[My] Life in Wisconsin

Sometimes You Just Get Really Lucky...




Good Morning Everyone!
I believe our rains are done for a while.
(And no, I didn't get done what I wanted to)...

But am thinking these pics might make up for that a little bit.

Randy and I were outside, just as the sun was going down.
We got to watch Mama Bluebird chasing a moth to feed her babies.

~~~ After she captured it, she took it home for supper...

Now, one silly moth is NOT enough for her growing family,
~seconds later she was right back out...

in search of more...

Darn lucky shots, right?

Hope you had a grand weekend!


Originally posted to my Y! 360, Monday June 30, 2008 - 06:23am (CDT)

Is It Done Yet?


Babys Breath at Sunrise...



Good Morning All;
Sunday already... I have been busy around here for the last darn week, and yet I cannot see much progress.
Why is that?

So the answer to my title today is a fat, resounding, "no

Having gotten outside this morning, I got to watch the skies brighten a bit.


Taken from the south side of the garden...



Taken from the old birdbath...
...just a few moments later.



While Punk and I walked around; a noisy, (and obviously very upset bird) was chirping at us quite loudly...


Look closely and you can see his eyes!



And so life goes on.
I have a TON if wash to get done today... and to 'find' my house too.
Fell asleep quite early, (after taking my Xanax to go to town with Kelli earlier yesterday afternoon). Slept til 11, and have been up ever since.
Maybe I shall go lie back down for a bit.
The grass is overgrown; (here and at Kelli's), and I will try to get to that today too.


After our stop at Petco, we stopped over at Casey and Greg's new place.


They are just SO cute!
(And yes, that was a 'live' bear at one point)...

CLICK HERE to go to Casey's blog...
More pics there



I'd better close for now.
Have a fan~dang~tastic Sunday!


Originally posted to my Y! 360, Sunday June 29, 2008 - 06:08am (CDT)

The Muggies. The Scrubbles.

Miss Milly, with her ever present "squeak ball"...
Good Morning Everyone!
I have been up for quite a while already.
Our forecast calling for one more day, (today), of the "hot~n~muggies. And a chance of severe storms this afternoon and evening.
The sun came up, but not a trace of a red/pink sky with it.
So maybe we won't be getting those storms after all.

Say "yippee"!

But we do need a bit of rain-
(Just thinking that my weeds could stand a decent drink of water).
Everything is so dry once more.

Besides, the weatherman obviously lied yesterday when he said a 'high' of 88°
So he might well be wrong about that chance of severe weather.


Sure doesn't look like
88° to me!
And yes, this thermometer is on the north side of the house.

Happy, (no, scratch that word), ELATED and very grateful that Miss Kelli came over and helped me get the AC unit in my window.

I do have to get out to the garden too-
Walking around it last night, I see that my weeds outnumber anything edible by about 1,000,000~1.
(Inedible, unless you have four legs and moo).

There are worse things...

Like Casey being put back on the morphine- (Her pain being that bad all over again). Prayers please?
Her referral to Mayo will wait until after our doctor gets back from vacation- He wants to be here when he sends it in. I don't blame him either; he is the only one that knows her medical history so very well.

The thoughts I had about my water? All null and void now... No worries!
I'd left the hose on in the back; and water always seeks its easiest flow. I'd only gotten a bit of rust from there. All is "well " with my water.
Besides, I think the state might laugh at me for as many samples as I send in. They always come back fine.

Outside last night as the sun was dusking itself off for the day, I thought Miss Milly needed a bit of exercise too. So off the cable she went.
They (Punk and Milly) played together for 5 minutes, while I pulled a few weeds.
Turning around, Milly had simply vanished~ (into thick air).
After calling for her, and more than a few whistles, Punk and I took a ride in the Roadmaster-
(Milly IS kinda dirty, and I didn't want her in my Rendezvous)...

Drove up to Chuck and Julie's...
No Milly.

And then took a drive over to Cathy Ryan's.
No Milly there either.
But gosh, we sure had a wonderful visit!
