[My] Life in Wisconsin

Mother Alone/Woman Alone...

Good Morning Everyone!

Yes, my hand is still the size of a small pineapple... And yes, I went and bought some benedryl; taking it for the first time in my life. (And going "nightie~night" very shortly thereafter too)!

Now if any of you know what I am trying to say here, or how maybe to say it better; PLEASE leave me a comment. This blog really does NOT only pertain to mothers; but to anyone else that might have seemingly not been given a wee bit of credit for WHO they really are... inside...

Very recently one of my children said to me that she believes me NOT to be the person I portray myself to be within my pages here... And that has gotten me to thinking.

I have "thought" myself only to one obvious, and simple, conclusion.

She is wrong as "wrong" can be.

She is a woman in every sense of the word. Bright. Capable. Strong. (Just as I raised her to be). Entering her 4th decade of life as it is.

And yet, she has only given me credit for being a mother. Perhaps it is only because she is my child? And I am thinking that there are too MANY children in this world that, unfortunately have only/will only see their mother as a mother.

I assure you this is not the case.

Our mothers, and YOURS, were women first. Born daughters of someone else who gave birth to them. When your mother was young, she never believed that her mama ever would "do" such a thing to create new life. And if she did, it was once, (and only once), to bring forth life. Mmmm~Hmmmm

"When I was a child I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child..."

And yet, your own mother grew to know all the love, the glory, the resounding successes (and the heartbreaking failures) that came to her even before you did. She knew freedom. She knew life. She loved all animals. (She hates spiders).

She had/has many many friends that have shared almost every experience she has ever known.

Then came her children.

"...When I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways" (1 Cor. 13:11).

Since I recently have entered my own fourth decade of being a mother, I can assure you that once that heartstring has been pulled that nothing else will ever be that important to me. And so with that very first delivery, I put aside most of those dreams I may have had. I did this freely and without any coercion, (save for those tiny fingers that clasped my own).

And those tiny fingers quickly grew to a woman.

You have accused me now of being less than honest.

As I have said you are quite wrong.

You have known me only to be a mother. (More specifically YOUR mother).

There was a different 'life' before you came along.

And there is a different life now that you have gone on...

This is the 'woman' I always was, and always will be. I promise you that my friends, and even my elders, will all attest to this; almost as well as my own heart can. For they knew me then, and they know me now.

These are the people that have given me the strengths, (or even the escapes) that I needed many times.

The people who knew, (and know, and respect, and love), the woman inside my skin. The people for whom the song was written, whether they were friend, lover, employer, or employee.

And yes, they have seen me 'become' my own mother in so very many ways; as you yourself will "become" one day.

I am always to be your mother. Good. Bad. And yes, every degree conceivable inbetween.

I have never lied to you. And I have not chosen this moment in time to begin to do so.

I am the same person, the same spirit, with the very same soul, that I always was.

I am determined.

I am strong. With credit due my own many experiences in life, and my own understanding of human nature, that simply makes me stronger than you. But just because I am stronger does not mean that I want to be so, it is simply the way it is.

And this is not only to be applied with respect to my lifetime, or my mothers; it is for all time.

Mother? Yes.

Invincible? Hardly.

Woman? Always.

"Yeah, it's kinda like that"


for more on Anna's Family, click here...

*****of course if you were already on my friends list when I wrote that blog, you might NOT want to revisit it. .... hehehe






She can kill with a smile, she can wound with her eyes.
And she can ruin your faith with her casual lies.
And she only reveals what she wants you to see.
She hides like a child, but she's always a woman to me.

She can lead you to love, she can take you or leave you.
She can ask for the truth but she'll never believe you.
And she'll take what you'll give her as long as it's free.
Yeah, she steals like a thief, but she's always a woman to me.

Oooh, she takes care of herself.
She can wait if she wants, she's ahead of her time.
Oooooh, and she never gives out, and she never gives in,
she just changes her mind.

And she'll promise you more than the Garden of Eden.
And she'll carelesly cut you and laugh while you're bleeding.
But she'll bring out the best and the worst you can be.
Blame it all on yourself, cause she's always a woman to me.

Oooh, she takes care of herself.
She can wait if she wants, she's ahead of her time.
Oooooh, and she never gives out, and she never gives in,
she just changes her mind.

She is frequently kind and she's suddenly cruel.
But she can do as she pleases, she's nobody's fool.
And she can't be convicted, she's earned her degree.
And the most she will do is throw shadows at you,
but she's always a woman to me.
Billy Joel

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