[My] Life in Wisconsin


Good Sunday Afternoon to all...

And yes, as I begin to write what will surely be one of my tougher blogs, it is still morning. Was up earlier and then back to bed for Round~2 of my night! hehehe Got over 5 hours off of Round 2 also! Cool.

You have seen the title above. Has it given you pause to think a bit? And no I am not referring the effect that gravity has on our bodies either. (Damned gravity anyway). hehehe If it hasn't affected you yet, rest assured it will...

Miss Dubya brought this to my attention yesterday, first with her comment on my blog, then an awesome testimonial, later with a note to me... She commented on the number of visitors, versus the number of comments. (She is, incidentally the gal who has probably saved a few of your pets too, as it is from here that I stole her pet foods link, posting and reposting it for you to keep checking for updates).

...And lest you not be aware of it, I DO take each and every testimonial as heartfelt and blessed to me! I thank you all for that!

Gravity... (or better stated as a question):


I am only asking where YOU fall within my friends on the 360. More than a few of you will be here 'til the end with me. (Of this I have NO doubt).

But Sweet Dubyas comments and notes are to be well appreciated by this girl... I have been blogging blindly for such a long time here.

But then a way silly & stupid thing happened to me last month... and I "lost" two players here...

I actually had the audacity to blog on April 30th.

... *gasp* ...

Many of you did.

Many of you didn't.

Most of you even accepted the fact that I had blogged etc.

I prefer to think it was a personal choice, not as anything akin to some sacreligious barometer of friendship. But two of you dropped me for doing so.

Why does my mind now recall the words: "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

...And so I blogged that day, and went about my merry way. And yes I did pay tribute to VT, and yes, I also wrote about respecting each others choices.

That blog, entitled "Silence" CLICK HERE

Two of you took my blog to mean other things, your comments being crystal clear to me. (As my own back at you should have been also). You chose to block me from reading your blogs, from commenting and even from writing you a message.

Namely this and that.

But NOW, one of you has not agreed with the other, so to speak after all this time. You have rethought your original idea of blocking me from your daily blogs. This is all well and good you know. And ordinarily I would always give anyone a second chance as it is. But the fact is that you came to as only one. And I do not care to be flouted that way. And there is no way to get past the fact that this is somehow being cruel to someone else that I held in the highest esteem for a long time now.

I did not ask for either of your absolutions, but I have been given something so absolute from your note too. I thank you for that. And it comes as NO suprise then that you wrote me off so easily then...

But just to double~check I did peek at both of your blogs... And found one that practically said it all, ahem, so to speak.

In the words of which I have copied here as you spoke of "friendship", and what it means to you:


"They are overjoyed at your triumphs and cry at your falls. And when the tables are turned, you want to applaud their happiness and do anything to help them when they are down.

You also KNOW you have a loving, Christian-like relationship with a person like this because you can DISAGREE about something or have a VERY STRONG dissenting opinion about something, and still KNOW that you will be friends afterward.

You KNOW that you NEED NOT be AFRAID of voicing your opinion because you MIGHT set someone "off". "


um... ...WHAT?!?

...(Shirley you jest)...

I pondered the now compromised validity of those words, and balanced them against how I had been treated by the two of you.

And I am sorry that Mombie sees those words as being nothing more than "convenient". This only makes her blog thoughts so very shallow... And also negates all of the 'friendly' feelings I might have held. Reading the comments then, and surely enough, there was one from CMM too!

My thoughts...

  • Friendship is NOT a convenience.
  • Friends are real people.
  • People with real feelings and convictions of their own.
  • "Real" friends are NOT disposable either.

It was the two of you who chose to abort this friendship, and now you come to me to 'fix' it?

My heart does NOT allow for this.

I am thinking that would fall under "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"

Being merely human, I have neither the appetite for fools nor the patience of a saint... Do not expect me to.

And tomorrow I shall go back to blogging and writing; and maybe telling you a story or two of my days and ways... That is all I know to write about anyway, and I try to do it for those of you that have taken the time and made the effort to be, and to remain, my friend; and hopefully that you consider me the very same.

There is a gracious respect for all that have ventured here; although I cannot be entirely cordial to my lurkers either. That is just me.

Know that when I pull my chair up to your own table to share your own lives, I will be pulling this chair up to the table that seems the very most inviting.

When I write, I do not try to shove anything down anyones throats... (well maybe THIS entry anyway for just the two).

I do not hide behind my own bible, and I do not judge... (Unless you have asked for an opinion from me)...

And know too that I do ask for your own opinions EVERY TIME I HIT "POST" WITH MY ENTRY. And it goes right back to Dubya's comment... Her own words will prove to be hauntingly accurate. hehehe ...As most of her blogs are also!!!

I apologize for my bitchiness today. (but yeah, I am still smiling)!

Have a grand Sunday, and an even better tomorrow... I do not think that "Happy" is a way to describe Memorial Day, so I will not be wishing you a happy one. In my own thoughts, it is too solemn for that. So just have a grand Monday too. Be safe, have fun, and get back home in one piece.



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