Sorry folks I don't mean to be screwing you up, but that first added link for Michael Vick, now charged with "possession" didn't work... Hope this one does...
Good Morning All;
Miss Punk and I took a ride up to Michigan yesterday... Fun, even if it was gloomy. Dry for the most part, until it was time to head home and then the skies simply opened up on us. But oh, we need the rain! Still. Maybe even more come Thursday. Hope so.
Stopping in an old bookstore in Menominee, Michigan, I bought 4 or 5 books. They might keep me occupied for a time, for when it gets chilly(er) out.
There comes a time between yardwork and snow shoveling that there is a lull. Since I do not spend my time (nor money) in the malls, these little lulls are filled with words.
I have been up for hours. And read the paper; (or at least what they include online anyway).
con·tra·dic·tion (k
n) KEY
- The act of contradicting.
- The state of being contradicted.
- A denial.
- Inconsistency; discrepancy.
- Something that contains contradictory elements.
SICK! An article about dogfighting in Allouez. (Allouez is just on the other side of Green Bay; at one time was THE upscale place to reside). hehehe The "other" side of the tracks???
These kinds of articles always make me ill; all the way inside. And like Michael Vick, I hope this guy gets put away for a 'L~O~N~G' time too.
>Click here< to read that article.
On the heels of that comes a posting from my friend Toni J. Please click on her name to read what she calls "Just a Dog".
A bit of a contradiction??? .....
And more contradiction here... If only of colors!
But the greatest contradiction I saw was the following...
Or more aptly put, (referring to the 2nd definition above), "DENIAL"
Have a 'WUNNAFUL' Wednesday!
.. . .
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