Good Morning All;
What I mean to say is; "Dear Diary"... hehehe
Would the following "Beasties" be considered 'hobbits'?? (I do not know what a 'hobbit' is)...
But please read "the beastie bs" that follows...
Dear Diary,
I have put a silly danged picture of Miss Milly up there, and now must also include a silly danged one of The Punkster, lest she be upset...
Caught in the act... (Of what? Flossing)???
Back to these silly danged pictures... (Yes, I really DO have one of Cleopatra)!
...And I really DO have a better one than this! hehehe
(But sadly, will have to let Cleopatra herself use that one).
We'd gone back to the woods with the dogs almost as soon as we had gotten home...
Miss Milly MORE than happy to see Casey and I, but was pretty cranky toward her little Punk too.
She didn't even want to share her squeak ball...
And certainly not with Punk...
And yet, push come to shove,
with Casey back to "Pain~Mode",
both dogs were right there for her.
And now, I do not mean to trivialize Miss Caseys pain, (nor Miss Milly's angst at having her Punk return), but I would like to share with you what happened to me on this latest Milwaukee trip...
...Arriving to our hotel, and securing our room, I lay down on one of the beds to maybe get a nap... For some reason, (I think someone MUST HAVE switched my H20 to 'Water Joe'), I could not rest.
But I was hungry.
I made a little trip to some fast food place while Casey got herself ready for her test. Coming back to the hotel, and once more to be sitting down, I realized that while I was gone, someone had kicked me in BOTH of my knees. ...Maybe it was driving down there and staying the same position? (Nah, they had that godawful 'kicked in' feeling)...
I also realized that the AC unit in the room was not working very fast at all. (It mattered NOT to me ONE BIT that Miss Casey was completely covered up ~from head to toe~ with all of her own blankets)...
And I was OH so tired...
***Whomever had kicked in my knees had also done a number on my back and on my head. And I wished I had paid more attention to what had happened, but the events seem cloudy and elusive at best...
Trying to sleep was the penultimate chore. It did not come easy, nor did it last for long.
But WHILE I WAS ASLEEP, for those few, too short hours; my tormentors had returned, holding me down, shoving cotton down my throat; and lighting a fire within my lungs. (They had placed cotton balls WAY up within my nose too).
To my very worst dismay, they had also shoved my vocal chords WAY down my throat... (Those 'chords' only make noise now when I breathe)...
Then came Caseys trip back to Froedtert.
I tried not to talk to people, but that goes against my very DNA... And I spoke with many peoples... (Sorry, peoples)... Mea Culpa 1000 times over.
We, (I), decided to keep Cleopatra and The Punk down in Milwaukee one more night; not feeling like doing anything of any importance; (like driving for 2+ hours to sleep in my own bed where my tormentors would not possibly have found me)...
I should have just driven home.
During the evening/night, those fookin' beasties returned.
They kicked in every bone in my body; and in the process, they bruised my face and my throat.
They forcibly rolled me over in my bed each every time I got too close to feeling comfortable.
They kicked my back; even making my little kidneys ache.
We came home yesterday...
...Stopping for a bite of food down in Oshkosh. I had a run in with some jerk who had cut in line ahead of me while I tried to check out my few little things from the store. He surely got and earful from me...
He was all of about 6'7" or 8" tall. HUGE. About 50~ish. Fat too. Unkempt and quite daunting to most I would think. (And I cannot remember the last time I might have told someone off in such a public fashion).
Confession time: It made me feel better.
And yet, my Christian values have always taught me to share; (I can only hope I shared those damned beasties with him too). hehehe
Yet, even as we arrived home, I made haste to get some of the CheraTussin/AC that I keep on hand for such emergencies. Swigged a bit of that, and we took our little walk then.
Last night, those beasties DID come back to torment me as I tried to sleep... they surely do try to ruin even a nice nap... And they redid all of their previous bruises to make me feel even worse.
Upon awakening this morning, I see that some of them have pitched their tents in my tonsils, in addition to still making me squeak when I try to talk. They have also spread their tablecloths upon my tongue, and even when I clean my tongue, they keep resetting their damned table!
There must be more than a few that have taken up residence in my lungs because they seem to 'sing' with every breath I take. Off~key too. I am really mad though that they have even turned my spit to little dark red blood balls! Those, in addition to those who are beating at the inside of my skull; and some who have drummed their way all the way down my back. They have found their way around my sides, and have snuck inbetween each rib too. They have also stuck their flaming swords into my tummy muscles, and when questioned, said that pain was only from coughing. (I doubt that).
AND SO,it occured to me to simply drown the little baztardz. I have drank more water today than I have in the last 6 months... (Oh, OK, it just SEEMS that way). And yes, I already have the chicken in the pot on the stove. (Rumor has it that they do NOT like my chicken soup).
Rumor would also indicate that Blackberry Brandy makes them move on out... Not being a drinking person, I do not have any of that in the house. (Being a fully licensed and insured "driving person", I can surely get a bottle though).
So, Beasties be freakin' warned, your days/hours of making my body ache are numbered!
In the meanwhile, I hope you ALL have a wondermouse weekend.
(Crap, did I say mouse)? hehehe
Oh well... I gotta go cut lawn... (Better to do that without having that Blackberry Brandy thing going on yet)!