(Cathy and I grew up together, and it's always nice to play 'ketchup')...

Aren't they darling?
She is such a good mom!
I never knew any of her brothers and sisters not to be smiling either!
They ALL have that Smiley~Gene in their Irish blood!
Looks like her baby inherited it as well.

Cathys oldest is getting married this weekend!
Wow, we sure have come a long way!
Get this...
She had been reading my blog night before last; taking notice of the photo of my "bug"...
What is so weird is that when they went out to their pool yesterday, she had the same bug there!
Of course neither one of us know what the heck it is...

Back to Mama Milly-
By the time we got back, Milly was laying in wait for me, in the front pine trees. Sassy little runaway!
I am wondering if she was there the whole time???
... So I asked her.
She only muttered something when I fastened her up again. (Bet she was cussing up a storm too)!
Does my corner look a bit better now?

Cnv0478 ..... Cnv0495

Before, ................~~~..........and after!

Gotta love 'em!
Again, the color is not right. Grrr....

Last week, I'd found some very UNwelcome company in my little message box by the back door.

I sprayed it with something very handy, as it was...
Greg's shampoo!
(Hey, it worked)!
But it didn't kill the little buggars either.
These very clean wasps have just relocated to the south service door of the attached garage.

(That's not going to work either)...
But see how clean she is?!

I'd better close- More scrubbles to do around here!
Have a grand weekend!
Stay cool, and safe!


Originally posted to my Y! 360, Friday June 27, 2008 - 08:16am (CDT)

What in the the HELL is wrong with people?

These two articles make me ill...
The link at the top is the more recent story.
Both are from the Tampa Florida area...

Top link:
Tampa Woman Calls 911 To Catch Dog, Faces Cruelty Charge

Her arrest site:


Then THIS story, (JUST AS SICKENING), from May 2008
Her arrest site link:


Like I asked, what is WRONG with people?
Now go hug your own furkids...


Ten Thoughts?


Good Morning All;
Thought I would cheat and make this a bit short today.
Yes, I am aware that it is Thursday, and "10 Thoughts" are supposed to be Tuesdays.
Maybe I didn't HAVE 10 thoughts on Tuesday. Sue me.


#1. I miss you. There are friends only on 360 (still) that I miss badly, (and yes, this means YOU!); but I cannot get to your blogs.
In the event that I do, I cannot comment.
This makes me frustrated and sad, but I cannot keep apologizing for Yahoo's screw ups either.

#2. Why do so many people stop by, and never EVER leave a comment, or even just say 'hi' ?
Connie wrote a blog a while back about deleting these people. I have said many times that one does not "spring clean" their friends lists.
I am thinking I may just rethink that process.

#3. Which leads me to the exact opposite.
Why do people comment within BOTH of my sites?
If you have commented in one site, why the need to comment on the other?
One site is verbatim to the other.
Your thoughts should remain the same too...
Yes, Multiply works best for comments.
(If you comment on my Y!360, and I cannot get to it to read it anyway, what's the point)?

#4. If you haven't guessed it already, I am more than frustrated with 360.
(And yes, even Multiply at times).

Sometimes this frustration is a carryover from my days events.
Sometimes it is just the weather. hehehe

#5. Weather? Here's our forecast:
  • Today: Sunshine to start, then a few afternoon clouds. Warm. High 88F.
  • Tonight: Partly cloudy early followed by cloudy skies overnight. Low 64F.
  • Friday: Scattered showers and thunderstorms. A few storms may be severe. High near 80F.
  • Friday night: Scattered showers and thunderstorms. A few storms may be severe. Low 64F.
  • Saturday: Partly cloudy. Highs in the low 80s and lows in the low 60s.
  • Sunday: Showers, maybe a rumble of thunder. Highs in the mid 70s and lows in the upper 50s.
It would be a no-brainer to state that I am living for the weekend!

#6. My air conditioner is still in the basement.
The basement is already nice and cool.
What the heck good does it do me down there?!?!?

#7. I am supposed to have a doctor appointment at noon today to get my foot checked again.
My doctor will be gone (starting Monday) for two weeks.
