[My] Life in Wisconsin

Summer Tries To Hang On...

A few of my last, lost, little flowers...

Good Morning all;

I have been cheating for the past few days here, and not writing about us. In a way, yesterdays entry WAS about us, kind of; but I am not at liberty to discuss this either.

That, and I have been battling the migraine since Thursday evening... Nasty that the auras alone lasted well over an hour, even after taking the darned Maxalt.



Our sign on the fridge says it all!
Remember, when/if you barf, do NOT brush right away.


With Casey having gone in for sedation, I didn't have a driver to take me in for a shot. But hey, I did have the benefit of tossing a few calories! hehehe Better today, but dammitallanyway, resting has also made my 'Beasties' resurface. What the heck? Yes, yes, yes; I will go in, ...(one of these days).

But I ain't dead yet... hehehe

Caseys dentist appointment went alright. Her bite is a bit 'off' with the temporary crown there, but that will be fixed in short order. Just not today. The dentist was not happy with the crown they originally had for her. Time to rebuild.

Like summer, she is hanging on too! And hanging in there as well! (Go Casey)! I am SO proud of this kid! Can you tell?

Short and to the point here today. I have laundry, dishes to scrub, and breakfast to get on; right after I get in the shower!

Casey will be up in a little while too. Maybe she can blog today... if she gets up early enough NOT to miss 'her' NFL game(s)!

Pancakes anyone?

Hope all is well in your little corner(s) of the world!

Upper 70's here today. YIPPEE! ~I just won't mention how windy it will be...




That's Our Boy!

And to our entire Green Bay Packer Team!

This, just in... from WFRV TV >click<

Favre Breaks TD Record In Win Against Minnesota

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) Brett Favre became the NFL's all-time leader in career touchdown passes as the Packers defeated the Minnesota Vikings 23-16 and stayed unbeaten.

Favre threw record breaking pass Number 421 to Greg Jennings with 4:56 left in the first quarter. He added to the record by throwing Number 422 to James Jones in the fourth.

Favre also went interception-free to avoid becoming an all-time leader another category. Favre is three picked-off passes away from overtaking George Blanda on the career list.

Minnesota's Kelly Holcomb threw a touchdown pass to Sidney Rice with 1:55 left to pull the Vikings within seven points, and a nearly disastrous fumble gave Minnesota a chance to tie it.

Favre's handoff to Ryan Grant was not clean, and Chad Greenway fell on the ball at the Vikings 46. But Holcomb's tipped pass from the Packers 34 was intercepted by Atari Bigby to seal the game and boost Favre's record at the Metrodome to 6-10.

AND, from here... >click<

Favre takes over TD record, leads Pack past Vikes 23-16
DAVE CAMPBELL, Sep 30, 2007
Brett Favre was as good as ever, becoming the NFL's all-time leader in career touchdown passes with a couple of vintage third-down zingers to help Green Bay stay unbeaten. Favre was the obvious difference in Sunday's 23-16 victory by the Packers, who hung on against the pass-deficient Minnesota Vikings

Favre pic stolen from here >click<



We GO, Green Bay!!!

Now, when is the dang parade????


From yesterdays news comes this Breast cancer story too. From here >CLICK<

That said, it is the 1st of the month tomorrow. Please check your breasts.

Former Packers Tackle Breast Cancer

WILD ROSE (WFRV) - Former Packer players LeRoy Butler and Gilbert Brown will be in Wild Rose this weekend in an effort to help fight breast cancer.

The football pros are setting up camp at Evergreen Campsites and Resort at 6pm tonight and will be there through the Packers/Vikings game tomorrow.

This evening kicks off the event with a soup feast and bon fire. There will also be games hosted by LeRoy and Gilbert in which contestants can win prizes donated by the community.

Sunday will also feature games, a silent and live auction and a mini football camp put on by the football stars. The camp is open to kids ages 6 to 18.

A photograph session and tailgate party will take place before the Packer game.

