How can you possibly transition something that you have lost???

You will be able to find regular updates here: http://blog.360.yahoo.com/product_360

***(REALLY MAD now)...
See, I cannot even get into my original 360~Land, not to visit anyPLACE there of;
(this includes this link, Dummy).
Does 'page cannot be displayed' error mean anything to you?

Keep in mind, there is still a lot of work to be done!
You bet your sweet dupa there is...

We will do our best to provide you the most current details through the 360 Blog.
Please see previous complaint about you NOT reading my stupid complaint!

Thank you for your understanding and patience during this transition.
WTF is that?
I think I might have had a bit on December 18th or so...

Best regards, Yahoo! 360 team.

Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! 360.

Regards, Jordan Yahoo! 360 Customer Care
Jordan, it is obvious that you neither read, nor comprehend; how the hell did you get your job???


Gee, have I NOW violated any TOS???
I know, I know, I never have before, but it is getting WAY hard to continue to explain this and maintain a calm facade.
(Especially when all I want to do is thwack~n~thwump someone upside the head repeatedly).

Dog help me, I do not deal well with stupidity.
...Unless it makes me laugh...

As I am already WAY behind today, I need to keep this short(er) for now.
The game is at noon, and I have to run to the store. (That is, if my blood pressure goes down well enough to even enable my Xanax to work)...

Hope you are all having a 'Stupid~Free' weekend!



Speaking of "stupidity", and with respect to my blast today...


Sorry Chevy, no offense...


Our Christmas 2007

Good Morning Everyone!
As promised, "Christmas in Flintville"...
Before blasting The Mormon Tabernacle Choirs rendition of "The Hallelujah Chorus", I always snap a few pictures of my home.
Christmas, before anyone comes downstairs...



Mary, Joseph, and their newborn Christ child...



Just a bunch of Christmassy junk on the old piano...




And Punk would rather sleep, very still, with her bells and jewels!



Since everyone was up til very late/early, the song played in its entirety, 3 times before I heard any signs of 'life' or movement upstairs.



~Punk and I~ waiting... and waiting... and waiting... and...



After everyone was down, and had gotten their coffees, there were presents to open!



Master Gabriel patiently awaiting the opening of his gifts!



Casey LOVING her new aquarium!
(After breaking her old one).
Do not panic, "Squishy lives on!
~With some "Greg" guy in the background, playing with his new flashlight!
He is Caseys new beau.
Wise. Compassionate. Decent. Kind. Calming.
And 'good' for us all! ~~A 'breath of fresh air'.



After gift opening comes the awesome task of getting brunch ready for the masses! hehehe But a smaller 'crowd' this year too.
Missing 3 wonderful children, Brit, Jonathan and Raven; and their parents, Crystal and Russ. (Russ' parents were in town for the Holidays)...
Missing my sister Kris and Judy, Tanya and her newborn baby boy, Harman. ~Too tired to venture out after almost a month of a new baby in the house!
(And we ALL know how that goes)!



Brandy and Ashley came.
No John this year as he was working at the hospital in Appleton that day...
No 'goosies' for him this year; (but the nurses might have gotten to him too)!
Chris and Cheryl;
finally engaged after 5 years of loving each other!
~She has assured me that by next Christmas they will even have set a date!

We used to live by Chris Jaworski when we lived NE of Pulaski; and have been good friends ever since. A good man, who has found his match in Cheryl too! One of those rare couples that are perfect for each other.



Roberta and Chuck!



...And Miss Ashley to decorate everyone with reindeer antlers too!



Casey and Greg.........................And Mr. Charles too!



Rest assured there are TONS more pictures; but already I am having a problem keeping these to a minimum! hehehe



But just one more here


This is Miss Punks big brother PJ...
...wishing his mama and his sister a Merry Christmas!
Thank you Nancy for sending this to me!



Berta has posted more people pics on her page as well.

I have NO idea what Casey will choose to do about blogging, but I am sure she would have had you all caught up with her own news if freakin' Yahoo wouldn't have stolen her site as well as my own.
And yes, her pain did subside enough to get through Christmas. And she was ok til about 7 that evening too... Pray that the new year is her kindest year ever.

