[My] Life in Wisconsin

PRIVATE -Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)

I am going to post this as quite a private entry for now.
Kristin has had her hands, arms, and her life, full- of dealing with Gabriel.
If you will read below, he has been doing (mostly) all of these things; to a very large extent.

They have been to a few social workers, and now child-psychologists.
Initially diagnosed with O.D.D.; Gabriel now has been dx'ed with R.A.D..

I had never heard of either of those issues before Kristin had told me a few months back. (Please do the clicks on the acronyms above).

Now, with this 'new' diagnosis, I am feeling like perhaps I should have 'stayed the course' and just kept fighting with Roberta over keeping him.
But she would not listen to anything.
  • He was "HER" boy.
    • But he was only a possession to her, and not her son, ya know?
Added to that is the fact that she kept calling the cops on me! To threaten me with kidnapping was such bullshit too. But she had the right to do that also. I wanted to do good and right by him is all.

AND, remember also that I had a very, very, very, sick Casey to care for also.
At this point she is only very, very, sick.
OK j/k.
She really is quite ill.

Kind of like me. But hey, my doctors were wrong about the "cupla months". hehehe

I didn't go to Minnesota with Casey when they went 2 weeks ago. There was just no way I would have made the trip.
Greg took her as her friend Courtney backed out on her at the last minute.
Thank God for Greg!


What is Attachment Disorder 
Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)

"Attachment" is defined as the affectional tie between two people. It begins with the bond between the infant and mother. This bond becomes internally representative of how the child will form relationships with the world.
Bowlby stated "the initial relationship between self and others serves as blueprints for all future relationships."
(Bowlby 1975)

So that initial relationship would be something lacking in myself too; as I was not 'attached' to anyone until I was adopted.

, I got mom, whose arms (and heart) were always full of Mary.
Bu thank God I had my Dad!

"Attachment Disorder" is defined as the condition in which individuals have difficulty forming lasting relationships.
They often show nearly a complete lack of ability to be genuinely affectionate with others.
They typically fail to develop a conscience and do not learn to trust.
They do not allow people to be in control of them due to this trust issue.
This damage is done by being abused or physically or emotionally separated from one primary caregiver during the first 3 years of life.

  • And who would that be for Gabriel? Me? Roberta? Casey?

"If a child is not attached- does not form a loving bond with the mother- he does not develop an attachment to the rest of mankind.

The unattached child literally does not have a stake in humanity" (Magid & McKelvey 1988)

They do not think and feel like a normal person.

"At the core of the unattached is a deep-seated rage, far beyond normal anger. This rage is suppressed in their psyche.
Now we all have some degree of rage, but the rage of psychopaths is that born of unfulfilled needs as infants.
Incomprehensible pain is forever locked In their souls, because of the abandonment they felt as infants." (Magid & McKelvey 1988)

"There is an inability to love or feel guilty.
There is no conscience.
Their inability to enter into any relationship makes treatment or even education impossible." (Bowlby 1955)

  • Some infamous people with Attachment Disorder that did not get help *in time: Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Edgar Allan Poe, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Ted Bundy.   How utterly UGLY!

    • One famous person with Attachment Disorder who did get help in time (in 1887!) and became one of greatest humanitarians is Helen Keller.


Attachment Disorder Symptoms

• Superficially engaging & charming
• Lack of eye contact on parents terms
• Indiscriminately affectionate with strangers
• Not affectionate on Parents’ terms (not cuddly)
• Destructive to self, others and material things (accident prone)
• Cruelty to animals
• Lying about the obvious (crazy lying)
• Stealing
• No impulse controls (frequently acts hyperactive)
• Learning Lags
• Lack of cause and effect thinking
• Lack of conscience
• Abnormal eating patterns
• Poor peer relationships
• Preoccupation with fire
• Preoccupation with blood & gore
• Persistent nonsense questions & chatter
• Inappropriately demanding & clingy
• Abnormal speech patterns
• Triangulation of adults
• False allegations of abuse
• Presumptive entitlement issues
• Parents appear hostile and angry