All money raised at the event stays in Wisconsin, and is given directly to families affected by breast cancer to cover medical expenses, house payments and other bills.

For more information on this event call (866) 450-CAMP.

Relationships ~ What May Define

Good Morning.

I didn't write this, but I believe it bears much thought from all.

"I expect to pass through this world but once, any good, therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now, let me not defer it, nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again" ~ Ettiene De Grellet

Ladies, daughters, mothers, and others; please truly THINK about each one before moving on to the next one.




· If a man truly wants you, nothing can keep him away.
· If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.
· Stop making excuses for a man and/or his behavior.
· Allow your intuition, (or spirit), to save you from heartache.
· Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be.
· Slower is better.
· Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy.
· If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't "be friends". A friend would not mistreat a friend in the first place!
· Don't ever settle for less.
· If you feel like he is stringing you along, he probably is.
· Don't stay because you think "it will get better." (You will be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better).
· The only person you can control in a relationship is you.
· Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently? (Not too responsible either).
· Always have your own set of friends, separate from his.
· Maintain your boundaries in how a guy treats you.
· If something bothers you, speak up.
· Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later.
· You cannot change a man's behavior. Change comes from within.
· Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are... even if he has more education or in a better job.
· Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less.
· Never let a man define who you are.
· Never borrow someone else's man. If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you.
· A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.
· All men are NOT dogs.
· You should not be the one doing all the bending... compromise is two way street.
· You need time to heal between relationships... there is nothing cute about baggage... Deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship.
· You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you... a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals... look for someone complimentary... not supplementary.
· Dating is fun... even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right.
· Make him miss you sometimes... when a man always know where you are, and you're always readily available to him, he takes it for granted.
· Never move into his mother's house.
· Never co-sign for a man.
· Do NOT fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need. Keep him in your radar but get to know others who will give your heart and soul these things.


Suffice it to say that one can learn a LOT from just hearing of anothers conversation...

And yes, it CAN, (and MUST), happily work BOTH ways.

Nuff said.

Have a good weekend.

aka "Mama D."


Wisdom Women Should Follow, from Oprah on Men...


A Lightbulb For Yahoo!

Good Morning All;

CaseyFace will be down in a few minutes so I shall be keeping this short(er) for today.

She has a dentist appointment~ Sedation dentistry~ at 8:00 and at 6, she must be taking her "Make~Me~Loopier~Than~I~Already~Was" pills... (Wish I had a video cam so you all could watch too)! hehehe

Of interest to us all, is the "Question of the Year"; notably still UNaddressed by anyone at Yahoo!


As many of you will recall, I blogged on this same question a full 2 months ago... (Please see my tag cloud under 360~World). Many others' blogs have also addressed these fears. I guess I just don't understand WHY Yahoo! would risk losing so many dedicated bloggers going to other sites that are NOT related to Yahoo!, Inc. .

Having clicked on the link in The Chickens blast, I have read one mans accounting and opinions of what IS happening, and what will happen.

I assure you that his blog is of paramount interest to us all. He is in the process of writing a series of articles regarding this matter, and is halfway through them. Please visit MARK, and let him know you were there.

>CLICK HERE< for his blogs. As I have said before, they are too important to miss.

Part of my own comments there read as follows:

"To remark that -your articles here- are interesting and informative would be putting it very mildly. And I believe that these need to be read, not only by us little old bloggers who actually LOVE our 360~World, but by those same execs who are handling this seemingly uncertain future for us all.

I am not a wise blogger, not sage, or any of those other terms... But I love to share my little stories, and photos; AND to read and see others as well.

This (360), for me has created an outlet, and has brought many friends to my heart. A few of those friends are right above me in these comments, and others I recognize from lurking about their pages...

I am not, nor have I ever been, interested in blogging elsewhere. Nor have I accepted any invitations to join others on their "new" sites. (Yes, I have checked out Mash).