But I will forego the appointment and take my chances.
(Same foot as had the stress fracture last Fall. Same fracture too).

If I remember correctly there is nothing to do about it, and all he will do is tell me what I canNOT do.
(And I will refuse to wear that big old 'boot' in this weather).

#8. Which brings me to being a bit of a rebel.
I was like that growing up; and am thinking a little of that remains, to this day.

#9. Even though I told all of you to have a 'wunnaful' Wednesday, I then promptly forgot yesterday was Wednesday, and neglected to bring the dumpster down to the end of the driveway...
With Casey moving, and the painting, this dumpster is full, (and stinky), til next Wednesday.
Mad about that.
(Normally I could cuss ~and stomp my foot).

#10. Going to have to get my water checked.
A bit of discoloration always makes me boil water.
(Oddly enough this is the
last thing I wanted to be doing on such a hot and muggy day).
It was fine yesterday, and the water conditioner ran last night...
It didn't rain, so something might be up.
Not taking any chances there.
The old Polish pot is already on the stove


So there's my 10 Thoughts.

And being the _____ (fill in the blank) person that I am, I am going to make commenting really easy for you.
Just copy/paste the following and add your own thoughts:

# 1.
# 2.
# 3.
# 4.
# 5.
# 6.
# 7.
# 8.
# 9.
# 10.

(if you didn't have a single thought while reading this),
... copy/paste this:
"Hi Anne, I was here!"

Have a beautimous day!


Originally posted to my Y!360. Thursday June 26, 2008 - 09:38am (CDT)


Who the heck took this picture???
Good Morning Everyone;
I am beat, having done the west half of the living/dining room yesterday.

First order of the day was to move the heavy wooden bookcase.
It's a cabinet that Grandma had.
So very, very old... My grandmother being born in 1865.

And still, it has it's original glass.

I didn't realize how much "junk" it could hold either.
Nor did I realize what I would find behind it,
after I had emptied it out and moved it~

Gross, eh?
But, (lucky me),
They were only cobwebs
(so nothing came crawling out at me)!
Say "Yay!"
The trim and cutting in here being the worst of it all.
(Isn't it always)?
There are 6 windows, one door, one archway, two ceiling lights, nine outlets, two light switches, the thermostat, and a little cubbyhole that serves as a pass~through from the kitchen to the table, and vice~versa.

And it was HOT. (By Flintville, Wisconsin standards).
I ran out of wild cherry pepsi. (Which Casey brought to me after work). Thank you Bobo!
(Damn fine thing I had an extra cigarette or two laying around, or I would have looked MUCH worse than the above picture)!

I did find a bug on the wall by the door...
Weird looking thing too...


What the heck is it? 
(Besides definitely ugly).
It was camera shy and flew out the door with the 'flash'.

Not sure why my wall looks 'pink' either.
It is a subtle grey.
So I spent the day trimming, cutting, painting...
AND, I had great company too as Delbert McClinton sang almost all day!
(I thank you again, Pea)!

Where the piano was, are three missing floor tiles.
(They weren't missing, until I pulled them up and threw them out).
But they were quite beyond repairing/regluing.
I have extras to put down, but after 50+ years, they sure as heck won't match!

I have a jug of 'Bar Keepers Friend'...
This little bottle is amazing, and works in places you wouldn't expect a soft cleaner to work. Maybe it will help the flooring to match?
(Hey, I said "maybe")...
After 9 hours of painting, trimming, cutting etc;
(with a break or two),
countless drips,
and even a few cusses thrown in for good measure,



OK, no I didn't...
(Just thought that line 'fit' with the picture).

It is to be 85 today, 87 tomorrow...
And the possibility of severe storms for the next few days too.
(Sticky and stormy is NO way to go through life).

My little air conditioner is still in the basement.
Lotta good THAT does for me...
Will try to carry it up today and install it.
Installing it is not the problem...
...getting it to the living room is.

I'd better close and get busy before it's too hot to breathe.

I don't know how y'all south of the Mason Dixon Line do it. It would simply kill me to live like this all the time.

Here's hoping y'all have a 'wunnaful' Wednesday!

