[My] Life in Wisconsin

404 error; and; Oh much more-

Hope your Easter was a Hoppy one...

Hi All;
Hope your Easter holiday was 'wunnaful'.
Those of us in Wisconsin- (and probably other states as well), know all too well that this 'program' does not work.

The program is simply called "SPRING"
>You locate the folder (stored somewhere since time immemorial); and check off your personal options.
>You select "Install"... (or "Run").

And THIS is what you get...


███████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░  44% DONE.

... "

Install delayed....please wait.

Please try again...

404 error: Season file not found.

Season file "Spring" cannot be located.
The season file you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

You repeat ALL steps above...

lease wait.

Please try again...

Please try again...

Please try again...

Finally you give up.   You have to... or go crazy waiting.
Thank You, Duane).

Wait-  "Go crazy waiting"??? 

This is what our first week of "Spring" looked like...

Snowstorm Gabriel

The ONLY cute thing about it was that it was called "Snowstorm Gabe"
(Sassy Gabriel)! hehehe
Mr. Snowstorm Gabriel broke all weather records for April for Green Bay.
(I believe those records date back to the 1880's or so).

Now about the "Give up" part...
That would be much unlike 'Life in Flintville'. 
(Go ahead, reread previous 1177 entries if you really need verification of that)....
I'll wait. (Really I will).
I will say in advance that I have threatened to many times, but you all would not allow it. (Thank you).

Neither did Greg and Casey ever 'give up' last week-
-after my day of 3 separate hospital appointments,
that I'd come home to this - - - - -

What I came home to
As you can tell by all the reflections in the picture, my basement is flooded.
I assure you that I do not wax the concrete in full or in part.

As you can also tell, I tried plunging it down the teeny tiny drain that I'd fashioned out of the old big one that had once upon a time held a sump pump.  (Belatedly, my fractured back told me that I should not have done that).
Not even those 2 times that did; and had no bubbles, no gurgle, no nothing, happen.
Hmmm  ~on 2nd thought maybe I should have left that old sump pump in... hehehe

Now, these are what Officer Randy would call... 

Boot tracks in basement

Once again, with thanks not only to Greg and Casey, but to Mr. Tim and Ms. Kelli too;
who borrowed out their own sump pump for us to use in the meanwhile.

After the water was all gone, the heat was turned on high, as was the fan-
It dried quickly, thank the powers that be...
The drain had to be covered/plugged.
Simply because THIS is where the damned water was coming from!
(And that is NOT how drains are s'posed'ta work)...

"Work"?    (Unfortunately, around here, that'd have to be Greg's forte)-
I heard a few cuss thoughts that emitted as mumbles from this lovely young man.
I asked if I could help with anything.
He asked to be left alone.
* Now that reminded me SO much of my dad when he was concentrating on something; ...
...(So, 'left alone' Greg was too)! hehehe

Greg and Casey working on the sump pit

Drain filled

Pit drained; covered w/new cement

Looks very nice, all capped off! AND, we all slept quite well that night!

Good work Greg! 
(And to Thank You SO much TOO)!

Then came Friday-
OR- "Good" Friday as it is for Christians all over the globe...

This next picture was taken that very next morning.
"Good" Friday, remember?

coming through the cracks now
Ruh-roh... (And, ixnay the "good" factor please).

The water that had been waiting to fill up my basement swimming pool via the teeny weenie drain, was NOW coming up through every single seam in the poured cement flooring.

By noon, we had THIS to contend with-

Backed up again-

It is still a work in progress. But I assure you all that MUCH progress has already been made.

There is a new sump pump down there, very crudely installed as of yet- but it works, and THAT is the most important thing at this point in time.

As for my back, I am thinking that I will opt for an implanted pain device that delivers morphine (or whatever), 24/7, to my spinal column. This eliminates much of the need to be taking all these effing pills all the time.
Hopefully it will also eliminate the need for my shower chair, and maybe I will be able to even do some other stuff?

