Good Afternoon!
Yes, I have a bloody headache... Am thinking it is from all those shots and pills the dang doctor gave me when I threw my back out on Sunday... 3 injections, and 4 prescriptions that I am actually afraid to take.... Gee does anybody have an unused walker??? (I should not make jokes). Sorry. Hard to sit, stand, lie down, or move without my hot knife moving within my vertebra...
Life After Death; After Life; After Death... (Part One)...
But for now, you'd best get a coffee... and a footstool...
Oh, hells bells, I am not even going to bother to begin with a disclaimer because you ALL know that these are only my experiences, and my opinions.
Having had an overwhelming support of my previous blog entitled, "Deja Vu? Spirits? Afterlives? Hauntings?"
I have found that those of you who have commented, or written-sharing of your own experiences have felt absolutely no shame or ridicule in doing so.
Me neither. But then again, if you know me, then you KNOW I do not care what the heck anyone thinks of me in the 1st place... (Life is much easier this way)...
From that (oh, so scientific) poll of mine...
...Fully 100% of you HAVE experienced something 'unscientific' in your own lives, (as "paranormal" if you will)...
Furthermore, a full 75% of those polling have also had many unexplainable events in their own lives. (In fact, NOBODY who has read it has told me I am full of crapola)! hehehe
I am going to copy my questions from that blog here...
Have I begun to make any of you 'think' about "things" you may have experienced of your own accord?
Think back to when you were a child...
- *Did you have an invisible playmate?
AND for the 'NOW' of your life...
- *Do you remember dreams that made you feel good about anything?
- *Do you believe that you have been here before?
- *Do you encounter spirits, or feel them close-by?
- *Do you truly believe in God? Jesus? The Holy Spirit?
- *Do you truly believe in your own spirit?
- *Do you believe that death only separates us for a little while?
- *Do you believe in the afterlife?
- *Do you believe in reincarnation?
- *Cell memories?
- *Do you believe that only fear of fear itself keeps us from witnessing our own lives on a truly spiritual level?
- *Do you believe in your Guardian Angel(s)?
Certainly this entire topic cannot possibly contained in one minor blog posting. I will be posting more on this... (Especially AFTER I get to read all of your comments and such).
There exists a myriad of questions still...
And I shall start from where it began for me... (such a rascally "young 'en" I was then)!
I remember being maybe 5 or 6... And one night to have risen out of bed, and simply flew (floated) down the stairs here... A soft landing, and I was off again. So as not to be 'caught' by my parents, I returned to bed, comfortable in the knowledge that I could do this, (and would; more than a few times later)...
My parents were pre~programmed (as are MOST parents) to 'nay~say' any "weird" thoughts, ideas, principles and experiences.
My own experiences not being limited to that occasional 'flight'; but my 'dreams' brought me many places that I previously knew nothing about. (Or I simply thought I didn't).
...How my very own house would mysteriously "change" blueprints, (but that I still knew it as "MY" house). And I was never afraid. Just filled with a weightless joy. I felt as though I was just 'checking in' (on something, somehow and someway).
The friends and family that I immediately recognized as loved ones, and knew intimately, bore absolutely NO resemblance to the physical faces I now see them as...
I believe this is a "recognition of soul". (As in I HAVE been here before)!
The homes I "knew" every crook and cranny to, imprinted places where I may have lived or frequented at one point in history. (um...sorry kids, I have never returned to, or revisited a brothel)! hehehe
I can remember asking mom about ghosts. While she was not particularly a strong supporter of ghosts, (who is?); neither was she a complete skeptic.
When we were young, (REALLY young), my grandmother passed away in this house. She was well into her 80's, (and had lived in this home almost 50 years).
She died in the early 1960's. All remodeling was done, save for a few things that the upstairs needed.
At that point in time, our home was warmed by wood and coal. It was an unspoken agreement that whomever woke during the night would also make sure the furnace was filled. (Usually this was done by my somewhat restless grandmother). Mom and Dad would always hear her footsteps on the stairs; either as she woke, or when she returned from the basement after taking care of that hungry furnace during those nasty winter nights....
...One night, from the upstairs, Mom heard Grandma on her return from the basement, and heard her go into her room and shut the door. It was a moment later that Mom realized this to be odd. Grandma had passed away many months previous! Of course Mom woke Dad, who "tsk~tsked" her story, rolled over and went back to sleep. (It wasn't that easy for Mom to do after that)... Yet every now and then, she would hear the very same thing happen, many times over. In my younger years, even I was quick to tell her that it was the house "settling"...
Dad had said it was the "house settling." (Have I mentioned before that a part of this house is over 200 years old)? A part of it having been moved here from its foundation less than a quarter of a mile away.
If you have read that previous entry, you already know that houses do not 'settle'.
From that entry come the following words; "FACT: New homes 'settle' more often than old ones; so please do NOT think it takes 20, 50, 100, or even 200+ years for a home to "settle" ...
Unless you have a terribly bad foundation... (and if this is the case, please move out for your own safety)."
Changing topics a bit now...
Now, what of that feeling you get, a sixth sense when you 'feel' that someone is looking at you? Usually, you turn, and find the person and carry on a conversation. This happens so very many times each and every day of our lives that we do not even count them as paranormal, or relating to a sixth sense. Amazingly; deaf, and blind people too, have this intuitive sense more readily available to them. As only it should be.
In their later years, my parents would babysit the girls when I had softball; and when Little Lisa could not be at home for them. This particular night, the girls were out at Mom and Dads...