Any of the following conditions occurring to a child during the first 36 months of life puts them at risk:

• Unwanted pregnancy   Yes.  He and Sam.
• Pre-birth exposure to trauma, drugs or alcohol
  I honestly do not know
• Abuse (physical, emotional, sexual)   ???
• Neglect (not answering the baby’s cries for help)
I do not know

• Separation from primary caregiver (i.e. Illness or death of mother or severe illness or hospitalization of the baby, or adoption  YES.
• On-going pain such as colic, hernia or many ear infections  Not really.
• Changing day cares or using providers who don’t do bonding 
• Moms with chronic depression  Among others, Roberta is manic-depressive
• Several moves or placements (foster care, failed adoptions) 
• Caring for baby on a timed schedule or other self-centered parenting  YES, but it was on HER schedule, never on his.


*in time- They never did define what "in time" means.
As you can guess that is a highly important factor here.

Casey and I will be going over there tomorrow- (well, today I guess), as I have presents for them that must get dropped off yet.

Damn- Time for me to try to sleep-
I just dropped my caffeine all over the rug and have been scrubbing the damned thing for a while.

So while it dries i shall rest.... I hope
And double damn too. I told Casey i would be there for 10.

Nighty night.

PLEASE let me know what you think?
I do SO very much need your input.


Pet POISONS, Updates & Hotline #'s

Poison 2


Good Morning Everyone;

  • There is garlic in store~bought dog treats for Petes sake. Check the ingredient panel before you give these treats and/or food to your dog!
  • A 'human food additive. But again check ALL panels before giving this common sweetener found in our foods.

Xylitol KILLS.

Poison 2

Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pet
- Alcoholic beverages
- Avocado
- Chocolate (all forms)
- Coffee (all forms)
- Fatty foods
- Macadamia nuts
- Moldy or spoiled foods
- Onions, onion powder
- Raisins and grapes
- Salt
- Yeast dough
- Garlic
- Products sweetened with xylitol

Warm Weather Hazards
- Animal toxins—toads, insects, spiders, snakes and scorpions
- Blue-green algae in ponds
- Citronella candles
- Cocoa mulch
- Compost piles Fertilizers
- Flea products
- Outdoor plants and plant bulbs
- Swimming-pool treatment supplies
- Fly baits containing methomyl
- Slug and snail baits containing metaldehyde

Cold Weather Hazards
- Antifreeze
- Liquid potpourri
- Ice melting products
- Rat and mouse bait

Common examples of human medications that can be potentially lethal to pets, even in small doses, include:
- Pain killers
- Cold medicines
- Anti-cancer drugs
- Antidepressants
- Vitamins
- Diet Pills

Common Household Hazards
- Fabric softener sheets
- Mothballs
- Post-1982 pennies (due to high concentration of zinc)

Holiday Hazards
- Christmas tree water (may contain fertilizers and bacteria, which, if ingested, can upset the stomach.
- Electrical cords
- Ribbons or tinsel (can become lodged in the intestines and cause intestinal obstruction—most often occurs with kittens!)
- Batteries
- Glass ornaments


Dogpack.com http://www.dogpack.com/health/poisonplants.htm

Listed below are links to the ASPCA® Animal Poison Control Center's information on some common garden and household plants that can be poisonous to your pet. This may not represent a complete list of all poisonous plants. Also, your pet may have a sensitivity or allergy to a plant that is not on the list, resulting in toxicity. Always contact your veterinarian immediately if you think your pet may have ingested a poisonous plant. If you don't find the information you're seeking listed below, click here for our additional sources of information, many including specific effects and plant photos from the various veterinary/horticultural schools.

Poison 2

***This may not represent a complete list of all poisonous plants.

Alphabetical listing of poisonous plants by common name
Poisonous Plants by Category


Not sure which plant is which?  Most plants above should be clickable!


Poison 2

Homemade Dog Food Dangers-
 - Common Table Foods That Harm Dogs

Alcohol can cause breathing difficulties, abnormal blood acidity, coma and death in dogs. At parties, don’t let anyone offer your dog a ‘drink.’

