Good Afternoon Friends!
Late again today; and have already gotten rid of some of that old siding... The guy was here by 9:30... and it was SO cold out.
Like many people, the LQQK of today is wonderful. Beautiful. And yet when you really 'feel' it, it is not so nice. (Sad. But I do think we ALL know people like that).
The morning sun, a beautiful facade that beckons you to go out and play; yet if you do, it will only freeze your smile, your body, and your soul.
When the sun was breaking on the horizon this morning, it was so crisp- and colorful
I took my coffee black this morning; (with just a hint of betrayal)...
Sometimes we are blind and impervious to those that we love; ~and sometimes we are just blindsided~
Either way it only serves to make the coffee bitter; (and a very "hurtful hard" to swallow)...
And now, instead of speaking in ridiculous riddles, I will get back to my rather lovely walk in the woods with "my girls"...
After searching the dungeon, I finally found my old pair of Sorels in the basement. ...And after I got all the danged birdseed out of them, they were still quite comfortable! Those little mousies I trapped earlier must've stolen that birdseed, and hid it in my old boots for a midnight snack! Those greedy little buggers! (I think I caught eight of them, but haven't caught any since before Christmas)! ...I never did figure out where they were coming in. I am thinking that since my screen door doesn't always shut properly, they probably scurried in when we weren't looking!
Friends Kelly and Tim have a whole small herd of cats, and they still have caught a few mice in their trap. And a few days ago their entire trap was gone! YOKES!!! When they finally found the trap with the poor mouse, he was quite dead, and very fat. Not pregnant, just fat... (probably from eating all of the cat food)! ...hehehe
But back to my walk... I had worn a turtleneck under my sweater, stretch pants under my jeans, two pairs of socks; and of course a hat, mittens, and my winter coat! And it worked!!! (I think I stayed warm about 2 1/2 minutes longer than usual)! ...But that's okay, you just walk faster, run faster, (and oops, pick yourself up faster)!
I walk relatively quick as it is, but since the dogs have twice as many legs as I do, they still go much faster...
Miss Milly just runs like the wind when she is out of her kennel or off the chain. And she rarely turns around to see where we're at.
But the forest is such a living miracle... even in the winter... And is quite 'alive' if only you know where to look...
And yes, once again, Miss Milly had beaten us back home... And had to be met halfway to wrestle a bit with her 'baby'!
And after all of that, you would think these dogs would be completely worn out... (But like me, you would then be thinking wrong too)!
Having come in the house to warm their paws, they had more than enough energy left over to fight over the squeaky hamburger, and pretty much tear up the whole entrance too. ...After hollering at them a couple times to 'settle~down', they looked back at me with their not so "innocent" puppy~dog~eyes...
I see it is more than HIGH time for me to try to accomplish more than sweeping, dishes, and laundry today. We have Caseys little birthday celebration this afternoon at The Olive Garden, and my mouth is already wanting the Mediterranean Shrimp... (Suddenly the little meatballs I had for lunch seem to have only made me hungrier). But I shall wait... (and I shall NOT order any coffee either). She called earlier and said there would be about 20 people! (Thank God for "Dutch Treat")!!!
Tata for now... Be warm and be happy!
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