Time for me to fly and clean up a bit more. I still have all the extra chairs in the living room and must get those back out to the garage. And then maybe to "find" my floors and furniture!
It took me about 3 hours to clear the snows from yeserdays little storm. Later today we will be getting anywhere from 3~5" of new snow, so the yard is ready for that.
(But I'm sure not).
Oh well. Must be winter... Bring it on, baby!!!

Have a wunnaful Friday!



Originally posted at my NEW Y360, Friday December 28, 2007 - 07:53am (CST)

Hanging in There...

Hanging In There...
Hanging In There... magnify
Looking "grounded" !!! (And none too happy)...
But she does seem to be alright too.
Thus far...

Good Morning "Kids";

First of all, I am everso happy that many of you have either 'found' me; or have accepted my little invitation all over again.
I do not have everyones url to their sites, so if you might know of someone who might miss me, please maybe let them know that we are alive and well.
(And yes, I am somewhat still surly/bitchy too).

I need to apologize (or not?) for that last blog.
It was aimed at Yahoo, but a few people thought I meant them.

Let me assure you that such is NOT the case.
Many of you know me quite well enough to know that if I have something to say to you, of a negative nature, I will say it to your face. I don't think I have ever said anything that way, that I didn't have the gonads to say it to said persons face. (At least NOT since I was 12 or so).
Not a rumormonger either. So this page stays (mostly) drama~free. Guess that is just the way I am...

Boring, eh?
(Oh wait, but have you heard...)???
Sorry, couldn't resist...

Check this out... Just received in my inbox here. (And what a "take")!

