[My] Life in Wisconsin


Good Morning All;

Yup. Sixteen below this morning... The windchill here is only a negative 39 degrees...

Once again to say that I hope everyone is safe and warm... And to please check on those that live alone, and have no place else to go.

My electricity, furnace, and water are all still working quite well. And I feel luckier than some in that respect. I sure wish I had a fireplace or a woodstove right now though... (Know that I am in complete envy of those of you that DO have these things)!

These are the days and nights that my "Amos" Kitty would actually crawl UNDER the sheets and snuggle up close... He would also crawl under any blanket that I would use while sitting downstairs... That is him, ABOVE... in his glory days... And yes, I miss the heck out of him...

The closest I got to spending any time outside yesterday was to start the Buick Rendezvous... and that, only to ensure that we CAN get out if need be.

Funny "Story~Time" about going out there to start it too...

I opened the door between the house and the garage, and see this on the floor/doormat...








But I haven't barfed since Saturday!?! (True, my damnable head struck again). And besides, I surely did not barf out in the garage... Gingerly stepping over it in my booties, I see my car...





YOKES!!!... (and I know NOW that clearly it is time for the WTF question)...




Looking around, I finally espy what did the barfing ALL OVER my entrance mat and door, the garage, my car, the walls, etc etc etc...





And yes, I had to laugh out loud at my own stupidity too!





Am happy that I have the cedar "casket" (as I call the huge storage box out there), covered with an old rug... (And I will clean up that mess as soon as I get back from my dentist appointment today). CaseyAnne asked why I was going back in to the DDS, and I told her I was 'going to have the rest of my teeth pulled' ...(I only WISH I had the camera then ...to capture the look on her face)! hehehe

No, it is just a recheck to find out why I am still pulling bone fragments from my mouth, and why the danged thing still hurts (not too badly anymore), after almost 2 months??? Makes NO sense to me...

Yesterday morning, Roberta chose the proverbial 'short straw', and went to go get the mails and papers from Saturday/Sunday! In her PJ's and with a down~filled coat and a wool hat, boots etc... (and still was frozen solid by the time she got back from her 'walk' up/down the driveway and across the road)... Since she cannot 'run' across the road, she had to wait patiently to cross. (I think church had just let out). I watched (what I could) from the "Jack Frost" windowpanes in the living room, and through the thick pines out front...

Here she is back at the house!




D'ya think a single strand of pearls would have been "too much" for her ensemble?




The dogs you ask? Holy terrors in my house!!! But cute too, and I cannot help but laugh at their innocence too. After completely destroying what protection I had covered my couch with, they looked at me, so VERY innocently... with their looks that said...




No, honestly, it wasn't US! (yeah right)!




When Casey and Derek got here for the game, she played with the dogs... Trying to balance the fought~after toy on Punkies nose... (Derek and Miss Milly watching in the background)...



Punk gets a bit cross~eyed, trying to stay ever so still...


But WAIT, she does, ultimately "pin" Casey in the wrestling match that ensued.



1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10! Punkin IS the WINNER!!!.

Oh, please do NOT be looking at my somewhat disheveled home... Just look at the pictures, OK?

For now though, I had better get a move on if I am to be to the danged dentist in another hour!

Have a warm day... (if that is possible where you are)!


PS This, just in my inbox... I am seeing that ALL schools in NE Wisconsin are closed today. Thank God for the safety of all of our children. And yes, Master Gabriel is HOME too... But will leave THAT for Roberta to be blogging about!!!

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