Yahoo has created somewhat of a mass exodus by not addressing these issues for people. Many have pulled up stakes and went elsewhere.

Yes, there IS a huge difference in some of the other sites.

But hey YAHOO!, maybe this is WHY we are here in the first place.

******Lightbulb goes off, ...(somewhere out in California I hope)..."


Please DO let me know what you have to say to Mark about all of this, and what your own opinions are of it all.

Have a Fan~dam~tastic Friday! (I am almost certain that Casey will)! hehehe




lightbulb stolen from here

Mad at My Windows...

Good Morning All;

Is anyone else having problems with their computer today? I am SO ready to throw the whole thing in the danged river already... Three times now to have gotten the message that 'windows has encountered a problem and must close'...

And then they are all gone!!! Send. Don't send. Doesn't matter, they close and take my pages with them!

Had this problem a while back too, then they came out with a "fix" for it. Guess now they must come out with a fix for their fix! MAD!!!

But back to yesterday. The photo above, yesterday morning while playing ball in the house. hehehe Punk will get her ball, and sit at the top of the steps, then let her ball bounce down the stairs. Whomever is at the bottom must toss it back up. *If one hits the wall directly below Grandpa's portrait, then the ball ricochets into the bedroom where she has to 'find' it.

I was at the bottom yesterday~ Casey had gone up to try to intercept Punks fun. Trying to hit that same wall, (and having to be careful NOT to hit the two 'kids' at the top), I severely undershot my aim. The ball was firmly lodged in the railing until Caseys "bigfoot" loosed it. I think Punk was almost ready to cry...

We took the dogs to the woods. Miss Milly disappeared WITH HER BALL... She came back to us without it. Even Punk went 'in search of' the darned thing. No luck. i will probably find it today because it possibly floated down the river. (Right to where I'll be tossing this danged "compooter" of mine)...



Out last night to take a few "moon" pictures...







And in this last one, there was no light source, save for the moon above, that would have caused these streaks. Any photographers out there can explain it maybe?



Clearly the streaks are NOT coming from the moon...

After I had taken those pictures, we had come home and gone back to the woods. I am usually not one to be 'spooked' but last night we did keep our little trip short. Maybe it was just too quiet. There IS such a thing. My friend Connie has a blog about "The Fouke Monster". >CLICK< any of the colored words... I am thinking that maybe it was reading that blog, and seeing those 'shoes' that made me feel uneasy...

Sun is shining brightly for now, but they say we might get a few drops of rain later. It is 54 wonderful degrees right now. Perfect for a bit of transplanting!

Have a wonderful Thursday!




Contradictions ya think?

Sorry folks I don't mean to be screwing you up, but that first added link for Michael Vick, now charged with "possession" didn't work... Hope this one does...



Good Morning All;

Miss Punk and I took a ride up to Michigan yesterday... Fun, even if it was gloomy. Dry for the most part, until it was time to head home and then the skies simply opened up on us. But oh, we need the rain! Still. Maybe even more come Thursday. Hope so.

Stopping in an old bookstore in Menominee, Michigan, I bought 4 or 5 books. They might keep me occupied for a time, for when it gets chilly(er) out.

There comes a time between yardwork and snow shoveling that there is a lull. Since I do not spend my time (nor money) in the malls, these little lulls are filled with words.

I have been up for hours. And read the paper; (or at least what they include online anyway).


con·tra·dic·tion audio (kntr-dkshn) KEY


    1. The act of contradicting.
    2. The state of being contradicted.
  1. A denial.
  2. Inconsistency; discrepancy.
  3. Something that contains contradictory elements.

SICK! An article about dogfighting in Allouez. (Allouez is just on the other side of Green Bay; at one time was THE upscale place to reside). hehehe The "other" side of the tracks???

These kinds of articles always make me ill; all the way inside. And like Michael Vick, I hope this guy gets put away for a 'L~O~N~G' time too.

>Click here< to read that article.