Sent To: ANNA~2
(via blast)
I don’t want to rile you up but,
Do you think you losing your page and Green Bay getting their ass kicked by the Bears have something in common? What’s up with that? You never lose to Chicago, and two times this year!!
Just kidding

~~~Oh I love it when you kids can make me laugh about this all!
A special Thank You to DAN <---click his name, for making me smile!

I have also received a few testimonials from you, my wonderful friends. And I thank you sincerely for those too! (I also realize that I might NOT be getting caught up as quickly as I would like to, given the fact that I must also get caught up on those). But I promise I WILL do so if it kills me.

The sun is shining right now, and so I must get my backside motivated enough to get out and shovel/plow before the next few inches come falling down...

I took this silly picture yesterday afternoon when the dogs and I got back from our walk to the woods.
(I really don't know WHY I took it, just that the spirit moved me to do so)...


One of the little maple trees I'd planted last Spring.



And then this one, this morning; as I hauled the little dumpster out to the road.


(And I didn't even KNOW it was supposed to snow)!
What a difference a few short hours makes...



And yes, I will also be able to change my attitude just that fast too; (if Yahoo ever decides to listen, to hear, and to "DO").

I also know that I have to catch you all up on our Christmas...
...And on our little walks too.
But for now I really have to get out there and move the snow. Been too lazy all morning long.

I hope you are all well, (happy and sassy too); and you are enjoying this Holy/Holly Season.

Love to all.


Originally posted at yahoo 360 on Thursday December 27, 2007 - 12:12pm

Fed Up with Phone calls

Fed Up with Phone calls

"RANT" Baby,!
You have been warned; as I am quite pissed off and feeling sorry for myself...

Gee, I wonder if THIS posting will violate any TOS?

image stolen from an email...


Hi Everyone;
I am sad that I didn't get what I wanted for Christmas...
...And I only wanted someone to listen, and maybe to offer help.
I sure hope that Santa was better to you.
And YES, other than all of this, it was a perfect Christmas!

I will be back later... or tomorrow...
(Yes, I am still working on Christmas Cards)!

Have also been working on other things to try to find my (almost 500), original blogs...

Read on...


WOW, does this make Yahoo all liars?

As stated, verbatim, at Yahoo 360 News latest posting, (Over 2 months ago)...
...as they try to reassure us all...

Q: My existing 360° information is very important to me. Will there be a way to migrate all my information, blog posts, friends, etc. to the new profile platform?

A: Yes. We will preserve your Yahoo! 360 blog content, profile photo, nickname, and friends lists during and after the transition. You'll have a way to back up your information as well as a tool to migrate your information into the new profile service.

Oh really????

Funny, isn't it?

I posted my own reply...

Matt Warbutron has assued Yahoo 360 Rumor Control that Yahoo reads all of the messages here.

***Had that been true, I would think that SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, just might have offered some help/hope for me. Perhaps even would have already "found" and retrieved my original blogs.


Can ANYONE help?

Maybe send this to Matt Warbruton?

From: Onthefarm@prodigy.net

RE: http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-dpmNyxc.dbILPvAAWzZ3Tq.I9pxXBodPASLWCZE-?cq=1



20-Dec-07 05:57:42 AM

Dear Yahoo/AT&T;

I am writing to you for your help.

Online and blogging as usual on Monday (12-17-07).

Coming back online (Tuesday) only to realize that my almost 500 blogs were completely gone, as is my entire blog pages, photos, friends etc. I had over 181,000 views!

I appear only as {deleted} on others' pages, within my previous comments to them.

I do not appear even as anyones friend anymore!!!

Seemingly, there is nothing left of my blog pages that I have literally spent hours writing for my family, and grandchildren; and with great pride.

I cannot even access 360 to visit my family, friends etc.

I have called many times, (over a dozen), and most recently spoke to your supervisor at 2nd Tier.

During the course of those phone calls, I was promised a return call within 24 hours, (it has been over a week now).

One does not even need to be a paying member of Yahoo to have a 360 blog site, but I have been with Yahoo for almost a decade now.

Please help me by retrieving all of my blogs. This is so disheartening to me and to my daughter also.

The url is below.



Thank you.


Disheartening even more that my daughters blog has also gone missing.

I have called no less than 20 times, spoken to both nice, and rude, people. Most did not even KNOW what I was speaking of when I said about Yahoo 360 blogs???

What the heck?

Referred then to many tiers of support... And have accomplished only NOTHING!

DUH! Yes, I KNOW that Yahoo 360 is closing.

Yes, Rumor Control has assured us that Matt Warbutron said "blah~blah~blah" about it...
However, (and THIS is a BIG one), 360 is NOT yet closed.
~or is it????


I have never violated TOS, so this is freakin' nuts, wouldn't you agree?

nka "ANNA~2"

Please find, retrieve, and replace my page to its original condition and values.


Nuff said

