[My] Life in Wisconsin


Happy Groundhog Day, and Good Morning too. (At least it probably should be by the time that you read this)...

Was it only less than a day since I last blogged? (Feels more like a short eternity).

OK ... CaseyAnne and Derek are staying the night up at the hospital with Roberta. I will return as early as my sleep allows me to in the morning.

Roberta's heart rate faltered once more in mid~afternoon, and her blood pressure plummeted. She is well once again, and they all keep saying she will be just fine and maybe even to come home in the morning... Time will tell, but wouldn't that be wonderful!!!

I need to thank all those of you who have taken a moment to offer your prayers and your concern for her, and your cheer for those of us that have spent those hours up at the hospital too. It is always greatly appreciated. Those of you too that tried to call. I am sorry that I did not have my answering machine on. I shall go turn it on now...

Just thought I would keep you all up to date... (I have to go try to nap once more- I told them I would be up there early early)!


Happy February!


In the wee hours of the morning here, there is so much to be thankful for... The quietude... and the furnace too! Chilly in here this morning, but have cranked the heat up to 68 already. And didn't shut it down too far last night either; as Berta and Casey are both asleep upstairs... The Punkster is also up there, (asleep with one of the girls)... and Miss Milly is asleep in the entrance. And not too much of an argument from her either... So all is well with my world; and I hope it is with yours too!

Had Miss Milly in/out for the best part of the day... Rarely did the windchill rise above zero... I am seeing that it is about 11 degrees right now (yes, that is on the PLUS side), and yet I hear a bit of the wind too...

She came in yesterday morning and stole Punkie bone. Punk was trying to argue with her mothers' executive decision to gnaw on it a while; and when I admonished them for getting too rambuntious, this is what I ended up with in my camera.




Yes, she actually fell alseep on her mama's hinder!

Now getting a picture of Miss Milly in anything but a smile, you cannot let her hear the camera turn on. Honest. Kind of funny. She is also a bit odd in the respect that she HATES to come off that rug because her feet make noise on the linoleum. We have to put down little rugs or towels to get her to venture too much further than the entrance or the food dish. Picky dog!

Last night/late afternoon, Berta had brought her in... I had been resting my chilly bones on the couch...

I heard them come into the entrance, and was clearly NOT prepared for what happened next... Miss Milly STOLE Punkies little busted toy, almost flew into the living room; sailing right past her annoying Punk, and jumping straight onto my back on the couch! And even though she does smell/(reek) of the red cedar chips mixed with 'dog' I could not help but burst out laughing... What a shock for such a previously cautious and timid dog! Not to mention the fact that I was more than shocked too!




And then she tried to 'hide' that toy!!!
She stayed on the couch WELL AFTER she had forced my own backside off!
Myself, fighting for a place on MY couch...... And Berta with Milly

And poor little Punk... (I don't think she is too impressed that mama gets to share the house either)!

Casey arrived after her classes were done- Master Gabriel thought it unwise that she woud have to eat alone and begged for food from his Auntie Casey...




Mmmmmmmm, GOOD!!!!

Berta had that appointment yesterday with the surgeon- All went well as he explained about Gallbladder Disease to her... She has surgery scheduled for this morning... and we must be at the hospital for 5:30~ish... Please continue to keep her in your thoughts; as well as Miss Mindys mother who will be undergoing a much longer surgery today... CLICK HERE for her blog and please leave her a positive little note.

I will go out shortly and start the cars that we will need to go with. I told Casey just in case the new(er) cars don't start, there is always the old Buick Roadmaster. I have never ever had a problem starting that car; (knock on wood), and I am glad it is still in the yard to use if need be!

I hope you all have a grand day!


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Love Is In the Air!

Good Wednesday Morning!

And what a beautiful day yesterday was! Made that way by Mother Nature, those of you 'brave' enough to comment, and of course by me too! I was so ambivalent about posting what was happening... And hindsight being what it is, I have NO idea why I felt that way either. And yes, I Do have more faith in my friends! ALL of you!

