[My] Life in Wisconsin

Mothers Day; The Happy and The Cruel

Good Sunny~Day Morning to all!

I would begin by saying Happy Mothers Day to All, but am not sure if it is appropriate for all of my female friends... (and certainly only for a few of my male readers as well). hehehe

There are those of us with children, and from them we also have grandchildren to love...

There are those of us who have no children, whether by choice or by chance...

...And yet there is a common bond that holds us together. That bond being our LOVE of/for children.

We love children.

Those without their own, love someone elses children as their own.

Those by chance, away from their new and young familys during this next month of mommies and daddies, (mostly Iraq), are still serving the rest of us. (U.S.). ~And are still loving their young children.

Those away from their young children by choice at any time (for any reason) have created their own special hell.

I plan on having a most special Mothers Day. I love my children. I love my grandchildren fiercely! But I also know that by the Grace of God I was able to have these babies in the first place. Unlike my parents who had to adopt, and yet chose to love us anyway.

"Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone; but still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute that you didn't grow under my heart, but IN it." ...And that is something that almost all of us adoptees can brag about... We know we are loved and wanted. (Although I am sure there might have been a time ~or two~ that our parents might have questioned their sanity)... hehehe

And it is for those families, that these days are the very most of "special".

But then there are those Mothers that have SO wanted a child. Those Moms who have carried their child only for a little while; and have lost them. For the Mamas that have carried them to lose their child in childbirth. For those that have had to see their child die for whatever reason at a very young age. For those that have had to watch their child die from accidents.. or drugs.. or alcohol... For these moms this is the cruelest day of all. Those Mamas among us with their empty arms and their own huge hearts.

We can never understand the 'whys' of the world. But the rest of us can share our own hearts and our own armfuls. ... And all we need to have is that common bond of loving a child. We share our own. We share our love...

Hats off to all "Mamas" everywhere; and to whichever category you might fall into! Peace. Hope. And love to all.


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