Love to all!


Yup, now I'm pissed...
Nonchalance, lies, and ignorance, surely always have had that effect on me...

Silent Night... Christmas Eve...

A 'rerun' of last years Christmas Eve thoughts
Still rings true.
A winters day...
In a deep and dark December...
"I am alone... Staring from my window"..
Silent Night
Silent night Holy night

All is calm all is bright

'Round yon virgin Mother and Child

Holy infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace

Sleep in heavenly peace
For those we have loved and lost...
they will return to us; or we to them...

The symbol of Christmas -- what is it? It is the rainbow arched over the roof of the sky when the clouds are heavy with foreboding. It is the cry of life in the newborn babe when, forced from its mother's nest, it claims its right to live. It is the brooding Presence of the Eternal Spirit making crooked paths straight, rough places smooth, tired hearts refreshed, dead hopes stirred with the newness of life. It is the promise of tomorrow at the close of every day, the movement of life in defiance of death, and the assurance that love is sturdier than hate, that right is more confident than wrong, that good is more permanent than evil." (The Inward Journey, 1961).

Silent night, holy night,

Shepherds quake at the sight.

Glories stream from heaven afar,

Heav'nly hosts sing Alleluia;

Christ the Savior is born;

Christ the Savior is born.
For the babies....
Mine, and theirs...
Grandmas, Moms, and Babies too...
Heavenly Peace...
Gods Pure light...
Silent night, holy night,

Son of God, love's pure light.

Radiant beams from Thy holy face,

With the dawn of redeeming grace,

Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth;

Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth.

I suppose there are those who might object to the risks implicit in Bethlehem on Broad Street. I suppose there are those who might object to a Crucified Messiah. But it began long ago, in a Bethlehem manger. This movement of God. The broken body. The shed tears. The spilled blood. This is the love of God. And if there be no other way for us, so be it. Amen.

For our Loved Ones, and to Our Cherished Friends...
From our Family to yours...
A very Merry Christmas to All...
...(and to all a good~night)!

If you cannot get to mass please click here ...

For Silent Night Translated to Another Language click here ...

Top picture taken from HERE

Christmas Eve 2007

Welcome to my home!
Picture taken 12/23/07 as the storm moved in...

Good Morning All;

This blog originally posted on Y~360. I have a new site!
PLEASE CLICK HERE!  If the link does not work, (I do not know what I am doing on here anyway), please find me as  Anna~2...

What a joy to be back here in some capacity. (And yes, I am still fighting with Yahoo over my last blog site).

~Picks self up, dusts self off, and begins anew...

Hopefully it will prove to be a fight that won't last too much longer...


Stolen from somewhere, eons ago...
But sure am feeling that "When Pigs Fly" feeling too..

What does that do to me?

Kind of like falling down and getting the wind knocked out of me. Then with each new phone call comes the kick in the ribs... With any luck, they will be able to reinstate those last (almost 500) blog entries, complete with all else that went along with it... Maybe with a few prayers too; (but I think maybe that is kind of selfish to pray for such a thing).

Oh well.

Pick yourself up!

I can remember Mama telling me to do that; no matter how bad I thought I was hurt... And those things always came to pass too. I am likening this current fiasco to that.

Woke up early yesterday morning, only to come on here and be so damned invisible once more. The temp was 44 degrees... 2 hours later, it sounded much like a summer storm outside, only without the 'noise' and the lightning. Rechecking my forecast, there was a Winter Storm Warning.

NO! I didn't want to be shoveling and plowing before Christmas; (having just gotten most of the yard clear of the darned ice from that last storm).

Forecast had called for 4-10 inches, dependent upon how far north and west one lies of Green Bay.


See the thin layer of ice already?
This was taken about 8 in the morning.

It had been much warmer, as the snow began it all turned to ice.
What you cannot see in the pic- Miss Punk is not really sitting all the way down.

(Her hinder being neatly off that ice).



Throughout the day, we watched as that same snow swirled- And listened to it be hitting the windows and doors...


Through my west facing kitchen window...


How hard that wind blew, gusting to about 50MPH.
And leaving these little drifts INside the garage!
(Stop looking at my mess for crying out loud)!


A good day to be cooking I say.
I made a turkey, and fixin's.
Lazy me, I didn't want to be cooking all the danged time, so turkey meat in the fridge does nicely for a few meals, snacks etc...
(A microwave on the countertop helps too)!
An 18 pounder!
Casey threw the skeleton in the old pumpkin fields.

Sputnik is a wonderful cat.

Yet yesterday, he chose to become a veritable pain in the butt.
Plunking himself down on the rug in front of the sink, and remaining there until I had finished with the rest of the meals preps. Ordinarily there is never any begging from him.
Yesterdays cooking proved to be too much for the little cat.



"I will NOT move, no matter what you do"
