[My] Life in Wisconsin

LAST Post on this matter...

Good Morning;

Whoops. I see a few of you didn't know that I am Native...

Some have asked me to put that previous blog "out there" for the public to see, and because you have wanted to revisit it yourselves, and "understand the comments".

The reason I will not do this is two~fold. #1. I do not know how much 'publicity' this actually deserves... and # 2. I did not write it.

Now as far as the comments go, I took the liberty ahead of time to copy your comments down. I will post them now. Unidentified. I will also post a few details of letters I have received in my mailbox. (And my apologies if you tried to send anything and got it back that my mailbox was full)! ... I have cleaned it out now, so as always your letters are appreciated!

OK... Here goes nothing!!!

...I figured there was a point to it. It didn't seem like a 'you' kind of thing.

...Sorry hon. I so agree with you and I have no problem if you use my name to back you up. I have broad shoulders and have no issue with whatever you choose to do hon. It is very sad that they can not even see that they are playing into all the crap (excuse my language).

...don't worry about the responses you received. you have a good heart and intend only the best for others, which is why you commented about the thing to begin with... i loved your blog with the exception of the feeling that i got that you felt hurt or attacked by some of the responses you received. no worries Anne.

...you are truly a 'brave heart' in every sense and have no need to question yourself or worry. all good things to you always

...Anyway I am still appalled about people downing you for not ignoring those so called jokes!

...Stuff like that makes me uncomforable. When I was younger, I didn't clue in on things like that. My folks were pretty hard working people and stuff like that they didn't think to tell me that it was wrong. Well my mother did tell me that the N word when I did use it in kindergarden to describe one of my classmates was wrong. Anyway, I know this has you bummed out. If it were me I would be too.

...I did not think you were like "that"... Hope your saturday is going well!

...it would seem we do think the same way! i hope you did have the time to read my blog entry. i hoped it would open some eyes. bless you anna and keep those blogs coming!

...Oh, I know you didn't write it! I've read stuff like this before, and I just can't figure out what purpose it serves; except it does make people stop and think about things a little bit. And that's not a bad thing!

...I don't think i am a snob, but I just feel they are being disrespectful to themselves , in my humble opinion. This most likely comes from my belief that words have great power. Choose your words with love and respect. Even when you have to say something that is critical, there is a "better" way to do it. I truly wish people could realize how much they can wound someone with a "simple" word.

...I never wanted my kids when growing up to use certain words. I tried very hard to not use them myself. I never grew up around any Indians, and I don't know any personally. (Oh, YES, you do now)! I have met people who really don't care for the Natives and don't mind speaking harshly about them or anyone they perceive differently. Needless to say I don't have that much to do with them.

...you always have something great to say, and I thank you for taking the time to do it,

...I'm glad that you shared your thoughts and feelings about that dictionary with us. You know, in my life I try really hard not to say or do anything that will offend anyone else and it's a shame that others sometimes don't see that words and actions can hurt other people.

...So if I get this right... anybody that doesnt see eye to eye with you has less than half a brain? I never get into political discussions bout rights and wrongs on 360's.. because they usually end up with insults and intolence.BUT your request was followed with "Oh and just so you know, there are no right/wrong ways to comment." So Im left a lil perplexed by the insult that followed. Every nation has been discriminated on... and it will be our responsibility, as the evolved generation to change views on certain topics. Humor might do the trick for some.. the arts might appease other souls.. others, just choose to IGNORE and move on. Hey whatever works right? But I dont think fighting ignorance with more ignorance will lead us anywhere. Personally? I think the blog was very hypocritical.
in·tol·er·ant :1. not tolerating or respecting beliefs, opinions, usages, manners, etc., different from one's own, as in political or religious matters; bigoted
Calling me (and others) half brains was very bigoted. Goes to show the problems on this planet are farrrrrr from resolved.

...I really didn't think you feel that way.you wanted everyone to see it to get our reactions.I couldn't tell what your opinion was about itI read all the comments before mine and some of them did sound harsh.There is an audience for dark humour. If there wasn't,Don Rickles wouldn't have been popular,or the honeymooners tv show or All in the family.

...HI Anne, I am so impressed that you took the time to ask your friends to comment on this issue. But at the same time, you seem like you already know what the answer would be. You are pretty down to earth about alot of issues.

...i am so glad to hear that you didn't write it. i didn't think you would from what i can tell about you. honestly it sounds like something my husband would say but i blame his parents for the way he thinks. i was raised in a racist home and so was he. for god's sake we live in the country and that's how most of us were raised but i think it's wonderful that a few of us can go outside what we were taught and be open minded. i want to thank you for being open minded and loving all people. you are a wonderful person and i hope nothing in this world will ever change that. have a wonderful night.

...I didn't think you would (write it). Don't let what others think about you get you down. Say what you think and how you feel and if the shoe fits then we will have to wear it. My grandma would always say what she thought, and said if they don't like they can get over it ...or if the shoe fits they can wear it.