Avocadoes contain persin which can cause digestive upsets and

Broccoli in large amounts can cause illness in dogs.

Bones and bone fragments may splinter and puncture or obstruct the digestive tract.

Chocolate, coffee and tea all contain stimulants that cause abnormal heartbeat, seizures and death in dogs. Chocolate is especially dangerous for dogs.

Corn on the cob is dangerous. Even though the corn will be digested, chunks of cob may obstruct the digestive tract.

Grapes and raisins contain an unknown substance that causes kidney failure in dogs.

Liver in large amounts can cause Vitamin A toxicity.

Macadamia nuts contain an unidentified toxin that causes weakness, tremors, panting and swelling in the legs.

Walnuts may have a fungus or mold which causes drooling, jaundice, lack of coordination, and vomiting.

Milk is difficult for some dogs to digest effectively, which leads to G.I. upsets.

Mushrooms and molds can be toxic to dogs. Some varieties are more toxic than others.

Nutmeg is a seasoning that causes tremors, seizures, and death in dogs.

Onions AND garlic, both cooked and raw, contain thiosulphate which can cause digestive upsets, hemolytic anemia, and death. Onions contain more of the toxin than garlic does.

Raw egg whites contain avidin which causes B vitamin deficiency, skin problems and skeletal deformities. Raw eggs can also harbor salmonella or e.coli.

Raw fish, especially salmon, may contain parasites that are dangerous for dogs.

Seeds and fruit pits can cause choking or intestinal blockages and some contain cyanide which is toxic to dogs.

Xylitol causes an insulin reaction in dogs which can lead to liver failure within a few days. It’s found in many candies, gums, toothpastes, and pastries.

Greasy, fatty table scraps can cause pancreatitis in dogs. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas caused when too much digestive enzyme is produced. Affected dogs may have bloody vomit or diarrhea and suffer dehydration and even death.

Snacks shared with your dog need to be checked for hidden ingredients. Some foods such as cookies, gravies, and even some baby foods, can contain chocolate, nuts, onions, excessive salt or sugar, or other items dangerous for dogs. Keeping garbage cans secured is a good idea too.

Pennies are another danger to dogs worth mentioning. Those dated after 1981 are made from zinc with a thin copper coating. A dog swallowing just one of these pennies can suffer damage to red blood cells and kidney failure, due to zinc poisoning.

If you suspect your dog has consumed something toxic, call your vet right away. Hesitation can prove fatal.

Most doting dog owners, especially children, love to share snacks with their best friend but these should be healthful foods, approved by a veterinarian. A little awareness and caution can prevent a tragedy.

Related Reading:


Homemade Dog Food Recipes


Poison 2

  Pet Poison Hotlines

If you think that your pet may have been poisoned, call a veterinarian, local animal emergency clinic, or pet poison control hotline. These hotlines, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, include:

  • Pet Poison Control Helpline: 1-800-213-6680, $35 fee
  • ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center: 1-888-426-4435, $65 fee


For more on toxic substances and pets?
See Non-Toxic Flea Control and Are Poinsettias Toxic to Cats?



  • ASPCA, Ask the Expert: Poison Control, “Nutmeg,” ASPCA.org, 2011.
  • Cope, R.B., BVSc, PhD, “Allium Species Poisoning in Dogs and Cats,” Veterinary Medicine, August 2005, pp. 562-566.
  • Drs. Foster & Smith, Veterinary and Aquatic Services Department, “Citrus Oil Toxicity in Dogs and Cats” and “Macadamia Nut Toxicity in Dogs and Cats,” PetEducation.com, 2011.
  • Haynes, M., Dr., “Are These Foods Toxic to Dogs?” AskaVetQuestion.com, n.d.
  • Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, “Wild Mustard,” OMAFRA.gov.on.ca, 7 April 2011.
  • Pet Poison Helpline, “Poisons,” PetPoisonHelpline.com, 2011.
  • Ruben, D., Dr., “Dangerous Foods: Are They Harmful to Your Cat?” PetPlace.com, 2011.
  • Spielman, B., Dr., “Mushroom Poisoning in Cats,” PetPlace.com, 2011.
  • Stregoski, J., RVT, “Toxic Foods and Your Dog: People Foods That Can Poison Dogs,” About.com, 2011.
  • WebVet.com, “Toxic and Dangerous Foods for Pets,” 2010.
  • Wesley Chapel Veterinary Hospital, “What Foods Are Harmful to Your Dog?” WesleyChapelVet.com, 2009.