I love and respect all of your own opinions, judgements and notes. And yes, it is so very comforting to know that there is a wonderful support system for my flagging and faltering family issues. You, my friends have also "been there; done that" ...And while I am sorry that you have also gone through this, or are going through it, there is that comfort in that 'knowing' and in that 'sharing'. God Bless You ALL!

After I had finished my blogging, I did get outside to shovel and plow. The old farmyard and driveways look SO very nice... I even made a mad dash across the road to get the snow from the mailbox so the mailman has no reason to be leaving those sassy notes in my box! hehehe (I am guessing that anyone in the country, and north of the Mason-Dixon line, has received a note like that at one point or another)!

I haven't gotten those tire chains yet, but think I am getting the hang of "un~stuck~ing" myself too! (Yes, I know that is not a word, but you get my 'drift' anyway, don't you)?!?! hehehe ...I couldn't resist!

Once again, Punk thought she could "hide" behind the snowbanks...




(But methinks that at 85 pounds, it is kinda hard for her to hide ANYWHERE)!




Oh, she just LOVES playing in the snow!




(Actually I think she may have been trying to run away from Master Gabriel at that point in time)... Not that it worked for her!





Yes, Roberta and Gabriel stopped by yesterday afternoon. Even Gabriel went for a walk around the yard...




Having first to hit the snow with his bare hands, and then head over to Miss Milly to quickly wipe them off and warm them up!

We ordered food as I had been outside all that time, (and surely 'cooking' was the very last thing on my mind). And besides, it is nice every now and then to have someone else do the cooking! I ordered a salad too. And they do not just throw lettuce in either. Oooh, a pet peeve here... I do hate when places chop up their lettuce, put it in a bowl and call it a 'salad' ~ (That's not a salad, it's a danged dish of lettuce)! Mine had 2 different kinds of lettuce, red cabbage, a few onions, tomatoes galore, a few black olives and a little spinach; all sprinkled with a bit of finely grated co~jack cheese! Mmmmmmm! (especially after adding the peppercorn ranch and a bit of ruby red french too)!



Gabriel was not too interested in his food until he was out of his highchair, and Mama started giving a few pieces to Punk... Then it was a whole different story!!!


Berta, meting out the French Fries and Chicken Strips!

The other morning, Punk needed to go out, and it was still dark, except for the yardlight... She ran out, and hit the snow GROWLING! (I do love her very protective nature)... And I couldn't see exactly what had made her fur stand on end, but even Miss Milly had woken up to take a look~see... I threw my booties on, and ventured out as Punk stood rigid, in the snow... I burst out laughing too, just before patting her on the head and telling her what a good pup she is! Seems as though a well built wooden bird feeder only lasts through about 4 winters of getting beat up by the deer, and it had fallen to the ground... This was very frightening to the young dog who has never seen it anywhere except UP! I repaired that yesterday and refilled them both.

The birds will be all set now (should be anyway), for the up and coming deep freeze.

...As I write, it is currently +2 degrees, with a windchill of 12 below...

And I'd best not complain either because that +2 reading is going to be the high for us, come the weekend! ...That hot cocoa is going to taste real good!!! But I must get a bit of shopping done today too; as I am "fresh out of marshmallows"- and who can possibly drink hot cocoa without marshmallows? Correction here... I think I should have said I am "out of fresh marshmallows." Cuz I'll bet if I look in my cupboards, I could possibly find some really hard ones leftover from our Labor Day picnic! (Yeah yeah, say what you will, YOUR cupboards are exactly like mine)! hehehe

Roberta does need to have surgery- we have an appointment to set that all up today, so I am thinking her surgery will not be too far off. She has been suffering far too long already. Please wish her well. And I know I do not even have to ask you for your kind and generous prayers because I know how very well they were offered when CaseyAnne was so sick. (Casey is trying to recover from her nasty nasty cold yet; and when she calls, she sounds like a seal)! I shall fill you in tomorrow when I know more about it all...

Getting around to the above 'title' here; we had more than a little excitement yesterday afternoon...

I had gotten some toys out after we ate, and we were all playing with them in the living room. Punk was asleep in the entrance or she would have eaten all the spider~man toys too... I'll bet we were playing for over an hour with Master Gabriels toys... Of a sudden, Miss Punk once more, is barking and growling and hyper... simply going crazy about something... When I round the corner, she is plastered straight up against the glass in the screen door.