"Just give me some of that turkey or gravy!"


After the snow seemed to slow, Rick and I went out about 6pm to start to clear it out. I am thinking we got the better part of at least 6".



...Decorated by Mother Nature and Old Man Winter.
Yes, the main door had been closed all day, except to leave the dogs out.
I think that snow was driven in everywhere.



Those drifts easily over a foot deep in many places.
A "cold" snow being light and fluffy though...


My little Cub Cadet breaking through those many drifts with relative ease.
...(As I write, I hear the snowplow going down the road). Thank Dog.

And it was SO cold.

Windchill was about 15-20 degrees BELOW that danged zero mark...
(The actual temperature having dropped that morning by 30 degrees, and then falling even more throughout the day).

While we moved the snow, it was about 6 or 7 degrees.
I even got to watch my fair share of 'snow tornadoes' going through the yard! Kinda cool, that.

And life goes on.

While we were out there, Jim called to say he would be here this morning to plow us out.


He can clear the rest of the yard, so my company will have a place to park their sleds, AND they won't have to be killing themselves to get inside just to get a little brunch!

I put Miss Milly out last night as I went to get my pajamas on.
I haven't seen her since.
Please say a little prayer.

I do know that she has always been that way, but usually shows up begging for food and warmth too.

After two hours of calling every few minutes last night, there was still no Miss Milly.



Miss Milly a few days ago~
...And she was SO mad about this too!


Thankfully, it did warm a bit overnight. Currently it is a whole 21° and not windy either.
~But she still does not come when I call...

Kinda puts everything right back into perspective for me too.

I had better close for now, and get real busy real quick...

Too much to do, and I am definitely down to the nitty~gritty (as time will prove shortly).

I wish for you all a Wonderful and Blessed Christmas.

I wish the special love for you that goes with the season, and that you always know how lucky you are if only one person in the whole world loves you.

It is "enough" for forever you know.

Kiss the hubbys, hug the kids, and the pets too.

Keep them ALL safe and warm and loved always.

And don't ever forget to bless yourselves too.

Each of your comments/notes and personalities before have brought me to cherish those family friends I have in this world, and in my life, and in my heart.

Know too that someone in Flintville loves you!


My Love.

Peace to all.




I wrote this yesterday morning, when I still held out hope for my Y360 blogs to magically reappear...

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Everyone;

First and foremost to THANK YOU FOR MISSING ME! I have overwhelmed by your spirits of friendship and compassion, and the concern you have shown both for Casey and myself.
Not to mention "BEEP" calling, and Beth T. too! (And just so you know Beth, I picked up the damned phone before the number showed up on my caller ID. ~I am so upset about that too).

You have all asked about my Chronic~Kid...
Casey was doing weller this morning; but is very tired and 'hurting' right now...

As we have drawn closer and closer to this Holy/Holly/Day, I am getting more and more antsy about neither being able to access anyones blogs, nor my own little blogs on my beloved 360... with absolute respect to their "gone missing" status.

Know that I miss you all, and have thought of little else this whole week...  I have also (finally) gotten angry with the idiots on the other end of the phone, and might have cussed at them too. (Yes, up til that point last night, I had been very pleasant).
And I have not familiarized myself enough yet on here to see everyone, post what I want, etc etc

Are my Y360~Land entries somewhere in cyberspace?
Or have they been obliterated completely?

Are they...

Hiding?   Call "ollie~ollie~oxen~free"

Run Away?   Call the cops...

MIA?   Call the Marines.

Lost?   Call a Psychiatrist...


But wait, maybe it's not ME that's gone missing?
Maybe it's YOU all,
(and you just don't know it)!
...Because I sure as hell cannot 'find' any of you.
(And let me be the very first to say that I think what you are doing to me is mean).
Coal in your stockings, the lot of you!


As I type, it is Friday Morning. (I have all but given up on most of the non~events of the past few days here anyway).

It is also a very balmy 34 degrees, heading to near 40 today and tomorrow. Any cooler, and I would be cussing the snow shovel once again, for it is to "rain" today and tomorrow. Then cool considerably as the NW wind begins to blow by tomorrow evening. They are already saying driving will become treacherous.

But yet, the timing of when the snow begins to fall could not be more perfect either.
Smile. Richard will be getting here this afternoon before it turns nasty. And I shall have him to do the shoveling then. (Right)?

Well actually, he can either shovel or build an igloo.
(I shall leave that decision completely up to him).

No. I am NOT ready for the Christmas day festivities; having shopping yet to do, (of the food variety). I shall try to attend to that ASAP.

I did a bunch of rearranging yesterday too, making even more furniture fit in my living room, along with my half~decorated Pisa~Leaning tree.