Non-toxic Substances for Dogs and Cats
The following substances are considered to be non-toxic, although they may cause gastrointestinal upset in some animals:
- Water-based paints
- Toilet bowl water
- Silica gel
- Poinsettia
- Cat litter
- Glue traps
- Glow jewelry

Seems as though all the plastic stuff, jewelry etc, comes from China these days...

(No. I still wouldn't take a chance on those items).  Don't Feed the dragon
Because we ALL know what comes out of THAT country!

Be aware of everything that can possibly get into your pets mouths.
Those mouths that kiss us are TOO important not to take care of.


Awful. JUST AWFUL!!!


(And we ALL know what THAT means)...

Ima gonna do this today cuz my 'she' doesn't want to.
"She" doesn't sleep like me, so I'll do it. (But just fer today).

My life has been just awful, i tell you.  
Just AWFUL!!!

Last week, that damn cat got sick(er). He is always sneezing, tho at least "she" has tried to teach him to get off the softer things when he does. H-A-rf, H-A-rf, this makes me sure that "I" get to sit by her when it happens!
Well, cep'tin' when "she" iz on the wheelie~thingie.
Now THAT thing is a downright sorry device. It even ran over my TAIL once!
('Course I might've had my tail where it din't b'long).
But STILL...

Ennyway, I really wuz talkin' 'bout Sput.
This, is him.

Sputnik, Sick for Christmas 2011
One Sicko Cat.
I know!!! I should call him "SPIT"! H-A-rf. H-A-rf, H-A-rf!!!

Last week, he sneezed this drippy booger, a real grody red color too.
Unbeknownst to myself, my "she" called my doctor.
(I musta been sleeping or napping).
But didja read that line? He is MY DOCTOR!!!

I din't know bout this at all-
So when we ALL went for a ride, I had to share my little one's back seat with da damn cat!
He behaved for a while, then whent and sat on my Little One's lap!!! (And "she" had that round thing in her hands).
I kin't sit on her lap when "she" has the round thing in her hands when I'm in her car, so WHY kin he?!?
(Heck, I kin barely even EVER sit on her lap) .
So unfair that it's downright AWFUL! JUST AWFUL!!!
Huh? WHY?

Ennyway, off we go down the road.
We get to a stop and my Little One turns that one WRONG way!
How COULD she???

Cuz this way kin mean only one thing...
 ... that I'm bout to have this perv 'doctor' stick his finner up my butt. (And then he rubs it around too). Says he's checking my 'glands' er soumpthin' , and sez they should be no bigger than a walnut, (whatever THAT means)!

So I slinker on down in the backseat.
Maybe they'll forget I'm there.

Soon, we get to my doctors office. I stand up cuz I know they will only find me and make me go inside.

You see wat I mean 'bout things being just AWFUL?!?

I gotta share everything-
- And now I gotta share this Doc Spires' too!

So I'm left in the car, alone, to sit and think-
I figgur that the damn cat gets to see MY doctor...
This is SO unfair! Cuz, I thought he liked only me, me, ME!

Now, I might not care to be stuck by this doc, but surely he kin't stick his finner in Sput's bum too!!?
(I mean I have SEEN dat bum-hole when I'm sniffin' it, and it's really really little)!
But NOoooo...
He seems to like the damn cat too.
What'z up with dat?

An THEN when the 'Sput-Spit' comes back to the car ride, he tells me nobody stuck their finners where they din't b'long.

S'much as I HATE THAT DAMN CAT (sometimes/most~times), an I woulda laughed at HIM bein' stuck fer once, I din't want to see him cryin' either.
(Gawd knows dat the sneezin' iz bad 'nuff).