I look outside, and Miss Milly seems to be fighting off an intruder. A very handsome intruder too. Her visitor was a young dog, (and purely hellbent on jumping her bones). I was ready to go out there and shoo him off, but when I saw the drool that was coming from his mouth I decided it might not behoove me to be pissing him off. (Milly was on her own). Berta called in, as neither of us were going to go out there and read his collar and tags-

He looked very very thin- A starving Golden Retriever; (I could see his ribs).

But Miss Milly is just SO sexy ya know... And even though I would have fired a shot into the air if he had mounted her, I am afraid it was too darned late to even worry about that end of it all... ***When I am working outside, I always cable Miss Milly to her doghouse. She can go in/out of the kennel that way, and with a 50 foot lead, she can run around quite well. Yesterday was such a "wondermous" day that I left her on her cable... Oops... The fact that, by the time Miss Punk had woken up was about an entire hour since we had all left the kitchen, and my guess is that in the meantime, Cupid was shooting his little arrows off, unchaperoned, in my yard...

And that danged Milly??? She never barked even once!!! (Probably didn't want to be waking Punk up)!

The officer got here, and opened his door to get out of the cruiser... he changed his mind right quick when he saw all the drool... Pulling his leg in, and slamming his door, he picks up his handheld and calls the dog catcher... hehehe

About 10 minutes later, she is here with the neck loop... But reading his collar, she just puts him into her squad and tells me that his rabies tag is current, and it is from Dr. Spires office! Yay! My own vet! Calling there, they assure me that the right tag is on the correct animal... thank God for small miracles!

...And speaking of those small miracles... I shall be appropriately horrified to find out if/when Miss Milly will be expecting... And then I will settle in and accept it all. (God help me)! YOKES!!!!

Oh well, WORSE things have happened...

Have a great day Y'all!



'Heart~Swells' Honesty and Missing Rooftops

Good Tuesday Morning!

It has come to my attention that I seem to have no roofs over my head anymore. (No wonder I am so darned cold)!





After going outside only to realize that once more I must shovel; I looked up, and to my astonishment the roof on the old garage has gone missing!

And then to check out the house from a completely different angle!




Yup... GONE TOO!

And this one, (from an email I had received)...




It has finally happened...




Now what!?!?!?!
Too funny... (I just had to share)!

And yet, in the midst of it all comes January COLORS!




The 50 flowers I had received have turned into about 500! There is color everywhere!!!!

And now...

I am going to backtrack 2+ weeks here and try to decipher the "funk" I have truly been in...
(Yes, do remember, my blog is ALL about me here)! hehehe

And it came to me very early this morning that I am NOT a dog, nor am I God...

That said, I should NOT, therefore, be expected to be either!

While writing to my niece after she had asked if people can/do/will change... I guess sometimes they truly can, but I also believe that for the most part they can/won't.

My response to her in part was :

Can people change? Can a tiger change its stripes? I do not think so.
I believe that anyone can say anything to make it 'sound' right and appealing. Maybe even to say all the right things.
But I believe that a persons soul and spirit remains the same throughout their lives.
If you (have) a good soul/spirit, then you will ultimately do good things etc... Conversely, if you have a(n) overpowering dark side, then that will also rule you.
As for myself, I rarely allow myself to try to find another one after I have already turned both cheeks a bunch of times. Guess I am pretty slow that way, but in the end we are all only 'us' and what is inside.
If I remember correctly again, these people have kicked you when you were down umpteen million times.
But I really do not think you are wondering if they will change.
I believe you are wondering if YOU can change enough to forgive them all of the terrible things they have done?
I am 48 years old, and up until this last week, I have always tried to do the old forgive/forget thing.
(Usually anyway).
But this last week or so, it has dawned on me that I am NOT God, nor do I ever accede to be.
I am NOT appointed through my relationship with anyone to HAVE to forgive them the pain they have inflicted neither on my body, (nor, more importantly, to my heart and soul).
That is Gods job, and not mine.
Cold? Probably.
Yet I have a right to survive with my own happinesses; and with my own 'self' almost completely intact too.
We all have that right! But like my dad always said, 'our own rights and freedoms only extend as far as the next persons being hurt'...
Guess it all boils down to respect vs selfishness in the end.


