[My] Life in Wisconsin

It's A/shame(d)...

Good Morning All;

What a very busy day I had... Worse~so for Casey as she had another dentist appointment. She has the sedation dentistry, (which didn't work all that well for her last time)... This time the Dr. changed her meds, and she came through with flying colors! She has one undescended, and crooked tooth that has yet to be removed, and has to go to an oral surgeon for that. The Dr. said that she can finish up everything then at that one appointment. She said that her, plus her nurse and assistant will just go with Casey that day as they do not do oral surgery at her clinic. Yay! I am so happy that this is finally all getting done for her!!! Remebering that she had to schedule her senior pictures early to have them done before she had that baby tooth out... It has been a long time happening for her, and she has been very patient with it all too.

This picture was taken exactly one year ago today. Miss Punk, almost 3 months old, waiting for me to get the mail. (Notice the very literal windsick behind her too)! hehehe




After I had dropped Casey off for 7AM, I stopped at Petco Groomers to see if they might have any openings to get Miss Punkin in...

...They did...

...I had parked right in front of the door. Big mistake. As I walked out, Punk actually cried... Taking a peek as I got in the car, she was plastered half onto their counter, and I could see her shaking through the glass... (Reminded me of what some parents go through, bringing their child to that first day of kindergarten)... The only difference being that Punk has been there about 4 or 5 times already. (We really DO have to do something about this separation anxiety of hers)... But what?

In the meantime, since my Xanax was still working, I went to WalMart. Trying to find a very decent all in one CD player. Will have to maybe go to Best Buy for that now... But I did pick up a few necessities; (and yes, I forgot to get Punk her new pool)...

After the storm and the hail we received the other day, I dumped out that old pool. Something had commited suicide in it too. .


not too sure what it is... ???
WHERE the heck are all these weird bugs coming from anyway???


.When the storm hit, Punk and I were in the kitchen.

The hail came first. Shocked as I was when it hit, Punk had NO idea what that noise was. She actually growled, then hit the floor, spread~eagle style!!! She is such a little shy thing with those magical firsts. Quite funny to see. Nice to have the precip, but still must go out and check for damage all over.

After the storm ended Punk and I took a little walk....


Yes I have some pretty high arches....

Being that we'd left so very early yesterday morning, I was beat by the time I finally got Casey home in the afternoon, (think the Xanax does that to me). Casey and I both napped. She was down a few hours ago, and had very little pain, thank God. .

Ran into my little man Isaiahs dad at Walmart- (he is store manager); and it should have come as no surprise that Jenne is not letting him even talk to his son. I do not know what is up with these 2 eldest daughters of mine... If any of you can possibly figure it out, please let me know. He said he had called down to Texas this past Sunday (Fathers Day), and he was not even allowed to talk to Isaiah. I am thinking that these 2 are very unwisely burning their bridges, and have no way to repair/replace them.

I have not ever felt shame for my own children in 30 years of trials and tribulations... And yes, there were plenty of those same trials... But no shame, before now that is.

I am ashamed for TTII. (Simply because they do not seem to have the sense to be ashamed of themselves).

Good. Bad. Or ugly; kids need to know their 'other' parent. Since I did not have the pleasure of having that other parent around when they were little, there was certainly NO denying visits, ever. Nor did I do that after Dennis and I divorced. (I never had to, these guys just simply divorced their kids too)...

So where does TTII get their ideas from now?

I have read more than a few of your own blogs, especially during these last two Mothers/Fathers Day months here... The general idea is that "children learn what they live"... (Know that I used to agree with that too). Just not anymore...

Oh, enough of this garbage... Time to get dressed and get outside... Soon anyway...

Speaking of garbage, it is friday... Must go roll my dumpster down...

Have a grand weekend!


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