(He can fix the ////leaning tree//// too).

...And the drain.


Ain'tcha sorry you missed me now?


Love to all!


My own little Wish List then becomes a little dream,
for my Fairy Godmother to be waving her magic wand and fixing my Y~360 World...



'Christmas' or 'Holidays' ??

Christmas or Holidays?
Christmas or Holidays? magnify
My Dad built this manger; mom painted the statues and animals...


Good Morning All;
There have been SO many emails about whether or not the creche is alive and well; and whether these little manger scenes should be made public on public property. I admit that I too have forwarded one or two of these emails on.

So many complaining, (or cheering on), people who remove "Christ" from Christmas.
As if one Faith is "better" somehow!?!
Some of you do not believe that Christ walked this Earth, yet you believe in God, Jehovah, Allah, The Great Spirit, Buddha etc...
This is still Faith!

I received the following from my birthfather a few days back...

And I do believe this says it best!



Letter from Jesus about Christmas --
Dear Children,
It has come to my attention that many of you are upset that folks are taking My name out of the season.
...Maybe you've forgotten that I wasn't actually born during this time of the year and that it was some of your predecessors who decided to celebrate My birthday on what was actually a time of pagan festival. (Although I do appreciate being remembered anytime).
How I personally feel about this celebration can probably be most easily understood by those of you who have been blessed with children of your own.
I don't care what you call the day.
If you want to celebrate My birth, just GET ALONG AND LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
Now, having said that let Me go on.
If it bothers you that the town in which you live doesn't allow a scene depicting My birth, then just get rid of a couple of Santas and snowmen and put in a small Nativity scene on your own front lawn.
If all My followers did that there wouldn't be any need for such a scene on the town square because there would be so many of them all around town.
Stop worrying about the fact that people are calling the tree a holiday tree, instead of a Christmas tree.
It was I who made all trees.
You can remember Me anytime you see any tree.
Decorate a grape vine if you wish: I actually spoke of that one in a teaching, explaining who I am in relation to you and what each of our tasks were. (If you have forgotten that one, look up John 15: 1 - 8).
If you want to give Me a present in remembrance of My birth here is my wish list.
Choose something from it:
1. Instead of writing protest letters objecting to the way My birthday is being celebrated, write letters of love and hope to soldiers away from home.
They are terribly afraid and lonely this time of year. I know, they tell Me all the time.
2. Visit someone in a nursing home. You don't have to know them personally. They just need to know that someone cares about them.
3. Instead of writing George or sally to complain about the wording on the cards their staff sent out this year, why not write and tell him that you will be praying for their families this year.
Then follow up. (It will be nice to hear from you again).
4. Instead of giving your children a lot of gifts you can't afford and they don't need, spend time with them.
Tell them the story of My birth, and why I came to live with you down here.
Hold them in your arms and remind them that I love them.
5. Pick someone that has hurt you in the past and forgive him or her.
6. Did you know that someone in your town will attempt to take their own life this season because they feel so alone and hopeless?
Since you don't know who that person is, try giving everyone you meet a warm smile; it could make the difference.
7. Instead of nit picking about what the retailer in your town calls the holiday, be patient with the people who work there.
Give them a warm smile and a kind word.
Even if they aren't allowed to wish you a "Merry Christmas" that doesn't keep you from wishing them one.
Then stop shopping there on Sunday. (If the store didn't make so much money on that day they'd close and let their employees spend the day at home with their families).
8. If you really want to make a difference, support a missionary-- especially one who takes My love and Good News to those who have never heard My name.
9. Here's a good one.
There are individuals and whole families in your town who not only will have no "Christmas" tree, but neither will they have any presents to give or receive.
If you don't know them, buy some food and a few gifts and give them to the Salvation Army, or some other charity which believes in Me and they will make the delivery for you.
10. Finally, if you want to make a statement about your belief in and loyalty to Me, then behave like a Christian.
Don't do things in secret that you wouldn't do in My presence.
Let people know by your actions that you are one of mine.
Don't forget; I am God and can take care of Myself.
Just love Me and do what I have told you to do. I'll take care of all the rest.
Check out the list above and get to work; time is short.
I'll help you, but the ball is now in your court.
And do have a most blessed Christmas with all those whom you love and remember :
Love to all!
Have a great Sunday! Go, Packers!!!!

Oroginally posted on Yahoo Sunday December 16, 2007 - 06:45am (CST)