...Gee, this is exactly what it took for that dawn of realization... Motives and underscores on someone elses heart; and it all became so very clear and clarified.

But then, makes this body and heart wonder what love truly is, or should be? (And I am not speaking of 'romantic true love' for that is an entirely different blog)...

Does love give you the 'right' to keep making the same mistakes, and expecting forgiveness for those SAME repeated mistakes... over and over again?

Or does love mean that you will honestly try never to let it happen again?

As I have said above, I am not a dog.

A dog will take the kicking and return to the same person who has hurt them. Over and over and over again. Nope; I am not that dog; although I HAVE acted thusly... until now.

And as far as forgiveness goes, I believe I have set prime examples for forgiveness many, many times. Simply put, I am turning no more cheeks to those that have hurt me so callously, selfishly and deeply, and yet speak of love.

And the very worst part for me is that this has come from my own flesh~and~blood.

And to please not misunderstand. I do love them ~all~ completely and honestly. But there comes that straw, that last attempt to have them understand what it might be like to walk a mile in my shoes... to be met only with complete rejection, attempted humiliation, and that ever~present WALL.

Do they love me? Yes they all do. But some do not respect me.

That same respect, like love and trust, is a 2~Way street.





I do not believe I have ever said anything remotely bad about my children, ANY of them. Further, I have never said anything I would not have said to their faces, (and have done so many times).

I may be blatant at times. I have always been blatantly honest. I have, at times, been brutally honest too.

And where I am allowed to be then, (with respect to myself for knowing what I do now), I shall just continue to be 'Mom' to them all.

If any of you have grown children, or even ANY input here, I would surely like to hear from you. If you do not care to be airing your dirty laundry in the comments below then please just write me a note... because right now I am still a bit blind~sided and baffled...

And will I sit here and feel sorry for myself?

Not a single chance in hell baby! ...Because I AM better than that.

...And yes, I can rise above this also. My parents taught me that; and it is a part of them that I hold very near and dear to my heart. They are gone, but their own wisdom transcends death. My selfish little prayers are that my own little imparted bits of wisdom might do that too at some point.

As I said in my note above:

"I am NOT appointed through my relationship with anyone to HAVE to forgive them the pain they have inflicted neither on my body, (nor, more importantly, to my heart and soul).

That is Gods' job, and not mine.

Cold? Probably.
Yet I have a right to survive with my own happinesses; and with my own 'self' almost completely intact too.

We all have that right! But like my dad always said, 'our own rights and freedoms only extend as far as the next persons being hurt'..."

And this... just now received in my mailbox as I write... that could NOT have come at a better time: "I love you so much and I wish I could just hug you right now." There ARE people that understand, even not having to be given these paltry details yet... And yes, that makes my heart swell; and somehow makes it all worthwhile! (Thank you My Sweet)!

I'd better close.

I hope you are all having a wonderful Tuesday! (Mine has just been markedly improved)!


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Stalactites, Satellites and Snow Angels!

Good Morning Everyone, and Happy Sunday!


I have no idea where this picture came from; nor what it could possibly be of? It was in my camera when I had downloaded some other pictures of the dogs yesterday... Go figure... Weird, but pretty too!

Currently at a whole 13 degrees, I have been up since a little after midnight... Not being able to fall back to sleep either. I shall try again later. Have a bit of a cold, and an upset tummy from taking some maxalt yesterday for my goofy head...




Bertas Scan....


Roberta waits to be called for her Nuclear Imaging test...

So Friday I go with Roberta for her hipa scan; (still not sure of the spelling there). A shot of radioactive crap in her IV, and a huge scan machine. (Wish I knew all the correct medical terminology, but I do not, so this is as technical as my language will get today)!... I left before it was all over, having to pick up a few things before she came out here later. Still, she got here before I did. Nice to pull in the yard, and have herself and Gabriel waiting for me!




Roberta with Gabriel. No denying that this is her son, they look almost identical!

