Good Morning ALL...
I am alive... (that is, if feeling my heart beating in my head and face is indicative of "life")...
I have yet to find out who hit me in the face with that hammer too. (Fully half of it is still swollen, the antibiotics being slow to work)...
While I was in the process of posting my last entry, I began to see my dreaded spots, and jagged lines... And so, I HAVE BEEN pretty "dismal" here these past few days, to say the very least... Casey called yesterday when she was done with work, and had already called my doctor and set up an appointment for still another shot. (Why do these migraines keep intensifying in nature)? And why did those dots and jagged lines disappear after 2 hours, only to return after a while. I "saw" those auras for the better part of 6 hours on Sunday. Doc said it should not have been triggered by the clindamycin...
I am NOT a person to take antibiotics in the first place... preferring to "up" my intake of garlic, and the like, to kill off any invading "bugs" that might be there. (But when my face looks and feels like this, it is pretty hard to justify NOT taking whatever the dr. prescribes)! hehehe My head is MUCH better today, (and I am almost positive that by tomorrow I shall be writing about how much better my face/mouth is too)! And yes, I fully intend on taking this prescription to the very end. (Boy, that sounds ominous)...
I am thinking of 'road-tripping' very soon too! Yay! ...Old Mother Nature having prevented us from leaving last month and all... I know too, that I should NOT have made reference to the absent snows around these parts the other day... Today and tomorrow are looking a bit ridiculous here... To the North, and into the U.P. of Michigan, there are Winter Storm Wanings for up to 2' of new SNOW... We should get some, if only an inch or two or three (or...)... Good Grief!
Speaking of grief...
My heart is so sickened by all of these pet food recalls. And to that end, have posted what I read in Miss Anitas blogsite. CLICK HERE if you have not taken the time to click on my blast...
After I had read her entry, I regret to say that I am MORE than unhappy with the FDA and now also my own previous link to our IAMS and Eukanuba site. This company has taken it upon themselves to 'redo' their website after various complaints, and have made it almost impossible to find any info on their own recalls. (Listed on their top page however is the dislaimer that the recent recall does not affect any foods marketed outside of the US and Canada)!
But anyway, here is the one link I was able to find within their website CLICK HERE for the IAMS and Eukanuba info links. (Note that when I had clicked on a number of these links, they were '404' nonexistent; ?? "Web page could not be found" )...
Guess I am right in feeding table scraps and cooking for these critters of mine!
Think now... I am also thinking that PEOPLE are justified in removing from their own diets any/everything that has wheat products in it. Please hear me out on this...
Written/updated yesterday are the following words of "simple brilliance": "The FDA said today that it has found no indication the contaminated ingredient is in any food humans eat. The agency said it would alert the public if it found melamine in any other foods."
...Great huh?
Please bear in mind that our FDA has been wrong many times in the past regarding the food products and drugs that we ingest... That link should take you to their own recall and complaint stuff...
This from PETA...
"While cherished animal companions continue to die, the FDA is taking a "wait~and~see" approach and, even more appalling, concealing information to protect pet industry interests. " ???
"With calls coming in to our (peta) office from people stating that their animals died after eating dry foods that have not yet been recalled, PETA confirmed with the FDA that it was also receiving such complaints..."
New this morning, a PET TREAT recall due to salmonella poisoning. CLICK HERE for that story.
Please take care of not only the four~legged furkids in your lives; but also the 2~legged varieties as well!
I am hearing now that this has somehow come from China? It is NOT only the company in Canada that this has affected. So, since this is all so vast and far~reaching, (and its implications seem almost endless), I have a question here for you... Am I the only one, or is anyone else ready to vote against anyone who is really INTO supporting importing anything that we can grow/manufacture on American soil? Because I personally believe it is high time to put our own AMERICAN Workers ALL back to work, don't you???
OK, I really am NOT into political issues, (although my "welfare" blog entry has also taken on a real life of its own)... But I think my last paragraph also ties in with that past entry. (I do apologize to you for my, um, more "passionate" blogs)... Click on the blue words there if you haven't see that blog entry...
I hope you are all having a grand Tuesday...
Picture credits... Flag stolen from HERE Kidney stolen from HERE
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