Admittedly, I do not know enough about it yet, but you can bet that I will find out! hehehe

The device itself is the size of a hockey puck and would be surgically implanted at the top of my butt cheek.  (Hmmm.... Now THAT should take some getting used to)!
Makes me wonder too, why they don't make it in the shape of a hand that would also deliver a little pinch every now and then?! hehehe  
(Hey, I might be a bit disabled, but I ain't dead)!

Hope all is well with everyone, and that I might leave you with a smile on your face?

My love to all !


Happy 50th Birthday to my Sweet Sister "Snotball"!
(Be happy it's your birthday in human years-
 - Because in doggie years you'd be dead)!    
HAHAHA!!!!    (Love ya)!     


Walker's Wisconsin. (Not mine).

Good Afternoon All;
I am (kind of) sitting here with Casey as we read up and wish we didn't have to learn ANY more than we already do about this crap and lie s(h)ituation going on in our beloved state.


New State Law gives nice deal to Brookfield.
(Maybe that’s what Prosser and Walker discussed the day after the election)? 

No wait, this bill was written before the election but….

Subject: gee, wasn't it Brookfield that just delivered an election to Prosser...?

Oh, yes people, WE THE PEOPLE MUST READ IT...



A few of their own "supporter~sent" own comments:

And what about all his unqualified campaign workers/supporters getting cushy government jobs? 
Wonder if their bargaining rights are intact!

The abuse of power is so blatant!  Scary! 
Is it because he thinks we are so stupid.... or because he is???



Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2011 8:37 PM
Subject: hi all..

We just got the greatest news that we have collected enough signatures for calling for a recall election for our state senator, Bob Cowles.

We needed near 16,000 signatures in sixty days and have more than that now.  We feel excited to have made such progress in so little time.  What a great group of people we have met and worked with in Shawano and Green Bay.

Our neighbors in the Clintonville area have also gotten the signatures they needed for the recall of their Senator, Luther Olsen.!

Maybe now Walker and his crew will begin to think twice about ruining our schools, cutting aids to counties and reducing healthcare for our vulnerable folks and seniors.

Thanks to all for your support!
{K & J} 

The 1st is a note from my sister-
PLEASE read the pdf formatted link she sent
; should you wish to face a few truths...

The second is also from herself- For those of you who might think she has NO experience in dealing with these matters.
Intelligence and compassion run very high -on her side of the family. hehehe.

Funny too, re: my comments section below:
(Later) you will find out more about our 'wunnaful Wisconsin' republic. 
Sorry to have to ruin your weekends with it all...

Will be back later-
Casey and I have to run to town for a while; a few home repairs that are driving me crazy to even LIVE with.


Private PS to Polly;
I did receive your beautiful letter- and appreciate ALL of your own efforts on my behalf.  I promise to reply soon- (much easier just doing these short notes for now filled with a whole lot of copy/paste stuff).
We will talk on Sunday if not before...
All my love. Always.

Flintville Lives- (And for today yet, has no snow)!

Good Morning All;
I am already running late- so how about more pictures than words?
Maybe you should write your own captions- Or not...

Pussy-willows and "Lake Flintville"
Looking east, out of my living room window. ->

looking south- past the pussy~willows and the sweet smelling  hyacinths

Out my kitchen window-
decorated with a few hyacinths and Pussy Willows

Clouds- Over the Oneida Clinic

At the clinic- Angry skies...
Yes, we got quite a big storm- ALL SNOW! ugh
Lots more coming our way tomorrow too


(Use your imagination)! hehehe

I did get 6 new holes in my back last week-

Cement/concrete? injections

It was awful- (and still is).

Just for me???

I think this truck is where they got the stuff for those cement injections...

When we were through, we filled up with gas.

No Way! Not the carwash... Oh, please, not the carwash...

Punks face tells the whole story about what she thinks of the car-wash in the back.

Punks anticipation fromm the back seat made Casey and I slide our  chairs ALL the Way forward... hehehe

And yes, the car needed one badly-

Punk doesn't mind the bubbles,

Car wash

Or the waxes-

PSYCH! ~Through the car wash...

But she thinks very little of the water when it sprays off the car.
(Yes, she lived through it).