And THE Man came to install my new dish~thingie too! At least NOW I can finally SEE my television picture when it is on. No blizzard effects and no double~imaging going on, on any of the stations!!! (YAY)!!!

...the only problem is, I shut it off Friday afternoon, and have NO idea how to turn it back on! (ok so I am kidding). But honestly I have never seen such a fangled remote. I have what is called a dish500, or some darned thing... Punk ate the darned invoice and I do not recall anything off the top of my head here. (And I shall not be checking her doo~doo for the fine print either)!!! ...hehehe

For the very first time in my life, I have non~local television programming. (Seriously, I have never even had Cable~TV in my life). Cheapskate that I can be, I opted for the most reasonably priced package that they offer, and to include all of my local channels also. I see that I can even watch some old Gunsmokes too! (Ya gotta LOVE Festus)!

Roberta and I had a bit of fun with this installer man while he was here... Asking him how would I know if there was a problem that the actual dish outside would need cleaning off, he casually replied that if the grey dish out there was 'white' in color that it would then be a good idea to sweep the snow off of it! OK, a little good humor at my expense!

I like the fact that I can toggle back and forth between the dish receiver and the regular "air" antennae too. And the way he has it hooked up, even the regular channels here are coming in quite well, without the satellite receiver on. Happy for that. I do not watch that much TV, just that I do like to be able to see it when I do happen to turn it on! ...And I do like to have it on, in the background for noise most days.

Included with this rental is a DVR- I figure it will take me about a year and a half to be knowing how to operate this and in the meanwhile will probably miss all of my favorite shows! (That's OK I am a self~proclaimed addict here anyway; and would MUCH rather be addicted to my friends and family than the 'boob tube' anyway)!

Not too much other news that is fit to print. We will not have the results of Berta's scans til at earliest tomorrow. (In the meanwhile she has pain and grins and bears it). And I never did get down to Appleton that day either. I will go later this morning to pick those things up.

Had more than a bit of fun out in the snow yesterday.... made my 1st snow~angel of the year too...




I always forget to move my head around. But it IS there if you look closely!
Of course, I do not make my snow angels in the same caliber as CaseyAnne and Jenny Mella either!




Jenny and KC maiking Snow Angels... A New Years' Eve Ritual at my House!

These two girls have been doing this for as long as I can remember! Too much fun, and yet, it curdles my blood to have to look at this picture for very long either! Yes, they are barefoot... and on the front lawn. Casey is in her bikini and since Jenny could not find her own, she has on an old pair of boxers! This was last years photo, as there was little/no snow this year to be doing it... YET!

Oh heck, it has never killed anyone...

So back to yesterday... The dogs and I did not go back to the woods for their exercise. Rather we stayed up top here and made tracks in the snow. (In my opinion, this is a very easy way to tell if kids are stuck inside all the time... If there are NO footprints in the snow; little AND big, then there is definitely a problem with the adults in their lives)! I used to drive by a friend of mines home... I swear her children were NEVER outside, and that is SO sad. There were entire snowy winters, and NEVER was their yard tracked up. She has three children too, you would think someone would have gone out to play at one point or another... To me, that amounts to some weird kind of abuse. It is just not fair to anyone.




Millys Kennel... Icicles (stalactites), through the cracks in the roof!
Milly, Punk and I made LOTS of tracks yesterday...




Punk (L) and Miss Mama~Milly, finding a stick!!!
Punkie makes Milly chase after her.
Punkie, bringing the stick to me after Milly finds another one to play with!
Turkey Tracks! I took this picture last year, but have the same prints in my yard now... ...(I still find these turkey footprints so darned funny~looking)!!!

I'd better close- maybe try to lie down so I can be a bit more rested to drive down to Appleton later... It is to be below zero tonight, and then we go into the 'deep~freeze' for a while...

Nasty that. Just that I would rather be warm... inside AND out!

Enjoy what is left of your "weeks~end"!!!


Jan. 26th! ~Happy 20th Birthday, CaseyAnne!

Good Morning!
It will be "write and run" today as I have much to do, and am already on my 2nd load of wash...