~~~~~~~ hehehe ~~~~~~~

Originally posted to my Y! 360, Wednesday June 25, 2008 - 09:37am (CDT)

Long, Busy Weeks

Long, Busy Weeks

What kind of flowers/plant is this?
On a bush here magnify

Good Morning All;

It has been a while... Sorry about that...
~I have been trying to stay current on your own news though... (Key word is "trying").

As many of you already know, (and after many prayers, trials and tribulations), Casey and Greg found an apartment. She will now be able to get that referral to Mayo for her pancreatitis.
They moved in on Saturday past. They are lacking a couch and a few chairs, but I have sent them with a few odds~n~ends from here.

We had a great enough 'move' day- interspersed with a few "noisy" showers, mostly sunshine though.

My yard looked like a used car lot for most of the day too.

My own car being in the front yard.
Easier to load these cars up right out the front door.

Sputnik looking out at my car,
wondering what in the meow is going on out there anyway?
? ? ?
Oh does anyone know what kind of flowers those are?
Lynn had brought them up to Casey in the hospital.
Said they had some really long stems too.

I figured as long as I had some decent backs around the place that it was high time to change a few things inside. I have been wanting to paint the living/dining room for over a year now, having the paint all ready to go.

But first to get that old Hamilton upright piano moved.
The trick is to keep it upright!
Thanks to better backs than mine, (namely Greg, Buck, and Randy), the piano is now upon the east wall of the living room.
That 29 feet sure was a LONG way to go...
(Pardon my mess)...

Casey and Greg are still unpacking...
Who knew the upstairs closet could hold so much?

Yes, that closet runs the entire length of the house.
(And those are just a few of her empty hangers).
"Clothes hog"

So while Casey and Greg have been unpacking, I have been painting.
I am about 3/4's done with the front room. (And hopefully can finish today).

Since I do not allow stray hair in my paint, the cat gets shut in the bathroom while Punk goes outside.

Poor baby!
During one of those showers on Saturday she got stuck outside too.
(She didn't shrink)...
But she was a bit miffed when she came back inside.

How dare we leave her out in the elements ???

I'd better close and restart for the day...
Showers/storms might be in the forecast for this afternoon, so I might have a few dogs and a cat hanging around if it gets nasty.
Thank god paint dries faster than it did when I was young(er).

Have a great day!


Is anyone else having a problem with Yahoo! (besides the obvious)?
For the past few days I am not receiving as much mail as I am used to, the spam filter that they (claim to) have is allowing every weird thing into my inbox; even the IM thing takes forever to come back at me. My bookmarks do not load into either my Y! browser of the Mozilla firefox... (I have them all saved on my top page, and can still access them from there).
Mostly, I am missing the newsy notes and funny jokes y'all send me...

Originally posted to my Y! 360, Tuesday June 24, 2008 - 08:38am (CDT)

Updated: Organized Labor Urges U.S. House to Pass HR 4115 to Create 3,000 Good Jobs for Michigan

Updated on 6/26/08
120-Year-Old Illegal Land Taking Left Unresolved By U.S. House Vote
Written by Communications Department
Wednesday, 25 June 2008

SAULT STE. MARIE— This statement is from Chairperson Aaron Payment of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians. He is commenting on the U.S. House of Representatives’ vote on H.R. 2176, a bill that would have settled a 120-year-old illegal land taking from ancestors of the Sault Tribe and Bay Mills Indian Community. The bill was defeated on the House floor today by a 298-121 vote.

“Obviously, the Sault Tribe is disappointed by the U.S. House of Representatives’ action today.

“We want to thank the bipartisan group of U.S. Representatives (as well as Members Stupak, Dingell, Kildee, Miller, Rahall, and Young) and organized labor groups who have been fighting to pass this historic piece of legislation that would have ended a sad chapter in Michigan’s history and created more than 6,000 good jobs."

“Though our efforts have not succeeded at this point, this is the farthest we have traveled on our bill to settle our century old land claim and to pursue an Indian casino in Romulus. I was deeply disappointed to hear the testimony during debate on our bill and Bay Mills’ bill - from former Chairperson Bernard Bouschor as quoted from Shelley Berkley (D-Nevada) 1st Congressional District saying, ‘The Chairman from their own Tribe (Bernard Bouschor) called it a scam!’”

“We will continue to fight to resolve this illegal land taking and bring thousands of much-needed jobs to our state.”

The Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians Official Web Site -

I am sure you all know what this could have meant for Casey, and myself.
Please write your congressman.

Congress to vote yet this month.
Take Action TODAY!
Sault Tribe members living in the United States, please telephone and write your member of Congress today.
To locate your member of Congress, visit http://goodjobsformichigan.com/takeaction.html .

Respectfully tell them: "Representative, please fight for passage of H.R. 4115 - to settle the Sault Tribe's Charlotte Beach land claim and to create 3,000 good jobs for Michigan."