Kind of the same as I lived through my injections.
It is still godawful- They knew it was inoperable, but thought maybe they would help a bit anyway.

I also have a new PCP- Only 5 miles away- (Too bad the Pain Doctor is still way on the other side of town).  As is the hospital I had to go to, to have my 2nd bone scan. (GOD AS MY WITNESS I WILL NEVER HAVE ANOTHER either)!  I had to lie flat on my back on that table-
This 10 minute test took over an hour and a half; I think the technician wanted to cry for me.

Anyway, late I will be, for a recheck on my back- So I must fly for now-
More pics later- I think. hehehe

Hope all is well with everyone. My love to all.


Gov. Scott Walker Reportedly Planning Financial Martial Law In Wisconsin

- Rick Ungar - The Policy Page - Forbes

Is the key word above "reportedly"...
... Or could we be so fortunate as to add a key word to be 'RECALL"

Be very aware....


* new FV blog soon...

PETITION- -Progressive Change Campaign Committee-


President Obama,
If you cut Medicare and Medicaid, do NOT ask for my help in 2012.

Hi All;

Please do the arrow click above, and take a moment to ask President Obama to show us thew bones in HIS back.
Please sign the survey above-

This petition reads, verbatim, as follows...

"President Obama:
If you cut Medicare and Medicaid benefits for me, my parents, my grandparents, or families like mine, don't ask for a penny of my money or an hour of my time in 2012.

I'm going to focus on electing bold progressive candidates -- not Democrats who help Republicans make harmful cuts to key programs."


Short. Sweet. And to the point. Wouldn't you agree?

As is stated, there ARE more bold progressives...

  ...  We will just have to find them, shake them off, dust them off, and kick their backsides in the correct direction.

As always, included also is a place for your own words.


82,427 people have taken action—164% of our goal of 50,000!

Thank you ALL;
Have a good one!


Oh- My own personal comment? I could have written a book. hehehe
But mine came directly from these two of my 2008 blogs:






We do NOT need anymore of what has transpired since last November.

Hi All;
I plan on trying to get dressed and heading to the polls very shortly.
From my wheelchair to that voting booth will be a trial of mammoth proportions for me.

If I can do it. So can YOU!

There are some of you who do not realize exactly what importance your vote holds today- (Far too many also, who do not even realize that there IS an election)!

At any rate, please take a moment to consider these few points.
Hopefully all of the enclosed links will work for you...


Special thanks to Laurie, Kris, and all who helped me put this together.


Remember Patrick Lucey, former governor?
Please read this as he has changed his own vote, AND he has also resigned as Co-Chairman of David Prosser's own campaign...
(Very very smart man)...

MILWAUKEE (AP) -- Former Gov. Patrick Lucey is withdrawing his support for Justice David Prosser for Supreme Court and is throwing it to Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg.

Statement from Patrick J. Lucey
March 31, 2011

“As a former Governor who appointed to Wisconsin's Supreme Court two quite different but equally principled Justices – Shirley Abrahamson and Roland Day – and who has over the years endorsed several more Justices, I have followed with increasing dismay and now alarm the campaign of Justice David Prosser, whom I endorsed at the outset of his campaign and in whose campaign I serve as the Honorary Co-Chairman."

“I can no longer in good conscience lend my name and support to Justice Prosser's candidacy. Too much has come to light that Justice Prosser has lost that most crucial of characteristics for a Supreme Court Justice – as for any judge – even-handed impartiality. Along with that failing has come a disturbing distemper and lack of civility that does not bode well for the High Court in the face of demands that are sure to be placed on it in these times of great political and legal volatility."

“At the very same time that my confidence in Justice Prosser has waned, I admire and have continued to be impressed with Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg. She has adhered throughout the campaign to even-handedness and non-partisanship and has exhibited both promising judicial temperament and good grace even in the heat of a fierce campaign."

For these reasons I have today resigned as Honorary Co-Chairman of Justice Prosser's campaign, and I endorse Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg for the Wisconsin Supreme Court on April 5, 2011.


Walker; (& his Buddy'$ young son)...
Walker administration questioned about hiring of lobbyist's son
CLICK HERE, or simply do your own search.

