Good Morning ALL;
Have been reading the news here... And although I didn't really even know who she was the while she lived, I find it sad that Anna Nicole Smith had to die this way... And I do believe that even with all of her prescriptions, she would be alive today if it wasn't for that damned Methadone.
As most of you are already aware, this is the same drug that killed Reianna!
Please, PLEASE tell everyone you know NEVER to take methadone FOR ANY REASON.
I am also thinking that perhaps it is high time for ABC to repeat their story about methadone entitled "One Pill Can Kill." I believe they had aired it originally last October, shortly after Reianna died.
Why do the physicians keep prescribing this killer drug in the first place???
Please see 20/20 article: "One Pill Can Kill"
Please also SEND THIS LINK TO EVERYONE IN YOUR ADDRESS BOOK, and to everyone in your 360 Friends list too. It is too important not to.
Another note about those flowers peeking out... I don't think they will be 'flowering' this year, as the damnable rabbits are feasting upon each and every one of those little sprouts!
And the other vermin around here, the bats, I should get a longer ladder and try to close up that little crack in the roofing by the chimney. While it is kinda cool to watch them come out at night, I do not think it is good to be harboring all these bats that seem to live under my roof. No, they aren't in the house... yet...
For more info on troublesome pests, (bats, bunnies, birds ,snakes and more), please go to (You can also learn how to attract the "better" kinds of wildlife)!
Yesterday, Casey needed to go to one of her Labs... She had missed this lab last week and did not want to miss it again. She took my car, stopping off at Dereks home first (her car has been parked there ever since she was admitted to the hospital last week). She struggled even to get that far. Being dizzy, shaking, sweating, and in pain,; she did not care to venture any further to get to the campus at UWGB. Instead, she called the campus and was transferred to the registrars office. Only to learn that she had missed too many classes and she had a choice of being suspended, or withdrawing from her classes. She chose to withdraw yet again.
I do feel so badly for her. Besides Roberta taking a few nursing courses at Troy State, and then going to the College of Cosmetology; Casey is the only other of my daughters that, at such a young age has maintained her desire to keep up her accredited education. She also had to withdraw last semester when she had that part of her lung removed. Kind of a kick in the teeth for such an inspired and capable young lady; you would think the UW~System would have done everything in their power to help her acheive during these tough times. And her High "A" GPA is nothing to scoff at either! (Again you would think they would want to keep a student like this). Not so.
The apathy shown to her by her own profs also had my blood pressure rising. She had emailed them all last week. And she heard back from only ONE!!!! He was absolutely willing to do whatever was necessary to help her out and to allow her to catch up. (The rest of them don't seem to be worth the paper their checks are printed on)... She had to resend her emails to them (I am not sure if she ever even heard back after that).
I also think that a 'break' might be a blessing in disguise for a time. It will give her the time to get to Froedtert, and to have them make her better somehow; and it will also slow the pace of her somewhat hectic life. She will need (needs) to relax a while and recuperate. Like I said above, she is still in a bunch of pain, and along with all those other symptoms, is made also very nauseous by it too.
Maybe by the end of today we will know much more as to when we will be going back to Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee. (Dereks mom ended up driving Casey home yesterday, and Derek came to pick up his mom then when he was done with work).
Please just keep praying is all...
Roberta stopped out yesterday before work too! Dropped off a few pictures for me to scan, and was on her way in then. Short and sweet. Nice to have her stopping in too! She called yesterday AM to check on Casey. Casey was still asleep... As Master Gabriel was also in the backseat when Berta got here. And he stayed that way too. (Why does the old saying about "sleeping dogs" come to mind)? hehehe Generally one to sleep good in the car, Gabriel had hollered almost for the whole drive...
The quote on my top page, which a few of you have asked to steal, is by none other than General Norman Schwarzkopf... (I didn't have enough characters left to include who said it)... So yes, and absolutely, you may steal it away!
So, such is Life in Flintville...
Hope your "Hump Day" is an awesome one!
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