...I was in my early 20's, recently divorced. And sound asleep in bed at my own home after a night of softball. I awoke at about 2:30, hearing a noise, (or perhaps sensing that someone needed me, or was looking at me).
I turned in my bed, to see Roberta standing in the doorway. She was wearing one of the 'new to you' dresses that I had bought second~hand; and it looked so very cute on her. (This 'chalkboard' dress had ABC's written all over the fabric, with a few numbers thrown in also. Looked as if it was written by a 4 year old. So neat)! But getting back, when I asked Roberta what she needed, she didn't answer me.
Looking closer, I quickly realized this child was NOT Roberta. (It had taken a few seconds to even remember that the girls were with my Mom and Dad that night)... On the third look, (and after I had pinched myself, looked away and looked back twice), the little wisp of a girl was still in my doorway, unmoving; just quietly looking at me. It was at that point in time you can betcher doopa that I ducked under my blankets, (and with a pillow over my head)! I remained still like that, quiet, for a few minutes.... Venturing another peek, she was gone perhaps as quickly as she had come to me...
I have never forgotten that little girl, or her visit. To this day, I would recognize her in an instant should I ever happen to see her again. I have heard her, but never have I seen her again...
We were living in the townhomes in Ashwaubenon at that point in time. My neighbor, Lisa VanHorn, and I were fast friends, and we shared almost everything. (Even the stairwell on either side of the wall)! Lisa called me in the middle of the night once, asking me what the heck I had dropped down the stairs. (WHAT)??? (I had been sleeping). She said it sounded like a bowling ball except it hadn't rolled; just a loud thud. Afraid for the girls, I get up to look down the stairwell. Nothing there! I told her this, and at that precise moment in time, her power went out, and the radio she had in (her daughter) Saras bedroom started playing... As she was whispering into the phone that I should go over there, the small lamp by her bed went on. All by itself!
She then hears something downstairs... I was already outside her door when her kitchen light went on. Thinking she would be right there to let me in... but then to see her come down her steps and let me in. Puzzled too as to how her kitchen light was on, we just sat and listened. Hearing nothing more that night, we each returned to our beds.
A few years later, Dennis came to us. He was asleep on the couch, napping, one afternoon, when he heard a noise... ("something" had woken him up).
Turning, he saw a little girl on the landing of the stairs! The few answers given (when I asked him what she looked like and what she was wearing) told me that this was the exact same little girl I had seen years before! (Yet before that point in time I had NOT told him about my little 'experience' with her)! His words were, and I quote: "I thought it was Berta."
I believe it all began to make sense to me with a book that was written by Dr. Brian Weiss. "Many Lives, Many Masters". He wrote of an experience he had with one of his many patients. Up until this patient, he was stoically and admittedly a nonbeliever in this realm. Skeptical and suspicious for all of his adult years up to that point, he wrote of how his thoughts, and ideas, had completely changed afterward.
He created for me, a door where I was earlier told that none existed. From there, came psychic Sylvia Browne.
There are many other people, specialists etc etc (and I believe that ALL of these people are 'Christian').
An excellent article by David G. Meyers in "Psychology Today" (November/December 2002), quotes this as Title and Subtitle...
"The Powers and Perils of Intuition"
Instinct has the power to hush reason. But when is it safe to go with your gut? Researchers may remain uncertain about the reliability of intuition, but it is a difficult force to deny.
From Laurie Nadels book, "The Sixth Sense" comes the following...
"Mysterious and fascinating, erratic and unpredictable, intuition has been viewed with curiosity, awe, and/or suspicion throughout the ages.
References to such intuitive gifts as precognition (prophecy) and clairvoyance can be found in the Bible (Corinthians). Ancient Greeks relied on the Oracle at Delphi for intuitive insight into the future and there are references to seers and prophets in ancient Egyptian manuscripts. In societies all over the world, from Siberia to Africa, from Ireland to South America, traditional healers who draw upon their intuitive abilities to "see," "sense," or "feel" a patient's energy, have been using surprisingly similar techniques for more than 40,000 years."
...And what perfect timing to have this posted on my top page just this morning, "One of the virtues of the very young is that you don't let facts get in the way of your imagination." ~ Sam Levinson~
...Even though imagination and intuition are two very separate things, small children have a wonderful combination of them both. (Is it really recall, imagination or intuition)???
I have always said if you want to know "good~vs~bad" about a person, just watch a small child, or a dogs', reaction to that person. Their perception of good and bad is PURE intuition at its finest.
From my own 6th Sense, (as intuition), to flying about like an angel, to being able to "see" things that are clearly not? there, hearing things that only used to make me question their roots and roles; I have covered too much in this post already...
...If you have read this far, then you are either wondering if I have lost my last marble, (or maybe you have made haste to out me on ignore/delete)... hehehe
Or perhaps you have your own experiences to share with me? And perhaps even guide which will be next on my list to write about these things...
And how have I changed over these years? ...Of all the noises, the smells, the sounds and the sights, I now only wonder MORE, but without fear.
Knowing that as human beings, we only use LESS THAN 10% of our Brainpower, I believe that we are created for many bigger and better things. We have yet to tap into our own potential. The marvel of it all will be when everybody can come to terms with their own experiences...
Their own ideas. And yes, even their own logic. That infamous 'melding of the minds'; not to revise any 'religious' beliefs, but only to ADD to them.
In closing... have you shared any of my experiences? (Oh, and all of the above questions too)!
Have fun recalling!!!
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