[My] Life in Wisconsin

UPDATED. 12-17-12 Migraines, Snowstorms, Bisphosphonates- (and an Old Lady too)!

*originally posted: 12/9/12

Noticing now that I had inadvertently closed off the comments on this.  It is fixed.
Mea Culpa.

Best to grab a cup of coffee, or a glass of juice- 
Long-winded again. Sorry...

Good Early Morning Everyone;
Odd isn't it how one can be busy, (mostly), yet have nothing truly new to add to a blog/story? What's up with that?

I have been fighting off this migraine for about 4 days now. Maybe that means it has almost run its course- Maybe not. (But I damn sure hope so).
Finally, on Wednesday I called to ask Casey if

Need HELP with Blogger vs Google plus

Good Morning Everyone;
Since I could not sleep after about 9:30 PM last night, I am very tired this morning.
Perhaps that is why I am not understanding this, from here

The topic is "Frequently asked questions about switching to a Google+ profile"

And the question is "If I switch to a Google+ profile and change my mind, can I switch back?"

Their answer:
You have the option of reverting to your Blogger profile for up to 30 days after you make the switch. After 30 days, your Blogger profile will be deleted and if you want to switch back, you will need to create a new Blogger profile.

Does this mean they will delete all of my stuff? 

I would rather ask, than take a chance- (I see most of my friends etc are linked via my Google + profile).

Say it isn't so?