He got some little stinky pills, some gunk for his mouth, and some MORE gunk to put in his eyes.
This scares me cuz I 'member when I had to have stuff for MY eye. (Ya remember, don'tcha)? That was after I got that big ole stick STUCK IN MY EYE. CLICK HERE for that story.
An THAT's when I started not likin' this Doc Spires-
He put a pin in me that day an it made me feel funny.
THEN another pin, somethin' else happened, and I had tipped over and had an 'operashun".
It was bad, an when I waked up, it hurt LOTS and LOTS!
So now 'Spitty' -harf harf- hasta get somethin' in his eyes. BOTH of them!
GROSS!!!! I don't look when my "she" puts it in either.

Will this insanity ever end? 
  • (If you guessed 'NO', den you're right).

The other day, my Little One, an her Greg-man came over.
They had a big ole BOX-FULL of stuff, but I couldn't go near it. (An there was somethin' there that smelt really good).

Oh, ALL dese smells!
(Makes me wonder why I sniff the cat anywhere, anytime)?
Ya see, "she" had been makin' food in the big square thing in the wall, an it always smells SO yummy when "she" does this.
"She" doesn't do it near nuff either.
Not anymore. "she" sez it hurts.
(But "she" useta do it all the time).
Unfair. And awful. JUST AWFUL!!!

But, I'm smart too-
I figgered that it must be what they call a 'Special' day.

When my Little One and her Greg-man came, my Little One was kinda sick again. I try to make her feel better, so I give her kisses with my big ol' sloppy tongue.
My Little One sez my kisses are magic!
My Little One likes my kisses- But my "she" sez I kin only kiss her hands.
AWFUL I tell you- JUST AWFUL!!!
(Who knows where my "she's" hands have been)?!?

So we ate- (I got to eat too, but really late I might add).
Those skin-things with da real buttery corn flakes all over them were really crispy this time, and REALLY YUMMY too! (Tho' I always gotta fight with my Little One to get any).

After I finally got some food in me, my peoples started digging in boxes and stuff and giving away other boxes.
Everyone had some, EVEN ME!

But I couldn't get to mine 'cuz they wuz wrapped in this bright stuff.

"She" helped me wit' one, and my Little One helped me with the rest of 'em.
They wuz ALL treats! And were ALL for me!
The room wuz a mess after all that stuff was all over the place.
(I kept my eye on MY presents)!

Now, sometimes I get presents when my "she" goes into a store without me; and sometimes my Little One will bring some with her when she comes over.
But not like THIS DAY!
I got a toys, a new Frisbee;
 and 3 bags of treats. ONLY fer ME!

Sputty didn't get nuthin'! (Not that I cared, but isn't THAT awful)?
AWFUL! I tell you; JUST AWFUL!!!

See, sometimes Sput is mean, mean, MEAN to me.
I will take a nice nap and he [STILL] wakes me up by stickin' his claw(s) right into my nose.
Right INTO the nice delicate skin of MY NOSE!
Now THAT hurts really bad!
I wake up right away too.
I "ky-yike" at him right away, and he either ducks down, or runs away.
If he runs away, I chase him. (And sometimes I get in trouble too cuz "she" is sleepin')

AWFUL! I tell you, Just AWFUL!!!

"She" has some big paper bags, full, by the warm square box in the wall -and sez she hasta make some treats and some cookies.

*** By the way, I really LIKE cookies; they are kinda like TREATS, (but I don't get near enough either)! Mostly just some crumbs, and that's awful too.

AWFUL! You hear me? JUST AWFUL!

Awfuller, is when "she" naps, then doesn't wake up when it's time for my food!!!
Mostly I wait, and I wait, and I wait some more...
Just sometimes it gets too hard for me to wait anymore, so I just put my face by hers on that nice soft pillow.
I don't know why, but she always wakes up and sez "Pee-Oooh" in a funny voice.
I don't know what it means so I got sit by the door. 
(First, I give her a big sloppy kiss, THEN I go sit by the door). H-A-rf, H-A-rf. H-A-rf.