On the heels of that comes a posting from my friend Toni J. Please click on her name to read what she calls "Just a Dog".

A bit of a contradiction??? .....


And more contradiction here... If only of colors!



In another week they will all be fire~colored.
And in another month after that, most of them will be bare...






But the greatest contradiction I saw was the following...



Or more aptly put, (referring to the 2nd definition above), "DENIAL"












Surely looks like 'denial' to me!
(Claims she can't read)!!! ......





Have a 'WUNNAFUL' Wednesday!





.. . .

A Trip to Suamico!

Good Monday Morning Everyone!

Later than usual... Hope you got a few extra winks too!

Miss Punk and I took a ride the other day down to Suamico. Checking on a few places that I remember as a youth to have gone swimming, (or other things that the youth of the early 1970's did)...

Back then, we had quite a lot of places to go...

One of those places was Long Tail beach. Another was Little Tail. We would have spent days there, if allowed to; swimming when the weather was awful hot and muggy. (Kind of like our weather today. It is to be 87, and very muggy)! ~ugh...

But now, the water in the Bay of Green Bay is so shallow. Down 3+ feet from a decade ago...



Hard to tell just by peeking through the overgrowth though...



The sandbars were never visible in my youth...



Pretty still; just no swimming holes left...



So we rode over to Barkhausen Wildlife Preserve. (Click on that).
On the way there, I actually had to turn around to be able to get this picture...




Look in the upper right hand corner of the tree.
There is a paper wasp nest, hanging over the road...
...It had to be, at the very least, an entire 12"-15" (+) across...



This is a shot at Barkhausen... looking SE.
The many geese and ducks had Miss Punk a bit worried;
(and me too... for them)! hehehe



We are about 3 weeks early to see all of the birds and such congregating at Barkhausen; and getting ready for the winter... ~But it is high time for all of us people to be making sure that our own bird feeders are ready for winter; and that we have ample supplies to be feeding them too. Hehehe, if your houseguests might be of the mousie variety, (like mine), please just get a rubbermaid container to store your birdseed in. (Those work great for storing dog food and cat food too)!

Driving back through Suamico is the old fish market.

You can tell it was there even before the widened county road came along... Within inches of the road.


Suamico Fish Company!
Yes, that IS an old Greyhound Bus sign on the front of the building!
I believe this was it's stop before Vickerys General Store was made the main stop.





The picture at the top of the page is the old boathouse... (This is the same river that flows through the woods here).

Glad we took this little ride near to sunset too. It was cooler than the 73 degrees I have now. And since I didn't get much done on Saturday, I will be finishing the lawns today.

Most of my beasties seem to have relocated, or croaked. (I can only hope they have also laid that big man down from Oshkosh for a few days too. He was such a jerk)! Yes, yes, settle down; I will say an extra prayer for my unchristian thought... hehehe

Have a wunnaful Monday!


Bird Migration CLICK






Are you too young to remember THIS funny song???


"Tennessee Bird Walk"
Take away the trees and the birds'll have to sit upon the ground. (Hum)
Take away their wings and the birds'll have to walk to get around.
Take away the birdbaths and dirty birds will soon be everywhere.
Take away their feathers and the birds will walk around in underwear.
Take away their (whistle) and the birds'll have to whisper when they sing. (Chirp chirp!)
Take away their common sense and they'll be heading southward in the spring.
Oh, remember me, my darling when spring is in the air, And the bald headed birds are whispering everywhere. When you see them walking southward in their dirty underwear, That's the Tennessee Bird Walk.
How about some trees so the birds won't have to sit upon the ground? (Hum)
And how about some wings so the birds won't have to walk to get around?
And how about a birdbath or two so the birds will all be clean?
And how about some feathers so their underwear no longer will be seen?
How about a little (whistle) so the birds won't have to whisper when they sing? (Chirp chirp!)
And how about some common sense, So they won't be blocking traffic in the spring?
Oh, remember me, my darling when spring is in the air And the bald headed birds are whispering everywhere When you see them walking southward in their dirty underwear That's the Tennessee Bird Walk (Chirp chirp!)