Tue Apr 05, 2011 at 01:53 AM EDT
Walker hires uneducated, inexperienced, 2 time drunk driver, son of lobbyist for $80k+ job

One thought posted in that story... "Walker gets his undies all bunched up about those damn educated teachers making $35k and yet he gives this two time drunk dropout a job paying $81,500!?!?  Walker is a criminal."
******** I am thinking I quite HEARTILY agree with those words...

For more on THAT story: CLICK HERE:
   or simply do your own search.

From JS Online:
"Wisconsin Republicans claim that their state is broke,
and have used that claim to justify stripping state workers of their collective bargaining rights. And yet, even though they claim to be broke, Scott Walker's administration just gave a state job, and a 26% raise, to the son of a major supporter who has no college degree, no relevant experience, and two drunk driving convictions." 


Tuesday, April 5, 2011 6:07 AM
Dear Anne;


Today is Election Day for the State Supreme Court. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Many progressives don't know about today's election or how it's our first chance to fight back against Governor Walker, so please forward this email widely.

Click here to find your polling place:

Find your polling place

Dear Wisconsin MoveOn member,

Today is Election Day. We want to make sure you, and all your friends, are planning to get out and vote for JoAnne Kloppenburg for Wisconsin Supreme Court today.

In an off-year election like this one, turnout will make the difference, but many of your friends and family may not even realize there's an election. 

Progressives in Wisconsin are incredibly energized. MoveOn members helped collect more than 22,000 signatures to force a recall vote of State Senator Dan Kapanke in record time, and recall petitions for seven other Republican senators are doing really well.

Much of the fight over Governor Walker's anti-worker laws will likely end up in court, and electing Kloppenburg would tip the balance of the Supreme Court toward progressives. So it's up to all of us to make sure that all our progressive friends, family, and co-workers in Wisconsin know they need to go and vote for JoAnne Kloppenburg TODAY. 

Please forward this email far and wide.
Thanks for all you do.
Daniel, Eli, Milan, Carrie, and the rest of the team



Brothers and Sisters,

The day is TODAY and the time is NOW
. If you haven’t already, please be sure to vote for working family candidates including JoAnne Kloppenburg. Wisconsin has stood united against political attacks by Scott Walker’s cronies for months. We cannot let another Walker ally, David Prosser, be voted into office.

Prosser has voted with Walker 95% of the time. He is not on the side of Wisconsin’s union members and Wisconsin’s middle class. Prosser is simply another rubber stamp, ready to do Scott Walker’s bidding.

JoAnne Kloppenburg is the best candidate for Wisconsin Supreme Court.
She will bring the needed impartiality, level-headed judgment and judicial demeanor that our courts deserve. Be sure to spread the word at work and around your neighborhood that today is the day to vote.

It is crucial that everyone take the time to go to the polls today.
In November, many of us were silent and we are now paying the price.

Thankfully, today we have the opportunity to change the shape of Wisconsin’s future for the better.

Vote and help rock the vote for working families by clicking here for a list of times, ways and location to spread the word.

We have been united in the streets for months and we now must be united at the ballot box! Click here for a list of GOTV activities.

In Solidarity,

Phil Neuenfeldt, Wisconsin State AFL-CIO President
Stephanie Bloomingdale, Wisconsin State AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer

To find out more about the AFL-CIO, please visit our website at www.aflcio.org.


5.  Healthcare
Save for adding to it, to change any part of healthcare plan is a death knell for too many Americans; -
 - including my daughter and myself.
This is exactly what most, if not ALL Republicans, GOP,  and Tea Party people, wish to do...


6.  This YouTube WILL make up your mind-
(As if there could be any questions remaining)?

This is one of the best ads I've seen.


Most people will not see it unless it's distributed person to person. So please send it to your contacts, post it on your Facebook page, do whatever you can to make it go viral.


I've been told more than $2 million has been spent this week alone attacking JoAnne, so we need everyone to help spread this. 


The Cotters- and Buddys Troubles

Politics, wisconsin, walker, etc...

Feel free to borrow any of these.