Roberta has to be at St. Vincents Hospital for 6:15 and will be having a 'hida' scan. They said it will take approximately 2 hours... (not sure of the spelling on that). After that, I have to run back home and meet with the installer guy who said he will need about 2 hours of my time. And then, down to Appleton to pick up some toys! (Methinks it will be a busy, busy day)!

Berta has had some godawful pain; perhaps today they will find out what is going on, but as you know, I have lost plenty of faith in the medical profession...

I am also going to remember that today is garbage day. (Generally I DO seem to forget this)... Will bring it down to the end of the driveway after I call Roberta and wake her up. CaseyAnne will be watching Master Gabriel while we are at the hospital.

Casey will be heading to The Dells this afternoon. She played in the Wisconsin State FFA Band for all 4 years of high school; and each January they have a reunion party. Happily this coincides with her birthday this year; (that is why we celebrated last Saturday, a week early, at the Olive Garden). She is also sicker than all get out with a nasty cold... If you want to wish her a happy birthday, please follow the link in my blast!

The picture above is of the newly potted plant in my bathroom over the shower! I took this plant home, once upon a time, from work. Someone had hung it in the Ladies bathroom there, and it was all but dead; having about 3 leaves, and about 2 and a half vines that were still partially green... I cut it almost all the way down to the pot, figuring what the heck, lets see what happens. And now you do see what happens!

I'd better close and get on with my busy day. I am hoping that you are having a great day; and for those of you that 'disappear on Saturday and Sundays, I hope you have a grand weekend!!!


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And before I go, I shall leave you with an awesome email that I have received in my inbox from a lovely friend of mine...


1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.


2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.


3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone


4. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.


5. Pay off your credit cards every month.


6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.


7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.


8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.


9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.


10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.


11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.


12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.


13. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their own journey is all about.


14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.


15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.


16. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.


17. You can get through anything if you stay put in today.


18. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.


19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.


20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.


21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.


22. Over~prepare, then go with the flow.


23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.


24. The most important sex organ is the brain.


25. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.


26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"


27. Always choose life.


28. Forgive everyone everything.


29. What other people think of you is none of your business.


30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.


31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.


32. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.


33. Believe in miracles.


34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.


35. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.


36. Growing old beats the alternative of dying young.


37. Your children get only one childhood. Make it memorable.


38. Read the Psalms. They cover every human emotion.


39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.


40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.


41. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.


42. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.


43. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.


44. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.


45. The best is yet to come.


46. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.


47. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.


48. If you don't ask, you don't get.


49. Yield.


50. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.

(I thank you all once more... for being my "gifts")!


Of Flowers, Friendship, Faith and Fannies...

Good Morning to ALL!

But??? BUTT!!! Hope you all had fun voting in that last blog of mine!!!

My computer claims it to be 7 degrees in Suamico... My own thermometer claiming it to be 4 degrees lower at the moment. Why am I always colder in winter, and warmer in summer? My home sits at the bottom a hill, and I think it would have something to do with that... (Think of it as just another scientific question for those of you that might know)...

And WHAT A DAY I had yesterday too... It all began with putting a little Derma~Dream salve on Miss Punkies paw pads. We had the morning news on too... Shortly after, I thought I might have heard something... Muting the TV, I said "Whazzat?" Punk gets very still (always) when I say that, and just listens... We heard nothing else, until the HUGE growl that escaped her throat when the doorbell rang!

Uh~Oh, (I wasn't even dressed yet)! YOKES!!! hehehe

Grabbing my robe and trying to hold Miss Punk back, I went to the door...

Nobody there! ...(but I did hear someone pulling out of the yard).

Looking around, I see a package. A long narrow box at the side of the door...

For me? What IS it? (I have not ordered anything to be delivered)!

Punk still trying to protect me as I opened the storm door, and she then proceeds to growl at that box!

(As for me, I was just happy that I didn't have to let anyone in here while I was still in my jammies)!

Bringing the box into the warmth of the house...

...And opening it, I discover 50 FRESH~CUT Flowers inside!!!




Ain't he CUTE!?!?

...Complete with a vase, AND the very cutest little Teddy Bear! He is now christened 'Vincent'... (as in "VanGogh"), for the fact that he only has one little ear!