But then I always get my food, so I guess it's a good thing.
Oh, and I always get part of a banana too. It's YUMMY, and 'she' hides my own allergy pills in a little piece of it. If I drop one, 'she' won't give me another bite of the banana until I pick it up and swallow it, so I try not to drop them...
But 'she' feeds me good food too- all meat!, and my vitamins. Every now and then when my back or my shoulder hurt then she gives me something that makes me feel better too.

I will hafta ask my 'she' to post the list again what is good for us dogs, and what isn't. Sometimes you peoples forget, and I don't want any of my friends to be sick, or die.

I'd better stop typing and go bug her to get some lunch and then take me outside. (I don't get a lunch, but I get to lick her plate)!
The sun is shiny today, but it is very, very, cold on my paws.
Still, I wanna have some fun.
She will throw my new Frisbee thing, or my ball- but just for a little while.

We were outside earlier, and she hollered at me cuz I went to close to the road when she brought those big dumpsters down the driveway.
Don't know what her matter is- She useta take them both at one time, and now, she only took one, then she rested, (and put me in the house)!-

Then, she takes the other one out by the road without me.
An it took her a LONG time to come back inside too.

Then she got in the waterfall- (and she stayed THERE a really long time too). When she was done, I was waiting for her to throw my ball up the steps, playin', but she said 'no'.

Isn't that AWFUL?? I tell ya, it's JUST AWFUL!!!

Sheesh. I really don't ask for that much.
('Sides, if I do, I do know how to BEG, and make her feel bad). H-A-rf, H-A-rf, H-A-rf.

I hope everyone, and their puppies, got some nice treats on that "Special" day.
And I hope we have another "Special" day soon!

May you always have a bowlful of fresh water, and may you always get your breakfast and supper. ( & on time). May you appreciate YOUR treats as much as I do mine.

Yup. I don't get them enough.
And that is awful. JUST AWFUL.



Netiquette Defined, (and A QUIZ)!

No one is asking for perfection, but there are a few things that make our 'dotwww' much more friendly when think as we write.

In my own case, the pet peeve is TYPING IN ALL CAPS...

It makes me mad to even see it, and I generally pass over any column or post that is created this way.

Know too that if you are truly yelling then that's a whole 'nother thing. hehehe

Do you?

Netiquette defined:

Some simple rules of netiquette:

Recommended netiquette resouces:

    • What is netiquette?

Simply stated, it's network etiquette -- that is, the etiquette of cyberspace. And "etiquette" means "the forms required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be required in social or official life." In other words, netiquette is a set of rules for behaving and interacting properly online.

  • Why is netiquette important?

Each culture, (and cyberspace has its own culture), operates under a system of rules that may not be explicitly stated but are expected and enforced all the same.  When you enter any new culture you're liable to commit a few social blunders unless you know the rules. You might offend people without meaning to. Or you might misunderstand what others say and take offense when it's not intended. 

The rules in cyberspace are intrinsically different than those of everyday life because cyberspace presents such a novel environment.  Gone are the gestures, facial expressions, voice tone, laughter, body language and other features of human non-verbal communication that help inform our understanding of others. 

To make matters worse, the logistics of communicating in cyberspace make it easy to forget that you're interacting with other real people -- not just ASCII characters on a screen, but live human beings. 

So, as a result of missing out on important non-verbal clues, forgetting that people online are still real, and not knowing the conventions, well-meaning cybernauts can make all kinds of mistakes and miscommunications. 

The "Simple Rules of Netiquette" and the explanations that follow them are offered here as a set of general guidelines for cyberspace behavior. They probably won't cover all situations, but they should give you some basic principles to use in communicating online.

Some Simple Rules of Netiquette:

General Rules

  1. Make your messages easier to read by making your paragraphs short and to the point.
  3. Messages in all lowercase letters can be difficult to read, instead, use normal capitalization.
  4. *Asterisks* surrounding a word can be used to make a stronger point.
  5. Use the underscore symbol before and after the title of a book, (i.e., _Green Eggs and Ham_ )
  6. Be careful when using sarcasm and humor. Without face to face communications your joke may be viewed as criticism. When being humorous, use emoticons to express humor. (tilt your head to the left to see the emoticon smile)    :-) = happy face for humor
  7. Never give your userID or password to another person. System administrators that need to access your account for maintenance or to correct problems will have full priviledges to your account. 