Words and music copyright © 2002© Jack Blanchard Bird Avenue Music ® (BMI) All Rights Reserved




Thank You Polly!!!

Thought this was WAY too good to keep to myself!

All clocks/images are from Poodwaddle.

Please click on the hour/day/month year circles to see how fast these things are happpening in our world...




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Poodwaddle.com .. . . . . . .




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Enjoy and SHARE with all!


September 22 is Hobbit Day and Dear Diary Day

Good Morning All;

What I mean to say is; "Dear Diary"... hehehe


Would the following "Beasties" be considered 'hobbits'?? (I do not know what a 'hobbit' is)...

But please read "the beastie bs" that follows...



Dear Diary,

I have put a silly danged picture of Miss Milly up there, and now must also include a silly danged one of The Punkster, lest she be upset...



Caught in the act... (Of what? Flossing)???



Back to these silly danged pictures... (Yes, I really DO have one of Cleopatra)!



...And I really DO have a better one than this! hehehe
(But sadly, will have to let Cleopatra herself use that one).



We'd gone back to the woods with the dogs almost as soon as we had gotten home...

Miss Milly MORE than happy to see Casey and I, but was pretty cranky toward her little Punk too.



She didn't even want to share her squeak ball...



And certainly not with Punk...



And yet, push come to shove,
with Casey back to "Pain~Mode",
both dogs were right there for her.



And now, I do not mean to trivialize Miss Caseys pain, (nor Miss Milly's angst at having her Punk return), but I would like to share with you what happened to me on this latest Milwaukee trip...



...Arriving to our hotel, and securing our room, I lay down on one of the beds to maybe get a nap... For some reason, (I think someone MUST HAVE switched my H20 to 'Water Joe'), I could not rest.

But I was hungry.

I made a little trip to some fast food place while Casey got herself ready for her test. Coming back to the hotel, and once more to be sitting down, I realized that while I was gone, someone had kicked me in BOTH of my knees. ...Maybe it was driving down there and staying the same position? (Nah, they had that godawful 'kicked in' feeling)...

I also realized that the AC unit in the room was not working very fast at all. (It mattered NOT to me ONE BIT that Miss Casey was completely covered up ~from head to toe~ with all of her own blankets)...

And I was OH so tired...

***Whomever had kicked in my knees had also done a number on my back and on my head. And I wished I had paid more attention to what had happened, but the events seem cloudy and elusive at best...

Trying to sleep was the penultimate chore. It did not come easy, nor did it last for long.

But WHILE I WAS ASLEEP, for those few, too short hours; my tormentors had returned, holding me down, shoving cotton down my throat; and lighting a fire within my lungs. (They had placed cotton balls WAY up within my nose too).

To my very worst dismay, they had also shoved my vocal chords WAY down my throat... (Those 'chords' only make noise now when I breathe)...

Then came Caseys trip back to Froedtert.

I tried not to talk to people, but that goes against my very DNA... And I spoke with many peoples... (Sorry, peoples)... Mea Culpa 1000 times over.

We, (I), decided to keep Cleopatra and The Punk down in Milwaukee one more night; not feeling like doing anything of any importance; (like driving for 2+ hours to sleep in my own bed where my tormentors would not possibly have found me)...

I should have just driven home.

During the evening/night, those fookin' beasties returned.

They kicked in every bone in my body; and in the process, they bruised my face and my throat.

They forcibly rolled me over in my bed each every time I got too close to feeling comfortable.

They kicked my back; even making my little kidneys ache.

We came home yesterday...

...Stopping for a bite of food down in Oshkosh. I had a run in with some jerk who had cut in line ahead of me while I tried to check out my few little things from the store. He surely got and earful from me...

