[My] Life in Wisconsin

Out With the Old

Good Happy Sunday Morning to All!

First and foremost, I have a friend that is living in Bangkok Thailand... Please take a moment to visit Leticias blog~ (Bangkok was the site of SO many explosions yesterday). And please, please to keep her safety in your prayers. CLICK HERE

Another friend of mine whose Mother~in~Law passed away early yesterday afternoon after an injury on Christmas Day. CLICK HERE I had earmarked her Christmas Eve blog entry called "A Dogs Night Before Christmas" to share with you all. (Well, with those of you that actually like dogs anyway)...

Uh-Oh, did somebody say "DOGS" ??? I'll get to them in a minute... hehehe

Hmmm?? (Kinda scared to ask, but shall my own New Year resolution be then to NOT post about dogs in blogs)??

What a nasty few 'daze' here... But I have slept. And I have woken. Slept. Woken. And slept some more... (The jury is still out on whether I am still asleep or awake at the moment)! ???

And with that, unless you want me to be blogging about the dreams I had while I slept, there is sure NOT too much news from the farm... (And Jamie, I do not have chicken poop anywhere)! Sure wish I did though...

Our little walk to the woods... And much excitement (and a bit of sadness too), for my little Miss Punk... We began walking back with Mama Milly; who then decided to take off straight for the old dump. Punkie started to follow, and then sadly thought better of it, (not wanting to leave me alone I suppose). She came back to me, to walk together.

I have LONG since given up trying to call Miss Milly back when she takes off at the speed of light. (And especially now, given the fact that it still basically hurts a bit to get that cold air in my mouth anyway)...

Milly truly loses her hearing at that speed anyway... (And sometimes a varmint or two loses the chase also). But I saw no bunnies or anything else ahead- Just the quickly disappearing backside of my eldest dog!

So a sad 'nobody~to~play~with' Punk and I meandered back to the woods... For the first time this year, there was a bit of ice on the river... but just a tiny bit too... Miss Punk cautiously running the ridge to be on the lookout should her mama appear down by the river. But it didn't happen.

Punkie got hold of a "Tarzan~Style" grapevine, taking her pent up frustrations out on that. But it wouldn't 'let go' for her either. hehehe

the more she pulled the worse it got for her...
until, finally ripping it loose, she sailed her backside right into a pine tree!

And then she almost 'bought it' over the cliff once more, as some bark snapped free from the grapevine...

...my own heart skipping a beat as she caught herself in time (with grapevine bark in her mouth)!

And still no Mama~Milly for her... As we walked to the old campsite, she just sat. Listening for any sign...

yet there was nothing to be heard or seen anywhere.

Finally, from all the way back home, Miss~Milly~Mama appeared! She must have realized we were still in the back woods waiting and wandering. And the joy was apparent in Punks face, as I told her "GO!" And she did!

Both Punkie and Millie... THROTTLES WIDE OPEN!

And then to realize after a moment that she had left me behind she had to come back as if to say "Come see! I FOUND MAMA!"



And she was ever so happy!

I do not know what the heck Milly had gotten into, but am once more SO very grateful that she is not my 'inside' dog. When we got back up to the house to realize how very dirty she really was!

All that dirt, and very little snow for her to be rolling in either.
A dogs "winter bath" nowhere to be found...

The last I had posted about the snow, I was asked about their collars. Perhaps a few others of you have wondered about them as well... I wrote back top Miss Val the following note:

The 'collars' on the dogs are two~fold. Both are Pet~Safe collars.

Miss Millys is a bark collar- When she first arrived to the farm she was a noisy little thing- Miss Mona (my deceased and beautiful black lab) had an old bark collar, so that went on Miss Milly... and has remained there ever since. (Of course the batteries died many many moons ago, but she doesn't bark now unless it is of the utmost importance).

Miss Punks collar is a remote controlled training collar. And it has 2 functions...

One is a 'beep' which warns her that she might be in trouble...

The other button on the remote actually can 'zap' her if she IS in trouble. (I have only had to push the zap about 4 times, but she knows it is there)-

Mostly she 'listens' so it is a moot point anyway.

The ONLY times she has gotten a zap is when she was getting too near the road, or something else that might have cost her limb and life. (But I like it on her, just in case). She can still get way too excited at times; but she's a baby yet- (9 months old now), and that's to be expected anyway.

So one is 'no bark' with no batteries; (PLEASE don't tell Miss Milly)... and Punkins is for training and safety.

Now Miss Mona (the black lab)... She was about 5 years old, and we had taken the old buick back to the woods... Mona would run like the wind there and back; and loved this twice daily routine...

One day, (after doing this only about 3,000 times), she had tripped in a rut, in the field- and wound up under the back tire. She died almost instantly.

I still have not gotten over the horror of killing her- Casey was in the car with me... and it still breaks my heart to be thinking of it all...

And life goes on...

Some days better than others...

And clearly even some months and years are better than others... But WE are here! And we take what the Good Lord sees fit to hand to us. Not always with a smile; but to not take it would be to end the purpose of anyones life.

I am happy to be here. (Um, most days). And I am forever happy to have found this little corner of the world that has brought me so much peace, that has brought me so many good friends, and that has brought me so much happiness in both of those things! This little niche in the big worldwide web... This little place I call "home".

I thank you for allowing me to share it all with you ALL. And I am thankful that I have only had a very few negative experiences associated with being on here. Through the dark days of Reianna's death; and from my bee~stings to my stupid head and even now my 'owiee' teeth, it is very apparent that I have certainly had MORE negative crap in my life that has nothing to do with being online and "out there" !!!

Happy New Year to Everyone!

And should you be away and enjoying a cocktail (or 2 or 3 or 10); Doubtfire has reminded all to please make use of a designated driver. Be safe.

My wish for you is that you have someone to have and to hold onto come the stroke of midnight, and for forever too.



PS I shall see those 'designated drivers' on here bright and early tomorrow morning... (and the rest of you? Perhaps a bit later)! hehehe

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