Group Communication

  1. Respect the fact that the class list is a closed discussion; do not forward mail from your classmates to others without their permission. 
  2. In an online forum or newsgroup, debate is welcome, but be tactful in responding to others. Remember that there's a person (or a whole class) at the receiving end of your post. 
  3. Keep your questions and comments relevant to the focus of the discussion group.  Information intended for an individual or small group of individuals should be emailed to those people directly. 
  4. If you are responding to a message from someone else, briefly summarize her or his post. 
  5. When posting a question to the discussion group, request that responses be directed to you personally. Post a summary or answer to your question to the group. 
  6. If you quote a previous post (by using the reply function for example), quote only enough to make your own point.
  7. Include your signature at the bottom of Email messages when communicating with people who may not know you personally or broadcasting to a dynamic group of subscribers.
  8. Resist the temptation to "flame" others on the list. Remember that these discussions are "public" and meant for constructive exchanges. Treat the others on the list as you would want them to treat you.
  9. Use your own personal Email account, don't subscribe using a shared office account or a friend's account.

Individual Communication

  1. If you want to get in touch with only one person in the class, send a message to that individual's e-mail address, not to the entire discussion list. 
  2. When replying to a message posted to a discussion group, check the address to be certain it's going to the intended location (person or group). It can be very embarrassing if they reply incorrectly and post a personal message to the entire discussion group that was intended for an individual.
From here: http://www.indiana.edu/~icy/netiquette.html

Also, how about a little quiz from netmanners.com? CLICK HERE.

My apologies if this offends anyone, but I cannot stand people who type in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS!


Another great site for anyone who wishes to learn is HERE.

Happy Happy- and a giggle...

Isaiah's letter to Santa:
"Dear Santa,
I don't need socks!

Merry Merry to all!

I giggle aloud every time I think of Isaiah's letter to Santa- (I stole it off of Jennifer's FB page).

Too cute not to be shared.
I do a man that knows his own mind, and doesn't beat around the bush, don't you?!?
That he's my grandbaby is a testament to the fact that he's smart enough to know not to lie to Santa!

But here's a big "Uh-Oh" for me... 
What does it say about me that I have planned our Christmas celebrating around the Packers game? (Be nice).
Er, "HOHOHO" !!!!



The Surgeon General’s advice — work with nature

In one sense, I agree with pharmaceutical companies: prevention is best. But I don’t agree with their approach to prevention. Pharmaceutical medications, in my opinion, don’t work with your body. They work by suppressing or fooling it into doing something it wouldn’t do naturally. I know that in certain circumstances, bisphosphonates can be helpful, but for the most part they should remain a last resort.

In 2004, the Surgeon General studied osteoporosis in the United States and wrote a report over 330 pages long on the best ways to promote bone health and prevent osteoporosis and fracture. His advice, in essence, is to work with nature.

He provides an osteoporosis pyramid for prevention and treatment that starts with nutrition, physical activity, and fall prevention at the base. The second tier involves assessing and treating the underlying causes of compromised bone health. The very tip of the pyramid, and the last resort, is pharmacotherapy. The bottom line is that your bones are meant to last a lifetime. In most cases they don’t need drugs to keep them strong or prevent fracture. There are many, many natural ways to support your bones with proper bone nutrition and, many times, simple lifestyle changes to prevent osteopenia, osteoporosis, and needless fracture.