He was all of about 6'7" or 8" tall. HUGE. About 50~ish. Fat too. Unkempt and quite daunting to most I would think. (And I cannot remember the last time I might have told someone off in such a public fashion).

Confession time: It made me feel better.

And yet, my Christian values have always taught me to share; (I can only hope I shared those damned beasties with him too). hehehe

Yet, even as we arrived home, I made haste to get some of the CheraTussin/AC that I keep on hand for such emergencies. Swigged a bit of that, and we took our little walk then.

Last night, those beasties DID come back to torment me as I tried to sleep... they surely do try to ruin even a nice nap... And they redid all of their previous bruises to make me feel even worse.

Upon awakening this morning, I see that some of them have pitched their tents in my tonsils, in addition to still making me squeak when I try to talk. They have also spread their tablecloths upon my tongue, and even when I clean my tongue, they keep resetting their damned table!

There must be more than a few that have taken up residence in my lungs because they seem to 'sing' with every breath I take. Off~key too. I am really mad though that they have even turned my spit to little dark red blood balls! Those, in addition to those who are beating at the inside of my skull; and some who have drummed their way all the way down my back. They have found their way around my sides, and have snuck inbetween each rib too. They have also stuck their flaming swords into my tummy muscles, and when questioned, said that pain was only from coughing. (I doubt that).

AND SO,it occured to me to simply drown the little baztardz. I have drank more water today than I have in the last 6 months... (Oh, OK, it just SEEMS that way). And yes, I already have the chicken in the pot on the stove. (Rumor has it that they do NOT like my chicken soup).

Rumor would also indicate that Blackberry Brandy makes them move on out... Not being a drinking person, I do not have any of that in the house. (Being a fully licensed and insured "driving person", I can surely get a bottle though).

So, Beasties be freakin' warned, your days/hours of making my body ache are numbered!

In the meanwhile, I hope you ALL have a wondermouse weekend.

(Crap, did I say mouse)? hehehe

Oh well... I gotta go cut lawn... (Better to do that without having that Blackberry Brandy thing going on yet)!






&quot;Cleopatra&quot; Sleeps

Picture stolen from everywhere on the net...

Good Morning Friends;

CaseyAnne got through her procedure yesterday. WITHOUT WAKING UP ONCE! Not sure 'what' they used to knock her out with, but it really worked... (And left her loopier than a light airplane in bad weather afterward)!

Must have been whiskey in her IV...

After we had tried to wake her up for quite some time, she finally opened her eyes, looking from me to the nurse.

Her first word out of surgery?


...Saying it as though she was in kindergarten, or sounding it out for the first time... Then she plunked right back down on her pillow, quite unceremoniously.

After a little time, I tried to rouse her again. As I lifted the head of the bed, I also had to grab Caseys head, (nodding like a newborn).

A bit of movement as she tested her coordination, (there was none); plus, her eyes kept going funny. (They really MUST have used whiskey as I have seen that vacant "look" before)...

I asked her what her name was...

She looked at me (sort of), with those funny eyes, and said, "Cleopatra!"

(This, complete with the most elegant hand movement)!

OK, kid, "Cleopatra" wins, go back to sleep... hehehe



Her procedure was at 1:00, we had to arrive there for noon. The doctor had never put the orders in, so we cooled our heels til about 12:30 in the lab... When we got back to surgery, they were waiting for her. Everyone except anesthesiology that is. Methinks they forgot about her because it was almost 2 by the time they finally wheeled her back.

Nobody had turned me in for neglecting my unhappy, abused dog this time. hehehe But it was high time to go out to the ramp and take "The Punk" for a walk anyway. We walked all over campus. Punk does not like anything too near the cranes the construction guys use. (Out of the surgical wing alone, one can count at least 4 working at any given time you would chance to peek outward).

There were at least that many on the east side of the grounds also. But back there, there are a few ponds, and a couple of stone benches, which no one ever seems to use, save for myself. There were a few ducks, and other pond creatures. Namely mosquitos! But they would buzz around and not bother me either. (Lucky that way, those blood~sucking nuisances do not like me). And not too much traffic on that end of the buildings either. The worst being a few airplanes that flew real low. (Progress pictures for Froedtert maybe)?