...Personally, I can see both sides of the fence, it all rests on one's perception. Everyone makes jokes of everyone else. I remember going to Germany and hearing jokes about the Turks. Yet no one was joking about the Polish like people do here. It's everywhere. It just depends on how each person chooses to look at it. Life is too short to take everything personally. The person telling the jokes needs to be very sensitive to the ears they fall on.

...I never thought for a minute that you wrote that! Its just not you! Besides it would be worthy of reading with tasteful laughs if you wrote anything similar I am sure of that! Hugs my friend, can't wait to read tomorrow's entry! Headline: Native tounge should be tied! Ugh!

...I misunderstood, and thought you liked it. Never mind. I thought you posted it in the spirit of poking fun at your own ethnicity, in which case I thought you'd know better than I would whether or not it is offensive.

...I'm sorry to hear that it has made you so angry. That's never fun. Why would you be chastised by other Native Americans? Regardless of our nationalities, we all have the right to our own opinions and the common decency to have those opinions respected without fear of backlash.

...Dear Anna, I never thought that you wrote it. I have trouble finding the words to say. I thought you where asking what we thought about it. It made me uncomfortable. My grandmother was part Indian from Maine, so that makes me a small part and my daughter in law almost 1/2 Indian from Washington state. I didn't take offence because of the Indian part but because it could have been written on any subject or any race. I just don't like that style of humor.

...i think there is a fine line between humorous and offensive...and that sometimes people can be oversensitive. as a nation, we have become so afraid of offending others and trying to be "politically correct". this may be in another direction totally, but i personally find the term "african american" offensive...i think we're americans, plain and simple. if we have african americans, we should have european americans, and so forth, but that once again just puts a line of division between the races. if we are equal, let's be equal, and therefore, americans. same w/ these type of jokes...sure, they're stereotypical, but to say they are racial, to me, would be a bit much. if you can't have indian jokes, then stop the redneck jokes, and the pollock jokes, and the blonde jokes, etc. the thing is, anyone can find something offensive in anything if they want to. i am the type person who would never want to offend anyone intentionally, but i also feel that people do need to lighten up a bit. so i guess in answer to your question, i would be among the "don't care" group.

...I wanted to check and see that you were doing okay. I hope you didn't get a unexpected response from someone that you are connected to today. I hope you will add YOUR thoughts on those Indian words you had posted as well.

...It read as if several people wrote these and just put them all together! Someone stayed clean and fun while the other just couldnt really come up with anything witty or appropriate! Oh well hope they don't give up their day job!

...they are both funny and could be offensive to some. This is also true, but why take offence...had better just shrug them off as people usually make jokes of others as well. BESIDES, THEY ARE MEANT TO HUMOR AND TICKLE ONE'S MIND...

...The rule of thumb I try to live by is: if it's something that I question, then it must be "questionable" and therefore could potentially harm or offend someone else.

...I believe that stereotypical jokes are just that. Like blonde jokes or polish jokes or anything else it is making fun of a single group just for being a member of that group. I think that done in good taste and good humor it is fine but one must be careful not to be offensive. But not all of those above apply just to Indians... Besides that, you yourself, are part indian and can poke fun at yourself if you want knowing that they may potentially offend some other people. I tend to find that although it is amusing to tell East Indian jokes to other indians, not everyone enjoys them and when said by someone not of the same race it can be viewed as offensvie but much of that is the joker/jokee and the perception of the hearer. I try to never use stereotypical jokes outside of that which pokes fun at me.

...I am glad I am not blonde, polish and easily offended....

...Laugh and world laughs with you...cry and you cry alone...Write bad humor and well, it's not funny.. I'm FAR from the PC crowd, but this just isn't funny even for stereotypical humor (or perhaps I don't get the JOKE, though I consider myself a fairly witty person)...

...I had a mouth full of gingerale and almost spat it out reading the first one. I was laughing to hard otherwise to do anything else.

...Usually I think humorous definitions are pretty funny but this time I'm NOT laughing! Whoever wrote these was either trying too hard, or doesn't have a very good command of the language.

...There were several there that I just didnt get. Is my brain out to lunch or maybe I would've understood them more if I were Indian. I think there is a very narrow path that you walk when you choose to laugh at any one particular group whether it be divided by race, sex, hair color, religion or even age group especially when you, yourself do not belong to that group. Some will find it offensive, others will find it hilarious and then those who will be every shade in between.

...I let things pretty much roll off my back if it's about me but . . . I have relatives that are part Indian and I know that they would be offended.

...To be honest I didn't care for them at all. I (have) spent many hours during my youth hunting and fishing with Natives... even now when the big Pow wow is in town I go. Something about the native americans I can't learn enough. Believe me I have seen how they have lived before all the casinos etc. Being polish I have listened to many jokes about my heritage this just doesn't turn my crank.