Poor little guy...

I recut the stems and got them fresh water too. They are ever so beautiful.

Thank you!!!

Have you all noticed that 'when the chips are down', and when your whole heart is broken by the ignorance and/or cruelty of a few, that this is exactly when you find out who your friends are? And that life is good not~withstanding anything else?

I am so very thankful to have so many true friends; and family as well, (extended and otherwise)! Many of you that have either commented or written~ Your shared words of encouragement and support mean SO VERY MUCH to me!

Those that have shared their own experiences with their own grown children with me... (And while I am terribly sorry that you had to go through all of that, it is good to know that truly I am not alone by feeling oh, so betrayed and hurt).

Each of these flowers to me represent each one of you that have helped me through this. I am not past it, nor over it... that will take Faith, time, and heart, but I do believe the shock is waning. I have always believed that regardless who you are that you have no right EVER to intentionally hurt/betray anyone else, and most especially the only real "family" you have.

Special thanks to Mombie who has written an entire blog about cruelty and mocking. CLICK HERE to read her words of wisdom. Chris, Iknow your own blog is closed and so I will not link to it, but I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your faith in me too.

And to Miss DeeAnne who has lightened the seriousness of the situation by making fun of everyones backsides! CLICK HERE for her sassy FANNY blog!

I thank EACH ONE of you; and most especially "ALWAYS" for the wonderful flowers, and for your concern!

I know that I cannot link to everyones pages... and I apologize for that. Know that I remain so very proud of all my Y360 friends, and all of the "good clean fun" that we have on here!

Simply put; your love, friendship and guidance was not tried and found wanting...


Back to my yesterday... After finally getting in the shower, I notice that the plant I have hanging in there has so overgrown its little pot, and I also know that I have many plants that need to be repotted. And so, I begin this somewhat stinky task.. I do not care for the smell of the potting soil... (If ONLY they could make it smell as sweet as the thawed, refreshed and clean Earth in Springtime)!

If only...

The plant has many growths to it, and I had those lines just draped haphazardly over the two shower curtains. I actually had to cut the pot apart to get the plant out.




(Neglect at its finest)!

It took me about an hour to get it just right. As I brought it back into the shower to hang it, my stupid hand sorta failed me, and I quickly wound up with




the most terrible looking tub...

...and a reason to start all over again repotting that plant! Ah well, there are many WORSE things in the world that I could have been doing at that moment in time!

Another awesome day kids!

...With the absolute 'icing on the cake' about 10 PM when Roberta and CaseyAnne had stopped in... Berta had been back to the emergency room last night with terrible pain. The tests she had done last week were inconclusive at best... and so they did many MORE tests~ ...Casey had gone with her; getting to be quite the little 'doctor' with respect to her own experiences and health for the past 2 years... And through this all, KC has come to realize that these doctors are NOT infallable, and is not afraid to speak out when they are acting like jerks.

As THIS one was last night... Roberta had told him where she had been hurting, and it was a sharp pain that radiated to her back as well. Being a smug jerk, (and speaking 'down' to the both of them), that dr. replied, "well MY back hurts too." (Why am I thinking that perhaps he should go see a real doctor for that)? Roberta now has to have a few more tests... and next time she goes, I will go with her. please note: Roberta was born 7 and a half weeks prematurely, with a horseshoe kidney and also uterine di~delpha; (both of which may/may not be a result of her father being exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam)... We would have no way of knowing this.

I'd better close and get on with my day... Much to do, and when I run out of things to do, I shall just sit and watch my flowers open!

One by one... and ever so beautiful;




the contrast to the grey shades of January being just what we all need!


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Tail/Tale of Two Dogs...

Good Afternoon!

This "Tale/Tail of Two Dogs" comes with a 'word' of advice!

No snorting!!!

Normally I do not post TWO blogs in one day... But I think I just HAVE to today...

It occcurs to me though, that it simply would not be fair AT ALL to be keeping this ALL to myself...

I cleared a bit more snow... but not enough energy to be cleaning the end of the driveway too well. While I was out there though I had to get the mail...