I went back inside, and got everyone to chatting in the surgical waiting room. It beats the heck out of being alone with your thoughts.

I learned a long time ago that the worrying only makes the waiting worse...

Everybody shared their own stories. One gal even asked me to write "CaseyAnne" down on a piece of paper so she would include her in her prayers. Thought that was pretty nice of her... (Hindsight being what it is, mayhaps I should have written "Cleopatra" down)?

Then the lady at the desk went to check for me. Casey was still in the OR. So back outside after another hour or so. And another walk.

L-o-o-o-ong afternoon later, we were finally back here about 6 or so. Casey actually stayed up for much longer than I thought she would have, (or even COULD have). Not being able to 'feel' her legs yet, I practically carried her bag of bones back to the room here. Her legs 'worked', (kinda/sorta)... She just could not "feel" them... (Yes, I have seen that "whiskey~walk" too)! hehehe She weighs in around 92/93 right now.

We all walked outside later, fresh air being good for everyone... It was SO foggy too. A chill in the air; it had been so warm out earlier.

I see by the forecast that there is a dense fog advisory for a couple of the counties we will be driving through; until mid~morning. We shall just leave a bit later then. Arriving home to some 85~degree (PLUS) temps then, and to be able to look forward to high winds, complete thunderstorms tonight. Ugh. Oh well. Just doesn't sound much like "Fall" to me!


In keeping with Fall, and the darned Halloween that will surely come, I thought I should enclose a picture I had taken a few weeks ago...



("The Great?") PUNKIN; and CaseyFace!
Cute, aren't they?



I'd better close. Casey is making a few 'pain' type noises, and maybe if I shut off the lamp she will sleep through... (Besides, I 'lost' my entry once already, and do not wish to retype/edit it yet again)...

Hope everyone is having a splendiferous Friday, with plans for a 'wunnaful' weekend ahead!

***** Oh and here's a little Pirate fun fer ye all!

My pirate name is:
Calico Anne Kidd
Often indecisive, you can't even choose a favorite color.
You're apt to follow wherever the wind blows you, just like Calico Jack Rackham, your namesake.
Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate.
Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.
part of the fidius.org network

Love to all!



A little translation for the headstone above.

And an apology too... ~I am sorry. I thought if everyone clicked on the magnifying glass thingie it would make the tombstone bigger and thus readable..


It says...

...It occurs to me there is a clear difference between 'Hand me a hammer, and throw me one'...

Good Morning!

NOTE: I really am not a stick in the mud... hehehe Or maybe I am.

But some things just bother me. Halloween is pretty close to the top of that list for me.

As I am sure some of you know already, I absolutely abhor All Hallows Eve, and almost any/every/thing associated with it.

When we were kids, it was an evening to get our farm chores done early, and to go get a few pieces of candy from the neighbors homes. Our parents would sit and chat while we imagined that all the other homes would surely run out of candy, or cookies, (or even pennies), before we got there!

Now, with the advent of more and more scary stuff, came with it a desire to close my eyes and to want to get through from here til November 1st or so, without having to see/think/feel scary things.

I do not like it when I do not recognize the person I am looking at; whether or not it is someone I know/love.

I do not like pages that are all in the bright 360 oranges; and I always hit 'view page without theme' because the contrasting colors can kill my head at times. (Gory background images bug me bigtime too, although there is no 'view page without blood' button)...

I do not like spooky stuff even though I am a complete advocate for the paranormal. (Paranormal doesn't scare me; it intrigues and fascinates me, for I know that these elements cannot hurt me).

I used to like Halloween, for the kids and all that. I kept their costumes subdued, and we worked with what we had for the most part. Although we did have to buy new "make~up" each year because someone would inevitably leave it dry up from the previous year.

