[My] Life in Wisconsin

Danged KIDSZ?

Can you smell it?

Good Morning All;

As I sat back here, reading in relative quiet (save for the occasional car and the pealing church bells); I happened to hear Miss Punk (quiet herself)... But out in the kitchen~

It is one of those noises one becomes accustomed to, (like living next to the railroad tracks)...

I figured she was going to eat her own breakfast, since we both slept until almost 8 this morning! hehehe That is WAY rare. (Kinda like how I like my steaks done).

Suddenly I hear this resounding "CRASH" ...

Within a nanosecond of that, Miss Punk shoots under my desk, and is wrapped securely around my footstool... with one eyeball looking up at me...

(As if to say, "I was here all the time, don't you KNOW that?") ???

I go to the kitchen.

Caseys leftover coffee from yesterday is spilled all over the floor and soaking into my rug. I scrubbed the floor a bit, soaking up the flavored cream, the sugars, and the tan river that was flowing east by southeast.

All this was going to wait til AFTER the picnic. (I mean, what exactly, would be the point in scrubbing BEFORE all these friends and family come walking through the house on Labor Day)???

God must have had other plans...

Oh well.

Have a "wunnaful" Sunday!!! (I've got a rug to scrub). hehehe


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