(I love getting the mail when I get Christmas cards)! TRUE! Thank you DeeAnne! (Happy to know I am not the only one sending out late cards)!

Oh and one of her friends uses NAIR on his butt! (I sure am GLAD that I do not feel the need to post a picture of MY backside online)! Too funny!!! CLICK HERE

Getting back to my afternoon now, and my trip back from the mailbox...

And walking back up the driveway... I see what...




...is the saddest, and the most curious looking specimen of pup that I have ever seen! I do tie her when I am working in the pines, out by the road, or getting the mail; (not taking ANY chances of getting her killed by MY own stupidity)...





When I get closer, she asks me kindly, "Where the hell have you BEEN?" (Actually it is "arf"; but we ALL know what THAT means) !

Milly awaits patiently too, wondering what I am going to do. I untie Punkin; and then mosey on over to Millys kennel...

Free At Last!

*Now you just HAVE to watch all of the 'expressions' here!!!

Punkin decides that Miss Millys bones are all much better than her own; (even though Miss Milly gets Punks' abandoned bones in the 1st place)... Milly snatches her bone back as Punk just has to obey.

(I think this falls under "Honor~Thy~Father~and~Thy~Mother)... Besides, Miss Milly will definitely take her young 'un to task if she doesn't!




Milly!!! ...Takes back Her bone !!!

Later, I had some more yard stuff to burn and was down by my little barrel. Both of these nice little doggies were by me...




Punk on the left; and Miss~Milly~Mama SMILING for the camera!

Miss Punk started investigating by the big rocks; Milly could not have cared less about that, and ran to make sure her bone was still where she had left it...

Geesh, now I KNOW what that's like... you leave your bone in one place and can NEVER find the damned thing again!

...I hate it when I lose my bone!?...

I stir my burn barrel, turn around, and Punk damn~near kills me, as she is right behind my knees. (Please note that I stir up the burn barrel a bit dangerously; with an old pitchfork)... And sadly, on my way down, I also leave quite an impression in the snow with my backside/snowslide! hehehe

I tell Punk to "keep away" (She thinks I'm kidding, and proceeds to try to tackle me; thus eradicating any hope for a shot or two of my angel~butt).

I tell her 'get lost' already... And she rambles over back to the rocks... Again I turn to see her feeling so poorly about upsetting me, that she is hiding her face in the snowbank!!!!

I think this is absolutely the most funniest sight I have ever seen in my entire life... (well, except for a certain porkchop dinner that had ended up in somebodys lap)... But that a whole 'nother blog!!! hehehe

I grab my camera, and I catch her in the middle of her very own little "Act of Contrition"...




Yep, she has her entire face in there...

(Sorry, I was "shooting from the hip" just to catch these few shots and they sure weren't centered) ...

I told her "Punkie I am sorry; please come out."




"Forget it Lady, NOTHING DOING!"

By this time I am laughing OUT LOUD and so hard that Miss Mama Milly HAS to come running and find out what all the noise is about...




Still with a smile on her face; (I have TEARS running down my own)...

....Meanwhile, Miss Punk HAS to come up for air...




Breathe in. Breathe out. Get Over It! (T.Y.)!

And spies her Mama coming toward us fast!!!




Uh~Oh, I'd better think of something really fast!!!

So she says, "Mama, come see! I found a gophers winter home under here!"

(Again, it was 'arf' but we ALL know what THAT means)! ...hehehe

And being the very trusting sort of Mama that she is, Miss Milly finally agrees to check it out...




Punk and Milly! Heads buried in the snow...

Now, it doesn't take an old dog like Milly too very long to figure out that she has been duped by her own child... (What IS this dog~world coming to)?

She realizes there is nothing under the rock except more rock! Her very own child just wanted her Mama to get her face cold and wet!!!!

Quickly then, she pulls her head out and proceeds to holler at the Punkster all over again... (Boy oh boy oh boy. was SHE ever mad)!




(and so the naughty Punkie did as she was told)...
Punkie gets one heck of a tongue~lashing from her Mama!

I tell ya...


as they sadly say... "KIDS TODAY"...

...(They got no respect for their Mamas)!!!!



Now how did YOU spend YOUR afternoon???