[My] Life in Wisconsin

"OW! My Pancreas!"


Good Morning Everyone...

I shall try to write a complete blog today... the last one interrupted by "THAT Phone Call" from CaseyAnne...

She has been hospitalized ever since...

Once more, it is her pancreas... "Chronic" pancreatitis now; but still idiopathic in its origins. They had claimed that after her cholesystectomy, (gallbladder surgery/removal), that the problems with her pancreas would cease and desist. (The only problem comes in when her pancreas doesn't see it that way)!

Once again, she has been put through the wringer for all of her testing... And everything always comes back "normal".

I am finding it almost sad that most people always pray for a 'negative' test result. And that here we have been praying for JUST ONE POSITIVE.

...Just one little test to come back as a definitive diagnosis for her; and to then be able to treat the REAL problem, (and not only her damnable pain)...

Just to give you a certain perspective on what Casey goes through when this happens... One nurse came in, (and having had patients that had both), they had related that the pain of pancreatitis is worse than that of a heart attack...

Casey has had lots of "company" too. (And that is always a good thing)! Crystal, Miss Eleanor, my friend Lynn and her daughter, my godchild Christi, her dad, another Christy from UWGB.

Once again, Jenny Mella has been the most excellent friend, having been there for everything for Casey. (And once again, I must write a few words to thank Jenny)!!!

Thank you Jenny from the bottom of my heart!



Miss Jenny even had a bit of fun with one of the sensors left behind after they had put the heart monitor on Casey....




Sensor Jenny!!!





Roughly 95% of Caseys nurses have been HUGE b*tches...

Case in point...

Casey has already been through 9 surgeries... She pays attention when the doctors talk... AND she is HIGHLY intelligent. (So I don't think anyone should be coming in to argue with her about what kinds of 'tape' she is freakin' allergic to)! The fact that it took almost 45 minutes to respond to Caseys "call button" ~ Then to finally go out in the hall to see a whole bunch of nurses standing there having some kind of hilarious pow~wow in the hallway... (Hmmm???)?

Ok... so I had to light a bit of a fire under Caseys nurse... Kinda sorta anyway. (Haven't seen THAT gal around since).



(I think she was afraid that Master Gabriel would beat her up with his flyswatter)...




Yesterday, Caseys IV 'alarm' was going off (beeping), for half an hour. She had pushed her call button... 25 minutes later, a nurse finally came in. All the while Casey was infiltrating that IV as her vein had collapsed, even bleeding right through the tagaderm tape. (Had we had the gauze and stuff in the room, we could have handled removing that ourselves). When the nurse finally got there, she said, "OH!" , removed it, and then told us that someone else had to come and redo it. ???

Jenny has taken to keeping a list of the "kind, compassionate" ~vs~ the "time clock" nurses. And yes, these are only 2, (of too many), bad experiences up there for her...

Here is a picture of Miss Popeyes' arm...

(There are MORE pictures on Caseys blog)... CLICK HERE for her blog...



Yes, it looks MUCH worse than what the photo shows you here...
...(And it took some doing, but Dereks Grandmothers ring DID come off that finger)...
Casey with her dad...

CaseyAnne will now have to either go back down to Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee; or to The Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.

Since one cannot live without a pancreas, we were told last year already that the potential exists for a transplant should her pancreas keep destroying and digesting itself...

Knowing that, would everyone PLEASE go to the following link and print up your Uniform Donor Card.

Fill it out, sign it (in front of 2 witnesses- they must sign it also); and MAKE SURE your family and loved ones know your wishes. I made copies of my Living Will and gave a copy to each of my children.


(Where~ever you are going to) when your own life has ended, I can assure you that you will NOT need your body, your skin, or any other organs that you now have.

...The lives you can possibly save just might one of your own loved ones... Perhaps that of a kind and wonderful friend, or maybe even a stranger who has never seen a sunrise... It might even be Casey at some point!

Here is the US Uniform Donor Card link. CLICK HERE .

Now if you live in any of these countries, please follow this link at the bottom of the list.

  • Australia
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  • Croatia
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  • Cypress
  • Denmark
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CLICK HERE for your countrys link...


I hope all is well with everybody... I have missed you, one and all!

I hope you are ALL having a great weekend!

It is beautiful here, at almost 70 degrees yesterday, & a repeat performance for today!


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"Pancreas Squeeze" Stolen From HERE

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