To learn more on the topic of osteoporosis and bone loss, read our additional articles here:

  • Top 10 myths about osteoporosis
  • About the diagnosis of osteoporosis
  • Causes of osteoporosis


    Possible adverse side effects associated with osteoporosis medications (bisphosphonates)

    • Ulcers of the esophagus
    • Upper GI irritation
    • Irregular heartbeat
    • Fractures of the femur
    • Low calcium in the blood
    • Skin rash
    • Joint, bone, and muscle pain
    • Jaw bone decay (osteonecrosis) (rare)
    • Increased parathyroid hormone (PTH)

    If patients knew the reality of these numbers and the dangerous side effects that come with taking bisphosphonates (see chart at left), I’m sure they would reconsider the merits of taking a prescription for low bone density for the rest of their days. This information is hard to find, and many practitioners don’t have the time to analyze the statistics of each and every study that comes across their desk.

    I would advise patients to ask their providers what the absolute risk reduction is for a drug before taking it. Or you can also ask about the number needed to treat (NNT). This figure gives you a sense of how many people would have to take the medication for one person to receive a benefit, and the lower the NNT, the better the chance that the drug will benefit you.

    For example, the above information tells us that Fosamax reduces fracture risk by about 1% (absolute risk reduction), so 100 people would have to be treated for one to benefit from fracture risk — the NNT is 100, in this case. In essence, the NNT is telling us that
    for every single person who is benefiting from these drugs, 99 more are getting no benefit at all!

Merry Christmas Eve- Especially for Mr. Greg

,  Internet Style

 A festive holiday poem 

  'Twas the night before Christmas,
when all through the Net,
  There were hacker's a surfing.
Geeks? Yeah, you bet.

  The e-mails were stacked by
 the modem with care,
  In hopes that St. Nicholas
soon would be there.

  The newbies were nestled
all snug by their screens,
  While visions of Java
danced in their dreams.

  My wife on the sofa
and me with a snack,
  We just settled down
at my rig (it's a Mac).

  When out in the Web
there arose such a clatter,
  I jumped to the site
to see what was the matter.

  To a new page my Mac
 flew like a flash,
  Then made a slight gurgle.
It started to crash!!

  I gasped at the thought
and started to grouse,
  Then turned my head sideways
and clicked on my mouse.

  When what to my wondering
 eyes should appear,
  My Mac jumped to a page
 that wasn't quite clear.

  When the image resolved,
so bright and so quick,
  I knew in a moment
 it must be St. Nick!

  More rapid than mainframes,
more graphics they came,
  Then Nick glanced toward my screen,
  my Mac called them by name;

  "Now Compaq! Now Acer!",
my speaker did reel;
  "On Apple! On Gateway!"
Santa started to squeal!

  "Jump onto the circuits!
And into the chip!
  Now speed it up! Speed it up!
Make this thing hip!"

  The screen gave a flicker,
he was into my RAM,
  Then into my room
rose a full hologram!

  He was dressed in all red,
from his head to his shoes,
  Which were black
(the white socks he really should lose).

  He pulled out some discs
he had stored in his backpack.
  Santa looked like a dude
who was rarin' to hack!

  His eyes, how they twinkled!
His glasses, how techno!
  This ain't the same Santa
that I used to know!

  With a wink of his eye
and a nod of his head,
  Santa soon let me know
I had nothing to dread.

  He spoke not a word,
gave my Mac a quick poke,
  And accessed my C drive
 with only a stroke.

  He defragged my hard drive,
and added a SIMM,
  Then threw in some cool games,
just on a whim!

  He worked without noise,
his fingers they flew!
  He distorted some pictures
with Kai's Power Goo!

  He updated Office,
Excel and Quicken,
  Then added a screensaver
with a red clucking chicken!

  My eyes widened a bit,
my mouth stood agape,
  As he added the latest
version of Netscape.

  The drive gave a whirl,
as if it were pleased,
  St. Nick coyly smiled,
the computer appeased.

  Then placing his finger
on the bridge of his nose,
  Santa turned into nothing
but ones and zeros!

  He flew back into my screen
and through my uplink,
  Back into the net
with barely a blink.

  But I heard his sweet voice
as he flew from my sight,
  "Happy surfing to all,
and to all a good byte!"

Hugh Drumm & Vincent Ambrose

Oops!!!  I would give credit where credit is due- - -
But I have forgotten where I got this from!
