Good Wednesday Morning!
And what a beautiful day yesterday was! Made that way by Mother Nature, those of you 'brave' enough to comment, and of course by me too! I was so ambivalent about posting what was happening... And hindsight being what it is, I have NO idea why I felt that way either. And yes, I Do have more faith in my friends! ALL of you!
I love and respect all of your own opinions, judgements and notes. And yes, it is so very comforting to know that there is a wonderful support system for my flagging and faltering family issues. You, my friends have also "been there; done that" ...And while I am sorry that you have also gone through this, or are going through it, there is that comfort in that 'knowing' and in that 'sharing'. God Bless You ALL!
After I had finished my blogging, I did get outside to shovel and plow. The old farmyard and driveways look SO very nice... I even made a mad dash across the road to get the snow from the mailbox so the mailman has no reason to be leaving those sassy notes in my box! hehehe (I am guessing that anyone in the country, and north of the Mason-Dixon line, has received a note like that at one point or another)!
I haven't gotten those tire chains yet, but think I am getting the hang of "un~stuck~ing" myself too! (Yes, I know that is not a word, but you get my 'drift' anyway, don't you)?!?! hehehe ...I couldn't resist!
Once again, Punk thought she could "hide" behind the snowbanks...
Yes, Roberta and Gabriel stopped by yesterday afternoon. Even Gabriel went for a walk around the yard...
We ordered food as I had been outside all that time, (and surely 'cooking' was the very last thing on my mind). And besides, it is nice every now and then to have someone else do the cooking! I ordered a salad too. And they do not just throw lettuce in either. Oooh, a pet peeve here... I do hate when places chop up their lettuce, put it in a bowl and call it a 'salad' ~ (That's not a salad, it's a danged dish of lettuce)! Mine had 2 different kinds of lettuce, red cabbage, a few onions, tomatoes galore, a few black olives and a little spinach; all sprinkled with a bit of finely grated co~jack cheese! Mmmmmmm! (especially after adding the peppercorn ranch and a bit of ruby red french too)!
Gabriel was not too interested in his food until he was out of his highchair, and Mama started giving a few pieces to Punk... Then it was a whole different story!!!
The other morning, Punk needed to go out, and it was still dark, except for the yardlight... She ran out, and hit the snow GROWLING! (I do love her very protective nature)... And I couldn't see exactly what had made her fur stand on end, but even Miss Milly had woken up to take a look~see... I threw my booties on, and ventured out as Punk stood rigid, in the snow... I burst out laughing too, just before patting her on the head and telling her what a good pup she is! Seems as though a well built wooden bird feeder only lasts through about 4 winters of getting beat up by the deer, and it had fallen to the ground... This was very frightening to the young dog who has never seen it anywhere except UP! I repaired that yesterday and refilled them both.
The birds will be all set now (should be anyway), for the up and coming deep freeze.
...As I write, it is currently +2 degrees, with a windchill of 12 below...
And I'd best not complain either because that +2 reading is going to be the high for us, come the weekend! ...That hot cocoa is going to taste real good!!! But I must get a bit of shopping done today too; as I am "fresh out of marshmallows"- and who can possibly drink hot cocoa without marshmallows? Correction here... I think I should have said I am "out of fresh marshmallows." Cuz I'll bet if I look in my cupboards, I could possibly find some really hard ones leftover from our Labor Day picnic! (Yeah yeah, say what you will, YOUR cupboards are exactly like mine)! hehehe
Roberta does need to have surgery- we have an appointment to set that all up today, so I am thinking her surgery will not be too far off. She has been suffering far too long already. Please wish her well. And I know I do not even have to ask you for your kind and generous prayers because I know how very well they were offered when CaseyAnne was so sick. (Casey is trying to recover from her nasty nasty cold yet; and when she calls, she sounds like a seal)! I shall fill you in tomorrow when I know more about it all...
Getting around to the above 'title' here; we had more than a little excitement yesterday afternoon...
I had gotten some toys out after we ate, and we were all playing with them in the living room. Punk was asleep in the entrance or she would have eaten all the spider~man toys too... I'll bet we were playing for over an hour with Master Gabriels toys... Of a sudden, Miss Punk once more, is barking and growling and hyper... simply going crazy about something... When I round the corner, she is plastered straight up against the glass in the screen door.
I look outside, and Miss Milly seems to be fighting off an intruder. A very handsome intruder too. Her visitor was a young dog, (and purely hellbent on jumping her bones). I was ready to go out there and shoo him off, but when I saw the drool that was coming from his mouth I decided it might not behoove me to be pissing him off. (Milly was on her own). Berta called in, as neither of us were going to go out there and read his collar and tags-
He looked very very thin- A starving Golden Retriever; (I could see his ribs).
But Miss Milly is just SO sexy ya know... And even though I would have fired a shot into the air if he had mounted her, I am afraid it was too darned late to even worry about that end of it all... ***When I am working outside, I always cable Miss Milly to her doghouse. She can go in/out of the kennel that way, and with a 50 foot lead, she can run around quite well. Yesterday was such a "wondermous" day that I left her on her cable... Oops... The fact that, by the time Miss Punk had woken up was about an entire hour since we had all left the kitchen, and my guess is that in the meantime, Cupid was shooting his little arrows off, unchaperoned, in my yard...
And that danged Milly??? She never barked even once!!! (Probably didn't want to be waking Punk up)!
The officer got here, and opened his door to get out of the cruiser... he changed his mind right quick when he saw all the drool... Pulling his leg in, and slamming his door, he picks up his handheld and calls the dog catcher... hehehe
About 10 minutes later, she is here with the neck loop... But reading his collar, she just puts him into her squad and tells me that his rabies tag is current, and it is from Dr. Spires office! Yay! My own vet! Calling there, they assure me that the right tag is on the correct animal... thank God for small miracles!
...And speaking of those small miracles... I shall be appropriately horrified to find out if/when Miss Milly will be expecting... And then I will settle in and accept it all. (God help me)! YOKES!!!!
Oh well, WORSE things have happened...
Have a great day Y'all!
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