Compiled and presented by Nathan Wright, Sault Tribe Web site Administrator
Sault Tribe Of Chippewa Indians

Turnabout IS Fair Play!

(Thank you, Gritter)!

This from an email I received:


OPEC sells oil for $136.00 a barrel.

OPEC nations buy U.S. grain at $7.00 a bushel.

Sell grain for $136.00 a bushel.

Can't buy it?
Tough! Eat your oil!
Ought to go well with a nice thick grilled filet of camel ass!



Questions? And Answers!

Questions? And Answers!
Just having some fun...

Good Morning Everyone

Being that I am a quiet, reserved, and shy individual, who would never, ever lie or steal...

Here's my blog...
(Stolen from  Jenni

Written on an 8~year~old level,
(answered by the horses mouth) That'd be me...

Who was the last person you were under the covers with?
Under what????

Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
but only the middle one...

Do you ever keep arguing when you know you're wrong?
"If you can't be right,
be wrong at the top of your voice."

How do you think your latest ex feels about you?
I really don't have to think about this one!

When was the last time you fought with your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse?
Not a fighter-
Don't have a boyfriend,
(or a girlfriend),
(or a spouse)...
So it must kinda be like baseball,
"ya can't hit what ya can't see"....

When was the last time you wrestled?
2 days ago

How is your hair?

Do you like your first name?
(Sheesh, who wouldn't like to be named after the Mother of Mother Mary)?
... BIG gulp...

Do you like to cuddle?
Is that a cooking term?
Sounds like "curdle"...

Last time you ate grilled cheese?
Would have been to compliment the grilled 'possum

Name something great that happened today?
I just woke up for Pete's sakes
...Guess that's 'great' enough then.

How many different people of the opposite sex have you really cried over?
I actually HAVE kept count...
To date?

Who was the last person's voice you heard?

Do you like your life right now?
(Just that there's times I wish it belonged to someone else).

Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Fool me once...
Knock three times...

Regret doing anything in the past week?
(Not yet anyway)...

Would you cry if you found out you were pregnant?
I would find a bridge and jump off...

How many kids do you have?
Small goats? I don't have any

When did you last cry?
I don't remember

Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with A?
I don't think so.
(But those that kissed me can
NOT say the same thing)!

Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with M?
I suppose I might have...
(See I used to drink coffee)...

Do you drink coffee?
Only if there's Baileys

Do you crack your knuckles?
(And I can't stand it when someone else cracks theirs)...
My chorus director used to crack his knuckles all the time!
And it would get me real upset...
Dang Mr. Pufall...

What were you doing 20 minutes ago?
Sitting on my ass trying to figure out if I should steal this from Jen

Does anyone call you babe?
"I've Got You Babe..."

Ever pee in public?
...Choice of peeing in my pants or doing the 'bear' thing.
No choice there.

Last thing you drank?
It wasn't coffee...

Are you happy right now?
Let's see...
...Singing Sonny and Cher,
Named after the BVM's mother,
haven't done anything to regret (yet) this week,
no one cracking their knuckles
and not pregnant...
The answer is completely blissful!

What was the highlight of your weekend?
It's Friday.
I'll let you know on Monday

What were you doing at midnight last night?
Listening to boxes getting thrown/kicked around upstairs

When is your birthday?
Next month, (Or October)
If I am to believe one or the other adoption story...

Where does most of your family live?
Mother Earth

Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
Not that I can recall...

Ever told someone you loved them and meant it?

Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
(And about how funny it would be when I'm 75,
~ and sneeze)...

Have you broken a bone?
Evel Knievel I ain't,
but have broken a few...
...wrestling even...

What was the last reason you went to the doctor for?
For my quarterly pregnancy test...

Have you ever slapped someone?
Hasn't everyone?
that felt SO good!

What can't you wait for?
Do I really have a choice?

Who are you talking to right now?
Whoever is reading this and will leave a comment

Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?
Just kept getting thrown out of class...
(by none other than Mr. Dave Pufall).

Have your parents ever smoked pot?
Kinda late to be asking them this.

Do you want someone back in your life?
Better question, Why?

Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
jigsaw on steroids?

Who was the last person who called you?
(I think his last name is Collector).

