And of all of the above, she hated "Mary Jane" the worst!!!
So, with the love afforded only by 'sisters' I shall address this blog as follows...
Dearest Sweet Mary Jane
Happy Birthday to You.
Happy Birthday to You.
Happy Birthday, Dear Mary Jane
Happy Birthday to You!
May the Dear Lord Bless You!
May the Dear Lord Bless You!
May the Dear Lord Bless MJ
May the Dear Lord Bless You!
I wrote that in blue because blue is Marys most favorite color... (But I am thinking PURPLE is getting to be more in fashion for a girl of her now advanced years)!!! hehehe
Oh what memories the pictures inspire~ Since I have only a few old albums downstairs, I have only a few pictures of us together right now...
I am thinking she would hunt me down and kill me if I posted yearbook pictures... so I won't. ...(Not today anyway)!
The caption that Mom had written on the back of the photo reads as follows: "Big Joke- Anne has doll hair in her mouth-"
Yes, I had ripped the doll hair off its head for Petes sake... I am wondering why I did that? (Maybe it might have been all the screeching behind me)!?!? hehehe
Moms caption: " "OUTSIDE"- Anne's most popular word- 2 years old today- Bees out. She likes to swing; but gets dizzy on this one!"
We had the swingset- SO COOL we were, with that contraption in the back yard. The swings, the teeter~totter, and the slide! And yes, Mom and Dad put out the $$ for the swingset before they ever thought of buying a TV...
Oh yes, we surely had the bestest Mom and Dad in the Whole World!
We were always playing outside. We thought we had it made in the shade! (Oh wait, we DID)! That slide was the greatest one ever made; except in the sunshine, (and when a body went off the side instead of down the darned thing)! And yeah, Mary and I did that LOTS of times...
The swingset pipes were made of a hollow metal; (tin?), and through our littler years, the legs would come out of the ground as we pumped on the swings~ And the whole set would threaten to completely tip over on us... And little by little the metal kinda fell apart too... I remember Pa took it down right before we each got our own treehouses in our own apple trees! I think we were about 6 and 8 then, (give or take a year or so)... How many little kids can say they have their own apple trees anyway???
We 'helped' Mom immensely I am sure... and I wish she was still here and could relate all of her stories to you. She would be the best blogger around too. The lady could write so very well...
Here we are, Mary and I after "helping" Mom with a little harvest! This photo is dated October 1960... Mom always used to ell me that if I had been dressed in orange that no one would have known I was even there! (I think she was calling me 'pudge' in her own very nice way)!
Moms caption for the above photo reads: hehehe "Our two cherubs- Soaking up Oct.'s sunshine- and our harvest. The pumpkins have been shared all around and getting to be a much smaller pile." ...Awwww see, we WERE angels! (I KNEW it all along)!
I think I shall do a bit more reminiscing throughout a few coming blogs. It is so cold outside and doing so will keep us all warm!
Have a wonderful day!!!
And Mary, I hope you have the very bestest birthday ever!
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