I shall have more stuff about the "Years Gone By" Halloween(s) later. But since I am sitting in a silly hotel room waiting to go to Froedtert, I think I shall keep this short for now.

These things said, I am thinking that I cannot be the only person that doesn't care much for All Hallows Eve.

OR AM I?...

Have a good one!


Way Too Much Adrenaline For Me...


**Blog may contain references to animals and a sick kid, and life in general.

(Howzat for a disclaimer)????



THIS is the sick kid...
These are (some of) the unhappy animals...



("Life" picture will follow)...



Late afternoon in Wisconsin...

Hello to all. It should come as no surprise that as I type CaseyAnne is on her way to the doctor. What a bunch of crap. I just want to scream. She had a dentist appointment earlier. Some work that she'd had done last month was giving her problems. (I am sure that to the rest of us that would fall under "toothache" but since she has real pain elsewhere it was more of an 'annoyance' to her). The dentist evened that 'bite' out for her in 10 short minutes.

Yada Yada Yada.

Doctors and their guinea pig crap... I will wait to see if I have to go pick her up or not. Her right side is giving her some godawful pain right now...

Her dentist appointment was at 2:30. (Are we the only ones that find that freakin' hysterical)?

Having woken up plenty early this morning, I had plenty to do. Tons of wash that I hadn't finished yesterday so I go to the back entrance and run the washer full of water, adding my detergent and my softener. Back up to the bathroom and rip apart the hamper to sort the dirty clothes into my 3 little piles. Wanting to be able to get dressed at some point today I figure to wash the jeans load first.

I come back here to check my email and to read a few blogs. About 45 minutes later, I realize I still hadn't put those jeans in. Whoops. Grab an armful of 'darks' and go back to the laundry center.

And instead of filling the washer with the laundry, I have to jump, bass~ackwards, bang my backside against the freezer, and drop my precious load of laundry in the process...

Regaining my legs, shaking my head a few times, unsure; I venture forth to the washer and peek in.

(Not having had enough caffeine yet at that point, I wasn't sure if my eyes had deceived me or not)...



They hadn't...








Can you freakin' believe it???
And all I could think was "what a damn fine waste of detergent, water, and softener"

I was madder than hell at first, but then to grab the LONG tongs and get the crazy, (and quite dead), little fooker out of there. That of course AFTER I grabbed my camera... hehehe

(I do wonder how long he must have done the breast stroke once he hit that water though)?

In all honesty I would NOT have liked it better had he not perished BEFORE I found him...



Then to clean the machine out. (Ran a very hot bleach rinse through it). Then washed a bleach load; (just in case).

I am not scared of these 'stoopid' micey things. But as always, they do have a tendency to startle me. (4:00 in the AM seems a lovely hour to be startled). Nope. Not appreciated. He was quickly relocated to the dumpster.

And then I had to scrub my floors and such... Again, these creatures do not make me feel frightened. But kinda dirty creatures to be having the run of the house in my opinion anyway... Yeah, I KNOW some of you have them for pets.

And I knew with that early freeze we had, that I would be seeing these furballs sooner rather than later... But it always surprises me when I do see them too.

I wish I could put poison out, but then the dogs would not be happy should they venture into it somehow.

I have heard of the electronic soundwave gadgets that repel all sorts of nefarious creatures from a house. Do any of you have any experience using those things? They say the sound waves are such not to bother house pets. ie: dogs, and such.

Or maybe I should just get a new Amos? I do miss that kitty; especially NOW, (even though he would catch all the critters and bring them to me if he wasn't too hungry at that point).

Daylight is becoming a premium nowadays, and I shall keep this short(er) for today...

Hope you are all having a NON~"MOW~ISS" kind of day!

*** Click on MOW~ISS if you do not yet know how my big sister lost her mind... and scroll down to the blue type... I know many of you are new to my blog and might not yet have had the opportunity to cry along with the elder... It is a TRUE story.