...Political correctness... what cost us the right to wish people MERRY XMAS and put up Xmas tree's in Airports!!! pffffttt If you cant laugh at differences and see a lil humor in all things... then its time to join the buncho Islamist movements that got offended at caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad. We laugh at ourselves day in day out.. we just call it *the daily show with Jon Stewart*! I was raised on the Mohawk reserve and actually related to a few of these jokes (just like I relate to PEPSI jokes bout us frenchmen). To bad these jokes werent a lil funnyer! ~ waves her freedom of speech flag~

...Once I realize I was reading a racially inspired attempt at being humorous, I quit reading.


...Definitely a good idea to keep this private.

...I suppose I did not find the definitions above very funny because whoever wrote them did not know very much about Native Indians, their culture or their way of living.... During the years of 1850-1920 (5) million Native Americans were killed in American...I find nothing funny about that! Answer is: I believe in being kind to everyone, no matter what walk of life they come from....Making fun of someone's way of life, culture or beliefs is not kind!

...Sorry I dont find them very funny.

...It has the potential to deeply wound and be taken personally.

...I'm living on a reservation right now, and I'm pretty sure the jokes would not go over well. . I would only post the jokes if I was Native American (and willing to take some flaming comments)!

...I, myself find humor in almost anything. However, I didn't find these funny. Not because I think they were "racist" or "PC", but ....because I didn't think they were funny. I, myself am Cherokee Indian, and Italian

...There are many positives and negatives walking around and you know what happens in the clouds when a postive and a negative come together? You get much THUNDER!

...A don't think generalizing any race is funny. I have the philosophy of love they neighbor and that means more that just your neighbor, that means everyone. I'm not against humor, but I tfelt that your jokes were racist and know they would offend and hurt...not only Indians but other races as well. It's honorable of you to ask the input of your friends and open yourself up to their replies. That takes a special person to let down their safety net and take what may come their way. ~~hugs to you~~

...jokes of such to me just continue a racist attitude.

...I didn't find it funny and I have a great sense of humour.

...at the risk of offending some of your friends (and of course some of your friends are my friends also) here is the truth of the matter . . . some of you truly did not get the point of annas blog. knowing anna as i believe i do - and as anna stated she did not write that email joke - anna wanted our opinion on it, simply to find out if she was being overly sensitive toward that ill mannered email. it is not a matter of freedom of speech - it is a matter of political correctness. the word political stands for "concerned with or pertaining to government; involved in politics." correct - "to make free from fault or mistakes." freedom of speech is the right to express your opinion, not the right to offend someone... As an individual, you have the right not to be exposed to that kind of harassment. Political incorrectness is at the very heart of every war or military police action. now with that said - anna, you have every right to be offended, because it was offensive and in poor taste. chalk it up to ignorance...

...Mom, I honestly didn't "get" these. I don't understand why a native would choose to portray themselves as less than they are. I am not angry though, cuz to get angry and argue with these people is to give them credit and that is something they don't deserve. Ignore bad behavior. See? Parenting has taught me something! (Thank you Jennifer)! XOXO

...With an indian heritage I enjoyed these. Some may not.

...Not even close to being funny. These comments (not jokes) were just plain stupid. So stupid that I didn't even get them or have any desire to laugh at them. They were probably compiled by some unrespectful simple person with nothing better to do with their time. If you can't say anything intelligent or respectful to others then don't say anything at all. All I can say to the person('s) who composed these comments is, (as I walk away in silence), HaHaHa; LOSER.

And so, there you have letters, comments etc etc etc... Some for. Some against. And some middle~of~the~road.

As I stated in my note, there were no right/wrong answers as I was only asking for your opinion.

Maybe I did not explain myself well enough in yesterdays blog? I don't know (and am not sure about that)- Only know please, that I gave it a LOT of thought, and that it came straight from my heart... Even when I had written the following...

"And yes, it is an affront to any parenting abilities, (and survival skills too). AS I STILL BELIEVE IT SHOULD BE to EVERY SINGLE PARENT, and to EVERY SINGLE HUNGRY PERSON OF ANY CREED, SKIN, OR NATIONALITY WHO MIGHT POSSESS EVEN HALF A BRAIN!"

I did not mean to insult anyone. "AS I STILL BELIEVE IT SHOULD BE" This would reflect only my own opinion, (as I did take much of the dictionary as a personal affront)...

I think if you break that entire sentence down you may know what I meant by it too. (I have never claimed to be an English expert or anything even close... The "Grammar Police" would have locked me up and thrown away the key a very long time ago if I had)! hehehe

I took the test below, and was rewarded with this conclusion: "Congratulations! Your Native IQ is in the gifted range. You appear to be very well versed on Native American history and politics. For links on other Native American topics, see Links on Prejudice."

Test your Native I.Q. CLICK HERE

A very special thanks too; to my friend Mamica who felt strongly enough about this issue to comment within her own blog! please CLICK HERE for her blog.

On that note, I believe it is high time for me to put this matter to rest, and to get onward and upward with writing my own little boring life~news blog!


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