Are you good at giving directions?
Turn left,
no right,
at the purple barn,
go a while 'til ya get to that one tree by the rusty oldsmobile,
then go right,
past the next puddle...

Would your parents be mad if you got pregnant?

What did you last eat?
Tastes like 'possum.
('possum tastes like chicken)...

Has anyone told you they missed you lately?
If they told me they missed me my guess would be that we're communicating so this question makes no sense

Are you wearing any clothes that don't belong to you?
Just a few vagrant dog hairs

If you could seek revenge on someone would you?
"and lead us not into temptation..."

Would you ever steal someones boyfriend or girlfriend?
If they can be stolen, I sure as hell don't want them.

Mountains or the beach?
Wait, first tell me what I'm doing...

Bonfires or fireplaces?
Now tell me if it's summer or winter...

Have you ever taken medicine that wasn't prescribed to you?
But I didn't inhale.


There y'all go!

Have fun with your own!


And do let me know which ones you think are true about me,
and why!

Originally posted to my Y! 360, Friday June 20, 2008 - 10:22am (CDT)

See the Best and Worst of almost Everything

This is awesome!

Check it out...



For Better Sex

Food Cures

Food Fixes

20 Worst Foods

16 Restaurant Industry Secrets

Restaurant Report Card

The Saltiest Foods in America

The Worst Drink on the Planet

The 20 Unhealthiest Drinks in America

10 Holiday Swaps

Drink This, Not That

15 Top Swaps

7 Super Bowl Swaps

5 Valentines Swaps

14 Health Foods That Aren't

Best and Worst Foods for Kids

Lose Weight Eating Restaurant Food

125 Healthiest Supermarket Foods

What Are the Best and Worst Meals at Your Restaurant?


Go ahead, do the click!


On The Beach

A Couple lived near the ocean and used to walk the beach a lot.

One summer they noticed a girl who was at the beach almost every day.

She wasn't unusual, nor was the travel bag she carried, except for one thing; she would approach people who were sitting on the beach, glance around furtively,then speak to them.

Generally, the people would respond negatively and she would wander off.
But occasionally someone would nod and there would be a quick exchange of money and something she carried in her bag.

The couple assumed that she was selling drugs and debated calling the cops, but since they didn't know for sure, they just continued to watch her.

After a couple of weeks the wife said, 'Honey, have you ever noticed that she only goes up to people with boom boxes and other electronic devices?'

He hadn't -- and said so.

Then she said, 'Tomorrow I want you to get a towel and our big radio and go lie out on the beach. Then we can find out what she's really doing.'

Well, the plan went off without a hitch and the wife was almost hopping up & down with anticipation when she saw the girl talk to her husband and then leave.

The man then walked up the beach and met his wife at the road.

'Well, Is she selling drugs?' she asked excitedly.

'No, she's not,' he said, (enjoying this probably more than he should have).

'Well, what is it then? What does she do ?' his wife fairly shrieked.

The man grinned and said, 'She's a battery salesperson.'

'Batteries?' cried the wife.

'Yes ...' he replied -


You're gonna dislike me for this - (but it will
make your day)!

She sells C cells by the seashore!


The Ax Men Cometh...

The Ax Men Cometh...



Good Morning All;
Short of a few shots of life on the waterlogged farm, I have none of my own place, (save two), to post.

However, I do have a few that I'd taken at Kelli and Tims last night.
By the time I got there, these ax men already had much of the offending tree down, and were working on the base of the tree.

That's not a power line~
It's the rope to drop the wood
more carefully than gravity alone.


One man on the roof, doing the sawing...
Another on the ground, holding the rope...

Little by little that chainsaw won...

The base was notched...

The chainsaw stuck!

(Seems to be a Chainsaw~Eating~Tree)...

So you just fire it up anyway...

And the rest is history!

Happy faces all around

Casey and Kelli!
And Casey's shirt says:
"Horse Lovers Are Stable People"

The sky was threatening once more, so Casey and I left~
I wanted to get a few WILD sections of my lawn cut.
But Mother Nature was having none of it!

A few sprinkles later...

And she left us with this...




I'd better close for now...

It's time for me to clean my house.
After all,


Have a 'wunnaful' Tuesday!

Love to all!


Originally posted to my Y! 360, Tuesday June 17, 2008 - 07:57am (CDT)